Caging the Bengal Tiger (12 page)

Read Caging the Bengal Tiger Online

Authors: Trinity Blacio

Tags: #Paranormal, #Erotic Romance, #vampires, #menage, #shifters, #multiple partners, #threesome

BOOK: Caging the Bengal Tiger
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She shrugged and rolled off of him. "Never really thought about it. Haven't been around many people. I just hope I don't embarrass Dan." She looked over her shoulder at Anthony. "You've been around people, but most of us have had to hide. The only people we were comfortable around are our sisters. Living on the street, I'm afraid I've picked up some bad habits and don't trust much." Lacey got up and started heading to the bathroom, but Anthony stepped in front of her, frowning at her.

"One, I don't really think it's going to matter to them what you are like as long as you make their son happy, and you do make their son very happy. Second, honey, if they know about Maya and what she went through, I'm sure they will know what you went through. Don't be so hard on yourself." He bit the tip of her nose. "I'd hate to tan that hide before we leave." He reached around and squeezed her ass.

"That makes two of us," Isaac said from behind her.

She jumped and spun around, frowning at him. "I'm taking a shower." Lacey kept her mouth shut, dashing away from both of them, but ran smack into Dan before she got in the shower.

"Slow down, Lady Cat. Plus, if I'm not mistaken, it's my job to clean our woman and I take my job very seriously," he nuzzled her neck, placing her book on the table. "My old partner has your sister's information and the information on Maya's sisters. He'll enter all the information in the computer today and get back to us later on if there is a hit." He tilted her head back and stared into her eyes. "We're going to find her, I promise." He kissed her softly licking her lips before sliding his tongue inside.

Behind her, Isaac pressed in close to her. He was naked now. His cock brushed against her ass cheeks. "I need my morning pussy, Lady Cat," he mumbled around the skin of her neck.

Breaking the kiss, she pressed her head against Dan's chest. "I didn't like waking up alone, Isaac."

Anthony walked by, heading out. "I'm going to make a call to the house and tell them we'll be over later today. She's pissed because we left her alone. Maybe you need to tell her about Hong?" Anthony said, but it was the way he said it that drew her attention.

"Anthony, what's wrong?" She asked and reached out to him, but he ignored her and stormed out of the room.

"Isaac?" she turned to look at him and at once noticed something was different about him. She stepped to the side. "What's different about you? There is..." she sucked in her breath and grabbed onto the table as a dark power moved into her going from her toes to the top of her head.

"What is inside of me?" she whispered looking at Isaac.

"Relax, it's my friend Hong-Dainty. About 80 years ago we were thrown into a situation and he and I formed a bond. He's now joining with you. He's done so with everyone, but you." Isaac brushed his hand down the side of her cheek.

I will not hurt you, but I would like to know if you would allow my woman to bond with you so we could be together here on your world. For us to come to this world we must have a human to anchor us. Isaac is my anchor. When he needs me I can materialize adding extra protection and help searching for your females."
The entity said inside her

"Will this affect my body anyway? What if I want to have a child?" She looked at Isaac. "I could be pregnant now," she gasped and placed her hand on her stomach. "Okay, you guys are going to have to wear condoms. I'm not ready to have a child yet." Lacey pointed both at Dan and Isaac, but Isaac was shaking his head.

"We will not. If we create a life, it is meant to be," Isaac said crossing his arms over his chest.

Do not worry, if you were to get pregnant, my woman would protect you and your child, plus you child would also benefit he or she would be born with our child. We heal when you need it. We keep your body at its peak condition always."
The entity left her, almost making her feel cold now that it was gone.

"I need a shower," she turned and made her way into the bathroom.




She’s mad at you,"
Hong said before leaving him.

"Go to her Dan. Right now she needs you, not me." Isaac turned to leave, but Dan placed his hand on his shoulder, stopping him.

"No, she needs both of us. Come, there is plenty of room in the shower, but I get that sweet ass this time," Dan said pushing him toward the bathroom.

"You're becoming a little pushy," he smiled but made his way into the bathroom. The hot water was slowly steaming up the room, but what had him aching was the vision of Lacey standing there, her head down in between her arms as she leaned against the wall letting the water cascade down her body.

"Tell your friend I'll allow it, but you have to talk to Anthony. We don't need tension at Dan's parents’ house," she said, looking at him. But what actually looked at him was her cat.

"You're having trouble with your cat?" he stepped into the shower and took her into his arms as Dan grabbed the soap and started to wash her back.

"It's always like this before I come into heat. I'll need to take my glasses with me when we are out. Having you here will help. Each time we make love, the cat eases back some," she said sliding her arms and wrapping them around his neck. "I need you, both of you." She almost purred as she lifted her legs, wrapping them around him as she impaled herself on his cock, moaning.

"Yes, Dan where are you?" she asked, squirming in his arms.

"Hold still, Lady Cat," he reached back and opened her butt cheeks for Dan, their gazes meeting. His cock now covered with a condom and lubed up.

"I've been waiting years to sink into this fine ass," Dan groaned, slowly inching inside her. "Ours, always ours," Dan said looking at Isaac.

Reaching over, Isaac grabbed Dan around the neck and brought him closer, covering his mouth with his own. He tasted of coffee and mint. Her whimper broke them apart as they turned their attention on to the woman in their arms. "Always." Isaac mumbled leaning down to suck one of her nipples into his mouth.

Her scent was much stronger today. One of the reasons they had left her this morning was because they knew that in the next three days they would not get much done with her being in heat. They would need to stay in her room keeping her locked down and away from his men.

"You're not with us here," Lacey growled grabbing his head and biting his lip. "Move."

