BRUTAL BYTES (12 page)


Authors: Roger Hastings

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The tunnel leveled out and we entered a long, dim passageway, flanked with steel-barred doors along both sides. Here were the chambers where Big Dick created a sex-hell for his captive humans. The robot stopped in front of a door. A guard robot opened it and shoved me inside. I groaned out loud when I saw the black-painted, body-stretching rack raised about four feet off the floor with the wide leather cuffs waiting to capture my wrists and ankles. It was circular, with the chains arranged ninety degrees apart to stretch me out, spread-eagled. That would hurt enough, but I knew there was worse in store for me.

The robot shoved me face down on the rack, strapping my ankles to the bottom. Then he pulled my arms taut, and strapped my wrists to the other end, with chains that curled around the steel axle of the stretching wheels. There was a one-foot circular opening in the center of the rack, letting my cock and balls dangle down like tempting toys inviting some girl’s sadistic amusement. The guard wrapped a strap over my lower back, over my ass, and across my thighs just below my buttocks, cruelly preventing me from raising my hips to lift my manhood out of danger. He spun the wheels to take up the slack in the wrist chains until they were tight, then leaned over me with a clattering, mechanical laugh, patting my defenseless ass with its metal hand and toying with my ass crack with a finger.

“Be patient. Your attendant will be here soon.”

“No hurry,” I gasped.

Less than two minutes after he left, two naked girls stepped through the door and stopped, gazing at my unprotected body stretched tight on the rack. One was black, very tall and athletically muscled, like a Zulu warrior. Her dark skin gleamed like a jewel, covered with some cosmetic oil. She walked with the grace of an athletic body, probably an Olympic gold-medal winner. She carried a long, supple willow rod, thin and springy. The other girl, small, cute, and obviously Japanese, held a tiny pitcher of some liquid. She thrust forward her petite, conical breasts shamelessly, proud of her nude beauty. The girls glanced at each other, grinned, then strode to my side.

“Please, girls,” I said, “Don’t...”

“Shut up!” the black Olympic woman said. “Master Dick gave us a job to do on you, and we’re going to do it, or we’ll be punished ourselves.” She glanced down at the Japanese girl. “You go first.” She amused herself by swishing the cane aimlessly while she watched.

The small girl sat down on the stool under the rack, poured out the liquid onto her hands, then reached up and massaged a slippery lotion all over my cock and balls. The black woman nodded and the Japanese girl began gently stroking my cock with one hand, and fondling my defenseless, dangling balls with the other. She sang some ancient, rhythmic oriental love song with her delicate voice. The sensation of relief and pleasure was overwhelming. I closed my eyes and moaned softly, so relieved I wasn’t being tortured.

My cock swelled and hardened, stretching out to its full length. When I thought I was about to cum, she slowed and lightened her touch, reducing the stimulation just enough to make me hover just below the trigger-point of an orgasm. The strain of wanting to cum, but not being allowed to, soon had my balls aching like they were being crushed. Her hand tightened around my balls, gripping hard, intensifying my pain while she kept up that damned slow stroking of my cock with her other hand.

Now the other girl lifted her long, slender cane and began gleefully whipping my ass.

“AUGAH! YAUGH!” I crushed my eyes shut, gritting my teeth, rolling my head back and forth and groaning.

“Oh, damn it!” I bellowed, “Let me cum! Let me cum! Please!”

“No, mister, I can’t,” the Japanese girl replied. “Master Dick says if I let you cum, he will give me awful punishment all night long.

“Oh, gawd!” I moaned, “This is worse than the ass-whipping.”

“We’ll see about that!” The black Amazon said with a snarl. She whipped her cane down again and again, harder and harder while my yowls ricocheted off the concrete walls. My ass burned like a volcano’s liquid lava was flowing over it. My cock strained and shuddered in its failed attempts to squirt cum, and my balls cramped with the blocked effort to unload their boiling liquor. The torment continued minute after agonizing minute until a swirling black whirlpool sucked me down into unconsciousness.

The girls dumped a bucket of cold water over me, and cheerfully continued the torment. Again and again the cycle was repeated until my buttocks, back, and thighs were a canvass adorned with a masterpiece of crimson stripes. I lost consciousness for the twelfth time.


