Alien Warrior's Captive Earthling: SciFi Alien Romance (8 page)

Read Alien Warrior's Captive Earthling: SciFi Alien Romance Online

Authors: Kat Emm

Tags: #scifi romance, #alpha alien, #alien romance, #Science Fiction Romance, #fangs, #alien

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He uncurled the tension in his body as best as he could.

“Perhaps,” he offered, and then he flipped her straps to the side and freed her.

He stood, and clasped her slender hands, to pull her from the deep padding of the pilot’s seat. As they left the ship, Zyn followed Anna to the door, where he reached past her to work the security code. The opening click sounded and the door swished open before her. She seemed to hesitate on the threshold, as he looked down at her from behind.

He searched his mind for a moment, and then had come up with, “You are welcome here.”

She tilted her head back and looked up at him, as he studied the texture of her soft looking lips so close he could see the pink smoothness.

“Thank you,” she said, and then she asked, “How long before the others reach your rebel base?”

She stepped through the entryway, as he wondered why she had asked the question, but he answered, “They are more than thirty days out.”

Then before he could say more, she exclaimed, “Where is the furniture?”

Zyn looked around the open space. There was a food service area, he never used, to the right, and the rest of the space opened into floor-to-ceiling windows. Those expansive see-through openings were why he had bought the residence. He never felt cramped or closed in. And he could see anyone coming at him from any direction.

“I don’t need furniture,” he stated simply, as he watched Anna walk to the wall between the retiring room and the main area.

There was a vibrant piece of art, which covered the entire wall. She stood in front of it and she meshed with the broad strokes, becoming part of it from where he stood.

“This is amazing.” She had pronounced each word slowly. Then she turned and looked around each wall of the room where more art hung. All of it was colorful, vibrant, and alive. The reasons he had it.

He recognized he was pleased by her reactions as he watched her walk over to the windows looking out. She was framed by the vastness of it and it outlined her curvy petite height. His gaze skimmed the luxurious shine of her red-streaked black hair, down to the short skirt which defined her bottom, then showed off her shapely legs.

His erection had started to make an appearance, as he realized he had her alone in his home, and then he’d felt the pressure of his fangs as they’d tried to punch out. He willed his reaction down, and controlled it. He’d brought her there for safekeeping, because he had little faith he’d make it back. He hadn’t brought her there too specifically be alone with her.

Thoughts about not making it back tilted his head in concentration. Who would look after Anna then? He frowned. He didn’t care for the thought of her being without his strength to protect her, because it had allowed her to be as free as she wished to be.

Well he couldn’t have both, part of the reason he would return to find any scraps of the shoes was to save her. He shrugged his shoulders and tried to loosen them. Interactions were complex, he decided. But he looked around his space and thought—

“This place will be yours,” he said.

She turned to look at him with her gaze slightly dazed from the vast view outside, as confusion crinkled her small nose. “Mine? But why, I mean—”

He held up a hand. “I will make the arrangements, if I do not return from any mission I engage in.”

Her features looked anxious at his words, but she’d walked slowly toward him.

“I thought you were done with me, disappointed because you had to seduce me to get me to help you.”

Each word had come sharply, and he could tell she was angry, but her rich blue eyes looked hurt as she stopped in front of him.

“I saved you from myself,” he stated distinctly.

She shook her head as if she didn’t believe him. “You run from yourself, not save me from

Her eyes sparkled with challenge and his arousal had thumped hard again. He could easily see himself, curving his hand in her hair and winding her closer, until she—

Her words struck him, and he didn’t like the feeling. “You believe I am afraid of you?”

She nodded.

He stepped forward and allowed his fangs to elongate as he towered over her, letting the intensity he held back shine through. The lift of his lips that showed his fangs might have been sinister.

She quivered, but held her ground, as she watched his fangs.

“You are trembling at just seeing my fangs,” he said, with a slight lisp through his chunky canines.

Her blue eyes darkened as she slowly raised her hand to press against his chest. But not to push him away. Her other hand reached and flipped her long hair back, which exposed the creamy paleness of her throat.

