Desires (32 page)

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Authors: Holly J. Gill,Nikki Blaise

BOOK: Desires
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“Well, in that case, from now on, you are only allowed
to do what I permit you to do, and nothing else. Understood.”

“Understood. Is there anything you would like me to do?”

Stacie stared at him, standing there, magnificently
erect, awaiting her whim. “I want you to

Dan began to run his hand up and down his long hard
throbbing penis, while Stacie’s hand dropped back down to her clitoris. It
responded instantly, throbbing with intensity. She inserted her fingers into
her pussy, feeling her juices flowing.

“Would you really do anything I told you to do?” Stacie
asked, watching him, seeing his face screwed up with concentration as he
watched her.


“What about if I told you to go down to the ball with me

“I would do that.” Dan’s breath was starting to come

“What about handcuffed and tied up?”

“That too.”

Stacie spread her legs wide over the chair, throwing her
head back but watching Dan through slitted eyes. She brought up a mental image
of a bound and cuffed Dan following her naked through the ballroom, obeying her
whims. She was shocked at the intense surge of sensation the idea brought.

The fantasy changed. Now she was riding some faceless
man’s massive cock, watching Dan’s face as he watched her get fucked. Her crest
crashed over her, her body began to jerk and shudder. Stacie looked over at Dan
as he ejaculated all over his stomach. Her entire body shuddered and she
screamed. Dan dropped back onto the bed while Stacie jerked in the chair, thrusting
her pelvis high into the air.

Stacie turned to the table, holding on for support as
her breathing slowed back to normal. She felt drained, and her pussy pulsed
with aftershocks. Her gaze dropped to the table top, on which sat two bowls of
chocolate mousse they had ordered with their food, but never got around to
eating. That gave Stacie an idea. Maybe it was time to get out the goodies she
had bought.


* *
* *


They cleaned up and Dan ordered up a fresh bottle of
wine, pouring them both a glass when it arrived. He turned on the television
and they sat giggling over some old comedy show. She loved just being near him,
knowing that he was close. What would he be like out of Desires? Would he be just
as sexy and pleasant? Or was he just making sure he got his wages? If he was
just doing his job, and the thought made her stomach flutter with dread, he
certainly would be a very difficult act to follow. How could she start again
with someone else? Dan was in her mind, in her heart, and in her soul.

Dan looked over at her and smiled, opening out his arm
in an invitation to snuggle close. She did so, relaxing into his chest with a
sigh, feeling his arm draped over her, feeling like everything was finally
right with her world.

She never imagined for one minute she would actually
feel good about herself again. The few times she had gone out with friends
before deciding to come to Desires, she wasn’t sure how to respond around men
she was interested in. It was difficult to find that balance between showing
interest and seeming desperate. She never imagined eight years ago that she would
be back on the singles market. Maybe she should try a dating website, but from
what she’d heard it was tough trying to sift the genuine decent men from all
the weirdoes and players.

How on earth had she ended up that way—alone, miserable,
low in confidence and scared. Determined to get back what she had lost, and eager
to show the world she was a fighter, Stacie’s first stage had been a success—coming
to Desires.

Stacie was proud of what she had achieved, taking such a
step in an effort to sort her dismal life out. Now she needed to make her
future her priority and forget the past.

She turned her head to look at Dan watching the
television. Was now the time to tell him the way she felt about him? She could
hear Chrissie’s voice in her head urging her to go for it, but Stacie was
suddenly anxious about wrecking the time she had left with him if the answer
wasn't what she wanted. If he said no, there was no way she could stay another

He smiled down at her and leaned down to kiss her
forehead. She melted again. How could all this mean nothing?

“You okay?” he asked.


“Is there anything you fancy doing?”

She looked away from him, staring at the chocolate
mousse on the table. She smiled as she imagined covering his cock in it.

“I do actually,” she replied sitting up to look at Dan.
“I quite fancy trying out the feast.”

