Aliens and the Antichrist: Unveiling the End Times Deception (22 page)

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Putting this into the context of scripture, the Bible documents the average lifespan of human beings as they went through a dramatic change following the flood of Noah. Prior to the flood of Noah, people lived to be hundreds of years old, and a few even reached slightly over one thousand years old (Genesis 5). Each generation following the flood of Noah experienced an increase of degradation of the curse of death, resulting in increasingly shorter life spans. In view of this fact, the assumption of Dr. Cuozzo is that Neanderthals are most likely exactly like the humans of today, except that they were intrinsically different with respect to the aging process and lifespan. The genetic differences in their DNA were the natural result of a long life span, rather than being genetically different at birth. I have a different conclusion, however.

Tying Dr. Cuozzo’s research together with what I described above about Cro- Magnon, Neanderthal, homo erectus and homo habilis, the inhabitants of Lucifer’s kingdom of the past might have mirrored the same transitory period of time as the generations of humans following Adam and Eve did, but with one major exception. Since many of the inhabitants of Lucifer’s kingdom were angels, they must have dwelled in a sinless environment for perhaps thousands, millions, or even billions of years before they sinned. This is much unlike the story with Adam and Eve, who sinned very early on, before any humans were translated into angels. Lucifer’s kingdom was very diverse, and probably had very complex components of society where the angels dwelt, while at the same time there were primitive people living in caves.

Archeological evidence reveals many examples of primitive people, which is common knowledge.
Each age of human development is neatly outlined in numerous texts, beginning with the stone age in 70,000 BC, the development of farming around 8,000 BC, the development of writing around 3,500 BC, and so forth.
As for ancient societies that were technologically advanced, I have recently discovered that there are many archeological discoveries of this as well, though the findings aren’t as widely spread or accepted, simply because they don’t fit! Consider the following three examples below:

Over the last few decades, miners in South Africa have been digging up mysterious metal spheres. Origin unknown, these spheres measure approximately an inch or so in diameter, and some are etched with three parallel grooves running around the equator. Two types of spheres have been found: one is composed of a solid bluish metal with flecks of white; the other is hollowed out and filled with a spongy white substance. The kicker is that the rock in which they were found is Precambrian, and dated to 2.8 billion years old! Who made them and for what purpose is unknown.

Scientists of Bashkir State University have found indisputable proof of an ancient highly developed civilization’s existence. The question is about a great plate found in 1999, with a picture of the region done according to an unknown technology. This is a real relief map. Today’s military has almost similar maps. The map contains civil engineering works: a system of channels with a length of about 12,000 km, weirs, and powerful dams. Not far from the channels, diamond-shaped grounds are shown, whose destination is unknown. The map also contains some inscriptions. Even numerous inscriptions. At first, the scientists thought it was Old Chinese language. It turned out that the inscriptions were done in a hieroglyphic-syllabic language of unknown origin. The scientists never managed to read it.”The more I learn, the more I understand that I know nothing,” the doctor of physical and mathematical science, professor of Bashkir State University, Alexander Chuvyrov admits. “It should be noticed,” the professor said, “that the relief has not been manually made by an ancient stonecutter. It is simply impossible. It is obvious that the stone was machined.” X-ray photographs confirmed that the slab was of artificial origin and has been made with some precision tools.

A mortar and pestle were found in the stratigraphy at Table Mountain, dated from 33.2 to 55 million years old.

Pictures of the above listed items as well as many others I didn’t mention can be viewed on the Internet. To see these pictures, check the referenced Web sites in this book for a start. Furthermore, Internet searches investigating a new field of study called OOPARTS (Out Of Place ARTifactS), will reveal a plethora of information.
Extremely unusual artifacts and fossils have been discovered all over the world. In many cases, information about these artifacts is deliberately obscured. The Internet is an excellent tool for researching OOPARTS, and I also recommend reading
Unlocking the Mysteries of Creation,
as well as
Forbidden Archeology,
by Michael A. Cremo and Richard L. Thompson; these books are full of examples like those listed above.

To avoid being quoted out of context for recommending
Forbidden Archeology,
I will point out that Torchlight Publishing, which is dedicated to promoting India’s Vedic culture and religious beliefs, is the publisher of
Forbidden Archeology.
The archeological information in the book is a good reference, but in no way will I ever espouse the conclusions the authors of
Forbidden Archeology
derive from those facts. Vedic teachings go into depth concerning the events of Genesis 6, and on a historical note, they contain a degree of accuracy (as do the writings of ancient Sumerians, Greeks, Egyptians, Assyrians, Chinese, and Babylonians), yet they support an unbiblical, polytheistic perspective of those events. God destroyed the world in the flood of Noah because people practiced the beliefs of what Vedic teachings continue to uphold today.

3.4. Does the Bible Give Credence to Atlantis?

A similar situation of mortal and immortal beings living on Earth might have occurred on Earth even after the creation of Adam and Eve. I already spoke briefly about how Genesis 6 documents the escapades of fallen angels interbreeding with humans. What I didn’t mention, however, was the possibility that fallen angels not only visited the Earth during the days of Noah, but that they actually cohabitated on Earth with humans. Stories of an ancient kingdom known as Atlantis, which was destroyed in a massive cataclysm (possibly the flood of Noah, or perhaps a volcanic eruption slightly before the flood of Noah), could have been an outpost for fallen angels.

