Build a Love (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (12 page)

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Authors: Suzy Shearer

Tags: #Siren-BookStrand, Inc.

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“Oh, okay. Well you should have a good time.”

“Hey, babe, you’re coming, too!”

“I am?”

“Of course. Each month the family gather at my parents’. We missed the last two because of work but I promised her we’ll be there this time and I told her we’re bringing our girlfriend.”

“Your girlfriend? As in both of you.”

“Yeah. Don’t worry she knows about us, me and Bryan. She loves him, too.”

Bryan grinned and looked at me.

“Harry, you’ll get on great with Marco’s dad. He teaches English lit at University.”

“Been peeking in my library, have you?”

My bookcase was filled with Brontë, Austin, Oscar Wilde, Chaucer, Shakespeare, Bram Stoker, Mary Shelley and Rider Haggard, and poets like Coleridge, Milton, and Keats.

There were plenty of modern novels as well. Sci-Fi and fantasy along with adventures and thrillers. I loved murder mysteries like Christie, Marsh, and Sayer. Obviously, Bryan had noticed them all. He seemed to notice everything.

He just hugged me and then gave me a kiss that had me reeling. I was so tempted to drag them into the bedroom, but I needed to get the studio back into working order.

“Come on, my love.” He could read me so well. “I know how tempting it is, but let Marco and I do this then we might just reward a lovely lady with a little playtime.”

I pouted. “Well don’t kiss me like that.”

The rest of the work was finished and finally I could find my table and couches again. I looked down at myself. I was dusty and the boys weren’t much better.

“I’m going for a shower. Won’t be long.”


* * * *


I looked at Bryan and he grinned. We gave Harry a few minutes to get undressed and in the shower, then we raced to see who could strip off the quickest and get into the shower first. I would never have believed we could fit three people in that tiny shower. All I can say is thank goodness the one we had at home was enormous.

Still, we managed to wriggle in with Harry between us.

“What on earth are you two doing?”

“Helping you wash.”

“Helping? I doubt we can move.”

“You just stand there, babe, and we’ll wash you.”

Somehow, we managed to move our arms. Bryan was washing Harry’s back and I had the hard task of washing her front. She kept laughing but I managed to stop her when I wriggled a hand between her legs. Her laughter stopped quickly and instead she was breathing heavily.

She leant her head back against Bryan’s chest. He started kissing her neck. There wasn’t enough room to do much, so I played with her tits while I tried to rub her clit. In the end, big strong Bryan picked her up and carried her into the bedroom. I followed with towels for us all. Bryan wrapped her in one, told her not to move as he rubbed her dry, then sat her on the bed. We both quickly dried ourselves.

I was standing beside Bryan. He looked at me. Man, that look was smouldering and I felt my cock stand at attention. He looked at it and grinned.

Pushing Harry down, he and I climbed onto the bed. I immediately started to suck her tits. I love them!

Bryan jumped up and disappeared, then came back with a condom and lube in his hand. He grabbed his dick and looked at me.

“This is going in you.”

Ha! Be still my heart.

Harry decided to help. She took hold of my cock and started to rub her hand up and down it. I gave her a kiss then went back to biting and sucking her tits. She was so good pulling and pushing at my cock, I was in danger of coming.

Meanwhile Bryan had stroked his a few times and now it was huge.

Harry grinned at him and took the condom off him and the lube as well. She tore open the pack with her teeth, then leant forward and licked his cock. Slowly she rolled the condom on him. She took some lube and rubbed it on her fingers.

With a kiss on my cock, she started to rub the lube up and down my arse crack. I was in fucking heaven!

Her fingers started rubbing around my ring. I wondered how far she would go. I soon discovered that Harry was going in. She pushed a finger into my arse. I groaned softly as she forced another in. I looked at Bryan. He was smiling down at the two of us. He pushed a finger into Harry’s cunt and she reacted by pushing another finger into my arse.

Bryan purred. “Fuck him with your fingers, Harry.”

So she did. Those fingers were going in and out of my arse. It was good.

“My turn.”

