Read A Creed Country Christmas Online

Authors: Linda Lael Miller

A Creed Country Christmas (19 page)

BOOK: A Creed Country Christmas
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“Open it,” Juliana said lightly, “and read for yourself.”

Lincoln hesitated, then did as he was told. His eyes widened as he read. “That’s one hell of a lot of money,” he said finally. “You are a wealthy woman, Juliana.”

are wealthy,” she clarified.

He grinned, and only then did she realize how tensely he’d held his shoulders while he read. Had he thought, for the briefest moment, that she’d leave him now that she was a woman of independent means?

She went to him, slipped her arms around his lean, hard waist. “I told Clay we’d be building a big hay barn out on the range, first thing.”

Lincoln chuckled. “Speaking of the range, I’d better get out there. We’ve still got a few calves taking their time to get born.”

Juliana began rolling up her sleeves. “I’ll have supper ready when you get back,” she said.

He gave a comical wince, and she slapped at him playfully.

Once he’d gone, Juliana took a deep breath. It was time to make another attempt at corn bread.


From the
Stillwater Springs Courier:


September 18, 1911
This editor is proud to announce the birth of a nephew, Michael Thomas Creed.

ISBN: 978-1-4268-4257-3


Copyright © 2009 by Linda Lael Miller

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BOOK: A Creed Country Christmas
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