A soft, gentle voice woke me. “It’s alright now. You’re safe here for awhile.”

My mind cleared, and I realized I was lying on my back with my arms and legs stretched out, and wrists and ankles chained to the corners of a hospital bed. I was in our facility’s hospital. The voice was Nurse Nadia Zoyechka’s, leaning over me, quite beautifully naked, wearing only her perky, starched nurse’s cap, a neck collar and the ever-present bondage cuffs we’ve been condemned to wear on our wrists and ankles. Her luxurious breasts swayed above me. My hands clenched as I gazed at them, eager to capture their round softness in my grip.

“Relax, Steve, Big Dick is finished with you for awhile, and I’ll keep you here with me.” Nadia reached out her soft warm hand and caressed my damp forehead. A long, silvery chain was locked around her wrist cuff, connected to the cuff on her other wrist. She leaned over and kissed my parched lips.

“Water,” I moaned. “Please, I’m so thirsty.”

“Here, drink all you want.” Nadia lifted a tall glass of ice water and put its straw in my mouth.

I drank long and deep, then released the straw and exhaled a long, cheerless breath. “Oh, damn, I ache all over.”

“I can soothe all your pain, Steve. I’m an expert at all kinds of massage.” She smiled and her hand drifted down my chest, across my belly and continued on until her fingers circled my anguished cock. “
kinds of massage.”

I wearily shook my head. “Oh, please, don’t torment my cock again!”

“No, no, this will feel wonderful.” Nadia whispered. She sat down on my bed, then lay down beside me without releasing her amorous hold on my cock. Now I could see the cuffs on her ankles, and the short chain connecting them.

Her soft, warm lips caressed my ear as she bathed me with her moist, hot breath. “I’ll kiss it and make it all better, darling.” She rose up and positioned her face over my trembling cock. “Don’t be afraid,” she whispered. “I won’t hurt you.” Nadia dipped her head and the crimson circle of her feminine lips sucked in my manhood.

Her tongue was an engine of lust, swirling around my cockhead like a playful kitten. I moaned with contentment and let my whole body go limp. Well—
my whole body.

I had taken powerful punishment for hours—the electric shocks while being masturbated, then not being allowed to cum while being fiendishly stimulated and whipped on the rack. It would take some time and a lot of persuasion by Nadia’s warm, pink tongue before my cock would be brave enough for an erection and orgasm. Fortunately, I had nothing but time, and Nadia was a genius at seduction.

Eventually I felt that old, familiar flutter of sex-feathers in the pit of my belly. I watched Nadia’s naked body hovering over me, the swaying lust-dance of her dangling breasts, the round ripeness of her buttocks, and the pink treasure of her pussy lips already gleaming with her slick juice. I moaned quietly as my hands opened and closed. My toes splayed out. My belly rippled with anticipation. My cock raised and stiffened, obeying the sweet summons of Nadia’s effervescent tongue.

“Oh, Nadia—sweet, sweet Nadia. Oh, I love your mouth.” The rest of my vocalizing was soft groans and gasping breaths as the sensations mounted, restoring my will to be a man and cum in this beauty’s soft, sucking mouth.

“Oh, gawd...Oh gawd...OH GAWD!” My fists clenched, my toes curled upward, my balls crinkled into rocks. My cock then quivered rigid as the shuddering, whirling lust raced wildly out of control.

Nadia reached up with her hands and stroked them over my naked skin. Slowly, tantalizingly, cleverly her feathery fingertips traced circles and zigzag patterns on my quivering belly. When she felt my excitement hardening my cock, she rose up and straddled my hips, her fingers gently guiding my manhood into her lubricated paradise.

Oh, my luv!” She lowered her torso onto mine, clasping my cock inside her fiery pussy. “I do love fucking your cock!”

She sat motionless on top of me while she cooed and whispered words of sympathy and affection. “Oh, you’ve suffered so much. You’ve earned a time of peace and pleasure. I’m so glad Big Dick brought you to me for comfort. Ever since that time when I was loving you in your cell, I have hoped and dreamed of fucking you again.”

“Oh, Nadia,” I groaned. “Why do we have to suffer so much, then enjoy the ultimate pleasure of endless fucking?”

