101 EROTICA STORIES (18 page)


Authors: Vallen Green

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“I highly doubt that when he said for us to reconnect, that he meant for me to keep you company in bed,” he argued gently.


“What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him,” she replied with a seductive smile. “And Chris,” she paused, leaning closer to whisper into his ear, her hips rolling against his manhood. “We’re not in my bed.”


A growl rumbled through his throat as she kept rocking against him, teasing him into submission. He could feel his cock grow harder each second, painfully straining against his trousers. His hands travelled to her hips, keeping a steady grip as he helped guide her movements, pulling her crotch down harder against his. Alana moaned as she felt his size through their clothing, thinking just how impressive it must be when pulled free.


With that thought in mind, she stopped her movements, pushing his hands away so she can be free to slide off the couch and down to the floor. Her hands reached up to his belt buckle, deftly unfastening it and working at getting his pants off. He raised his hips off the couch so she could pull them down his muscular thighs, his boxers following soon after.


Chris swelled with pride as her eyes widened at the sight of him. Long, thick and rock hard, and nothing short of impressive. She licked her lips as she took in every inch, feeling a wetness pool between her legs as her excitement grew.


She sat mesmerized as he took his cock in his hand, stroking the shaft as he stared at her. She reached out to place her hand over his, moving along to his pace before he pulled away to let her do it alone. The feeling of her warm hand wrapped around him was something he never even dreamed of, but when she took him in her wet mouth, he threw his head back.


Alana bobbed her head up and down, trying to take as much of him into her mouth as she can. What her mouth couldn’t handle, her hand stroked, being rewarded with his moans of pleasure.


“Stop,” he said, gasping for breath. He stood up and pulled her up off the floor, crashing their lips together in a bruising kiss.


He pulled away in surprise when she tore at his shirt, the buttons flying everywhere. “I’ll buy you a new one,” she said.


He couldn’t help but be amused as she hurriedly took of her clothes, his chuckles quickly turning into an appreciative growl as more and more of her tanned flesh was revealed. Italy had definitely done her wonders.


Chris pushed her down on the couch once she was finally naked, kneeling before her and spreading her legs apart. Without much warning, he thrust into her, only able to bury half of his manhood in her tight heat.


“Fuck,” Alana gasped, the intrusion causing both pain and pleasure. His fingers found their way to her clit, playing with the sensitive nub to make her feel more at ease. Her body responded to his touch, her pussy getting wetter at his ministrations.


He moaned loudly when she wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him deeper into her. “You’re so fucking tight,” he said gruffly. “God you feel so good.”


“Deeper,” she mewled. “I want to feel you deep inside me.”


Chris did as she asked, pulling out almost completely, leaving just the head of his cock inside her before thrusting hard and burying himself to the hilt. She squealed in delight, begging him to do it again. He repeated his actions several more times before he felt her walls get even tighter. “Cum for me,” he urged, pulling out slowly and thrusting hard and deep.


Their moans filled the air as Alana was thrown over the edge, her body trembling as he slowed his pace. “Don’t stop,” she gasped. “Just keep fucking me.” She whimpered in protest as he did the opposite, completely pulling out of her.


Chris sat down on the couch and pulled her into his lap, placing her legs on either side of his waist. One hand kept a firm grip on her hip as the other held up his cock, slowly guiding her body down onto him. Unsatisfied with the slow pace, she forced her body down, impaling herself onto his cock, groaning as her pussy stretched to accommodate his girth.


His hands travelled up her torso and squeezed her breasts as she set her own pace. He pulled her body closer and leaned down, catching a nipple in his mouth. His tongue lapped at the hardened peak as his fingers pinched the other, eliciting a moan to escape her lips.


“Oh fuck,” she gasped. “I’m gonna cum again.”


He reached back down and gripped her hips firmly, holding her in place as he bucked his hips upward at a frantic pace. Her moans quickly turned into screams, his hard cock pounding into her almost too much to handle.


