Crime & Punishment 3: Theirs to Share (8 page)

Read Crime & Punishment 3: Theirs to Share Online

Authors: Trista Ann Michaels

Tags: #Contemporary; Menage; Paranormal; Suspense

BOOK: Crime & Punishment 3: Theirs to Share
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“Sounds good,” Cheyenne replied, but her unhappy gaze was still glued to the ceiling.

Her sadness tugged at his chest, making him feel off and unsettled. He much preferred to see her smile or hear her laugh. He had a feeling being cooped up in this cabin and laughing wasn’t something any of them would be doing very much.

“Cheer up, Doc,” Grayson drawled as he stretched his legs out and settled his boots on the thick wooden coffee table. “At least you have two gorgeous male specimens to keep you company.”

Parker bit his tongue to keep from chuckling as Cheyenne lowered her gaze and gave Grayson a look of pure innocence. “Really?” she asked. “Where?”

Parker laughed as he set the pot on the stove to heat the butter and oil. He glanced over his shoulder and noticed that she and Grayson were smiling at each other.

“At least I got her to smile,” Grayson said. “That sad frown was beginning to be a downer.”

“I can’t help it,” she said. “Parker? Do you need any help?”

“You can grab us some sodas out of the fridge,” he replied.

She frowned. “Do you have any idea how bad those things are for you?”

“Yes, I do,” Parker replied good-naturedly. “And I’m okay with that. Besides, do I look like I need to worry?”

Cheyenne shook her head as she grabbed two sodas and one bottled water from the fridge. “I swear,” she said with a soft laugh. “I don’t know that I’ve ever met two more arrogant and full of themselves men in my life.”

Parker and Grayson shared a smile as she walked back to the living room. She placed Parker’s soda on the table before passing Grayson his. As she moved about the room, Parker couldn’t help but stare at her ass. It was the perfect size for grabbing and slapping. He imagined it with a large red handprint in the middle of her right ass cheek.

He felt his cock harden and decided he needed to change the direction of his thoughts and quick. He placed the popcorn in the bowls and rejoined them in the living room as the show started.

Cheyenne had said during dinner that this was one of her favorite shows. Parker had been thrilled. He loved it too. When he found out she’d even read the books, they’d jumped into a discussion about upcoming events of the show.

Grayson had put a stop to it, though, by yelling,
“Hey. You’re ruining the show for me.”

Cheyenne had laughed and agreed to change the subject.

When it came to books, Grayson was more of a thriller and mystery guy. Parker liked the science fiction and fantasy genres. Cheyenne’s interests skipped all over the place—romance, mystery, some fantasy such as
Game of Thrones
, and even the Dresden Files.

Like Grayson had said. Woman of his dreams.

“Uh, jeez. Really?” Cheyenne mumbled so low he barely heard her.

Parker glanced at the screen and realized he’d missed several minutes because he’d been thinking about Cheyenne. The second he tuned back in, he noticed what the issue was and almost laughed. On the screen was the scene where Littlefinger was instructing two female prostitutes.

One woman was pleasuring the other while Littlefinger told a story. It was an interesting scene, and he could well imagine finger fucking Cheyenne from behind like the one prostitute. Cheyenne’s moans would fill the room as she came closer and closer to climax.

He’d prolong it. Go slow. Stretch and fuck her wet, tight walls with his fingers until she begged him to let her come. And when she did, her walls would contract and tug at his fingers, making him…

He had to stop thinking about this.

He glanced over at Cheyenne. Her cheeks were slightly red, her hand frozen right in front of her mouth, a piece of popcorn poised at her lips. He turned to Grayson, who also watched Cheyenne, a look of pure lust in his eyes.

Okay, maybe watching this show wasn’t such a good idea after all. What the hell had he been thinking? He knew this show often had graphic sex scenes in it. Cheyenne should’ve known as well, but this one seemed to be more of a turn-on than others.

Was it because it was two women? Or was it because he wanted Cheyenne?

The scene finally ended, and it seemed they all three let out a small breath of relief. Parker still couldn’t get his mind off Cheyenne. Was she wet? Was she so horny her pussy actually throbbed? What would she do if he went over there and kissed her? Slid his tongue into her mouth and devoured her? Or better yet, stuck his face between her legs and licked away all that warm cream?

