BRUTAL BYTES (15 page)


Authors: Roger Hastings

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Chapter Eleven

Mating Ritual


The robot tugged me along the women’s prison corridor, past cell after cell of naked women. Most were entertaining male ‘visitors’, panting and gasping for breath, their bodies writhing, positioned in a multitude of abnormal sexual encounters spawned by Big Dick’s bondage-game computer chip. Finally, my robot stopped me and opened a barred door. What I saw inside the women’s cell was both amazing, and delightfully congenial. Lying on a cot with his head toward me was our chief medical director, Dr. Vincent Durant (He preferred to be called ‘Vince’).

Vince’s eyes were closed, his mouth open, his chest heaving up and down, laboring for breath. He lay on his back, his arms stretched tight beside his head, his wrists chained to the center of the top end of his cot. His legs stretched out to the foot of the cot, with his ankles chained to the corners of the cot’s metal frame.

He was past retirement age, sixty-seven years old, but his lean and sinewy body was still hale and healthy, and he enjoyed healing people. What tickled my sense of ridiculousness was the slim, diminutive eighteen-year-old girl straddled on his hips, vigorously humping up and down with his age-mellowed cock deep in her youthful pussy. Her arms were pulled up above her head, with her wrists cuffed to chains hanging from the ceiling. The poor girl was exhausted, panting and gasping; her silky blonde hair drooped and tangled across her perspiring, freckled face. Her pale blue eyes glanced at me quickly, her elfin face drawn with fatigue and her small body shimmering with sweat, drops falling from the strawberry nipples of her shallow breasts. What ironic jokes Big Dick plays on us! Here was early spring, forced to mate with late winter.

Vince kept clenching and opening his fists, his feet angled outward and toes splayed in the throes of helpless submission to the relentless sensations hammering in his belly and cock. He didn’t even open his eyes to notice the robot drag me inside, lay me face-up on the other cot, and cuff my wrists and ankles just like his.

I watched Vince and the girl while the robot immobilized me. The man grunted and moaned as she struggled to keep rhythm, the aching muscles in her arms and legs quivering with exhaustion.

Vince’s response quickened, his fists stayed clenched, the knuckles white and quivering with the strain. He grimaced, grunting and rocking his head from side to side as he sucked in quick, short breaths. Sweat beaded on his face and body, trickling down into the mattress.

“UN-N-N-GAH!” His belly muscles corded to raise his hips a fraction of an inch and grate against the girl’s pussy. “AUGH! UNGH! UNGH!” The sounds ripped through his clenched teeth as he pumped his age-mellowed sperm into the naked girl’s lovely body. She swayed her head from side to side, eyes shut, mouth hanging open, her labored breath keening with tiny, sighing whimpers. Her thighs spread wide over Vince’s hips, grateful for an end to the nonstop strain of fucking.

When Vince’s convulsions subsided, the girl slumped forward, resting her weary crotch on Vince’s hips, his cum oozing from her pussy. She closed her eyes and dropped her head forward, chin on her chest and gasped out her relief. “Oh god! Oh, god—it’s over at last!” She sagged forward, hanging exhausted from her wrist chains. The muscles in her legs quivered uncontrollably with painful charley-horse contractions. Her fiery red hair cascaded over her face, its curled tips caressing her unshielded nipples. She blinked away her tears and hissed at Vince. “You damned old son-of-a-bitch! Why does it take you so long to cum? I thought I would die before your antique cock spluttered.”

I turned my head away, trying to give them a bit of impossibly scarce privacy while they recovered. I heard Vince’s lungs heave, desperate to catch up his body’s hunger for oxygen. His voice was weak and hoarse, “Please, miss, it’s so hard to do it for the third time in a row.”

The girl scowled at him, still panting, occasionally pausing with a swallow reflex, or frequent groans. The damp odor of their perspiration and the pungent tang of ripe cum hung heavy in the air.

A guard robot entered the cell, unchained the girl and led her out. The girl stumbled with fatigue.

Vince’s weak voice echoed in the concrete cell. “Steve!”