His body had tensed to stone, while his shaft hardened more and he traced the pulse beats of her hot blood as it flowed through her veins.

Her head tilted to the side. A complete offering, which had nearly buckled his knees. The thought struck him that he hadn’t hypnotized her.

“Take my blood,” she whispered, and her eyelids fluttered shut. “Be as strong as you can be for your mission.”

Her fingers curled on his chest, and he finally realized why she had offered such rashness. She would strengthen him, in the same way he would try to save her. Feelings he’d never felt before lashed through him, and he grunted under the pressure. She
him that much, not to maul her.

His intentions were not to take what she’d offered, but to take something else, and he forced his fangs to retreat, just as he pulled her body against him. She came soft and pliant, her neck still arched in offering, and he grasped her chin and turned her mouth to his lips.

Zyn saw the surprise in Anna’s eyes, right before he’d started kissing her.

He would appease the need for her blood that tried to break his control, with a kiss. He had forced the last kiss, and Anna had been much more winsome and pliable then.

He found the difference immediately. This Anna, conscious of what she was doing, challenged his mouth, not giving in and submitting, but passionately taking and provoking. Her lips taunted his, dipped away, forced him to seek them, and then they melted into his. Only to tease again with a taste of her tongue offered and withdrawn, until he demanded it back, then he worked it deeply. Until she’d moaned, and he’d felt triumph fill him.

He felt her small hands as they pushed on his chest. She had no hope to move him, or stop him. But he regarded her feelings more important than the ones he lacked, so he broke the kiss, and he allowed her hands to move him back. Her hand flew to her lips, her gaze a torrential combination of passion and confusion.

The ache to sweep her up into his arms and carry her into the bedchamber was strong and made the muscles in his arms twitch slightly. He’d never kissed a woman before Anna. Never really kissed one. His Keeper had forced him to be as good at sex as he was at killing, but that was functioning sexual tasks without emotion. Now he was overfilled with emotion. It strained his control. 

And he wanted more, even as Anna looked overwhelmed.

“Z-Zyn,” she stuttered. Then she whispered, “I’ve never been kissed like that. I’ve never kissed any one like—” 

He took that as an unusual experience, so perhaps the wrath of emotion which boiled under the surface of his outward impassiveness was not strange.

“—Like you just kissed me,” he finished for her.

She searched his gaze, and he knew his Viper side was beating red highlights in his irises. It should have been harder to control his blood lust for her. It was there and it nagged him and tempted him, but he cared too much for her to take it. The history of Vipers and Tellurians had shown that he could destroy her if he went there. He would not take the chance.

She nodded, and about the kiss he said, “It is how civilians say goodbye.”

Surprise, worry, and a bit of confusion passed across her lovely features. “No you can’t,” she gasped.

Turning away from her then was the hardest thing he’d done. “You will be safe here, Anna,” he started to say.

But over him, she had exclaimed, “You have thirty days, Zyn! Don’t leave me alone the first night.” He stalled. Was she afraid to be alone? Her hand grasped his arm from behind. “Please,” she asked more softly. “Can’t you just stay tonight?”

He hadn’t turned back, because her temptation was too acute.

“For one night,” he agreed, and he heard her sigh of relief.

“Thank you.”

She let his arm go, while he wondered where his logic had gone too. But then he remembered he’d never asked Anna about any other traps within the shoes. How could he have forgotten something so essential? It unnerved him. It appeared his clear-thinking mind was gone.

“I need to feed and condition,” he muttered, as he walked away from her, and he hadn’t looked back.

Chapter Eight


nna knew what Zyn meant when he’d said he had to feed.
He would feed on blood, yet he’d refused hers. However she didn’t know what he’d meant by saying he needed to “condition.” But just the fact he was staying made her think she ought to give him some space and time. Especially after that kiss. He wouldn’t take her blood, but he’d certainly taken her mouth, and it hadn’t felt dispassionate at all.

