Dial a Stud: Dante's Story (46 page)

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Authors: J. A Melville,Bianca Eberle

BOOK: Dial a Stud: Dante's Story
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For what could have been eternity, but still not long enough, never long enough, he kissed me; nipping, sucking, licking and leaving his mark on me. He showed his dominance, his ownership of me, but more than anything, his love shone through, and for a while, he settled me, taking that urgency to fuck down a notch or two.

When finally, he lifted his head, we were both breathing heavily. His hair was a tangled mess, from my fingers raking through it and his desire burned hot and intense in his eyes.

“Very well Grace. I…I am weak when it comes to you. You take my control and destroy it with every touch, every kiss; every breath. Turn and hang on tightly to the kitchen bench. I need you to be safe. I would hate to hurt you in any way, but I’m simply not capable, of denying you any longer.”

Before I turned away from him, my heart skipping along harder and faster, I saw him unbuckle his belt and push his jeans down far enough, to let that magnificent cock of his to spring free, without being inhibited in any way, by his clothing.

Leaning forward, I stretched my upper body over the bench, the marble cool against my overheated skin. Dante came up behind me, his hands on my hips.

I waited, waited for him to do something; I waited to feel his cock slip between my legs, but nothing. He simply stood there, the buckle from his belt, brushing against my ass. Despite him not moving, I could hear him, hear the rough edge to his breathing and I could feel the heat radiating off him. The man was like a furnace behind me.

Carefully, so I wouldn’t put too much weight on my broken ankle, I inched my other leg sideways more, so my stance was wider, opening myself to him, hoping it would be enough to tempt Dante to fuck me.

Instead, his hands began to smooth their way over my ass, caressing and kneading each cheek. Wanting his touch where I needed it most, I arched my back, pushing my ass higher so it would be clear to him, what I wanted.

“You are a beautiful sight to see cara. This ass of yours is so lush, and the skin so smooth, I could run my hands over it for hours.”

Although his words were sweet, I wanted more than him running his hands over my ass. Slowly I stretched where I lay, with my top half sprawled over the kitchen bench, rolling my hips from side to side. I could, only hope, that his view of me, would be enough, to spur him on.

He responded, by lightly resting his chest over my back, and touching his lips to my spine. “Are you impatient for more? You keep wiggling your ass at me. Tell me what you want?”

I turned my head to one side, although, I couldn’t see him properly anyway. “You Dante, I want you, all I will ever want is you.”

I felt his lips leave a trail of kisses over my spine, and shoulder. “Is that right? Well, I too, will only ever want you. I don’t see other women, because all I can see is you.” He moved suddenly, straightening up behind me, and I felt his hands back at my hips. “Tell me, is this what you want?” He asked, just before I felt the hard length of his cock, sliding between my legs, the pierced head, seeking the entrance to my drenched pussy.

“Oh god, yes, YES!” I screamed, when he suddenly lunged, and every engorged inch of him, drove into me, filling me, stretching me, possessing me, consuming me, until I couldn’t speak or breathe.

It really didn’t pay, to let too much time elapse between fucks, with someone hung like Dante. I felt almost like a born again virgin with him. He was so big, he didn’t just fuck me, he owned me, impaled me; his cock pushed me to my limits. It was a fine line with him, a fine line between pain and the most exquisite, agonisingly torturous pleasure, I’d ever experienced.

For an age, he hovered over my back, not moving, giving me a chance to adjust to his overpowering, overwhelming domination of my body.

Despite how still he held himself, I could feel his cock jerking inside me, with every rapid beat of his heart. “Fuck, are you ok cara? I can’t keep still any longer. I want you so much. You feel so damn good. I need to move, I have to fuck you now. I will try to be gentle, but you have no idea how great my need for you is. Now I’m inside you, feeling you so tight, hot and wet around me, I’m worried, I will not be able to rein in the animal inside me; that wants to go at you, like a barbarian.”

A tremor racked my body at his words. Damn, the man could just about make me come with what he said to me. Still, I wanted more than words right now, I wanted him moving. I wanted that delicious friction that I knew, I would get when he moved. Not only from the sheer size of his cock, which was guaranteed to touch every single inch inside me, but that piercing, that always hit in all the right places.