I turned my head and Vincent gave me a weak smile. “How can we keep going on like this?” he asked. He turned his head away and stared at the harsh concrete wall. “Those cute young girls Big Dick brought in here forced me to cum three times since breakfast! I’m an old man!” He shook his head. “She was a virgin, Steve, and Big Dick used her to fuck me.” He rolled his head and stared up at the ceiling. “I’ve been continuously fucked like this all morning, and that poor, exhausted girl is the third one to service me. That would be pleasure for a young man, but I’m hurting like hell!” He exhaled a long, weary breath. “I’m afraid those robots will bring in another fresh young thing and chain her on top of me. Damn! It’s the hormones he’s feeling us, and that damn computer chip he imbedded in the back of my skull.” He slowly shook his head. “He makes them fuck me no matter how long it takes.”

“You’re expecting another virgin?” I asked.

Vince grunted in disgust. “I don’t think there are any virgins left.” He read the look in my eyes. “We’ve been reduced to animals…his fucking sex toys.” Vince’s eyes flicked toward my face, wide with anxiety. “I think he’s trying to find out how many times an old man can cum in one day. He’s even got Neville Colby, the seventy-two year old English chemist that was visiting our facility, chained to a cot in the next cell. I counted four girls the robots put in his cell so far. I’ve listened to his cries and groans all morning long. It must be hell for him, tormented beyond his scrawny body’s endurance. He’s been losing consciousness every so often from the strain on his heart and cum glands; I think he’s unconscious right now. I haven’t heard him in some time.”

Vince exhaled a long, forlorn breath. “Then there’s Tommy, that poor, mentally deficient janitor. The young man is in my hospital, chained to a bed right now, being repeatedly fucked by the six nurses Big Dick keeps as prisoners there. He can’t understand what’s happening to him. Big Dick thinks it’s hilariously amusing when it scares the poor guy into hysterics each time he cums. He cries himself to sleep every night.”

Vince turned his head to stare at the perpetually staring green eye mounted to the gray concrete ceiling. “It’s incredible—he’s read through all my medical files on virility and fertility and he’s concocted some incredibly arousing formula of stimulants, aphrodisiacs, and energy boosters. His robots injected them into my body this morning and cuffed me to this cot here in the women’s prison.” Vince lifted his head and gazed at his upraised manhood with wonder in his eyes. It glistened with pussy juice, and his pubic hair was matted and soaked with his cum. “It’s been a rigid pole all day!”

Vincent turned his head and grinned at me. “There’s only one bright side to being held captive in this damned sex prison.” He exhaled and gazed up at the chains for the girls’ wrists dangling high above his cock, the open jaws of the cuffs waiting for another girl. “This is better than retiring to play golf with quarrelsome old men, listening to their medical complaints and their wrinkled, gossiping wives.” Vince looked back at me with an uncharacteristic, mischievous glint in his eyes. “Makes me wonder if I’d beg Big Dick keep me chained up in this prison—even if he offered to let me go.” His grin faded as the pain came back into his eyes. “If only the punishment didn’t hurt so horribly.”

“We’ll find a way to escape or shut down Big Dick and blow him to hell,” I replied. “I promise you, we’ll find a way. Hang in there, I’ll do everything I can to prevent him from continuing this madness.”

Vince grunted and glanced at me again with a cynical frown. “Like what, Steve? What can any of us puny humans do. His damn robots are too powerful.” Vince closed his eyes and swallowed the lump in his throat. “I have the feeling we’ll live out the rest of our lives like this, and so will everyone else. We’ll never be sophisticated human beings again, just Big Dick’s little naked toys locked up in his concrete toy boxes.”

I turned my head and stared vacantly at the wrist chains dangling from the ceiling above me, their open cuffs waiting impatiently for a female occupant. “I don’t know, yet, Vince. But he has to have a vulnerable site, an Achilles’ heel somewhere. We just have to find it.”

Before Vince could contradict me, two robots with their tethered women stopped in front of the cell door. They unlocked it and jerked the women inside; another panicky, blue eyed, redhead for Vince. The robot prodded her to make her climb onto Vince and hover her pussy above his cock as her wrists were imprisoned in the cuffs. She dipped her head and turned her blushing face to the wall, weeping silently. Soon her bent legs would begin trembling with fatigue, and her weight would slowly force her torso down as Vince’s cock invaded her pale crimson-muffed pussy.