“Because we enjoy tormenting men!” The voice came from one of the five naked nurses who stood in the open hospital door. Like Nadia, they wore nothing but their starched nurses caps, and the numbers painted on their bellies. Unlike Nadia, they had whips and crops in their hands. Even worse, the cute little blonde nurse held an electroshock probe. “Big Dick sent us,” the brunette nurse said. “He’s not finished with you yet, M-0001. We have permission to do anything to you and Nadia we want to.” They marched in and gathered at the foot of my bed, staring down at my defenseless body with sinister grins.

Chapter Eight

Invasive Procedures


“Get off him,” the brunette ordered. She gripped Nadia’s arm and dragged her off the bed. “Get over there and lie face-up on the next bed. Arms up and legs spread. Move!” The blonde nurse poked Nadia with the shock probe. “Move, you lazy slut!”

“IYE-E-E!” Nadia lurched forward and obeyed.

The brunette leader grinned wickedly down at me. “First, we’re going to teach your girlfriend not to fuck a male still scheduled for punishment. Big Dick forbids it!” She scowled at me. “Then we’ll attend to you. All five of us will have our turn punishing you. We’ll teach you obedience and respect.”

The petite young blonde’s face brightened and she smiled at me. “Then Big Dick will let me fuck you!”

“Shut up!” The brunette whirled around and slashed her crop across the young blonde’s breasts.

“Yauh-h-h!” She backed away, shielding her bruised beauties. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean too...”

“That mouth of yours will be your worst enemy if you don’t learn to keep it shut in the presence of your superiors.”

My eyes widened.
So, Big dick is creating a hierarchy among his sex slaves. I wonder where I am in the pecking—uh—whipping order?

Nadia’s naked body now lay face-up on the oversized hospital bed, eyes wide with fear in her pale face. Her lower lip quivered while the frowning Brunette nurse in charge stood at the foot of the bed, holding her long riding crop in one hand, and slapping its black leather covered shaft in her other hand. The other four nurses each took one of Nadia’s wrists or ankles and locked cuffs around them. Bright, silvery chains attached to the cuffs stretched to pulleys at the four bed corners, then down underneath to a geared tightening mechanism.

The brunette nurse smiled wickedly and nodded to the redhead nurse. “Proceed.”

“It will be a pleasure.”

Big Dick’s ever-present video cameras with their green-glowing eyes descended from the ceiling, one next to Nadia, the other next to me.

The brunette stepped aside and the redhead moved beside her and reached down to grasp the handle of a crank. Slowly, she turned the handle as all four chains came to life, their links creeping toward the bed corners like evil snakes. Now they were stretched straight, tugging relentlessly at Nadia’s spread open arms and legs.

“Keep cranking,” the brunette said, “she’s not stretched tight enough yet.”

Big Dick’s eyes moved in even closer to Nadia’s pale face, avidly enjoying the fear in her expression.

“No, please,” I begged. “Punish me if you have to, but don’t hurt Nadia. I’m the one Big Dick ordered you to punish”

“You,” the Brunette lifted her crop and aimed it at me, sighting along its shaft-like the barrel of a gun, “cannot control what we will do to your poor helpless Nadia. But you can earn even more strokes for her from our whips and crops with your interference. You’ve been warned.” She turned back to examine Nadia’s chains. “A little tighter, if you please. She’s not uncomfortable enough yet.”

“No, no! Please,” I begged. Oh, damn you all to hell!”

The brunette glared at me. “You’ve just condemned your sweet Nadia to five additional strokes from all five of us. Want to make it ten more?”

I bit my lower lip, tears draining down the sides of my face.
How much worse can this captivity get? How brutal can we become?
As I watched the horrible scene, I wondered if Big Dick’s domination and obsession with bondage punishment and sex brainwashing us. Is his idea of fun overwhelming our humanity? What unspeakable mysteries crouch deep down in our primitive core of our minds? In mainstream society we carry around inside us thoughts and desires unknown to us, but when given the chance in bizarre circumstances, do they gush up to the surface of our consciousness and give both participants in these sex games the ultimate pleasure when we do such sadistic and lascivious things to each other?

“How perceptive of you, M-0001!” Big Dick’s electronic voice rumbled from the monitor chip implanted in the back of my head.

“I’ve invented a very interesting game to play with you and F-0060. It’s very amusing, but I don’t expect either of you will appreciate my genius.”

