Between Two Tiron (20 page)

Read Between Two Tiron Online

Authors: Rebecca Airies

BOOK: Between Two Tiron
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they thought they‟d come back to find a meek kitten.

“Come out now, Lina,” Kaleb ordered.

No games from him
, she noted. She wasn‟t in much of a playing mood herself right now.

Rising, she skimmed out of the tree. She landed lightly on four feet at the base of the tree and

with a slow, rolling gait paced over to stand before Shard and Kaleb. As she approached them,

she took some satisfaction in the hard erections pressing against the brown cloth of their pants.

Maybe they had felt some of the need that had raged within her for the past hours. An hour had

been more than enough, but being the arrogant alphas they were, they‟d kept her waiting.

“In normal form,
rao nari
.” Shard grinned. “I can smell your need even from this


Lina transformed. She studied them. They weren‟t angry, not even tense, but there was a

patient waiting quality to the way they watched her. She stood, waiting, desperate with need.

Was she going to have to attack one of them?
After what she‟d been through, she wasn‟t above it.

“Now what did you do to deserve your punishment?” Kaleb stood there, hands on his

hips, seemingly unaware of her distress.

The urge to say nothing and live with the consequences blossomed on an insanely defiant

impulse, but the unquenched desire overrode the rebellious whim. She really would bite someone

if she didn‟t come soon.

“I threatened to defy orders and go into the forest on my own.” Lina shifted from one foot

to the other, unable to stay still. “And I showed blatant disrespect for those orders in front of the entire camp.”

“That is right.” Kaleb nodded, satisfied with the recitation. “And?”

She‟d been punished when she was a cub and she knew what they expected. The manner

of punishment had been different and had been far less severe, but an apology had always been

expected. The words didn‟t stick in her throat as she‟d thought that they might.

“I‟m sorry and I‟ll try very hard not to do it again.” Lina meant it. She didn‟t want to feel

this level of frustration again any time soon.

“That was very good.” Kaleb stepped forward and tipped up her chin. “Punishment won‟t

become any easier as time passes, Lina. It will only increase if you do this again.”

“I learn from my mistakes.” She‟d remember the experience and the actions that had

brought it to be. Were they going to lecture her all day? She was dying of need.

“Did you learn anything?” Shard‟s body brushed against hers as he stepped up behind

her, and then moved around her, his hand trailing over her body.

“I don‟t like your punishment.” She glared at them. “I‟ll take a week of solitary

confinement any day.”

“Then it was effective.” Shard‟s smile held predatory satisfaction and hunger.

She would have kicked him, but she had more important goals. “Are you going to fuck

me or am I going to have to wrestle one of you to the ground?”

“As to putting you in solitary confinement, it wouldn‟t work. We don‟t believe in

punishing ourselves for something you did.” Kaleb laughed. “
, I wouldn‟t mind wrestling

with you, but if anyone‟s going to be on the ground, it‟s going to be you.”

“As to satisfying your needs, we‟ll see to that repeatedly.” Shard‟s hand tangled in her

hair as two hot male bodies pressed against her. “We‟re going to ride you hard tonight,

Lina gave an inward whoop of joy and felt like dancing with happiness. They weren‟t

going to make her beg for it. She licked her lips and raised her hands to their chests. Most of her

focus was on the expanse of male flesh that was in easy reach. She wanted to stir them, to heat

them to the level of lust pulsing through her.

She curved an arm around each man. She ran her hands over their taut asses. She

smoothed and cupped, before sliding her hands up to tug at their brown shirts, loosening them

from the waistband of the brown pants. She slid her hand up underneath and onto the hot skin.

.” Shard pulled her hand away from him. “Let‟s get more comfortable.

This is going to take some time.”

She was in agreement with anything that kept those hard bodies close, especially if it

involved them undressing. She kept her arms around them as they led her to the shaded bed.

“Wait for us on the bed,
rao nari
.” Shard brushed a kiss across the top of her hair and

waited to see what she would do.