“Oh yes? Do you want to go downstairs?”

“Nope, I want to stay right here.”

She climbed off the bed to get the brown paper bag that
contained the items she had bought earlier. One by one she placed the lace
handcuffs, blindfold and ticklers on the bed. Dan’s eyes widened as Stacie picked
up the lace handcuffs and climbed onto the bed on all fours. She crawled her
way up to Dan, her breasts swaying. She grabbed his willing hands and he moved
them up above his head to the headboard. Stacie put the cuffs on him and reached
to get the blindfold. She tied it tightly round his eyes and sat back. He looked
vulnerable and delicate.

Stacie climbed off the bed and admired his helpless body.
He was wearing only his trunks, the bulge of his burgeoning excitement evident.
She headed over to the table picking up the chocolate mousse, and then climbed
back onto the bed, kneeling close to Dan.

Stacie licked her lips, looking at his eager face. She
tightened her bottom, feeling her arousal already running wild around her body.
Stacie moved closer, pressing her lips against his chest. She held her head up to
watch his reaction. He shifted under her, and his lips parted slightly. Stacie moved
her body up so her mouth was in line with his. She pressed her soft moist lips
against his. Dan responded, kissing her back. She pulled away.

“No,” she told him, with a
of disapproval. Stacie wanted full control of everything,
including his reactions. He stopped instantly.

Stacie kissed him again, moving her lips around his,
caressing them. She tasted his lips, then dipped her tongue into his mouth feeling
her body responding with pleasure. Stacie took hold of his bottom lip to bite
it lightly, nibbling her way along.

She started to move down, gliding down his body, kissing
each nipple. He smelled of soap as she kissed down his taut abdomen. She
arrived at his waistband, noticing that the burgeoning bulge she had seen
before was now a full-fledged towering erection, without her having to do a
thing. She smiled with great satisfaction, knowing she was succeeding. She
kissed delicately around the top of his trunks, watching his body wriggle.
Stacie lifted her head up to stare down at his aroused body, not quite believing
she had caused this reaction in this incredibly handsome young man.

Stacie took hold of her breasts, squeezing them together,
her nipples ultra sensitive. She didn’t want to touch them too much, not
wanting to get too excited to soon.

Stacie reached for one of the feather ticklers, wrapping
it around her wrist and trailing it onto his nipples. She watched his face for
his reaction. He moaned aloud. She moved the tickler over his body, watching
his nipples harden, enjoying arousing him, then she drew it up between his
thighs where the skin was sensitive, watching his pelvis jerk.

She watched his cock twitch inside his trunks, looking
as though it was bursting to get out. Stacie licked her lips, feeling her pussy
dripping with excitement. She grabbed hold of his trunks, pulling them down to
reveal his thick hard penis. Stacie placed the tickler over his cock, beginning
with the base then running the soft feather up the full length of his cock. His
manhood rose high to the stimulation and he quivered. She repeated her actions,
glancing at Dan’s tense face. She took the tickler over his balls, watching as his
penis continuing to bounce up and down off his stomach. He moaned aloud and
Stacie smiled.

Stacie reached over and took hold of the bowl of chocolate
mousse. She dipped her finger in, then coated his left nipple with the sweet
dessert. She bent down and used the tip of her tongue to lick the mousse off.
Dan shivered as his nipple rose in response to the stimulation. She delicately
nipped at his nipple with her teeth, smiling as he sucked in a gasp. She took a
heaping spoon of the mousse and laid a trail down his chest, sucking the spoon
clean, before licking every trace of the mousse off him.

She slid down to his cock area. He shivered with
anticipation, thrusting up with his pelvis, begging mutely. She took the spoon
and slathered his whole penis in the chocolate mousse. Stacie began kissing him
around his penis, using the ticklers to torment the insides of his thighs, enjoying
hearing him groan.