“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he ground out as her walls tightened around him once again.


Alana buried her head against his shoulder, muffling her scream as she came violently in a toe-curling orgasm. Her walls had become painfully tight, barely allowing Chris to move.


“I’m close,” he whispered against her ear.


“Cum inside me,” she said breathily. “I wanna feel you.”


His hand found its way between their bodies and found her clit, rubbing hard against the sensitive nub as he kept thrusting into her. “Cum again and I will.”


With his size and his steady pace, it didn’t take long for her to be near climax again, begging for him to cum with her.


“Fuck!” she exclaimed. “Now, Chris!”


With one final thrust, he came inside her, jets of creamy white liquid coating her inner walls as she milked him for all his worth.


Completely spent, Alana collapsed against him as they both struggled to catch their breaths.


He raised a hand to her face, gently stroking her cheek as they lay on the couch, no words leaving their mouths.


“I’m definitely a dead man,” he said after a few moments. “But damn if it wasn’t worth it.”

“I told you,” she said with a smirk. “We’re not in bed. And there’s still the kitchen, several tables, rooms and plenty of floor space for us to do our reconnecting.”
Bianca Plays at Work

Bianca hurriedly made her way to the Pages’ two-story house. Her long brown hair flew behind her as she practically ran all eight blocks to her destination. She thanked her lucky stars she didn’t have any classes for the afternoon. Her English teacher, Ms. Greene, had cancelled at the last minute as she was nursing a cold and feeling under the weather. Not that Bianca was glad Ms. Greene had the cold, of course. Ms. Greene happened to be Bianca’s favorite teacher. English was Bianca’s only class every Friday afternoon, and having no English class meant she didn’t have to bring her backpack with her in her babysitting job. Bianca, sweating and breathing heavily, having no backpack with her meant she could make it to the Pages more quickly.


“Hurry up, Bianca, hurry up,” Bianca told herself as she rounded the next corner and almost sprinted the last block to the Pages. She had been babysitting Jana Pages for more than two months now. The babysitting job was something Bianca thanked for every night. She was grateful to have found a job that not only had the most amazing people around but also paid very well. No surprise, considering Jack and Erin Pages, Kathleen’s parents, owned a string of businesses all over the state, with several branches starting to operate in other states as well. Successful as they may be, the Pages were one of the most humble and down-to-earth people Bianca knew. The family invited her to events and parties, and Bianca always had a great time in them.


The Pages had another child, specifically a son. His name was Ben Pages. Like Bianca, he was also in college, although they attended different schools. With Ben away for college, Bianca never got to see the boy in person. She knew what he looked like from pictures though. Bianca had to admit Ben Pages looked, well, quite good. From what she saw, Ben was tall, although not as tall as Mr. Pages who towered at six feet and four inches. Ben had a shock of jet-black hair, something he got from his father and which offered a stunning contradiction to his crystal-clear blue eyes, a feature he got from his mother this time. His complexion was clear, and his teeth were perfect. Ben Pages looked ready to break hearts, and Bianca didn’t doubt Ben had already broken several hearts.


Bianca shook her head to clear it. She couldn’t believe she was thinking of Ben Pages while she was running late for her babysitting stint. What on earth was she thinking? Besides, Ben was technically employer. Bianca had made it a personal rule to never get any strings tangled with her employers. She had been successful in staying true to her goal so far, and she was determined to keep it that way for as long as she lived.


She finally made it to the Pages. She stood on the porch for a minute, taking deep breaths to calm her racing heart. She ran her fingers through her hair, which had become a sticky mess. She adjusted her clothes, ran her fingers through her hair again, and took another deep breath. She was ready. It wouldn’t do to look sloppy in front of the Pages. Sure, they were far from snooty, but Bianca wanted to continue making an excellent impression on them. She really liked the family, so successful yet still so humble, and she wanted to let them know how much she valued her job by looking neat and sharp.


