A Promise of Forever (32 page)

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Authors: M. E. Brady

BOOK: A Promise of Forever
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Katelyn picked up her coat and covered her body.
How dare he after what we shared insinuate that I could love another man?
He made her feel tawdry and cheap.
He felt no embarrassment or shame as he left his pants on the floor while he talked to her.
“Don’t cover your body from me now.
Don’t make what we just shared something other than what it was.”

He watched her as he waited for a reply, anything that would explain her sudden coolness toward him.
Two minutes ago, she was hotter than he was and couldn’t wait for him to take her.
He knew her defenses toward him were gone and he was hoping to keep it that way.
“There’s nothing about your body that I don’t remember,” he said.

She didn’t say a word as he lifted his pants from the floor and put them on with great force, all the while making sure he never took his eyes off her.
She had her coat wrapped so tightly around her body that he thought it would take a hacksaw to get it off her.
Out of the blue, she was back to being the shy virgin. “What are people going to think if someone sees us?
I’m sure they already suspect that this elevator should have reached our floor by now,” she said shyly.

“I’ve just made love to you in an elevator; do you think for a minute that I care what anyone else thinks?
You’re my wife, Katelyn, not some whore I hired for sex,” he said tightly before adding, “Besides, this is my private elevator.”
He pushed the red button with force and the elevator continued to the upper floors.
Katelyn wondered how much more she didn’t know about her husband.

“I think we should go to our room now.
I don’t think I want to discuss what just happened.
I may be your wife but I feel like your whore.
A wife is consulted before decisions are made on her behalf, not dragged halfway around the world and told she has no choice in the matter,” she said, trying to hurt him, she did.
She regretted her choice of venom as soon as it left her mouth.
It seemed as though the calmness they shared had been an illusion because his anger was resurfacing.
Suddenly, she could imagine what the repercussions would be; she dared to push the mighty Gianfranco Broccolini over the edge and she had done it repeatedly.

“You’re right, Katelyn, you have no choice.
We’ll do exactly as I planned we would.
We’ll finish up what business there is to finish and then we’ll pick up our daughter and fly to Italy.
We will stay in Italy as long as it takes to convince me that your loyalties are with me and this marriage.
As far as any other future plans I might have, you don’t have to worry as I haven’t made any.”
He looked frustrated with her as he continued.
“I’m pretty mobile; we have properties all over the world and any businesses I have are already taken care of by the people I hand choose to run them.
You’ll see that we have quite a vast holding.”

He didn’t know why he had mentioned all that other than to impress her.
He knew Brody was wealthy but it was nothing comparison.
Yet, deep down, he knew that money didn’t really matter to Katelyn.
That was what had made her so much more attractive to him.
He knew she loved him unconditionally in the past and he hoped that he could secure that same love for them both in the future.
He hadn’t planned on leaving her alone today but he couldn’t stand the thought of staying with her for another minute.

“I have a meeting with Jake in a couple of hours so I’m just going to shower and go straight to the office.
I have some business to go over with him before we leave.
If you need anything at all, just ask Maggie.
She’ll bring you whatever you need,” he said, before telling her that the housekeeper was dying to meet her.
“When we bring Jenny here to live, we’ll bring our personal staff back with us.
Right now, it’s just you and me and Maggie.
She’s my housekeeper and my cook.”

“I’d like to go to the office with you, if you don’t mind?
While you’re at your meeting, I could go and talk to some friends of mine.”
She watched him glare at her suspiciously.
The elevator door opened directly into the penthouse and Maggie was there to greet him.
He took care to introduce her to his wife.
She seemed pleasantly surprised and happy for them both.
Maggie was an elderly woman and Katelyn could tell that she cared deeply for Gianfranco and had been around for a long time.

Katelyn followed him into the master suite where he dropped their bags on the floor.
She reached for a piece of her own luggage that she knew would hold some bits of clothing appropriate for the office and took them out.
She followed him through the large penthouse apartment and was astonished by its size.
She wished she had the time to explore each and every room but she knew he was itching to get away from her and if she gave him the opportunity, he’d leave without her.

They both took quick showers and dressed.
He walked out of his bathroom fully dressed.
“If its Adam you’re anxious to see at the office, you needn’t bother.
I spoke to him two days ago; I think he got the picture when I informed him that you were going to be my wife.
I’m not sure if he’ll still be hanging around the office.
I fired him almost immediately,” he said without feeling, as he put a comb through his hair.

She tried to conceal her anger and disappointment in him but she couldn’t.
Instead of being able to share her happiness with her coworkers, who had become her friends over the years, he was making her feel miserable.
She did want to go and see Adam, not because she had regrets, she wanted to tell him she was sorry for the way she had treated him before she’d left.
She still felt that she had led him to believe that they had a future together and she regretted that.

Katelyn decided that even if Gianfranco invited her to join him, at this point, she wouldn’t go.
He had no right to tell her what to do and who to do it with.
She would stay here by herself, take a long hot bath and call Rosa.
She didn’t even bother to say good-bye to him as she strolled past him heading for the bathroom.

