Clutched (Wild Riders) (19 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Lee

BOOK: Clutched (Wild Riders)
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“Thanks for the ride,” I told Georgia as I opened the back door.

“No problem,” she said. “If you're still in town tomorrow you should meet us over at Vera's.” She paused when I gave her a confused look. “It's a little bar on the town square,” she pointed down the street.

“I thought you were flying to some island in the Florida Keys,” I said. I'd heard her and Nora talking about what bikinis they were taking with them to the beach.

“We are, but we don't leave until Sunday. Vera's is the pre-vacation party.” She laughed. “Not that everyone is going to be up for another night of partying.” She poked Brett with her finger and he mumbled something as he turned away and rested his cheek on the window.

I was a little jealous that Georgia, Brett and Hoyt were joining Nora and Reid on their honeymoon. They hadn't been kidding when they said they were non-traditional. I was headed back to Texas to Mill Valley for two weeks of Hoyt-less training. A while back I would have thought that sounded like a fantastic two weeks. No nagging. No watching films. No having him point out everything I was doing wrong. In light of recent events, I'd had a major change of heart. His coaching style had actually made me better. Once I understood him—knew him—I got it. Add in that whole falling in love with him part and I was already counting down the days. Two weeks without him seemed like an eternity now.

“He just needs a can of Throttled Energy and he'll be raring to go,” I said with a big sarcastic smile as I climbed out of the car. See? I could promote the brand. “I'll see if I can make it to Vera's” I told her, knowing full well that if Hoyt Travers was going to be in that bar tomorrow night that's exactly where I'd be.

* * *

era's was exactly what I'd pictured a bar in a small town to look like. Wood paneled walls, checkerboard tile floors, an old hand carved wooden bar that stretched the length of the long narrow room. A handful of tables were scattered in the center of the floor and booths hugged the far wall. A square dance floor was in front of a step-up stage where I was sure local bands kept the crowds dancing on most weekends. Tonight it was still quiet. It was only six o'clock. I hoped that by the time the band was up and playing, Hoyt and I were discussing how we were going to be able to work out the whole “just once” thing he'd been so adamant about.

I'd tried to convince myself that it was the best option. I tried during. I'd tried after. I just couldn't. I didn't want just one time with him. I would have taken one look at a girl in my position and thought she was being that clingy, whiny girl. The girl that I'd shook my head at. But this was different. I wasn't clingy or needy. I was being rational and a realist. The way we'd felt in that room together was worth the risk. He was worth the risk.

“Hey there,” I said when I found him sitting with his brother and Nora in a far back booth.

“Hi,” he said barely looking over at me. He scooted over so I could sit, but I could tell he was not thrilled to see me.

“I hope you don't mind that I'm here,” I told them all. “Georgia invited me.”

“Of course not,” Nora assured her.

“The more the merrier,” Reid said as the waitress sat a huge plate of nachos down on the table. His eyes were wide as he reached out for a chip.

“You don't mind, do you?” I turned and said to Hoyt who was sitting beside me. I wanted to inch over on that old vinyl and press my body against his. But I could see that he'd already convinced himself that
were a bad idea. He leaned away from me and placed his elbow on the table before resting his head on his hand.

“I don't mind,” he said calmly. He stretched his other arm out over the back of the booth. “Staying at Mill Valley over break?” he asked. “I could email you an updated workout. Plus, Robert and Marjorie will be around if you wanted to ride.”

I stared at him for a minute, wondering—hoping—that he was joking.

“I really want you to focus on keeping loose,” he continued. “You're looking really good out there. Don't let the time off get in your head.”

“I won't,” I said. The only thing that was getting in my head was the fact that Hoyt seemed to be the exact same guy he was before we'd slept together. How? I hadn't been able to stop thinking about him since last night. Since I'd felt the incredible sensations he'd provided with his mouth and body.

As I sat there trying to figure out exactly what he was doing, Brett and Georgia arrived.

“Mr. and Mrs. Bennett,” Brett greeted Nora and Reid. He was really good at knowing exactly what would press his buddy's buttons.

“I'm a Travers now,” Nora said. “I suggested him taking my last name, but you know how proud he is.” She laughed as Reid squeezed his arm around her.