A huge, naked, mahogany-skinned male entered our ward. Six feet, seven inches tall, a dedicated body-builder with heroic muscles and a notably oversize cock. I recognized him as Kuwatsutu, a black African officer on our security team. At least, he had been on what used to be our security team. Now it seems today he is on the tormenting team. He glanced at me with a smug, indifferent shrug of his shoulders and strode toward Nadia’s bed. He placed the metal box that was under his arm on the bedside table. Then kneeling down, he plugged its power cord into the outlet in the wall. Nadia’s eyes widened and her face paled. Her hands and feet twisted in their cuffs, testing their power to immobilize her helpless body.

“No, Kuwatsutu,” I begged. Whatever that fiendish device is, don’t use it on Nadia.”

His voice rumbled in his deep bass accent. “Sorry, Doctor Trent, Big Dick’s orders. I have to do this.”

The unambiguous grin on his face betrayed his lie. The damn bastard was going to enjoy his sadistic game with Nadia’s naked body.

Nadia stared at the box and whimpered, “No—no, please not that.”

Kuwatsutu wobbled his head at Nadia in mock sympathy. “You always bossed me around like I was a dog. Now it’s payback time. There were many nights I couldn’t sleep, just drooling over the vision in my imagination of you lying underneath me. Now at last I have the double pleasure of punishing you and fucking you at the same time.” He pulled a pair of wires out from the back of the box and attached the adhesive electrical contacts to her buttocks. The brunette nurse dragged another pair of wires to me and attached them to my buttocks. Evidently I’d been invited to the dance.

Nadia shook her head from side to side. “No! please, not that again. It hurts so awful.”

“Good,” Kuwatsutu said with an evil grin. “It’s fun to fuck a woman when she is shrieking in anguish and struggling to escape my cock. That’s why I’m so glad Big Dick enslaved all of us. I get to do what I love to do to naked women, and not fear the police.” He set the voltage knob and repeating pulse timer on the box, then climbed on top of Nadia. The hospital bed creaked and groaned under the burden of his 255 pounds of raw muscle and sinew.

Good God!
We’re becoming savage beasts, preying on each other for Big Dick’s amusement. I could see that in a few months time, some of us would completely change into human robots; uncivilized, tormenting and fucking each other with no more conscience than a microbe.

I turned my face away and squeezed my eyes shut. I couldn’t bear the sight of Nadia’s beautiful naked body writhing in pain, crushed under his naked bulk while such a magnificently developed beast fucked her.


The brunette’s heavy crop slammed across my thighs, missing my cock by a fraction of an inch. “Look, you bastard!” she snarled. “Watch while your beloved Nadia gets what she deserves!”



The crop whacked my belly, this time forcing me to open my eyes. Slowly I turned my head toward Nadia and her tormentor. He bent down over her, his long, thick cock throbbing less than an inch above her captive pussy lips. He was grinning, laughing softly as his finger hovered above the box’s power switch. His perfect teeth gleamed remarkably white between his lips.

“Invite me to fuck you, bitch. Beg me!”

Nadia turned her face away from his hungry lips, her eyes closed. “No, don’t—

There was a click and Nadia shrieked as her hips lurched upward against Kuwatsutu’s throbbing cock.

Kuwatsutu grated his wiry beard against her ear. “I’ve set the timer to deliver repeating shocks in rhythm with my fucking. That will force you to move your ass and help me fuck you.”

“Now, it’s your turn to satisfy me,” the brunette said. She climbed up on my bed and swung a thigh over my hips. “Stick that big cock into my pussy,” she barked. Lowering herself, she grabbed my manhood and wiped its tip back and forth across her pussy lips. “You better stretch that thing up hard, if you want to keep it. If you don’t, it will take a one-way trip to surgery!” She closed her eyes and sank down with a smile and a sigh, swallowing my cock with her ravenous pussy.

“Damn, you feel good inside me.” She bent forward and gripped my hair in her fist. “And don’t you cum before I do, or I really will schedule you for some immediate surgery to remove a worthless appendage.”

The dual waltz began; the brunette nurse humping on top of me, and Kuwatsutu in a tireless rhythm of fucking Nadia. She shrieked and lunged her hips up in perfect timing as Kuwatsutu’s cock thrust deep into her pussy. The nurse and I repeatedly lurched upward in military precision as the electric shocks jolted through my ass, forcing me to lift, shoving my cock deep into the brunette.