“Please, fuck me. I want to feel you moving inside me. I want the promise I know you and your cock, can give me. I want to come, I just want you. I want you to own me, possess me, to make me yours Dante. I want you to love me, fuck me, and make love to me.”

“Is that so?” His voice was husky, and I knew he was close to breaking point. I knew him well enough now, to know, when the cracks were forming in that rigid control of his. “Well, as your stud, I should give you what you want then.”

He pulled back, stopping when just the head of his cock was still inside me. He didn’t move, just stood there, and I ground my teeth against one another, at his frustrating, teasing, and denying me, denying both of us, what we both wanted.

Slowly, agonisingly slowly, he pressed forward, filling me again. I could feel all of him, the piercing; I could feel myself stretching to accommodate him, until he was as deep in me, as my body would allow.

He repeated the moves, the maddeningly slow thrusts, increasing my pleasure, but not as fast as I wanted. He was killing me, making me crazy with his teasing assault on my body.

Over and over, he thrust, each thrust, becoming faster, deeper, stroking my pussy with his big, beautiful cock. With every move, with every surge of his hips, he drove me higher and higher, until my orgasm hung there, and I knew it wouldn’t take much more, to have me falling, tipping over the edge, into a sea of mind blowing pleasure.

“Hold onto me Dante. Don’t let go.” I cried out, my fingers curling into the marble of the kitchen bench.

“Never cara.” He growled, his fingers tightening on me. “Come, I need you to come because…because I…can’t…hold…on…much…longer.” He punctuated each word, with a thrust of his hips.

Hearing his words, the note of desperation in them, desperation that caused my heart to leap with excitement, was enough to push me over the edge.

His name left my lips on a scream, loud, drawn out, relieved, yet wrapped up, in the endless waves, of pleasure. God, it just went on and on, radiating out through me, making my fingers and toes tingle in reaction.

I gasped and moaned, my body writhing on the bench, as I struggled to deal with the intensity of my orgasm. It vaguely registered that Dante’s movements had slowed, obviously to allow me to ride out, what I was going through, but I wanted him to experience his own nirvana now, I wanted him to come.

Once, twice, I clenched hard around him, working my pussy over him like a vice. Behind me, I heard an anguished groan, and he began to move again, his fingers biting almost painfully into the flesh over my hips.

Broken, ragged Italian began to fall from his lips as he thrust faster, his movements lacking his usual skill, not that it mattered to me. I’d reached my release, this was all for Dante now. I needed him to come. I wanted him to experience the kind of pleasure he gave me. 

“Come on baby, I love you.” I said huskily, over my shoulder to him, and he swore, faltered briefly in his out of control thrusts, before resuming, with long, deep strokes.

Suddenly he tensed, a noise, coming from him that for a moment, made me think he was in pain. It sounded like it was being torn from him, and I knew I had to see him, to watch him.

I screwed my head around as far as I could, given my position over the bench and managed to get a glimpse of his face.

His features were twisted, lips parted, teeth gritted as he jerkily slammed into me a couple more times. As his head shot back, eyes closing, veins bulging in his neck, he froze, jerking me hard against him, forgetting obviously, while in the grip of his orgasm, that he might possibly hurt me.

I felt him get even bigger and harder, just before he jerked inside me and finally, he let go, finding his release. I watched, fascinated, at the myriad of emotions flitting over his face, as he came, and my heart swelled with my love for him. 

Satisfied that he was getting his chance at some pleasure too, I turned back and lay over the bench, feeling the warmth of him filling me.

I smiled to myself, as I basked in my post orgasmic glow. In the end, I got what I wanted. I’d broken that rigid, self-sacrificing control of his. I’d made him fuck me, against his earlier misgivings.

I did wonder if he was silently cursing me, for pushing him though. I’d needed him so much, and going by how wet I felt, he’d needed his release just as much as I had.