Bianca rang the bell. Two seconds later, the front door swung open. Bianca looked up and found herself staring at the most crystal-clear blue eyes she had ever seen.


It was Ben Pages.


Bianca’s eyes bulged out. Ben Pages? What was he doing here? Her thoughts took a frantic turn, and she started to sweat again. Wasn’t Ben away to college? It was still months before summer break, or any kind of break, for that matter. Bianca hadn’t known Ben would be home. Also, Mr. and Mrs. Pages hadn’t said anything to her about it. Neither had Kathleen, and she was very close to her much-older brother.


Get a grip, Bianca told herself. She forced a huge smile on her lips and opened her eyes a bit wider to make herself look more friendly and open. “Hi!” she chirped. “I’m Bianca Bates, the babysitter.” She paused, not sure with what to say next.


The man behind the door, Ben Pages, nodded. Bianca couldn’t stop herself from looking at him. He was even more gorgeous in the flesh than in the photos. Oh, he was so tall! And he had broad, broad shoulders that looked like the whole earth could rest on them. Bianca figured Ben must be some sports hero in the college he was attending. With a build such as his, how could he not be a football player? Ben’s white shirt clung snugly to his body, subtly showing off his firm, muscular figure. For Bianca, his chest looked like it was made of rocks. He screamed of muscles everywhere. Heck, even his arms reeked of pure muscle!


There was a moment of silence before Ben spoke up. “I’m Ben Pages,” he said. “Of course we haven’t met, me being off to college and stuff.” He opened the door wider and motioned for Bianca to enter. “Come on in.”


Bianca smiled and stepped inside the house, making for the living room, where she usually waited for Kathleen. As she walked past Ben, Bianca suddenly felt something brush across her buttocks.


She paused slightly. What on earth was that? It felt solid and firm yet light and fluttery. The sensation made her think of caresses, butterflies, and fingers. Fingers, Bianca realized. So it was a hand. But whose hand? There was no one else in the room with her, except for—


Bianca’s eyes grew wide. Did Ben Pages just run his hand across his buttocks? Impossible! Why would he do such a thing? But Bianca was positive she wasn’t imagining things. A hand had brushed across her behind, and that didn’t feel like an accident at all.




She turned and glanced at Ben, her brows furrowed. Ben stared back, but his face didn’t betray even an inch of emotion. Bianca figured it would look crazy if she hurled accusations at someone she had just met, so she decided to let it pass. For now.


Bianca went over to the large couch and sat down. Sitting primly, she was glad she had decided to wear jeans to school today. The thick cloth helped shield her butt from the hand-brushing thing. Also, she need not worry about having Ben accidentally look up her skirt or dress had she worn these instead.


I’m getting paranoid, Bianca realized. Stop it, Bianca.


Ben shut the door and went over to the couch as well, sitting right beside her. She stiffened instinctively. God, how she hated it when boys sat too close to her! She wasn’t a prude or anything, or so she liked to believe. But she didn’t like it when anybody, particularly members of the opposite sex, sat too close to her. It was too stifling. She felt she was being smothered.


Bianca couldn’t stand it anymore. She discreetly moved a few inches away. “Where’s Kathleen?” she asked Ben, hoping her question would distract him from noticing she had moved a few inches away.


“She’s at the next-door neighbor’s,” Ben answered. He was fiddling with the remote control. Bianca saw this and was relieved.


“Oh,” she answered. “Playing with Bess, I assume.” Bess was the next-door neighbor’s daughter, and she was the same age as Kathleen. Mrs. Pages had told Bianca the two often played together.


Ben nodded, his eyes on the TV screen. A movie was on, but Bianca didn’t know what it was about. “I guess,” he said after a moment. “I suppose you know you can just hang around here if Kat’s out?” He turned to look at Bianca quizzically.