Undoubtedly, the other; a bountifully-bodied, huge-breasted woman was for me. She carried extra pounds, but—
—how beautiful they were positioned on her warm, cushioned body. Her chest bore the number ‘F-0696’, but I recognized her as Rosa Ignazio, our restaurant’s sexy Italian cook. From her wink and covert smile I realized she was absolutely crazy about fucking, and was delighted to have a cuffed and helpless male for a sex partner, especially me, the director of the facility, now stretched out and defenseless against her voracious carnal appetites, my cock held prisoner for her predatory pussy.

She beamed with joy. “Hello, sir. Big dick has graciously given me permission to sexually service you.”

“You don’t have too, Rosa. He can’t...”

She gave me a look of smug triumph. “You don’t get it, do you, Sir—I
to fuck you—many, many times. My pussy can’t wait to feel your cock inside it. This was my idea! I begged him to let me fuck you and he said, ‘yes.’ That’s why the robot brought you here. This is my cell.”

“Get up on top of male M-0001,” the robot said to her.

“Gladly!” She squealed, and scrambled up, straddling my hips, grinning down at my apprehensive face. Oh-h-h-h,” She squealed again. “Oh, I hope this never ends!”

“Lift you arms above your head,” the robot said.

Rosa perched on my hips with a huge grin as she gleefully stretched up her arms, impatiently eager to have the robot lock her cheerfully surrendered wrists in the ceiling chain’s cuffs. After the robot secured Rosa’s wrists to the overhead chains, she actually nodded her thanks to him. It turned and left the cell, locking the door. I tilted my head back to watch it through the steel bars as it strode away. I kept hoping for rescue until I heard Rosa giggle.

She smiled down at my helpless body as she deliberately jerked her torso from side to side, making her luscious oversized breasts jiggle and bounce. With her arms stretched above her and chained, her twin charms swayed above me so vulnerable and unprotected. If my hands were free I would reach up and squeeze them until they were purple with my finger marks.

Rosa was obviously thrilled with the opportunity to fuck me as hard and as long as she desired, and no matter how long, or what her sexy imagination dreamed of doing to my body, even chained, she was in control of my cock. I couldn’t stop her.

I moaned silently, imagining what it would feel like to have her beautiful, bulky body continuously whomping down on my hips, hour after hour, frictioning my cock raw while she shrieked and squealed with orgasm after orgasm.

Rosa gleefully squirmed her hips as she shifted her legs, caressing my hips with the soft, warm nakedness of her thighs. She read the thoughts in my face and eyes. “I wish you could touch my breasts, Sir, and feel your teeth biting them. I want to feel your hands all over me, every inch of me.” Her voice cooed, “Oh, Dr. Trent, this is the happiest day of my life! You never noticed me watching you as you sat eating in the restaurant. How I have yearned for a night with you in your bed. Every second I watched you sitting there in front of me, I was stripping you naked with my eyes, wishing your cock was sliding back and forth inside my pussy. Now that we are both captives in this strange and wonderful sex prison, all of my naughty dreams about you will come true.”

Rosa flexed her knees and rose up, gyrating her pussy lips, and making her silky black pubic muff tickle my cock’s shivering head. She sucked in a quick breath, clenching her fists as the tingling sensation rocketed through her belly. My nose prickled with the spicy aroma of her moist secretions. With astonishing swiftness, my manhood sprang up in full, obedient erection.

Like a giant, wind-starved kite, Rosa lowered her torso, her already self-lubricated pussy slick-sliding down my manhood, greedily engulfing my cock. She blissfully settled her warm thighs on my hips. With a buoyant grin, she closed her eyes, tilted back her head and shook loose her long, glossy mane of black hair. I heard her exhale a blissful, quivering moan.

“Oh-h-h-h-h-h, that feels so good… just like it did in all my wet dreams!”

I reeled in a sensation of exquisite anguish, my defenseless body trapped under the weight of her torso, with my cock wrapped in the moist blanket of her hot pussy clenching my manhood. I groaned out loud against my will, unable to suppress the spinning lewd whirlpool sucking all the rational control out of my mind. My universe shrank down to only the quiver of my cock shimmering in her steamy lair, the caress of her buttocks on my hips, and the velvet embrace of her thighs. I was a prisoner of the surfing sighs of her breath, and her pussy’s powerful grip.

Rosa’s soft, dreamy voice purred in my ears. “Oh, Sir, I’m so glad to be here with you. I want to make you happy, Sir, so happy with me that you will forget our slavery and think only of the physical love we share with everyone.”

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