BOMAW 1-3 (67 page)

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Authors: Mercedes Keyes

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"You was looking at her and you know it! Watching the way she moves. I'm not stupid... if you thought you could get into her bed, you'd be there... to hell with Shawn."

"You're wrong...I wasn't looking at her at all."

"What about in that garage with all the carts. I saw you follow her in there, then a few minutes later she came running out wiping her hand across her mouth. You kissed her! I know you did."

"So what if I did. Just curious is all... just wanting to know what all the fuss was about. I can tell you now, I ain't missing nothing. I got what I want...right here. Maybe I do hit on a few here and there... but the minute I get a taste, don't mean a thing... it just makes me sure of what I got right here." He bent towards her and kissed her carefully. Doris turned her head away, feeling like a fool. But he wouldn't leave her, he kept saying all the things she needed to hear, touching her the way no man ever had. Feeling crazy and emotional, she let him lead her off to bed. There he gave her all the reasons she needed as a reminder of why she kept him. When he made love to her, he made her feel beautiful, he made her feel special, made her feel as if no woman could ever do for him what she did, and she reciprocated - taking him into her mouth, adoring the immense size of him. He was her white stallion. The hell with everyone else, at the end of the day... he lay in her bed. No one had held him as long as she had, and if for no other reason than that... she would be proud.

Jake lay smoking a cigarette, Doris was turned on her side away from him softly snoring.

His eyes narrowed peering through the lifting smoke. For weeks and weeks, if not months he'd heard all about Sylvia... Shawn's new intended. Hadn't paid it much attention, because after all... he'd said several times he was coming home. There was no reason to believe he would this time. But he had, and with him - he'd pulled up with a dazzling black mare. He couldn't get those black eyes out of his mind. To actually see her standing there in his mother's kitchen threw him for a loop. He wasn't sure what he had expected upon seeing her, but the woman he saw took him by surprise. He couldn't believe that she had been living in Camp Daniels before Shawn had arrived from California. All the times he'd visited the bar there, gone to that co-op, stopped by that post office, visited his friends there... she'd been living there. Just sitting and waiting to be plucked.

He closed his eyes and could still smell the scent of her. She smelled good. Clean. She tasted even better. The feel of her. He took a deep drag of his cigarette, thinking about Shawn's girlfriends. He'd had just about all of them. The main one that brought him the most pleasure was Cassie Gentry. The one and only girl Shawn had really liked, had been serious about. Jake smiled. "Yep... I fucked her good." He grinned. He'd slipped in right beneath his brothers nose and had his girl when he hadn't even had her himself yet. She'd been a virgin and he'd taken her virginity. They'd had quite the fight over her. Shawn in the end told him he could have her, that he didn't want her anyway. He'd laughed and said, he already had her, that he was done... that he was welcome to her. Silly little twat tried to commit suicide over it.

Jake shook his head laying there. She was weak, and had been an easy conquest. Pretty much like all the others. He turned over and put his cigarette out in the ash tray on the floor next to the bed. He wondered how long it would take him to get Sylvia Payne into bed? Sweet thing about her, she was already pregnant... no chance of him getting her that way if she already was. It wouldn't be the first time he'd have one of his brother's pregnant women. He rather liked getting it on with pregnant women, they were tight, and he got such a thrill out of slipping in and getting it on with because they were considered untouchable, but they were very touchable. The best kind... no chance of his seed growing in a field already full to capacity.

He smiled as he dozed off planning his next move.




"I can't believe you humiliated yourself that way! What's wrong with you?" Terra asked Deidre as she lay on her sofa, stretched out on her back with her cell phone in hand on her stomach, the other hand across her eyes.

"I don't think he - he ever really loved me. He couldn't have... he - he couldn't have." Deidre sobbed softly.

"Jesus Deidre... I feel so bad for you. Come on girlfriend... you gotta snap out of this."