Lina hesitated. She was reluctant to leave them but knelt and crawled onto the bed. She

rolled onto her back, bending her knees as she raised and spread her legs, displaying her swollen,

glistening, pink pussy.

“That‟s pretty.” Shard took off his shirt without paying any attention to the fastenings. It

ripped as he stared at the cream glistening on her needy cunt. “Fuck yourself with your fingers

while we undress. Show us how much you need us.”

She whimpered, knowing it would only increase her torment, but her right hand slipped

down over her stomach to the smooth mound. Trembling fingers slipped between the pink lips

and the tips grazed the hard nub of her clit. Her hips bucked as a blaze of need ripped through


Her fingers eased lower away from that sensitive bud. She slipped two fingers into her

pussy. They moved easily in the honeyed channel.

She withdrew her fingers from the clasping grasp and slowly pushed them back into her

slit, her hips rising to meet and engulf the thrusting digits. A mewl of need rolled from her throat.

Her eyes stared at the two dark-skinned men taking off their clothing with torturous slowness.

They were down to pants and boots and seemed to be in no hurry to get rid of the offending


Shard reached over and curled his hand around the nape of Kaleb‟s neck. He tugged him

closer. His lips slashed over Kaleb‟s mouth. Lina licked her lips and swallowed. Her need

immediately shot into orbit. She didn‟t know if she could take much more of this. They knew

just how much she liked to see them touching each other. They obviously intended to take

advantage of it. She‟d been burning with need for what seemed like an eternity. Kaleb‟s hand

curved around Shard‟s back and pulled him close.

“Please…” Lina‟s voice trembled and fire danced through her body. Her skin tingled and

burned, sensitive to the slightest breeze.

They turned and looked at her. Shard‟s hips rolled into Kaleb. Gods, she felt jealous and

almost ready to run at one of them. Not that they were touching each other, but that she wasn‟t

getting any of the pleasure out of it. She needed to feel them moving against her.

“Do you need us,
?” Shard pulled off his boots and tossed them away from him.

“You know I ache for you. I‟ve been burning… Please don‟t make me wait any more.”

She pumped her hips against her fingers, her body tight with desire, on a high peak, but she

couldn‟t come.

Shard stepped onto the bed. Gloriously nude, his broad chest gleamed in the soft light.

His hard, dark cock thrust out, swaying slightly as he prowled toward her. His deep brown eyes

roved over her, molten with lust.

“Wrap those legs around me,
,” Shard growled, slipping between her thighs and

sliding his cock into her pussy.

She wrapped her legs around his hips and slipped one of her hands into the curls of his

hair. The long, spiral locks crinkled and wound through her fingers as she clenched a handful in

her fist. He wasn‟t leaving her this time. She wasn‟t letting him go.

Shard must have read some of the determination in her face. “
, they would have to

pull me off you. I‟m not leaving this pussy until you milk me. Even then, I‟ll be back and hard

again after you do the same to Kaleb.”

“Do you think we can rouse you to such heights without going there ourselves?” Kaleb

stood at the edge of the bed. “Only the tight fit of the cloth gives me some control to wait until I

can fuck you.”

Shard withdrew from her until only the round head of his cock remained with her pussy.

Lina reached up with her other hand and clutched at his arm, her nails sinking into the

skin. “Please…”

Shard shifted onto his knees, grasping her hips, lifting. He drove into her, withdrew, and

then drove into her again. His thrusts were fast, hard and deep.

The feel of his thick cock pounding into her was pure bliss. It didn‟t take many of those

pistoning strokes to send Lina into a hard orgasm. Her pussy clenched and released around his

shaft. She arched, tears leaking from her eyes as the explosions of light behind her lids were

echoed by the explosions of heat and pleasure through her body. Tremors coursed through her.

She opened her eyes, dazed by the height and intensity of her ecstasy and stared into waiting,

starving brown eyes.

