Crime & Punishment 3: Theirs to Share (22 page)

Read Crime & Punishment 3: Theirs to Share Online

Authors: Trista Ann Michaels

Tags: #Contemporary; Menage; Paranormal; Suspense

BOOK: Crime & Punishment 3: Theirs to Share
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Right as she was about to explode, Parker removed his cock and snarled down at her, “Don’t you dare, Doc. Not yet!”

Cheyenne swallowed and tried to take several short, shallow breaths to keep her release at bay. She wanted to please them, but she also wanted them to please her. Her fingers dug into the cushion as her body slowly relaxed.

“Where’s the damn lube?” Parker asked.

Grayson handed him a long tube. Parker set it aside and rose to his feet. She stared up at him in confusion. Were they going to leave her here like this?

“Sit up, sweetheart, and get on all fours,” Parker ordered.

Cheyenne frowned but did as he asked.

Grayson climbed onto the chair and slid his body under hers. Understanding dawned and Cheyenne smiled in excitement as she positioned herself over Grayson’s cock.

“Not yet, baby,” he whispered.

Behind her, she felt Parker spread something cold around the opening of her anus. He inserted one finger, then another, moving them in and out to stretch her. She stiffened and glanced over her shoulder. “Parker?” she asked.

“Do you think you can take me in the ass, Cheyenne?” Parker asked.

She shivered, shocked that the idea of it made her pussy clench. She gave a nod and watched over her shoulder. The warm morning sun cast a halo around his dark hair and put his face in shadow. The muscles of his stomach bunched as he rolled on a condom, spread it with lube, set the head of his cock at her entrance, and gently pushed.

She winced at first and tried to pull away. He was bigger than the plug he’d used the other day. Doubt made her spine stiffen and her anal muscles clamp down.

Parker stopped and waited. “It’s okay, Doc,” he whispered as he smoothed his hands over her ass.

Beneath her, Grayson cupped her breasts. He pinched her nipples, tugging her breasts downward as his fingers tightened on the hard nubs. Cheyenne closed her eyes and moaned at the pleasant but also painful sensation. She moved her hips back slightly in invitation for him to try again.

“Push out,” Parker murmured as he pressed forward.

She tried and after a few seconds succeeded. He pressed into her slowly, the stretching painful at first, the burning taking her breath as he filled her almost balls-deep.

She’d been so turned on, so close to release a moment ago, the feeling of him seated so deep inside her ass almost sent her careening over the edge. She panted and moaned, unsure if she wanted to pull away or rock back against him. Lust won out.

With a groan, Parker grabbed her hips and sank in farther, holding her still as he gently moved inside her, stroking her channel with his cock.

“Now, sweetheart,” Parker purred. “Very slowly lower yourself onto Grayson’s cock.”

Cheyenne’s eyes went wide as she stared down at Grayson. Both of them? At the same time? Could she do this?

“It’s okay, baby,” Grayson whispered. “We’ll take it slow.”

She nodded and allowed Parker and Grayson to position her. Grayson took the brunt of the work, forcing his cock up inside her, inch by excruciating inch.

“Oh, God,” she moaned as the fullness became almost unbearable, but at the same time sent her heart racing in pleasure. “Oh, God…oh, God…oh, God.”

Grayson hissed, then growled, “Damn, Parker. She’s tight.”

“No shit,” Parker snarled from behind her.

“You okay, baby?” Grayson asked as he pressed upward, going even deeper.

Cheyenne could hardly breathe or move. She was completely consumed by them and utterly at their mercy. She swiped her tongue over her lips, unsure whether she could even speak. “Yes,” she whispered as the stretching pain began to morph into a blinding pleasure. “Oh, yes.”

Parker pulled back slightly, allowing her to sink all the way down onto Grayson’s shaft. She closed her eyes on a moan as Parker began to move in her ass, slowly pulling out before thrusting back in. His gentleness was so different from his rough thrusts of a few moments ago.

“Ah, jeez,” Grayson murmured as he closed his eyes and moaned.

Parker chuckled and leaned down to whisper in her ear. “Grayson can feel my cock sliding against his. I bet I can make you both come.” Cheyenne shivered at his words. “Do you want me to make you come, Doc?”

She swallowed, her head nodding frantically. Oh, yes. She wanted to come.

“Bend down and give Grayson a kiss, sweetheart,” Parker purred. “I like watching you kiss him.”