He was going to drive himself insane if he didn’t stop.

Chapter Ten

Cheyenne felt like pouring her entire bottle of water over her face. When Parker reached up to turn off the lamp, leaving the television as the only light in the room, she felt a small bit of tension leave her body. At least now maybe they wouldn’t see the hard marbles her nipples had become.

Her panties were soaked and between her legs burned so hot, she had to struggle to keep from squeezing her thighs together to at least get some relief. All through that scene, she imagined her agents doing that to her.

They would bend her over, push their fingers inside, and fill her, taking away this ache that now nearly overruled every ounce of common sense she’d once had. And now didn’t. She reached for another piece of popcorn and let her arm softly graze across her nipple. It was all she could do to not moan out loud at the touch.

God, she wished it was theirs.

She wanted one of them to squeeze and suck her nipples—even bite them—while the other licked between her legs like she now licked the popcorn from her finger. She jerked her hand away from her mouth as the searing heat of a blush moved over her face.

Did they see her?

She glanced over at them. Both appeared to be glued to the television, but one quick glance at Parker’s lap proved he hadn’t been unaffected. She bit her lip. Wow. Was he really that big, or was it the way he was sitting that created the illusion? After her experience with men, she’d begun to wonder if the large cocks of romance novels even existed. If what rested behind the zipper of Parker’s jeans was any indication, they most certainly did.

She turned to Grayson, wondering if he was in the same boat. He’d put a pillow over his lap, not allowing her to see what prize lay beneath. She smiled slightly as she returned her attention to the show. At least she wasn’t the only one horny as hell.

Although that could prove to be a very bad thing.

What were the chances that all three of them would keep their composure? One thing was for sure: she was quickly losing hers.

She wanted sex. Badly.

* * * *

The loud pounding at her bedroom door only intensified the harsh throbbing behind her eyes. She groaned and scowled toward the door. “What?” she snapped.

There was a moment of silence before Grayson’s voice came through the door. “We’re heading out for a hike. Get up and get dressed.”

Cheyenne rolled to her back and sighed up at the dark wood ceiling. Dark room, dark walls, dark mood. Did she want to go hiking? Yes.

Did she want to go hiking with them right now?

She threw the covers off her and then rolled to a sitting position. Her feet touched the soft throw rug that covered the hardwood floors, and she took a moment to run her toes through the thick shag. Just like last night, her mind went to her protectors. The softness of the carpet reminded her of their thick hair and how it might feel to run her fingers through it, grab a handful, and tug it closer to whatever body part they had their mouths around.

Good Lord! When was this going to stop?

When she had sex with them…probably.

Should she accept the inevitable? Hint at what she wanted? Even go so far as to make the first move?

But which one would she move on first? Which one did she want more?

When she fantasized about them, they were together. She blamed Grayson for that. All his talk about sharing girls. She still wasn’t so sure he’d been truthful. After all, who did that?

Did they truly believe they couldn’t have a relationship apart from one another?

A hand slapped against her bedroom door, and she jumped. “Damn it,” she whispered as she placed a hand against her beating heart. She was jumpy this morning.

“Breakfast will be ready in fifteen minutes, Doc. Let’s get a move on.”

This time it was Parker’s voice that came through the door.

She scowled. “Yeah, yeah. I heard Grayson the first time.”

GRAYSON GLANCED AT Parker, a slight smile tugging at his lips. “Somebody’s in a mood this morning.”

Parker walked back into the kitchen. The frown that creased his brow gave him a mean look that intimidated most people, but Grayson knew him well enough to know what caused it.

“If she didn’t sleep any better than I did, can’t say as I blame her,” Parker griped.

Grayson understood. He’d been in pain most of the night that even masturbation hadn’t relieved. Parker had grumbled about the show, blaming the scene. Grayson knew better. They could’ve watched a comedy and had the same problem.

Several times he’d glanced over at Cheyenne and noticed the heightened color to her cheeks, the nipples that poked out from behind her bra, even the way she would occasionally brush her arm over them. The sharp intake of breath would make her chest rise and jerk. She would sometimes lick the salt from her fingers, and Grayson’s mind would immediately picture her doing that to his cock.