“You love having my last name,” Reid told her. “I seem to recall you doodling Nora Travers on your notebook back in high school,” he reminded.

“True.” She nuzzled into the crook under his arm and smiled as she nodded.

“How was your first night of wedded bliss?” Georgia asked.

“Ask sleepy head over here,” Reid said.

“Oh please,” Nora said. “You were just as tired as I was.” She explained exactly what their first night as husband and wife was like. “We both fell asleep on top of the covers. Didn't even take our clothes off.”

“Until this morning,” Reid said waggling his eyebrows. Everyone shared a laugh and Brett and Hoyt roused Reid about not being able to get the job done the night before. I wanted to laugh and join in the fun, but all I could think about was the way Hoyt was just acting like I was
his riding student.

I sat there watching the two happy couples—jealous that they were able to show how they felt about each other in public—and remembered what I'd accidentally found in the trashcan the day before. One of them was pregnant. I wondered if the father knew. Brett and Reid were both sitting there laughing and carrying on like they didn't have a care in the world. Georgia and Nora weren't giving off any clues. Neither of them were drinking, which didn't narrow it down and both of them were always
. It must have been a Bennett trait—flawless skin and a zest for life. Great. Now I was jealous of that too.

I looked over at Hoyt who was still doing his best to act like I wasn't sitting next to him. Images of him chasing a little one around on a dirt bike raced through my mind.

Holy shit.

The last thing on my to-do list was to be a mom. I could barely take care of myself. Not to mention, the hypothetical father didn't seem to want anything to do with me, but that didn't stop me from picturing him and a tiny combination of both me and him playing on the track. A big proud grin spread across his face as he chased after the tot on two wheels. I knew exactly what kind of dad he'd be. Firm but fair. Attentive and present. Caring and considerate. Everything my father was not. Not that it would matter. The odds of Hoyt and I having a perfect little family were slim to none based on today's events.

“What the fuck is he doing here?” Brett said, after he and Georgia had pulled up two chairs to the end of our booth. All of us looked in the direction Brett was glaring. A seemingly attractive guy with light brown hair and a crooked smile was walking through the door.

“I'm sure he's just here to wish us well,” Nora said.

“Probably has a wedding gift,” Reid added with a sarcastic smirk. I noticed that Brett's chest was a little more puffed out than normal as he watched the mystery guy walk over to the bar and sit down next to some guys he apparently knew. They exchanged handshakes and pleasantries before I saw them all sneak a glance in our direction.

“Who is that?” I asked.

“That's the ass hat responsible for my knee replacement,” Brett said. Dots were starting to connect.

“Beau Gregurich,” Hoyt said. The rest of the table shook their heads and let out sighs of frustration as if it was Voldemort.

“I wish there was some way to make him disappear,” Georgia said. “He ruins all of our fun. We're leaving for the Keys tomorrow, we shouldn't be stressing about his dumb ass again.”

I recalled the day that Hoyt had found out about Brett's accident. After all that had happened between us it seemed like forever ago. Beau had an ax to grind with Reid—the catalyst was currently tucked up under Reid's arm—and tried to sabotage his bike. It wasn't Reid that rode the dirt bike the next day though. It was Brett. Faulty fuel lines and whatever else he did to the machine caused Brett to crash and wreck his knee.

“Why isn't he in jail?” I asked. You would think almost killing someone would land you in prison, not on a bar stool.

“Can't prove it was him,” Reid said through clenched teeth. “He was just smart enough to cover his tracks.”

“Unfortunately,” Brett added. The two guys looked back over at their nemesis and I could see the tension in both of their shoulders.

“It's a suck ass situation all the way around,” Hoyt said. While he wasn't as visible roused by Beau's appearance, I could see the little crease that formed between his eyes when he was trying to think through a problem. I could only imagine the scenarios he'd run through that pretty little head of his trying to figure out how to make Beau pay for his crimes.

“Let's get out of here,” Brett suggested. “If I have to look at him for much longer I'm going to do something I'll regret,” he huffed. “I just know it.”

“We could walk down to the diner,” Reid suggested. “Give him a firm warning not to follow us.”

“Good idea,” Nora said. “He is not going to ruin our honeymoon.”

Reid pressed his lips to Nora's forehead before they slid out of the booth.