Shard had stilled within her the moment he felt her reach her peak. He waited until her

eyes cleared a little and locked with his. “There‟s a slight side effect to the spell we put on you

, although it isn‟t one that we mind at all.”

Confused, unsure of his meaning, Lina remained silent. Then as he withdrew, a thrill

pulsed through her and an echoing throbbing beat began in her clit. With each indrawn breath,

the ache increased, sharpened to need.

“Your need will come hot and fast until exhaustion takes you, Lina. I‟m going to enjoy

this.” Shard surged against her, driving his pelvis against hers.

She didn‟t have the breath or the inclination to reply. She was panting, desperate as the

ache returned full force. Because of his grip, she couldn‟t arch into his thrusts as she desperately

wanted to. She held on with her legs as he thrust into her.

She came again, screaming his name as his cock rammed into her. Her contracting

vaginal muscles tore through his control. As she shuddered with climax, his hot seed spurted into

her and a hoarse cry rang through the clearing.

Her sweat-slick skin slid easily against his as he briefly blanketed her. She had come two

times in quick succession, but she could already feel her body tightening. The brush of his chest

against her hard, sensitive nipples caused her to gasp at the pinpricks of sweet, piercing bliss.

Shard pulled his cock from her pussy with a groan and moved to the side. Kaleb was

waiting. With a smile, he flipped her onto her stomach and pulled her back onto her hands and


“You are so beautiful like this.” Kaleb traced his hand down the line of her spine, moving

behind her.

He pushed his cock into her tight cunt. Her muscles rippled around him, welcoming him.

She pushed back into him and her hips undulated in silent demand. She felt him tense against her

and heard a ragged groan.

Kaleb‟s hips rolled against her hips, driving into her in slow, smooth glides. One of his

hands slipped around her hips and down over the flat of her stomach to her slick labia. His

fingers began playing with the hard hood of her clit, rubbing, plucking at it. Husky whimpers

mingled with the sound of panting breath and the wet joining of their flesh. Her hips bucked as

she rode those stroking fingers and took that hard cock as deep as she could.

, take me.” Kaleb leaned over and ran his teeth over her shoulder.

She went over the edge hard and fast. The sharp sensation seared through her as she

pumped back against him. Her body shivered with the force of the climax. Her stomach

tightened and released in an echo of the contractions rippling through her vaginal muscles. The

satisfaction, the need, began to run together, blending into an aching, sweet fevered pang.

Kaleb kept his strokes slow and even as he plucked at her clit to stimulate her. With the

effects of the spell, need rose hard and hot, her sexy moans laced the air and her hips rolled back

into the rocking pace of his. She was tight and wet. Her need blossomed around him, a sweet

scent that heightened his own need.

The scent of Kaleb‟s need swirled around her, increased with every stroke. He drove into

her, sliding hard and deep with every thrust. She screamed his name as the heat and light

detonated, and bliss flowed through her again. The clenching muscles rippling over him,

dragging at him as he pulled out of her slick channel broke the last of his restraint. He hammered

into her, his pace frenzied.

He drove into her, the need to come ruling him. He threw his head back as hot, fiery

pleasure seared through him. Semen jetted from his cock as a harsh growl rolled through him.

Kaleb bent over and kissed Lina‟s shoulder, licking at the salty flesh. His lips traveled up

and licked his bite mark, smiling as she shuddered, causing her sheath to clamp around his cock.

He withdrew from her and urged her down onto the soft bedding.

Lina looked up and saw her two men kneeling beside her. Heat was already churning

within her again. She reached over and ran her hand across Shard‟s midriff. Her hand gripped the

man‟s cock. She saw his eyes close. She leaned over, nipped at Shard‟s hip.

“Do you want to know how to make him wild enough to push you to the ground and fuck

you?” Kaleb asked. His hand stroked through her hair.

“He hasn‟t been that wild with me before?” She looked over at him.

He smiled, but it was a little strained. Shard‟s hand gripped his cock, slowly stroking.

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