As he lay over me, hands braced on the edge of the kitchen bench either side of me, touching me, but not crushing me, I felt the heavy, frantic beat of his heart, and heard the ragged, rasping breaths, he dragged into his lungs.

Finally, he pulled out of me and a flood of cum, flowed from me. As I felt it making its slow trail down my thighs, I smiled to myself. Something about making Dante come; was always deeply rewarding.

“Someone seems very satisfied with themselves.” His voice was suddenly at my ear. “Let me help you up cara.  I need to clean you. I told you, I have not allowed myself to seek any kind of release while you were in hospital, so I came hard. It was intensely pleasurable, but it did walk a fine line between ecstasy and agony.”

“I know that feeling Dante, that brief moment, where the need to come, is a painful pleasure; but then to come, is both pleasurable, and an exquisite relief. Words fail me, properly describing what it is like, but anyone who has experienced an orgasm to that level of intensity, will know that feeling.”

“Very true, but now, it is time to take care of you, to clean you, since I did as I promised, I gave you all I had to give. I really do have no control with you. It was not my intention to fuck you. Much as I wanted to, much as I always want to, I feared that I might hurt you. Did I hurt you Grace? I know for that moment, when all coherent thought leaves me, that I may very well have caused you some discomfort.”

“You didn’t hurt me.” I let him help me turn, until I was facing him again. “That was incredible, and I like knowing that I could make you come. I like to know that you can find pleasure in my body.”

“I think we’ve established that you bring me great pleasure but now, it is time to clean you up.” He bent suddenly, taking me by surprise, as he swung me up and into his arms, carrying me through the house, to his bathroom.




Several hours later, I was clean, fed, and well fed too. Dante was a great cook. I shouldn’t be surprised I guess. It seemed there wasn’t anything he did badly.

As the hours passed, and the evening progressed, I could tell, something was starting to weigh heavily on his mind. Intuitively, I already suspected what it was, but I kept silent, a rare thing for me. I would let him tell me, when he felt the time was right, and when he was ready. Not because I began to nag and harass him, to spill the beans on whatever it was, that bothered him.

He kept silent all evening, even when he finally had me settled in his bed, where I couldn’t escape. I carefully rolled onto my side, so I faced him, reaching out, to walk my fingers softly over his handsome face.

I watched the play of emotions in those warm, expressive eyes of his, and could almost see the cloud of tension hanging over him. I couldn’t stand it. I knew what he wanted, what he would ask, and much as the idea terrified me, being with him was more important to me, than any insecurities or concerns, I might have.

“I hate to see you like this Dante. I know what you’re going to say, and my answer is yes. I won’t lie; the idea of living in a foreign country terrifies me. I can’t speak the language, so I will have to learn, and I’m warning you now, I’m not that good with languages. I took French in school, and I can remember half a dozen words or so. It’s not just the language barrier though; it’s the fact, that the vineyard is a glaring reminder, of just how wealthy you are.” I pressed my fingers to his lips, when he looked like he was going to say something. I needed to finish first.

“I know I’m being stupid. You have never flashed your wealth around, and I think that’s why, it was easy for me to pretend you were just an average person, because here, in Australia, you live a more modest lifestyle.

Your world in Italy is so alien to me. I have never known poverty, but wealth to your scale, is completely foreign to me. I still struggle with self-image Dante. I look at you, and you’re so perfect. Women want you, I know it, I see it in their eyes and I know you love me, I do, but I fear that one day, one will tempt you, or you’ll wake up and realise, I’m not that big a deal after all, and you’ll leave me, and my heart will become some useless, wasted organ, lying crushed beneath your feet.” Again, he tried to speak, but again, I silenced him.

“I nearly lost you forever because of my stupid thoughts. I’m not idiot enough to do it again. It is only right, that you return to Italy. I can see it’s your home, you’re happy there. I just need to accept that I will have to share your time there, since so many rely on you at the winery. I know it will be the right environment to raise a family, and I know, all that matters is, that I love you, I will be with you, and to sweeten the deal, we will have our friends with us. I’m right in assuming, Alex and Mel want to make the move, aren’t I?”

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