Cheyenne lowered her head to Grayson’s and brushed her lips over his. Grayson grabbed her head and deepened the kiss, sliding his tongue into her mouth, this time to dominate. Every part of her tingled and shook as Parker moved in and out of her, shifting from deep, hard thrusts to soft, shallow ones.

The feel of his cock brushing her channel from the other side was unlike anything she’d ever experienced. Her orgasm came hard and fast, erupting inside her with a shocking burst of erotic tingles. Light exploded behind her closed eyes as everything around her seemed to shift on its axis.

Reaching between them, Grayson pinched her clit and sent her instantly over the edge again. This time, she broke the kiss and screamed so loud she was sure that anyone close by had heard her. She assumed Parker and Grayson found release as well, although truthfully, she wasn’t sure. All she felt was her own mind-bending pleasure, then only bits and pieces as both men placed soft kisses on what seemed like every inch of her body.

“Oh my God,” she mumbled. “That was amazing.”

She heard Parker’s chuckle, then nothing else before blackness consumed her.

Chapter Twenty-Eight

Josh and his dad, Randall, walked into the small restaurant simply named Gordon’s that sat at the end of the long dock surrounded by sailboats. Josh nodded to a couple of fisherman he recognized at a small table in the corner that overlooked the lake. His shoes normally would have echoed on the hard wooden floor, but today the Bassmaster Classic blaring on both big-screen televisions drowned out the usual walking noise.

The smell of hamburgers and ribs filled the air, making his stomach growl. His dad looked over at him and grinned. “Didn’t you just eat two hours ago?”

Josh shrugged and smiled at the big man behind the bar, who stood wiping his hands on a towel. “The smell of Gordon’s burgers on the grill always makes my stomach growl.”

Gordon chuckled. “Good to see you looking so much better, Josh. I told ya…a glass of Margaret’s cure-all and a good night’s sleep will take care of most anything.”

“It certainly did,” Josh replied.

Margaret’s cure-all was nothing more than a crap load of alcohol, some spices, and warm milk, which, he had to admit, did make him sleepy. He’d slept more peacefully last night than he had in a while.

“How about two of those burgers, Gordon?” his father asked.

“You want fries with that too?” Gordon asked.

“Hell, yeah,” Josh countered, making Gordon grin.

“You planning on going back to work, Josh?” Gordon asked as he placed two burgers on the grill behind the counter.

“Trying to get rid of me already?” Josh asked. “Jeez, between you and my dad, I never felt so welcome.”

Gordon and his father both snickered.

“You know better than that, asshole. We worry about you, you know. Especially after that last assignment. From what I understand, it was a close call.”

“It was,” Josh agreed. “But I survived. As for going back, I’m not sure yet. Not sure what else I would do if I didn’t.”

“You could always become a pro fisherman,” Gordon suggested. “You were good.”

“That was what? Close to ten years ago? I’m not sure I could still bait a hook, much less fish for money. Besides, I promised a friend I would help him out before I leave the agency.”

“I thought you were going to that girl’s house in Tennessee?” his dad asked.

“I am. I have several more weeks of leave, but I can still help Daniel in the meantime. His father’s got him in a real mess right now.”

“Is that the one whose father’s company is laundering money for the mob?” his dad asked.

Josh sighed sadly. “Yeah.”

“You know you can stay here,” his dad offered.

Josh smiled at the old man. His dad had missed him. He’d said as much several times over the last few days. He’d always been close with his dad, especially after his mom died. But, after being shot this time, his dad seemed to be more worried and almost a bit clingy.

“I know I can, Dad, but I need to feel like I’m doing something. From what I understand, this girl in Tennessee could use some help, and I’m good at fixing up houses.” He slapped his dad on his shoulder. “I learned from the best.”

“Hey now, don’t forget me,” Gordon threw in. “After all, who helped me fix this place up?”

Josh looked around the restaurant with a sense of pride. “I did, and if I recall, you worked my ass off that summer.”

Gordon chuckled. “It did ya good, though, didn’t it?”

Josh smiled. “That it did. So, since I put in so much work on this place, are the burgers free of charge?”

Gordon’s snickered but slid two plates across the counter. “For you two, they’re always free.”

Gordon reached across the counter and ruffled Josh’s hair, like he used to when Josh was a kid. Josh shook his head and grinned before digging into the burger. No one could cook a burger like Gordon.