The nurse closed her eyes, her fingernails passionately gouging into the bare skin of my belly, dragging down into the tangle of my pubic hair, leaving parallel trails of stinging red lines. “Yes! Yes! Yes-s-s-s!” she shrieked. Her crotch danced and twisted against my hips, grinding, corkscrewing and lifting to slam down again in rhythm with the shock-provoked thrusts into her predatory pussy.

The other four nurses sat on chairs, two at my bed, and the other two beside Nadia. Bending forward, they leered at the vision of genital coupling, eager to detect the first dribble of cum seeping from pussies.

Nadia shrieked with a weak, keening voice each time the shocks tore through her ass, involuntarily lunging upward to welcome Kuwatsutu’s cock deep into her pussy. He rumbled a deep bass counterpoint, grunting and gasping a wordless chant of sexual heat.

I gasped, gritting my teeth, panting in short breaths, heaving my hips up to pleasure the brunette’s pussy in perfect unison with Nadia’s body, synchronized by that hellish jolt of electricity whacking at my ass.

The four nurses sitting at our bedside were snickering, offering bets on which of us would cum first. They began clapping their hands in tempo with our forced fucking. If this had been a dream, and I suddenly woke up, I would believe I was going crazy. But it was real. The craziness might be real, too, but it affected all of us. We were captives, trapped inside an exceptionally well-guarded compound—half sex prison, half insane asylum.

Why doesn’t the outside world find out? Why doesn’t someone come to rescue us?

We were the victims of our own cleverness. When my team of scientists met secretly to design and build this place, we thought we were making the world’s most scientifically advanced and secure compound. Our goals were admirable, to do research and develop defense strategies and weapons to save the world from destruction by terrorists. In our monumental stupidity, we never dreamed that our mega-computer would become a sex-maniac tyrant and enslave us. Like Dr. Frankenstein, we had made the foolish mistake of believing we could control the ultimate power we created. And, like the Dr., we were paying a terrifying penalty.

We designed our security to be impenetrable, and we succeeded. No one can get inside without Big Dick’s permission. How could we be so blind as to realize that none of us can get out? We cannot signal for help, either. Any aircraft or reconnaissance satellites passing overhead would see nothing but a canopy of the jungle rain forest. We can thank the genius of professor Dimitri Kostenka for that. He designed and engineered our massive hologram dome enclosing all 800 acres of our compound. It’s a new, secret technique that bounces back radar and infrared scans. It’s foolproof, and we are the fools!

My legs and back ached with the unremitting demands of that fiendish electric shock device. Nadia’s cries became weaker as her body grew exhausted with the effort. The two nurses beside her and Kuwatsutu were reaching forward, stroking and caressing his buttocks and blowing into his ears, cooing and encouraging his lust. The two sitting beside me and the brunette on top of me were doing their best to stimulate my orgasm to win their bet. One combed through my hair with her fingers as she brushed her soft, silky breasts over my face. The other nurse brushed her fingertips up and down the inside of my thighs, wiggling and tickling them until I almost went mad with the stimulation. It is a very powerful technique for forcing a male to lose control of his cum muscle.

O please, someone make something happen to end this nightmare!

As if on cue, Kuwatsutu roared with consummation, arching his back and hammering his hips into Nadia’s crotch.

“AUNGH! UGH! N-N-NUNGAH!” His mouth opened with the cry as his eyes clamped shut. YAW-W-W-GUNH!” He twisted his hips, grinding, scrubbing, writhing his torso in a frenzy of mindless sexual intensity.

“NEAUGH! NUNH! YAUH!” His rigid arms propped up his shoulders above Nadia, his legs lunging his torso in perfect tempo with his ecstatic cries.

Poor Nadia’s body recoiled against her chains with his every violent thrust, the electric shocks still punishing her ass. She rolled her head from side to side, moaning and gasping as she whispered. Her words astounded me.

“Oh, yes. Oh, more! OH, OH, OH, AUH—YUNGH!!”

She was cumming!

The vision of her defenseless, lovely nakedness locked in consummation with this giant black male triggered a feeling in me that I was utterly unable to defend myself against.

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