"Are you telling me what to do, Lady Cat?" he slapped the side of her thigh and started to pump in and out of her, syncing his movement's with Dan's. The feel of Dan's cock rubbing against his through the thin membrane had him gritting his teeth. He would never get enough of her.

"I'm not going to last long...she's squeezing me so tight and what is that smell? It's driving me crazy." Dan snarled right before he bit down on her neck, marking her.

"It's her, she's real close to her cycle," he said and followed Dan's example, biting down on the opposite side of her neck. The need to mark her was stronger than anything he had every felt.

"I'm coming!" she yelled, her nails digging into his shoulders as she tried to move, but they had her trapped between them.

"I love you, Lady Cat!" he yelled, coming. It seemed like he would never stop, but finally with one last pump, Isaac released his hold on her shoulder, kissing the mark he left. "If your scent is driving us this crazy now, I think we need to make sure no one is around when you go into your full cycle tomorrow."

She lowered her legs and kissed his chest. "I'm sorry. If I could stop it, I would. But think of all the fun we're going to have." She smiled up at him.

Kissing the back of her neck, Dan bent down, cleaning between her legs. "You're going to wear us out, Lady Cat. There you are all clean. Now out you go, we need to get going. My folks are making us an early dinner since we have to hit Anthony's clan’s home tonight before we come back here." He lifted her out of the tub into his waiting arms where he proceeded to dry her body.

"Dan did something else happen last night with Jester?" Isaac asked, worried about Anthony. He knew he was a little upset about Hong-Danty, but this was something bigger the way he slammed out of here and ignoring their woman.

Drying Lacey off, Dan frowned. "Jester was shouting something about a man named Kraig Callistro taking control and not him. He was saying something about the females leaving the house."

"Seems like there might be more trouble than we believed. I've heard of this man," Lacey moved out of the bathroom and headed towards her walk in closet. "If I'm not mistaken, he was also in charge of the two houses for the woman that had been attacked. He wasn't popular, that is for sure." She held up a red dress and picked up a blue one.

"That one. It matches your eyes, and no panties," Isaac said behind her. "What did he do to the woman? Are we going to have a problem with him?"

She shook her head. "I don't know everything. The girls left the houses and Turtle was putting them up in one of his places. Even though he was a prick and traitor, he did take care of the woman." She said, slipping on the dress and her shoes.

"The guy was gross and a drug dealer. Hell, he even sold drugs to our kind. Every time Lacey got close to that man, I wanted to throw her over my shoulder and bring her back here." Dan growled and slapped her ass when she walked by him.

"Hey, Turtle was a piece of cake, but I don't like the idea of him being around the sisters here. Maybe we should see if Anthony can leave him at the house," she said, opening the door to head out.

He wrapped his arm around her waist and brought her back to his side. "I'll personally check this man out so you don't have to worry, but I don't know if I want you around him." He kissed the top of her head as they made their way into the kitchen to see Anthony pacing back and forth on the phone. He pointed to the table, loaded with food.

Pulling out a chair, Lacey sat down and started to pile up her plate. "I'm going to get so fat with all of this," she laughed/moaned, taking a bite of sausage.

"Never, you work off too much shifting, plus you are like us now. You will always be at your prime weight now. The only time you will change is when you carry our children." Isaac said, sitting down next to her. "Who was on the phone, Anthony?" he asked, picking up some links himself.

"Kraig. He wants us to come tomorrow, not tonight. Something about my quarters not being ready. I told him that we wouldn't be staying, but we would be there." Anthony sat across from him, not eating.

"Eat, and tell me if we are going to have a problem with this man. Lacey doesn't want him around the women here." Isaac took a bite and had to agree with Lacey, the homemade links were amazing. She looked up and smiled, knowing what he was thinking.

"I told you these were amazing." She smiled.

"Why don't you want Kraig around here? He is one of the best men I have." Anthony reached over and took a link eating it.

"I haven't heard all the stories, but you know part of what went on at the one house downtown." Anthony nodded his head.

"Yes, and I had the people responsible taken care of," Anthony told them, but Lacey was shaking her head.

"Not from what we know. Kraig knew about the house and the complaints but did nothing to protect the woman there. The women use to say the only thing he was interested in was becoming your second in command, but that job was filled and he resented it. You know I think I met him once at the house, but he didn't say much to us. He was talking with Norma. I think that was her name."

"Norma was our representative to the other houses, so she would have to speak with him about assignments and such," Anthony took a piece of toast. "I really don't think he'll be a problem, but we'll be able to tell more tonight. I'm more worried about the house of Blair. It seems they have been spotted around town."

"Who is this house of Blair? I haven't heard of this house." Isaac finished his last bite and sat back waiting for the others to finish so they could leave.

"They are a new house. Very young and they want more land. I've had a run-in with their leader a few times. The young punk just does not understand rules or respect the elders. Sorry." He smiled. It was the first time he'd seen him smile today.

Isaac shrugged. "It does not bother me. I've earned that title and I'm proud of it, but all of this will have to be dealt with. I just don't like it happening now when we have bigger threats among us. Maybe it’s time we joined the houses for now until these threats are taken care of. I'll have to speak with the others, but we need to get going if we are going to spend some time with your folks, Dan. I have a truck meeting us at your apartment in half an hour."

He stood and stretched. "Once again, the food was great Anthony. Thank you." He walked around the table and put his arm around Anthony's neck. "I'm sorry you were angry at me about Hong-Danty. He really is no threat.”


Chapter Eleven


In the backseat of the limo, Lacey stared out the window smiling and watching the buildings pass, but not really seeing them. They had packed and cleaned Dan's apartment, but that wasn't the only thing they had done there. She glanced at Dan who sat next to her with his legs out in front him.

"Keep staring at me like that and I'll take you right here and we're almost at my folks’ house," he grumbled, leaning over to kiss the side of her neck.

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