Her teeth would graze the head and… Damn it. If he didn’t stop this, he’d have another hard-on to deal with.

“Which trail are we going to?” Grayson asked, trying to change the subject.

“I was thinking Grotto Falls.”

Grayson nodded. “Are we taking guns?”

Parker frowned. “Yeah.”

“If we get caught inside the national park with our guns—”

“We have our badges,” Parker said with a look that clearly said he wouldn’t argue the point any further.

“Then you’ll be the one to handle it,” Grayson replied.

Parker sighed. “Fair enough.”

Grayson agreed they should never take Cheyenne anywhere without some sort of protection. Sometimes, even with badges, it was more trouble than it was worth. Grayson tended to err on the side of caution. Parker sometimes flat-out didn’t give a shit.

Today was going to be one of those days.

* * * *

“Before we head out, I have something for Cheyenne.”

Cheyenne shut the car door and stared in stunned silence at Grayson as he walked past her to the back of the SUV.

“I’m sorry. What?” she asked.

Grayson raised an eyebrow. “Do you half listen to your patients like that?”

She could tell by the playful grin on his face and the teasing light in his eyes he was only poking fun at her. Unfortunately, she really wasn’t in the mood.

“Sorry,” she said with a dismissive shrug and more snark in her voice than she’d really intended. “I didn’t realize we were discussing medical history.”

Grayson opened the back and pulled out a bag. “Perhaps this will put you in a better mood.”

She eyed the bag almost warily. She imagined him pulling out a vibrator or an anal plug he expected her to wear during the entire hike. That thought made her go warm between her legs. When he pulled out a box with a picture of a very expensive camera on it, all thoughts went from sex to excitement of a different kind.

She pointed at the box, her heart racing like crazy. “Oh my God. Is that what’s in there?”

Parker joined them and stared at the box in surprise as well.

“It is,” Grayson said with a nod. “I saw it when I went to get some groceries. I don’t know if it’s what you use or even if it’s good enough, but—”

His next words were cut off as she threw her arms around his neck and hugged him close, causing him to almost drop the box. He passed it to Parker, who murmured, “Suck-up.”

Cheyenne giggled as Grayson wrapped his arms around the small of her back and held her close. His body was hard, his arms strong and firm. She could feel his heat, smell his woodsy scent. It settled around her like a blanket and made her whole body tingle in ways it shouldn’t.

Let go, idiot. Move away before you start grinding against him or trying to climb him like a damn tree. A very hard, sexy tree.

“Thank you,” she said as she pulled away and grabbed the box from Parker. “You really shouldn’t have, Grayson. These things aren’t cheap.”

He shrugged. “It came out of the expense account.”

She smiled at him slightly and tugged at the lid. As she opened it and held the camera in her hand, a sense of normalcy flooded over her. She loved taking pictures. If she hadn’t become a doctor, she would’ve been a photographer. She had several of her pictures framed and mounted on her office walls. She received compliments on them all the time. One man even tried to convince her she should open a shop on Etsy and sell them, but she never did. She wasn’t in it to make money. It was her stress relief, her way to forget the troubles of the day and lose herself.

Grayson had no idea how much this meant to her.

“Doesn’t that thing need a battery?” Parker asked.

Cheyenne sighed in disappointment. “Yeah, it does.”

“You mean this battery?” Grayson asked as he reached into the back of the car and unplugged the battery from the inverter.

“Oh my God,” Cheyenne said with a smile.

“Yep. Definitely a suck-up,” Parker grumbled.

Cheyenne laughed and glanced at him over her shoulder.

“Not a suck-up,” Grayson replied. “I thought you might like something familiar to help get you through this.”

She smiled at him gratefully. “It’s perfect. Thank you.” But as she slid the battery into place and turned the camera on, sadness began to once again fill her heart. “Do you think I’ll ever see any of my own stuff again? All the pictures I’ve taken before? All my mementos from trips and college?”

“Some of that stuff we can get you, but you will probably never be able to go back.” Parker brushed away a curl that had blown across her eyes. “You can’t take anything that could possibly allow them to trace you.”

Cheyenne nodded sadly. With a stubborn shake of her head, she shoved those dark thoughts aside. “Let’s forget all that right now. Let’s just go enjoy the trail.”

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