"I'm trying... God knows I'm trying. I keep seeing him in my mind. You don't know Terra... you just don't know. He was... he was - everything to me."

"It's over Deidre... there's no way to get that back! You have to let go!"

"I KNOW!!!" Deidre sat up suddenly, turning to face her friend, still gripping the phone. "Don't you think I know that!? I can't help the way I feel! I can't help the thoughts that go through my head! I can't help but know... that my wicked and ugly family... tore from me the one thing that I should have left them for! That's what gets to me, I let them tear us apart! He told me not to go! He told me... not to do this! But - I thought... I thought... I don't know what I thought." With elbows on her knees she sat with the heel of her hand holding her forehead, sniffing and wiping at her nose.

"You shouldn't have signed that lease. That's the last place you need to be living right now." Terra spoke up from across the room.

Deidre was silent, lost in thought. Minutes went by as she sat there... saying nothing. "How about some tea?" Terra asked.

Deidre nodded a yes but was still quiet. Thinking about her father at work that day. Calling her into his office, trying to get to her sign over her interest of the family business, saying that it would be the perfect way to get back at her mother for what she'd done to her. Deidre had only stood staring at him. Now, all of a sudden, the blinders were completely down. She saw them for what they really were.

"Terra." She called to her friend.

"Yeah." She answered from the kitchen.

Deidre stood and walked into the expensively decorated room, Terra was a chef...and a damn good one.

"If anything should ever happen to me... an accident... anything... don't let my family get me."

"What? What are you saying now?" Terra asked stunned.

"I don't trust them. Either of them. My father or my mother. She had my child aborted."

"What are you talking about Deidre?"

"When Shawn and I split, I was pregnant with his second child. I told my mother, the next day... I was laying in the hospital, in a private wing, no longer pregnant. I don't know all of how she pulled it off, but she made sure I didn't have another one of his children."

"Oh my God... you poor thing. I thought you miscarried."

"No... she did that. Don't you see, they are capable of anything. I get a feeling... that suddenly, I'm not safe."

"Oh Deidre..."

Deidre stood with tears in her eyes, they rolled as she looked at her friend. "Just..." She reached up and wiped her eyes, "Just... if... anything should happen... don't let them get me. If there's a breath left in my body... don't... don't let them get me."

"Oooh Deidre... come on, don't be crazy... you're talking out of depression because of Shawn and all of that."

"Maybe so... but I'm going to write out a power of attorney to you. I'm not going to go into work tomorrow, I'm going to get that documented just in case... something tells me, my life is about to change... for better or for the worse... I have to accept my lot in life. My father did not want me to move out of that mansion. As if he needed to keep tabs on me. He's a very greedy man. The two of them, the pair together... no... let's face it... he might as well be the devil and she -..."

Terra stood staring, not knowing what to say... or what to do.

"Anyway... will you do that for me? If I'm ever in a situation where I can't speak for myself... I need you to watch over me... to make sure they don't get me. Please... please don't let them - get me." She began sobbing.

"Oh my god." Terra cried and went to her friend, who sank to the floor sobbing, feeling more alone in the world than ever in her life. "Don't you worry... we'll get that done first thing in the morning... first thing."

Chapter 52

Angela stood slightly in front of her father with his left hand on her shoulder, with wide excited eyes she watched as Sylvia lay still with her lower abdomen exposed with a ultrasound technician scanning there to locate the baby in its earliest stages and discovered the small embryo nestled in place. Her dad was holding Sylvia's hand as she lay watching and waiting, trying to catch a glimpse as the technician confirmed what they all knew.

"Oh my God... there he is!" Shawn gasped with his heart pounding.

"Yep... hmmm, how far along did you say you should be?" The technician asked Sylvia as she stared at the ultrasound where the gestational sac could be clearly seen, as well some other things indicating an error in the time of pregnancy.

"About oooh, I guess 4 to 5 weeks now." Sylvia answered. "Why?" She asked immediately.