“I'll get the tab,” Hoyt said. “You guys go on.”

Brett and Georgia stood and followed Reid and Nora out of Vera's. The looks of pure disdain that passed between the four of them and Beau was warning enough. Brett even turned and backed out of the door with one last parting glare.

“I think he got the message,” I told Hoyt as I waited with him. I could have followed the others, but I wanted to talk to him. Alone.

“I think so,” Hoyt agreed pulling his wallet out. “So what time is your flight tomorrow?”

“Ready for me to go?” I said, feeling his words slice through me. “Am I so bad to be around?”

“No,” he replied and took a long drink of his beer. “I was just asking a question. I figured if it was early you'd be ready to call it a night. Did Nick arrange for a car to drive you to the airport?”

“Wow,” I said softly as shook my head. He really wanted to get rid of me. “You're unbelievable.”

“Why?” he asked. “Because I want to make sure you make it back to Texas?”

“How do you do it?” I asked. “Just shut it all off after what happened? Please, tell me your secret.”

“I'm not shutting anything off,” he replied. “I'm doing exactly what we said we would do. We got it out of the way and now we have to get back to normal.”

“That easy, huh?”

“It has to be,” he said as he handed the waitress his credit card. She told him she'd be right back and he continued to look at me like I was nothing but an acquaintance. He'd kissed me, he'd touched me, he'd been inside of me, yet he was sitting here as if we'd just met. His words were void of emotion and his stare was as vacant as I'd seen it. A shiver ran down my spine and I tugged the shoulder of my shirt up to fight the chill. It wasn't in the air. It was coming straight off of Hoyt, like an icy reminder that we were finished.

Maybe I didn’t know him so well after all. This was the coldest I’d ever seen him.

“Guess you’re right.” I was stupid for hoping that what had happened meant as much to him as it did to me. Stupid for letting one night of sex turn me into the kind of girl that wanted to be in a relationship. My heart felt like it had been stabbed with a shard of ice and the guy holding the dagger could have cared less, but I wouldn’t cry from the pain or let him see me breaking. No. I wasn't that kind of girl. I was used to figuring things out on my own. I took in a breath and let my aggravation with him formulate a plan. “Guess I'll you see on the track,” I said as stood up. “

“Where are you going?”

“Why does it matter?” I said. “Just letting things get back to normal.” I shrugged and turned away from him. He wanted to pretend like he'd gotten his feelings for me
out of the way
. Like he could just be done with me that easily. Liar. I knew what happened was more than just sex. I'd felt it. He'd felt it. I'd show him exactly what feelings he had. There were plenty of ways to show him. I wasn't easily forgotten and I was definitely not a one-time thing.

Chapter 23 – Hoyt

watched her walk away from the table and wanted to chase after her. I wanted to stop her and tell her how I really felt. I wanted to tell her that what had happened last night had only made me want her more. I was desperate for her, but I put on my best game face.

It couldn't happen again.
Over and over I reminded myself that we'd agreed to one time. I shouldn't have come out tonight. I should have stayed tucked away and far from her. As soon as she walked through the door of Vera's I knew that I'd have to act as if I was moving on. Moving forward. Moving back to our regularly scheduled programming. The time away from her was going to give me plenty of time to get my feelings sorted out and hopefully forget about the way I felt about her. And then there she was sitting down beside me, smelling like wildflowers and temptation, smiling sweetly as she carried on a conversation with my family and friends. Just like she fit right in. Like she belonged in that very seat.

I had to lean away from her to stop myself from wrapping my arm around her shoulders or place my hand on her thigh like I had any right to do so. I had to act as if she wasn't affecting me one way or the other. When the wide necked shirt she was wearing fell to one side and bared her shoulder to me, I was tempted to sink my teeth into her skin right there. I knew how sweet her skin tasted on my tongue. Hell, I knew a lot things about her, including the way she moaned and cried out from pleasure, but that didn't mean anything anymore. All it was was an aggravating reminder of why we should stay away from each other as much as possible. Dirt tracks were the only safe place. Sexy as she was in all her gear, the way she pulled off a pair of tight jeans and a sweater—not to mention that dress from the wedding—were going to drive me completely out of my mind with want.

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