Clutched (Wild Riders) (26 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Lee

BOOK: Clutched (Wild Riders)
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“I want more,” I said, needing to feel all of him. He pushed into me to the hilt and I felt the walls of my pussy pulse in delight. Slowly, he pulled back until he was almost free before thrusting back in. I met his actions by pushing back and meeting him thrust for thrust until I felt my limbs threaten to give out.

“I'm close,” he said. He held onto my shoulder while the other hand bit into my hip. “So close.”

I couldn't find the words to speak as my body shattered around him. He was close, but I was already there. I cried out his name and I felt him spill inside of me as he pulled my body close to his. I felt limp in his arms as he backed us under the water and I let it all wash over me.

* * *

e seemed better after our shower. The worried look he'd worn into the room seemed to have vanished. Instead, he was directing all of his attention on me. I knew he was hiding his anxiety—forcing me to ignore it with kisses and the sweet way he was fawning over me. After I'd soaked up most of the water from my hair, he wrapped a towel around me and walked me to the bed before tucking me under the covers. He crawled in next to me covering our bodies with the soft white sheet.

“How bad do you think this is going to be?” I asked, unable to keep my anxiety at bay.

“Depends, I guess,” he said, looking up at the ceiling. “I'll probably get fired,” he continued. “Whether or not your father presses charges is another story.”

“He won't,” I said. “He doesn't like the law. He'll probably just ask for a payout from Throttled.”

“I'll probably be on the hook for that too.” He sighed. After a moment he rolled over and looked at me. “I don't regret hitting him,” he said. “What he was saying to you wasn't true. You earned your place.”

“I know.”

“Even if he outs us to Nick, I'll make sure you keep your spot,” he assured me. “I'm not letting you go down for my mistake.”

“That's sweet, but I don't need them,” I told him as I reached up and placed my hand on his cheek. “I just want you.”

“I'm not going anywhere,” he promised. He turned his face to press his lips to the palm of my hand. “I might lose my job as your coach, but I'll be in your life.” He rolled over on top of me and I let my legs fall open to accommodate him. “I'll be glad when this is out in the open,” he said. “We don't have to hide anything anymore.”

“I know, but I wish that it was on our terms, you know?”

“Me too, but we might as well make the best of this.” He pressed his lips to mine. “I might not have a job with Throttled come tomorrow, but I'll find work. I can always work as a private coach or maybe get picked up by some other company.”

“I'm sure you will.” I believed what he was saying, but I could see the tiny spark of sadness in his eyes. I knew how much he liked working for Throttled. He loved working with his brother and Brett. I'd screwed this up for him. I shouldn't have pushed him. I should have left well enough alone. If I hadn't pressured him into acting on his feelings all those nights ago, he wouldn't have kissed me and we wouldn't be in this situation. I knew that I was tempting fate and I'd done it anyway in typical Chayse McCade fashion. “Hoyt... I love you,” I told him, completely aware of the decisions that I was going to have be making in the next few days.

“I love you, too, Chayse. Very much,” he replied. It was the first time that we'd actually said the words to one another and I should have been elated. Instead, I was overcome with sadness. I pulled his face to mine and captured his mouth instantly, hoping to keep him from seeing the tears I knew were going to fall. It might have been the first time that we'd said I love you, but it just as well may have been the last. I knew what I needed to do and after tomorrow he might not be in love with me anymore.

Chapter 31 – Hoyt

he next day, we went back to Mill Valley figuring that the wrath of Nick Pilsner was about to be unleashed on us. I dropped Chayse off at her trailer and unloaded the bike trailer. Link was moving bikes off of his trailer and into the shed when I'd pulled up.

“Thanks for helping out last night,” I told him. He might not have stopped me from hitting Rick, but he'd gotten me out of there before I went in for round number two.

“No problem,” he said. “I don't think you'll be having any more issues with him,” he added giving me a smile.

“I don't know about that,” I said, forcing a chuckle. “I mean, I hit him pretty hard, but he's like a cockroach.”

“Yeah well, even cockroaches can be persuaded,” he said cryptically. I looked at him with a raised brow. “I might have had a few words with him after you left,” he said. “Made him an offer he couldn't refuse.”