Bryan pulled me onto my knees and before I could react, he slammed his cock into my arse. Harry was grinning and I wanted to do something for her.

“Move up the bed, let me suck you off.”

She wriggled further until her gorgeous cunt was near my face. Her legs were spread and she held herself open, so I bent my head and licked her. God, she tasted like honey!

While Bryan was banging his cock as hard as he could, his fat balls slammed against me. I could hear him grunting as I was sucking and biting Harry. I shoved my tongue in as far as I could, then I licked her clit and sucked it. I managed to take my weight on one arm so I had a hand free. I pushed two fingers into that glorious cunt as I sucked and bit.

She was screaming in pleasure as I made her come. I didn’t stop. I was finger fucking her hard while Bryan was fucking me. Harry pushed a hand between us and grabbed my cock.

Man it was fucking amazing!

She jerked me off!

I came, Bryan came, and I lost count how many times Harry came. We ended up in a jumbled heap on the bed. Arms and legs everywhere. There was some heavy kissing going on. I have no idea who was kissing who.

It was at that moment that I knew.

I knew Harry was meant for us.

I knew I was in love with her.

I knew Bryan and I would do anything to make sure she stayed with us forever.

Chapter Eleven


I was so nervous. I had never met the parents of anyone I went out with before. I hoped I wouldn’t do anything stupid. I raced out before the boys arrived and bought a bunch of roses for Marco’s mum.

I was so edgy on the drive over. Marco was driving. He glanced over at me.

“You should give those flowers to Bryan to hold. You’re going to strangle them. Don’t worry, they’ll love you like we do.”

I handed the flowers to Bryan in the back seat and bit my lip instead. Then I realised what Marco had said. Maybe it was just a saying. No one had ever mentioned the “love” word before. Mind you, I knew I was in love with the pair of them. Oh well, time would tell if he had just said it innocently or not.

We pulled up at a large brick house set on a very big block. There were heaps of cars everywhere. We parked across the road.

“I thought you said this was a monthly get-together?”

“It is. I’ve told you plenty of times I’ve got a big family.”

I knew he did, but hadn’t expected something this large. Bryan must have guessed my thoughts as he said. “Relax, Harry, just enjoy it sweetheart.”

Bryan led the way, Marco had got sidetracked by something. We walked into an enormous crowded kitchen. It was filled with delicious aromas, lots of laughter, and lots of people. It was more than huge but there was something so welcoming and friendly about it.

I saw immediately why Marco wanted the painting. There were ropes of garlic hanging from hooks, bunches of herbs hanging and drying, and a huge wine rack in one corner. The background in the painting was similar to the kitchen’s. There was no doubt that the painting would be perfect. I had been worried it was too large but when I saw this kitchen I knew it would fit in.

“Bryan! Come, give your mama a kiss.”

A beautiful woman stepped up to him. She was about my height, full of life and laughter. She reminded me immediately of Lainie Kazan, she had that same
jois de vivre
. Bryan enveloped her in a bear hug and lifted her off the ground. She was laughing all the time as he kissed her soundly and put her down.

“Where’s that man of yours? He got lost already?”

Bryan moved aside and Mrs. Campione saw me.

“Mama this is Harriet, Harry.”

Before he had a chance to say anymore, I was wrapped in a warm motherly hug.

“Hello Mrs. Campione.”

“Rosa, you call me Rosa, Mrs. Campione is my mother-in-law.”


Marco came in, he had the flowers. Bryan had given them to me and I had immediately dropped them. Marco said they were safer with him.

There followed a fast-flowing conversation in Italian. I have no idea what was said but I did catch “Harry” once or twice. Rosa kept beaming at me.

What followed lost me completely. I was introduced to what felt like every member of the Italian community in the area. I was lost at the first name. Bryan looked at me in pity and took my hand.

“Marco, come and find

Rosa giggled. “He’s in the garden. Says the birds have been eating his olives. Not true, I took some to give to Aunty Ada. Just don’t tell your father, he reckons they’re not ripe yet.”

The boys led me outside. It was enormous. There was a large covered area with the largest table I have ever seen. There were more people out here. I was kissed and hugged by so many. Eventually we made our way past the table and into the yard proper.