The reason I state that Atlantis may have existed
the creation of Adam and Eve but before the flood of Noah is because of the striking similarities between Plato’s account of Atlantis, and Genesis 6. Following is an excerpt of Plato’s exact words:

When the divine portion began to fade away, and became diluted too often and too much with the mortal admixture, and the human nature gained the upper hand, they then, being unable to bear their fortune, behaved in an unseemly manner, and to him who had an eye to see, grew visibly debased, for they were losing the fairest of their precious gifts; but to those who had no eye to see the true happiness, they appeared glorious and blessed at the very time when they were full of avarice and unrighteous power.

In short, according to Plato’s words, Atlantis was destroyed because divine beings (fallen angels) became diluted with mortals (taking wives and bearing children with them). Shortly after this union, the entire society became corrupt, just as it says in Genesis 6 when “the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.”

While the idea of Atlantis is speculative, this kingdom might have been a very large, yet isolated area where angels dwelled (most likely fallen angels, because Earth was ordained by God to be a human domain, and because Plato’s account describes events indicative of fallen angels). The interactions between fallen angels and humans documented in scripture may have been simple visits between these immortal beings living in their Earth base, and mortal humans.

The existence of Atlantis has been debated for over two thousand years. Many people would like to classify Plato’s works as pure fiction, but the fact that other ancient Greek works, such as Homer’s Iliad, gave rise to the discovery of the lost cities of Troy and Mycenae, which were just as mythical as Atlantis, can’t be easily dismissed.

As of this date, numerous findings proliferate the bottom of the Atlantic and Mediterranean, which have no concrete answer.
Concerning Atlantis, I find it intriguing that Plato specifically mentioned that its inhabitants flew in
sky chariots.
Does this not sound descriptive of otherworldly beings?

In my book
Aliens in the Bible,
I spoke of the interaction between humans and otherworldly beings spanning the cosmos, but now that I understand the perspective of an ancient Earth with both mortal and immortal inhabitants, this interaction may have been with native, immortal beings as well. Their influence is evident in nearly every ancient culture throughout the world. Even today fallen angels are native to Earth, though not completely embedded in our current dimension, as they may have been before (unless they’re underwater, which raises the vast topic of Unidentified Submersible Objects, the aquatic equivalent to UFOs). As the Bible testifies, however, they now inhabit the higher realm known as the first heaven, which is in the outer atmosphere of Earth. Some are also trapped in the lower realm of the Abyss, which I will discuss later.

The realm of faithful and fallen angels in the first heaven can be pictured as an invisible sphere around Earth, which on a higher level of glory makes Earth a much larger planet—something perhaps two and one-half times larger than the Sun. I derive this assessment from the fact that Mount Zion, which will be in the center of New Jerusalem on Earth in the future (Hebrews 12:22-23; Revelation 14:1), will be 1,500 miles high. Revelation 21:16 describes the height as twelve thousand furlongs, which equates to fifteen hundred miles (a furlong is one- eighth of a mile).
The presence of such a mountain on Earth means that Earth will have to be much larger than it currently is. Presently, the world’s tallest mountain is Mount Everest, and it’s only 5.5 miles high (29,035 feet).
Therefore Mount Zion will be 273 times higher (1,500/5.5 = 273) than Mount Everest! If the Earth must be 273 times larger than it currently is in order to accommodate a mountain 273 times higher than Mount Everest, then Earth will have to be more than twice the size of the Sun. (The Sun is 109 times larger than the Earth.)
Of course, the Sun might be larger than the dimension of the first heaven as well, which explains the increase of light on Earth mentioned in Isaiah (Isaiah 30:26; 60:18-22). I will cover this concept of Earth’s future proportions

more in depth when I discuss the integration of Earth into the first heaven, near the end of this book.

3.5. The Duration of Lucifer’s Kingdom

Scripture gives no direct reference concerning the period between when Lucifer initially sinned and when God finally destroyed his kingdom, but there are indications that it took a very long time. It’s likely that thousands, if not millions or even billions, of years of mercy transpired before God put an end to Lucifer’s kingdom. The existence of an entire global civilization with nations (Isaiah 14:12) and sanctuaries (Lucifer defiled his sanctuaries—Ezekiel 28:18), indicate an extremely prolonged period. Lucifer’s dominion and level of access to the heavens (Ezekiel 28:14—”stones of fire”), where he spent a great deal of time spreading his corruptive influence to lead an attack into the highest heaven, further indicate an exceptionally long period of time. Also, recall that I mentioned earlier that biologists believe the fossil record indicates five mass extinctions in Earth’s ancient history. These could have been judgments from God during a time of prolonged mercy, until God finally put a complete end to Lucifer’s kingdom.

If the development of the pre-Adamite society followed a course similar to the descendants of Adam and Eve, the fossil remains of Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon (as well as earlier hominids, such as homo erectus, and homo habilis) may look like they are different species of humans. All these humanoid beings are most likely the same species, however (except for Australopithecus Africanus, which looks more like an ape than a human), with the exception of the differences in the aging process. In any case, they’re all from a different order of creation than Adam and Eve, but very similar to modern humans in appearance and in genetic structure.

The earliest humanoids, who look the least human, such as homo erectus and homo habilis, were those who lived at the time when the curse of death was initially executed, so they matured very slowly, living to hundreds or perhaps even several thousand years old before they died—hence the dramatic physiological changes. For all we know, it could have taken them even longer to die than Adam and Eve; perhaps they ate from the tree of life for a long time, which gave them an extensive longevity and resulted in massive mutations by the time they finally died.

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