“What are you talking about?” I was seriously confused. “What kind of an offer?”

“For starters, I offered not to finish the job you started,” he smirked. “Then, I told him that if he so much as opened his mouth about you and his daughter I'd make sure that you knocking him out wasn't the worst thing that happened to him.”

“And he believed you?”

“I had to pay him five grand, too, but yeah... I think you're good.” He shrugged as if it was no big deal. “Me and a couple of the other guys also went around and made sure the video footage was deleted. We promised a few of the fans they could come out to Mill Valley to hang out with us and Chayse to keep them quiet.”

“Why would you do that?” As nice as it was that Link was willing to put himself and his money out there I still didn't fully understand his motives. “I'll pay you back the money,” I said, but he waved off my offer. I knew that Link came from money, but I always paid back a debt. Especially when it was a debt to cover my ass.

“I'd be happy if you just considered it a down payment on coaching me next season,” he suggested.

“Done,” I replied without hesitation. The least I could do was help him out.

“The way I figure, Chayse is my friend and teammate,” he explained. “I'd do anything for her.” He paused. “And, you, well... you might not think much of me, but I think you're a great coach and a pretty standup guy. Love affair with your riding student aside,” he joked.

“Thanks,” I said. “Wait... are you saying you knew about me and Chayse?”

“It's kind of hard not to see,” he said. “I knew there had to be a reason you got so upset that night at the bar,” he laughed, “and then there was the whole hiding in the gym closet thing.”

My jaw fell open.

“Maybe don't leave a trail of clothes on your way next time,” he teased. All this time Link had been on to us. He hadn't said a word about until now. Hell, he'd even gotten Nick out of the gym that day. All this time I was thinking the worst of him. He was the standup guy, not me.

“I appreciate your help in all this,” I said, reaching my hand out. He shook it. “I was wrong about you,” I confessed. “I shouldn't have ever assumed that you weren't a decent guy.”

“I get it,” he said. “I know I don't have the best reputation, but I really am trying to do this thing with Throttled right.”

“I can see that.”

“You shouldn't feel bad about punching her father. He deserved it.”

“He really did.” I felt myself smile.

“And you definitely shouldn't feel bad about falling in love with her,” he added. “She's a pretty great girl.”

I nodded, not sure what else I could possibly say to thank him for stepping up for us. With Rick out of the picture and no evidence of me hitting him, Chayse and I didn't need to worry about him telling on us. We could get back to our original plan of sticking this out until the end of contract. Then we could start our lives together.

“Thanks again, Link,” I told him as I was leaving. I needed to go tell Chayse the good news.

Chapter 32 – Chayse

was sure that Hoyt was circling Mill Valley looking for me. I was supposed to be on the track that morning, but instead I'd hopped in my truck and made the short drive over to Throttled HQ. My stomach was a twisted knot of dread as I walked into the building. There was no way I was letting Hoyt be on the hook for the mess we were in. I wanted to talk to Nick. I wanted to tell him the real reason that Hoyt attacked my father. It was my fault. All of it. But hey... at least I was being responsible, right? Holding myself accountable and all that. Hoyt had taught me about more than just form and speed. He'd made me want to be grown up and do what was right. Right was not letting someone who lived and breathed motocross have his reputation ran through the mud because I pressured him into acting on his feelings for me.

“Is Nick in?” I asked the receptionist who was sitting behind the metal and wood desk that sat in the front part of the office. I'd never ventured over to HQ before. If circumstances were different, I know I would have enjoyed the industrial charm of it all. The concrete floors. The combinations of glass, metal, and wood that could be seen throughout. The soft lighting that was welcoming and not at all intimidating coming from the overhead fixtures complete with Edison-style bulbs. It was fantastic. Probably the last time I'd ever be here, so I decided I'd better take it all in.

“He is,” she said. “Can I tell him who is here to see him?”

“Chayse McCade,” I said, pointing at the framed poster of me on the wall across the lobby.

“Omigod,” she said. “I'm so sorry. I didn't recognize you.”

“It's okay,” I told her, a slight smile curling my lips. “I guess I should have worn my helmet.”