"Well... the problem with your time period is this. If you were only 4 to 5 weeks, I would only be able to see a vague gestational sac. What I'm looking at, is a very clear image of a baby and a heartbeat. You're no less that 7 weeks, at the most, 8 weeks." The tech informed them.

"WHAT?!" Sylvia blasted. "No way! I am not that far along - I couldn't be... I know I've only missed one... no way!"

"I'm sorry... the ultrasound is pretty accurate. Maybe there was a lot going on at the time and preoccupation made you flow by that one, but you most certainly would notice two missed." The tech explained as a thought, but she could see a heartbeat. "See, look right there, that's a baby... and right there... is a heart beat... no doubt."

Sylvia looked at it stunned.

"Wow... that is so cool! That's a baby?" Angela exclaimed.

"An early embryo, sure is... and not a 4 week old one either."

Sylvia turned and looked up at Shawn. "SHAWN!"

"WHAT? What'd I do?"

"In Chicago, at the hotel... you said you were wearing a, you know what!" She stared up at him, trying not to say it in front of Angela.

"You mean a condom?" Angela asked.

"Oh lord - have mercy!" Sylvia shook her head and looked away in disbelief, that she had totally panicked a month too late and that this young girl knew too much already was too much.

Grinning, Shawn asked, "Any sign of twins?!" He gave Sylvia's hand a squeeze, she snatched it away from him, just too outdone, racking her brain back trying to remember her last period.

"Noooo - doesn't look that way to me. All I see is a single embryo." The tech informed him. "So are you guys wanting a boy? Or a Girl?"

"We just want it to be healthy." Sylvia spoke up still reeling from her major miscalculation.

Shawn smiled, he couldn't help himself. "Well, I wouldn't mind a boy, I mean... I have my little girl." He gave Angela's shoulder a squeeze. She looked up at her dad and smiled. "Actually I would rather a little sister first daddy." She admitted. Sylvia was peering up at Shawn with narrowed suspicious eyes, and he was trying to avoid her gaze by saying to his daughter, "Naaaw, you want a little brother first don't you?"

"You've been the only child for a long time, you sure you wanna share that?" The technician inserted smiling.

Shawn and Sylvia looked at her, waiting... they hadn't had the talk with Angela yet and wondered how she honestly felt, they soon found out.

"I want lots of brother's and sisters, I hate being alone." She looked at Sylvia and then up at her dad. "Sasha's always complaining about her brothers, but I can tell that she likes them. They're always teasing her, and playing with her, but it's always funny...and she laughs a lot too."

Shawn smiled and stroked her hair, "Yeah... I know, but in this case, you'll be the oldest."

"No I'm not daddy! Crystal and Mundo are the oldest! I'm gonna be a middle child." She announced.

"Oh I thought you were the only one." The tech admitted.

"Nope, I have an older sister and a brother. They don't live with us because they have their own home. My sister has two boys, Isaac and Darren. They're coming to visit this week!"

Sylvia was stunned that she'd taken them on as her family so quickly, the way she spoke, it was as if they'd always been a family. It also told her just how lonely this little girl had been. So lonely that she was anxious to be a part of a family setting, even a step one. Angela was looking at Sylvia now, watching her eyes as she lay there, hoping that she didn't mind her claiming her children as her brother and sister. Angela wanted this so badly, in her mind... it was already so. Sylvia smiled and reached out to her, "That's right, and we'll have a good time when they get here...maybe a little party." She added to let her know that it was okay.

Shawn felt his heart lift and yet to hear his daughter voicing a need to belong to a real and whole family tugged at his heart. He hadn't a clue of how starved she was for attention, affection and a need to belong to adults in form of mother and father that loved her, as well to have brothers and sisters. Hearing it made him even more determined that she would be staying with them.

"Well, would you all like a picture of your little one? Or would you like to wait until later for an ultrasound when it's bigger?"

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