One side was a large grassed area, older teenagers and a few adults were playing soccer and running about. The other side was a garden. Every imaginable vegetable and fruit was growing. It was amazing. I had often dreamed of planting a vegetable garden but never had. Seeing this, my mouth dropped.

Papà. Come stai?”

“Ciao Marco. Dove si trova Bryan?”

“Ciao Papà?”

“Ah Bryan. Come stai?”

“Bene grazie Papà

“You speak Italian, too?”

“Don’t worry sweetheart, you’ll be speaking it too soon. It kind of rubs off on you.”

Bryan gave my cheek a peck as a man came from amidst the garden. I could see immediately where Marco got his looks from. His father was about the same height, dark hair touched with grey. He had a gorgeous smile and was very attractive.

He engulfed Marco in a hug, then Bryan. He turned to me and Marco introduced us.

“Hello, Harry. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you. Please call me Salvatore.”

I looked at my two boys. Marco shrugged.

“Come, let’s sit. Marco, tell your mother the birds have definitely eaten lots of olives. Is she coming out here?”

, okay.”

He walked off. Salvatore took my arm in his and walked me to the table. Bryan tagged along behind. We sat, Salvatore at the head of the table, with Bryan on one side and me the other.

“Marco tells me you’re an artist.”

“Yes. I am.”

“One of those modern types?”

“No.” I laughed. “I’m strictly a traditionalist. I’m afraid I don’t really understand much modern art.”

Salvatore leant forward and whispered.

“Thank goodness. Neither can I. I like to recognise what I look at.”

“Harry shares your love of English literature,

“She does?”

The next half hour was spent discussing books. I soon found myself relaxing and enjoying the banter with Salvatore. Marco came back at one point and sat alongside Bryan.

“The meat’s ready!” A man who looked very similar to Marco and Salvatore called out. He had checked a large BBQ with a small pig on it.

“Excuse me, Harry. Time for us to eat.” He winked. “Sometimes I don’t have to cook”

What followed was a feast.

In no time at all, the table was groaning under platters of food. There was everything you could imagine. It seemed everyone pitched in and made something to share. Lots of fresh vegetables, salads, steaming platters of BBQ meat and pastas. Loaves of fresh homemade ciabatta bread, focaccia, and rosette rolls.

Rosa came and sat alongside her husband. Marco had moved to sit beside me. Bryan was sitting alongside Rosa. The rest of the family were spread along the table, with some filling their plates and sitting on the grass nearby.

It was noisy, it was loud, but it was the most wonderful meal I have had for many years. It was filled with lots of laughter and love.

By the time we had finished eating and the table cleared, four hours had passed. Marco had two sisters and a brother, the man who had been in charge of the BBQ. The sisters and a cousin made coffee for everyone. We sat, enjoyed the outdoor air and talked of “
shoes and ships and sealing wax, of cabbages and kings

I can’t recall a better time spent with a family.

At one point in the afternoon, some of the men decided to play soccer again. There seemed an awful lot of cheating going on but everyone seemed to enjoy it. Toward the end of the soccer game, there were raised voices from the other end of the table. A man and women were arguing in Italian. One was the brother of Marco. The woman yelled at him and he shoved her. I looked in horror as he continued to shout. I had no idea what they were saying, no one else seemed to be taking any attention.

I was worried. This was how it had started with Shitface. He would begin shouting and shoving then before you could escape, he would hit or try to strangle you.

My heart started racing. In the past three or so months since we had been together, I hadn’t even thought about him but suddenly it all surfaced.

Why wouldn’t someone stop him?

He would kill her if they didn’t.

“Harry! Harry, are you okay?”

I looked up, unseeing. Focusing, I saw Marco and Bryan looking down, their faces full of concern.

“He’s going to hurt her!” I hissed.


I pointed to the arguing couple.

“No. No, babe.” Marco grinned down at me. “That’s my brother and sister. They’re arguing about movies as usual. They’re twins. They carry on like that all the time whenever they get together. Just sounds worse in Italian. They’re fine, they love each other and would never hurt the other.”

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