Confess: A Novel (34 page)

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Authors: Colleen Hoover

BOOK: Confess: A Novel
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I’ll love you forever. Even when I can’t.


First and foremost, a huge thank-you to Danny O’Connor for contributing the artwork for
. After searching high and low for art I felt could represent Owen, your work stood out above the rest. You have an incredible talent, and your fans (myself included) are lucky to be able to experience it.

As always, a huge thank-you to Johanna Castillo, Ariele Fredman, Judith Curr, Kaitlyn Zafonte, and the entire Atria Books team.

To my agent, Jane Dystel, and the entire Dystel and Goderich team.

To the Weblichs, for always making sure I’m stocked with pictures of Harry, cans of Diet Pepsi, and lots of positive energy. To the CoHorts, for giving me daily reminders as to why I do this in the first place. And to my biggest supporters, who are subjected to ten different versions of every chapter, but never complain: Kay Miles, Kathryn Perez, Chelle Northcutt, Madison Seidler, Karen Lawson, Marion Archer, Jennifer Stiltner, Kristin Phillips-Delcambre, Salie-Benbow Powers, Maryse, and so many others.

To Murphy for being the best AsSISTERnt out there. To Stephanie, for being there from the beginning, as a boss and a best friend. To my mother, sister, husband, children, and everyone else who supports me endlessly and never complains.

To everyone who takes a chance and picks up one of my books, thank you for the opportunity to live my dream.

And of course, a huge thank-you to two of the people I am grateful this career brought into my life: Tarryn Fisher and Vilma Gonzalez. You guys have been my rocks this year.


is the #1
New York Times
bestselling author of
Slammed, Point of Retreat, This Girl, Hopeless, Losing Hope, Finding Cinderella, Maybe Someday, Ugly Love,
Maybe Not.
She lives in Texas with her husband and their three boys. Please visit




Point of Retreat

This Girl


Losing Hope

Finding Cinderella

Maybe Someday

Ugly Love

Maybe Not

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This book is a work of fiction. Any references to historical events, real people, or real places are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places, and events are products of the author’s imagination, and any resemblance to actual events or places or persons living or dead is entirely coincidental.

Copyright © 2015 by Colleen Hoover

Artwork created by Danny O’ Connor (aka DOC)

All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever. For information, address Atria Books Subsidiary Rights Department, 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020.

First Atria Paperback edition March 2015

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Interior design by Kyoko Watanabe

Cover Design by Laywan Kwan

Cover Photograph of Woman by Stocksy United Photography

The Library of Congress has catalogued this book as follows:

Hoover, Colleen.

 Confess / by Colleen Hoover. — First Atria paperback edition.

  pages ; cm


 I. Title.

 PS3608.O623C66 2015



ISBN 978-1-4767-9145-6

ISBN 978-1-4767-9146-3 (ebook)


Part One

Prologue: Auburn

Chapter One: Auburn

Chapter Two: Owen

Chapter Three: Auburn

Chapter Four: Owen

Chapter Five: Auburn

Chapter Six: Owen

Chapter Seven: Auburn

Chapter Eight: Owen

Chapter Nine: Auburn

Chapter Ten: Owen

Chapter Eleven: Auburn

Chapter Twelve: Owen

Chapter Thirteen: Auburn

Chapter Fourteen: Owen

Part Two

Chapter Fifteen: Auburn

Chapter Sixteen: Owen

Chapter Seventeen: Auburn

Chapter Eighteen: Owen

Chapter Nineteen: Auburn

Chapter Twenty: Owen

Chapter Twenty-One: Auburn

Chapter Twenty-Two: Owen

Chapter Twenty-Three: Auburn

Chapter Twenty-Four: Owen

Five Years Earlier: Owen



About Colleen Hoover

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