She turned toward the bedchamber, after she’d watched Zyn stalk into another room off the main one.

“He’s leaked quite a bit of emotion, just let him simmer down,” she murmured, as she wondered what was in the room Zyn went into.

But she forced herself to go to the bedchamber. He’d said he would stay one night and that meant she had time to convince him to stay longer. Not because she was afraid of being alone as she’d led him to believe. She was a little scared, having not been on her own for so long, but the real reasons were so she wouldn’t lose him. She just couldn’t let him risk his life to save her as he intended. There
to be another way.

She crossed her arms as she looked around Zyn’s empty bedchamber. There was a white rug with a mat laid on top of it in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows. That was it. Another entrance led off the main bedchamber that she guessed was the bathing area.

“Who lives like this?” she asked, she wondered whether to feel sorry for Zyn or to feel awed.

He had little outside trappings.
But his art
. That thought crossed her mind, and she walked over to look at the smaller framed art he had on every wall of his bedchamber. This art was not as vibrant as in the living room, however she soon discovered it was about very vibrant topics.

The first ones along one wall were sketches of nudes, men and women in embraces. All artful and highly erotic. The next wall displayed holo-images of beautiful women.

“Um,” she paused, as she tilted her head. “No, not as beautiful as they are interesting.” 

They all had long hair and had different shaped bodies, but they were about the same age. Most were posed, but the last one was dancing. It was a close up of a Starlight dancer, and when Anna touched the frame the pictures began to move.

It was as beautiful as every piece of Zyn’s art. She looked around the space, and then thought it really wasn’t desolate at all. It was just him. Zyn was like that, ordered, controlled, but underneath he had beautiful intentions, which he tried not to let anyone see.

Anna smiled, while she noticed a portion of the far wall looked as if it held a retractable bed.

“Thank goodness,” she murmured, and she walked over to it. At least she had somewhere to sit.

Then to give Zyn some time, and because she needed to think, she requested something simple to eat from the food service replicator. She sat on the bed to eat it, and afterward she went into the bathing chamber and took a heat-mist shower. When she had finished she stood in a towel, while her clothes ran through the instant cleaner.

She’d had her first tastes of being alone on the rebel ship, after years of being indentured with no privacy at all. But being there in Zyn’s home was so wonderful, she’d felt tears burn her eyes. Just to do such simple things as bathing and getting food alone, made her start to really feel her freedom.

Freedom given to her at great cost by Zyn.

She walked over to the counter to look in the mirror above the sink area and she gazed at her reflection in the slightly steamy mirror. She needed to find something to comb her hair with, but she couldn’t remember the last time she’d seen herself in a mirror. Servants of the elite had little comforts.

“And to
back to that,” she uttered, while she nearly whimpered as she clutched the smooth counter edge.

She tightened her grip almost painfully as she studied her reflection. If she went back, she’d never escape again. Before she’d been in for ten years. That was the cost to be transported off her dying planet, Earth. She’d readily given her freedom for ten years over death on a dying planet.

But now if she returned to Commodore Soto, there would be no set years of service. He would keep her forever or kill her for the secrets she knew, but couldn’t tell anyone because of the conditioning.

to go back.”

Her voice was anguished and hurt, but she couldn’t allow Zyn to sacrifice his life. At least doing it her way, they would both be alive. She hadn’t allowed herself to think that far ahead before. On some level she’d known it, even back on the rebel ship, but she’d avoided the truth of what she knew she had to do.

Then after Zyn had kidnapped her to bring her to his home, she’d realized he really was going to sacrifice himself, trying to save her. She couldn’t ignore that any longer. She just wished she could be half as brave as he was.

“How am I going to keep him out of this,” she demanded of her reflection.

That might prove to be the most difficult part, because Zyn was a stubborn rebel warrior, and he wasn’t going to let a civilian sacrifice her freedom— 

“Keep me out of what?”

Anna yelped in surprise, as she turned to see Zyn, who stood in the bathing chamber entryway. He was shirtless and sheens of dampness covered the defined ridges of his chest.

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