Deep Dark Mire (An FBI Romance Thriller ~ book four) (27 page)

BOOK: Deep Dark Mire (An FBI Romance Thriller ~ book four)
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Callen watched as Elizabeth climbed up and into the middle and slid over for him to have room. Immediately, Ethan rolled to his side, and flanked her protectively. Still, he didn’t look bothered, and Callen figured it was now or never. Sliding into the bed, Elizabeth pulled the blankets over them.

“I love you both,” he said, knowing what his brother was
sacrificing for him. It touched him deep in his soul and gave him hope that he was redeemable.

“I love you both too,” answered Blackhawk.

Elizabeth just started giggling.

“What are you laughing about?” asked her husband, staring at her in the dark room.

“This just proves that there’s an afterlife, and I was granddad’s favorite. I got the warbonnet and I get to sleep in bed with two of the sexiest men alive. Thank you, granddad!”

Both men started laughing
at her, and knew she was always trying to lighten their hearts with her humor. It was just her way

Eventually the giggling stopped and was replaced by the easy breathing of the three of them.

Fort Blackhawk and all the inhabitants were secure and finally at peace for the night.



Monday Morning



Elizabeth slowly began to wake and she found herself still stuck between both men. Ethan was pressed against the back of her body, and she could already tell he was awake. Well, part of him was fully awake, that much she knew. Callen was lying on his side too, but facing her, and she was on his arm. It wasn’t a bad place to be.


Two sexy men and trapped between them. She was going to start thanking the universe at any second. She almost started laughing, except her husband had just pinched her in silent warning.

Callen could feel eyes watching him, and he didn’t know if he should open his or not. Oh well, he was a big boy and he needed to face what was waiting for him. As he opened his eyes, Elizabeth
was grinning at him, and his brother didn’t look mad or upset.

“Morning, Cal. How did you sleep?” she asked, sliding her hand under the blanket until she found his hand and squeezed it reassuringly.

“Honestly, better than in a long time. How about you?”

Now she did start laughing. “Well, this ranks up there on my sex
ual bucket list. Waking up in bed with two sexy Native men on the same damn morning is pretty spectacular. I think my life has reached its pinnacle. I’ve peaked in my thirties. Who knew?”

started laughing, and it lightened the tension in the room.

It was obvious his brother wasn’t bothered at all.
Which was disturbing in itself to Callen, but he was just going to relax into it.

“I’m going to go shower boys. Last one out of the bed makes it
. That’s the magic rule in the bedroom.”

“I think you have other more magical rules,” snickered her husband, and he took a rib shot to pay for it
, as she climbed over him to escape.

Both men watched her walk away to go shower, when she was gone, Whitefox had to know. “Why? Is it because you heard about what happened to me as a kid?”

“No. You’re my brother and that’s why. If you think I’d be this magnanimous if Julian told me he’d been abused, you're out of your damn mind.”

Whitefox laughed.

“You won’t hurt her. I trust you with Elizabeth and you heard her. This is up there on her bucket list.” Blackhawk rolled out of bed. “She gets turned on, I get sex. This is a win win for me, Cal.”

“Hey!” Whitefox protested. “You just used me to get your
woman all hot and bothered! That is so unfair!”

Blackhawk turned around and grinned. “It’s her sexual bucket list, talk to her. Oh, and don’t forget to make the bed,” he said, grinning wickedly.

Callen had no idea what that meant, but his entire body went hard at the idea of being on Elizabeth’s sexual bucket list. Hurriedly, he made the bed, and headed back to his room to take a really cold shower.

There was no point in pushing his really good luck




Elizabeth stood in the shower shaving her legs, when she felt him near. It was hard to miss him; he was standing directly behind her and pressed intimately against her body. “Hi Cowboy,” she drawled. “Happy to see me?”

When she stood up, she couldn’t remember ever seeing that look on his face before.

“Uh, are you okay?” she asked, dropping the razor and stepping back.

“No, I’m not alright,” he answered, walking towards her, until she was pressed against the shower tiles, and had nowhere to escape.

“Want to talk about it?” Elizabeth swallowed, feeling like prey.

“It’s too late to talk, Elizabeth,” he muttered, reaching out and grabbing her by the back of the neck,
his hand tangling into her hair, as he yanked her forward. His mouth slammed into hers, and he took it roughly. There was a little gasp from her, as he did more than plunder. What he was feeling at that moment was fueling him to take his wife.

Elizabeth was start
led at the force of his kiss. Her husband was generally gentle to start and once going he became wild. She couldn’t remember when he was this out of control at the very beginning. Usually she had to push him to get this type of response.

Not that she was complaining
and she never would, but holy hell this was new!

“I want you right now, Elizabeth,” he muttered against her mouth
, and then he dove in again. His entire body was on fire and she was the cause. Well, his wife in bed between him and his brother was the actual reason.

picked her up and instinctually she wrapped her legs around his waist. His hands went to her hips, and he adjusted himself for the slide home.

If Elizabeth thought
that he was going to be gentle, she was definitely wrong. He broke away from the kiss, as he pushed into her body, and then began moving. They were hard full thrusts that filled her, and stole her breath.