“Yes, your mother told me it was okay to do so,” Bianca responded. “Hey, I think I’m going to fix a snack for Kat, in case she gets hungry when she comes home.” She started to get up from the couch, and that was when she felt a hand clamp tightly on her wrist.


She looked down and saw it was Ben’s hand gripping her wrist. Surprised, she looked at Ben’s face. Still no trace of emotion there, but Bianca could have sworn she saw a faint glimmer of something in his eyes. She just didn’t know what it was.


“You can do that later,” Ben said. “Kat left a few minutes before you got here. She’ll be at the next house forever.” He tugged at Bianca’s wrist. “Relax, why don’t you? Let’s watch this movie.” He tugged again, and Bianca had no choice but to sit down again.




Her heart was pounding wildly in her chest. She didn’t know why, but she felt thrilled when Ben’s skin and touch made contact with her own. She flushed, angry at embarrassed at herself. She couldn’t believe she was acting like a schoolgirl in front of a guy. She was no longer in high school, for Pete’s sake! She was a college coed. Hence, she should be prim, proper, and mature.


Bianca took a deep breath, and that was when she felt a jolt of something between her legs.


She couldn’t believe it. What was that she just felt? Oh no, she thought desperately. I couldn’t be aroused sitting next to Ben Pages, could I?


For Bianca, the logical answer was no, but she felt otherwise. She felt another jolt between her legs again, and this time, there was no denying the wet feeling she was having in her panties. Not to mention she felt her nipples have become perky.


Quit it! Bianca screamed at her body. I will not let you make me look like a fool in front of this man, or in front of anyone else, for that matter! Behave, you body parts!


“Right?” Ben was saying.


Bianca was startled out of her thoughts. “What? I’m sorry, I was just thinking of something else,” she said.


Ben looked at her closely. “Are you okay?” he asked.


Bianca nodded enthusiastically. “Yes, I’m fine. Never better!” she said chirpily.


“Do you know you’re very beautiful?” Ben asked suddenly.


The question took Bianca by surprise. Stunned, she looked at Ben, not saying anything.


Ben saw her stunned look and nodded. “I mean it. My parents and Janaare lucky to have you as the babysitter,” he said. “You’re very pleasing to the eye, and I think you’re very efficient too.”


How could anybody be so bold? Bianca wondered. Aloud, she said, “Thanks, but I’m very lucky to have found your parents and sister too.”


Ben leaned closer, the movie running in the television momentarily forgotten. Bianca almost flinched then had control herself. The nerve of this guy to tell her those things! Sure, Ben was good-looking, but that didn’t give him the right to speak to her that way. So Bianca squared her shoulders and stared back at those insanely clear baby blues. It was too late when she realized it was a mistake to look back at those almost-translucent eyes. A woman could look into those eyes forever.


Oh, God, Bianca thought helplessly.




“Do you think you’re lucky for having found me too, Bianca?” Ben said huskily. He had reached a hand out, and now it was stroking Bianca lightly on the back.


Bianca swallowed the giant ball of yarn that seemed to be stuck in her throat. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she said. Her voice was calm, but she was shaking inside. She felt more of those jolts in between her legs now. The sensation of wetness grew as well. Now Bianca felt moist and sticky.


How she wanted to rid herself of those panties! Slide them down her slim hips, her long legs, and off her slender ankles. She would pick her panties up and smell them, right in front of Ben Pages. She would lick the large wet spot on the crotch area of her panties. She would rub the sticky fluid across her face and down her neck and breasts. Then she would stuff the panties inside her mouth and beg Ben to tie her up and do anything he wanted to do to her. She would be his willing slave. She would suck on his cock and feel it grow harder and larger in her mouth. She would—


Stop it, she told herself again.


Ben chuckled at her statement. “Oh, Bianca,” he said in the same husky voice. “You have a knack for playing games, don’t you?” He paused. “Well, why don’t we do just that? Play games, I mean.” The hand on his back was now on the side of Bianca’s left breast, teasing gently.

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