“Hey, Josh,” Gordon’s grandniece, Karen, said as she began to clean the bar. She’d been working the restaurant on weekends and summer breaks since she was fourteen. She was now in her last year of college and still spent her summers here. She claimed the tips were too good to pass up. “Did that guy find your friends?”

Josh tensed and swallowed his bite of hamburger. “What friends and what guy?”

She shrugged. “Three guys I’d never seen before came in asking about Grayson and Parker. They said they were supposed to meet them at their houseboat but weren’t sure they had the right marina.”

A sense of dark dread moved down Josh’s spine. “What did you tell them?”

“I told them they’d already taken the boat out, and they were probably anchored in a cove somewhere close to the falls.” Something must’ve startled her about his expression, for her eyes got very wide. “Did I do something wrong?”

Gordon walked over with a concerned expression. “What’s wrong, Josh?”

Josh grabbed his phone from his pocket and pulled up a picture the FBI had sent him earlier. He turned it to face Karen. “Was this one of the men?”

She went pale and nodded. “Oh, God. Are they in trouble?”

“Shit,” Josh growled and started scrolling through his phone for Parker’s number.

When he didn’t answer, Josh said another curse and then called the local police. After giving them the information, he turned to Gordon. “Do you know if anyone rented a boat from the marina today?”

Gordon looked to Karen. She nodded sadly. “Those guys did. I saw them leave about forty minutes ago.”

“Son of a bitch!”

“I’m sorry,” Karen said. “I didn’t—”

“It’s okay, Karen.” Josh turned to his dad. “I gotta find them.”

“Josh, what the hell is going on?” Gordon asked.

“Parker and Grayson have a woman in witness protection on the boat. The guys that were in here earlier are the ones they’re hiding from.”

Gordon turned quickly and grabbed the rifle he kept over the door leading into the kitchen. With a nod to Josh’s dad, he said, “Let’s go.”

“Where the hell do you think you two are going?” Josh demanded.

His father stood and lifted his chin, a sure indication he would take no argument from Josh on the matter at hand. “You just had open-heart surgery, son. I’m not about to let you go out there by yourself.”

“Me either,” Gordon growled. “So stop your damn yappin’, and let’s go find those boys.”

Josh rolled his eyes and with a sweep of his hand indicated they should lead the way.

* * * *

Cheyenne lifted her hair off her neck to allow the afternoon breeze to flow over her heated skin. She sighed and turned her face toward the clear blue sky. She could hear Parker whistling a soft tune. Grayson was a few feet away, tightening a screw on one of the teak deck chairs.

After her shower and short, unexpected nap, they’d fallen into a comfortable routine of cleaning, cooking, and generally teasing each other. She couldn’t seem to stop touching them. Earlier had been the most incredible sex she’d ever experienced. Even though she was sore, desire continued to hum through her whole body like an idling engine ready to roar to life.

She had to be crazy to want this, but it wasn’t just the sex. There was a pull between the three of them. A gravitational force that kept them circling one another, their senses tingling, as they awaited the next celestial bump that would bring them together once again.

She snorted softly at the weird analogy.

“Would you like something to drink, Grayson?” she asked.

He looked up as he set the teak chair back on its legs. “Water would be nice. Thank you, sweetheart.”

She smiled and headed into the kitchen to grab a water bottle from the fridge. Right as she turned to head back to Grayson, the sound of a fast-moving boat roared through the open windows. She dipped her head to peer out the kitchen window as a barrage of bullets came crashing through the walls.

Cheyenne dropped the water and screamed. Grayson grabbed her and threw her to the floor, his body landing on top of hers.

She brought her knees up and curled her body as Grayson wrapped his arms around her and over her head. The bullets stopped briefly, and she glanced up, staring in horror at the holes in the wall. Sunlight poured through them and slashed across the opposite walls. She glanced around the empty room and panic set in.

“Where’s Parker?” she asked, then yelled, “Parker?”

“Shh,” Grayson commanded. “Stay down!”

Another round of bullets ripped through the boat from the opposite side, hitting the kitchen cabinets above them and sending shrapnel raining down on their heads.

Returning fire sounded from the bedroom area of the boat, and Cheyenne realized with some relief it was Parker.

“Is she okay?” Parker yelled.

“I’m good. You?” she called back.

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