She poked out her tongue and licked a clean trail
through the mousse from the base of his girth to the empurpled tip. She flicked
her tongue over the tip, hearing him groan deeply. She took the tip of his cock
into her mouth, sucking strongly and using her tongue to thoroughly clean the
delicious mousse off all his ridges. She took a little more in, swirling her
tongue over his smooth chocolaty-tasting skin.

Stacie came up for some air, licking the whole length of
his shaft, taking away the mousse, sucking and licking, her face becoming
covered in mousse. She took the full length of his still smeary shaft back into
her mouth as deep as she could go, rapidly moving her mouth up and down. Dan
pushed his body off the bed, moaning in ecstasy. Stacie tasting a little salt
mixed in with the remains of the chocolate. She sucked his penis like a
lollipop, licking it from base to tip, filling her mouth as much as she could.

Once his cock was clean, she let him go, slurping her
mouth off his cockhead.

“Mmm, this mousse really is delicious. You should try
some,” she said, smearing a generous
each of her nipples.

“I’d love to.”

She straddled his stomach and leaned forward, holding
one breast, aiming her nipple directly at his lips. He immediately opened his
mouth sticking out his tongue, licking the mousse off and sucking her nipple
into his mouth. Once one nipple was clean, he popped it out of his mouth and
searched blindly for the other. Stacie obliged him, placing her left bud to his
mouth, allowing him to indulge. Dan sucked hard on the nipple, nibbling with
his teeth. Stacie’s body
and she thrust her
pelvis on his stomach. He licked and sucked hard. Stacie moaned with pleasure.

Slowly, she rose up to look down on him, his mouth
covered in mousse. Stacie stared for a few seconds watching him licking the
mousse from around his lips. She dropped down to kiss him, licking his lips clean.
He tried to kiss deeper, but Stacie instantly drew back.

She climbed off him and grabbed his shoulders, pulling
him as far down the bed as the cuffs allowed, which wasn’t far. She removed her
crotchless panties, then placed a knee on either side of his head. She dug out
a mounded spoonful of chocolate mousse, using the spoon to smear it all over
her pussy and clitoris. She lowered herself down until she felt his searching
tongue find her sweet spot. She grabbed onto the headboard with both hands, as he
used his deft tongue to stimulate her into screaming rapture.

She moved down the bed, staring at him, his mouth
covered in mousse. She kissed it off, then removed the blindfold. He squinted, flinching
against the sudden light.

“You’re right. That mousse is delicious,” he said with a

She took hold of his hands and undid the cuffs, allowing
his hands to drop.

She removed her
outfit and grabbed a condom from the bedside table, then climbed on board. She
slid the condom on, then guided his cock into the entrance of her still
chocolaty pussy. She leaned back, letting her hair dangle over his legs, taking
his cock as deep as possible.

She tilted her pelvis, taking his penis even farther inside
her. Then Stacie pulsed her hips back and forth on his manhood, sliding up and
down, feeling him filling her to the hilt. Her body lost control, her nerve
endings were under attack, her mind concentrated on her rhythm, while her body
broke into a sweat. Dan took hold of Stacie, leaning her back so he could manipulate
her clitoris. He thrust his cock inside her as his fingers teased her sensitive
folds of flesh. Her whole body jerked violently and she cried out in pure
ecstasy, feeling her juice running from her as she climaxed violently. She collapsed
forward, her arms barely holding her up, her body racked with aftershocks.

Dan continued to thrust upward into her, his rhythm becoming
faster. He held his breath while his body froze and he gave a groan. She felt
him pulse, his cock emptying itself deep within her before he too crumpled onto
the bed, letting out a whoosh of breath.

She waited until she was certain he had finished before
lifting her body off his, and lying next to him on the bed. Dan lifted his arm
and pulled her to him, kissing the top of her head fiercely before wrapping his
arms around her and crushing her to his chest. Stacie felt a few tears well up,
overcome with the exhausting uncertainty. Did he, could he, love her?

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