She chuckled as she picked up the telephone and called Nick's office. After she told him that I was there to see him, she nodded toward the door to her left. “I'll send her right in.” She hung up. “Go on back, Ms. McCade.”

“Thank you.” I took in a deep breath as I made the short walk to his office. I thought I knew exactly what I was going to say to him, but the second I saw him sitting behind his desk—arms crossed over his chest—I felt like I was going to vomit.

“To what do I owe this pleasure?” he asked as I closed the office door behind me. There were going to be some serious revelations on my part and I didn't want the entire staff at Throttled knowing my business.

“I need to talk to you about Hoyt,” I said, taking a seat in one of the leather chairs that sat in front of his desk. “I need to tell—”

“I'm quite sure I already know,” he said smugly. “It wasn't much of a surprise considering that the two of you have been making googly eyes at each other since day one.”

He knew?

I knew that he'd been curious about our relationship, but I didn't think that he knew for a fact. Perhaps it was my reaction in the video. I'm sure the look of concern on my face when Hoyt punched my father was a giveaway that I was far more invested than I'd let on. Or maybe someone filmed me getting into Hoyt's truck afterward. Either way, I was there to come clean and save whatever I could of Hoyt's reputation.

“I'm not going to apologize for my feelings, Nick,” I said flatly. “It wasn't like I planned on any of this.” I paused as he sat there shaking his head. “I just want to take accountability for the situation. Hoyt shouldn't be punished. He's an asset to the team.”

“Both of you are in violation of your contract,” he reminded. “We can't very well keep one of you and not the other. What kind of precedent would that set for the other employees and riders?”

“I was the one that pursued the relationship,” I told him. “It wasn't Hoyt.”

“Oh, I think he knew exactly what he was doing,” he said, his eyes meandered down from mine and I suddenly felt a little creeped out. “I can't say that I blame him.” He grinned. “You're a beautiful girl.” Okay... a lot creeped out.

“I'm not here to discuss the details,” I said trying to steer the subject and his eyes back to where they belonged. “I'm here to formally terminate my relationship with Throttled. I just want to give the company and Hoyt a chance to move forward. With me gone there shouldn't be any more disruptions like last night.”

“Last night?” he said curiously.

“What happened with my father was uncalled for and I think it's best if I just leave quietly. I can sit the rest of the season out if that what it takes to just make this whole thing go away.”

He stood slowly and walked around to where I was seated. He took the chair next to me and turned it to face me before sitting down.

“I'm sure that I can make this whole thing go away quietly,” he said, reaching out and placing his hand on my thigh. “Whatever has happened between you and Travers can be as good as forgotten.” He smoothed his hand up my leg and my breathing ceased. My skin threatened to crawl right off my body as he suggestively looked at me. “I mean, I'm not going to turn you in for an inappropriate work relationship if I can get in on the action.” He smirked. “Hell I don't even care if there are pictures of the two of you on vacation together kissing on the beach. I can forget the whole thing.”

“Pictures of us on the beach?” I asked, standing up as quickly as the question flew off my lips. The fact that he'd put his hand on me had me twitching to respond with a giant “hell no!” to his suggestive behavior, but that would have to wait. “What are you talking about?”

“Don't act so surprised,” he said. “We live in a world where everyone has a camera in their hand at all times. Did you really think your little vacation together wouldn't be documented? I'm not in the dark, Chayse. I have Instagram.”

I mean, I didn't, but someone had snapped a pic of us on vacation? How did I not know this?

Clearly he hadn't seen the video of Hoyt punching my father yet. And clearly, I'd jumped the gun coming in here and trying to save face.

“I wasn't even going to say anything until you came in here today. But like I said... I'm willing to look the other way if you are.”

“I'd rather crashland in a vat of acid.”

“Your call,” he replied. “I'll send a team to Mill Valley to pick up your equipment tomorrow.” He stood calmly and walked back to his seat behind his desk. “You'll need to be out of there before noon. We’re not paying them for your hook up any longer than necessary.”

“What about Hoyt?” I knew that I was going to be gone, but I wanted to make sure that Hoyt wasn't.

“Well now that you've confirmed the fact that you’re fucking him there isn't much I can do,” he said as he sat down. “You might as well take him with you on your way out.”

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