“Not here,” he practically growled, pulling her from the wall and towards their bedroom.
“I want you in our bed.”

“Is Callen still in there?” she asked and was answered with another scorching
kiss that bruised her lips. If he was, he was about to get the show of all shows. Whether he wanted it or not, here it came.

Blackhawk climbed on
to the bed with his wife still wrapped around him. Ethan was buried deep in her body. “I don’t want to think, I just want to feel, Elizabeth,” he managed to get out, before she unlocked her legs.

The look in her husband’s eyes was wild and full of complete lust, and then he started moving. The thrusts were like nothing she’d felt before, and each one slammed right into the perfect spot, and pulled a moan from her lips. It only
drove him wilder, as Ethan had complete control, moving harder and faster.

Elizabeth got his name out before she erupted into a million fragmented pieces and yet the invasion didn’t stop. Normally he’d follow her over, or pause for her to regain her composure, but he didn’t. When he did finally stop, it was only to feel her body sliding across their already made bed and then flipped to her stomach, her feet braced on the floor.

Yeah, this was
definitely new.

Blackhawk was going to take his wife and enjoy every second of it. Once she was back in position, he slid into her body from behind, and enjoyed the gasp from her lips at the invasion.

“I want to hear you scream my name,” he hissed into her ear, as he leaned over her body and began pummeling her with all of him. Fully in and then almost completely out.

“God, Ethan!” It wasn’t quite a scream
but it was damn near close. The pleasure was building again, and she could feel the warmth beginning to spread.

Blackhawk was enjoying the complete control, and ran his lips across her shoulder tasting her skin and then he found the spot that was one of her most sensitive spots on her body. As he felt the need ready to explode from him, he bit down on her neck, and she did indeed scream
for him.

y both shattered and exploded apart. Blackhawk poured hotly into his wife, and she quaked around him and all sound stopped temporarily.

As Ethan
lay over her body, he tried to regain his focus and ability to breathe for a few seconds.

Elizabeth started giggling.
“What was that?” she asked, glancing over her shoulder, as her husband was still buried in her body. “Who is that wild man that just did something so crazy and unpredictable without provocation?”

Ethan Blackhawk slid from her
, leaning over to her ear. He ran the tip of his tongue along curl, and then bit the lobe, pulling another moan from her. “Apparently Elizabeth, it’s on my sexual bucket list too.” The words were barely above a whisper, and tickled the hair around her ear.

Before she could register the
meaning, he slapped her on her bare ass and was gone to shower.

Elizabeth didn’t move for a few seconds, and tried to figure out what he was talking about, and then it hit her.


Holy shit
, she felt warm all over again.


Who knew that her husband had a wild streak after all?

























~ Chapter Seven ~




The Blackhawks survived the burial. It was a tear filled event, as they lowered their granddad into the ground to rest beside his wife. In her arms sat
their son, and in Ethan’s was the warbonnet that was going to find a permanent home in their living room once the display case was built.

All the way back to the house there was silence in the vehicle. No one was really in the mood to speak, and that was respected.
All the members of the family were mourning.

drove, thinking about how that was the last time he’d touch his grandfather, or look into the face that would one day be his own. He was eternally grateful to the man who raised him when his mother died.

Wyler sat in the back with CJ,
leaning protectively over him, kissing him on the head and letting him play with one of his dangling braids. He would miss the man who gave him life and loved him even when he screwed up. His father raised his sons when he wasn’t exactly the best man to do it, and now he had great boys thanks to him.

Running her fingers along the feathers on the warbonnet, Elizabeth recalled
how she referred to him a free spirit the first day she met him, and now he was truly free. No longer were there earthly bounds, and Timothy was on his way to the happy hunting grounds in the sky with his wife.

Callen took it the hardest
because the man was everything for so long. Right then he was forcing himself to think about how he still had his family. Elizabeth’s hand was reaching back between the seats to rest on his shin, as she gently stroked it reassuringly.

They all mourned
for their father, grandfather and kindred spirit.

Ethan finally spoke.
“When do you want to leave?” he asked, knowing they knew what he was talking about.

“Immediately,” said Whitefox. “I’ve been in contact with Julian, and today he’s searching the swamp behind
the Adare house. I want to get back to Cypress Grove so we can put this to bed, and I can move on with my life.”

“I’m okay with leaving immediately.”

“I want to get that ring back,” he said, quietly.

“Good idea son,” Wyler spoke, patting him on the shoulder.

Apparently, even his father knew Callen was making a mistake and was supportive in his decision to take back his life.

Blackhawk hit the phone button on the center console of
his wife’s SUV and it dialed work.

“FBI West, this is Ginny
. How may I direct your call?” came the pleasant voice.

“Ginny, it’s Ethan Blackhawk.”

“Hello Mr. B. What do you need?” she asked, knowing today was the burial. She would have been there if she could. But someone had to staff the office, and she was on duty.

“I need you to alert the pilots on the jet. We have a transport for two. Elizabeth and Callen are heading back out to Cypress Grove to finish up some things.”

“Okay Boss,” she answered and typed furiously. “Anything else?”

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