It wasn’t until after she had filled the tub and gotten in that she realized he hadn’t left.
He walked over to her and dipped his hand in the tub, not caring that his new shirt was getting soaked until he had the bar of soap in his hand.
He thoroughly enjoyed watching her squirm as he washed her back and then lathered up both hands, massaging her breasts.
He purposefully dropped the soap, it expertly landed between her legs; he continued to massage as her breathing became short and rapid.
He stopped just short of bringing her to orgasm.

“Maybe, when I get back, if you’re a good girl, we’ll continue where we left off,” he said as kissed her full on the mouth before getting up and grinning as he left.
He continued to laugh as she threw a wet sponge in his direction.
She hated what his touch did to her.
No, I don’t hate it, I hate him.
She hated his jealousy of these phantom lovers he thought she had.

After dressing and eating a light lunch, Maggie took her on a tour of the penthouse.
There wasn’t a hint of a woman’s touch anywhere.
Each room was done in a masculine motif.

“This place lacks a woman’s touch and a child’s hand,” Maggie stated as they walked around the penthouse.
“It’s a little strange to see a woman here.
He has never allowed a woman to enter his domain.
Ordinarily, he keeps a room on one of the lower floors and goes there with floosies, pardon the expression.
I knew he thought you were special when he told me to prepare the place for you.
I must tell you though, I wasn’t expecting that he would marry anytime soon but I’m happy to hear it.
He’s been alone for far too long,” she added lovingly.

Katelyn was bored and after the tour of the apartment she decided to write on paper all the things she would like to change so they could make into a home fit for a family.
She kept herself busy for four hours and had come up with some great ideas.
All she had to do was run it past Gianfranco and see what he thought.

“Would you like something to eat Mrs. Broccolini?
You’ve been cooped up in this office for hours, you must be starving,” Maggie said trying not to get in the way.

“That would be great.
Please Maggie, call me Katelyn.
I hate formalities.”
Katelyn followed Maggie to the kitchen and helped with the preparations.
It wasn’t long before the two women were exchanging stories about Gianfranco and the daughter he only just found out about.
Maggie couldn’t wait to meet her and didn’t judge Katelyn as to why she kept her birth a secret from Gianfranco.
After enjoying dinner and conversation, Katelyn decided to shower and change before calling Rosa.

She stripped out of the sweats she was wearing and stepped into the most luxurious shower she had ever had the pleasure of enjoying.
As Katelyn washed her body she heard the music that was piped into the shower.
Gianfranco certainly knew how to live.
As the music played and she washed her body she couldn’t help but wish that she had packed some of her favorite toys.
If her husband wasn’t going to take care of her, she would take matters into her own hands.
After drying her body she put on the white silk robe that Nellie had given her.
She had to admit feeling the silk against her naked body made her feel sexy.
She dialed Rosa’s number while sitting on the edge of her bed and waited for a reply but all she received was an answering machine.

After waiting for Rosa’s voice recording to end, Katelyn spoke into the phone and left her a message.
“It’s Katelyn; if you’re there please pick up.
I need a friend.
It’s urgent and I have a lot to tell you.
Call me at 555-1789.”
She was aggravated as she hung up the phone; she hated answering machines.
Before she put the phone back, she had an odd feeling that she wasn’t alone any longer.
She turned around just in time, before he had a chance to mask the annoyed look he had on his face.
He was upset with her again for some unknown reason.

“I will not have you running to him; embarrassing me by explaining the reasons for our marriage.”
She sat up nervously, rubbing the back of her neck, tension building.
“What can I offer you to keep you from seeing him?
I’ll do anything you ask.”
She heard the desperation in his voice and saw the determination in his eyes as he ran his fingers through his jet-black mane.

“I’ve heard your promises before and I don’t trust you to keep them.
Your promises are empty,” she said with an added chill in her voice.
He was making her uncomfortable as he stared at her barely covered body.
It was hard for her to conceal her arousal from him, no matter how hard she tried to do so.
He had left earlier feeling discontented.
Katelyn felt like a cornered animal and as her predator moved closer, she had nowhere to go.
She was sitting on the edge of the bed, his bed.
He would take her again and she would welcome it.

“Why am I not telling him that the call he overheard was not to Adam at all?
Maybe, if I tell him the truth he’ll leave me alone.
But, I don’t want him to leave me alone,”

Gianfranco tugged at the lone ribbon at her waist, the only thing holding her robe in place.
With two fingers he pushed the sides away and watched as it slid off her shoulders and, as if in slow motion, he bade her to stand.
He reached over and kissed one bare shoulder and then the other, then he stood away from her body, first to admire his work and then to undress himself.
He never let his eyes stray from her body as he held her captive in a sexual trance and made her feel the heat he knew was there between them.
When he joined her in her nakedness, he kissed every exposed part of her body.

“I can make you want me.
Look at you, what would you do if I left you now?
I could make you want me and no one else and you know it.
I’m almost tempted to try it but I won’t.
You want to know why I won’t, Katelyn.
I admit that you are my weakness, my addiction if you will, as much as I am yours.
Do you loathe yourself as much as I for that weakness?” he asked.

How can I make love to a man who only feels contempt for me?
It was a question that didn’t require an answer because Gianfranco stood up, stared at her naked body and walked away from her.
“I’ve decided to give you a reprieve,” he said before walking to the bathroom and turning on what she assumed would be cold jets of water for a well needed cold shower.

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