Early Dynastic Egypt (84 page)

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Authors: Toby A. H. Wilkinson

Tags: #Social Science, #Archaeology

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Mesopotamia, Egyptian contacts with 32, 43, 150, 170, 224–5, 315
Metjen (official) 132, 133, 140, 141, 146–7, 254;
tomb inscription of 103, 105, 110, 124, 133, 144
Min (deity) 15, 95, 197, 199, 263, 290–1
mines and quarries 149,
171–3 Minshat Abu Omar:
from 53, 57, 69;
élite burial 225,
excavations at 21–2;
and the northward spread of Upper Egyptian ceramic styles 35–6; settlement 341;
and trade 46, 363, 364
Montet, J.P.M. 13 Morgan, J.J.M. de 6 Mostagedda 356, 357
Mt Hermon 154, 158


Naga ed-Deir 7–8, 354, 355
Naga el-Mashayikh 355
Nahal Tillah 24, 44, 69, 154 Naqada:
Cemetery T 37, 48, 52;
as cult centre of Seth 207, 294–5; excavations at 5;
inscribed objects from 69, 71, 203, 297, 301;
as Predynastic centre 37–8, 46, 47, 49, 52; and the red crown 192;
region 350–2;
royal tomb
Neith-hotep, tomb of; South Town 323, 324, 326, 327, 336–7;
and state formation 48, 50
Narmer, King 39, 44, 51, 67–70;
and administration 125, 138;
as the first king of the First Dynasty 3, 26, 61, 66; as the founder of Memphis 58;
and foreign relations 152, 154, 155, 159, 160, 162, 169;
objects inscribed with the name of 179, 285, 295, 334
(see also
Narmer macehead; Narmer palette;
year labels);
relationship to rulers of ‘Dynasty 0’ 56, 57;
tomb of 55, 69, 234
Narmer macehead 7, 68–9;
and aspects of royal iconography 190, 194, 197, 199; depiction of court officials on 136, 137;
depiction of shrine on 303, 317;
as evidence for royal rituals 208, 214, 217, 249
Narmer palette 7;
interpretation of 3, 49, 51, 68, 69, 155;
and aspects of royal iconography 190, 191, 194, 197, 199; depiction of the goddess Bat on 263, 282–3;
depiction of court officials on 136, 137 Nazlet Batran
Giza Mastaba V
Nebka, King 5, 95, 101–3, 105
Nebra, King 84, 202, 333;
and administration 116, 121, 123, 124, 292;
and religious cults 263, 282, 293;
rock-cut inscriptions of 169, 173;
tomb of 84, 240, 242
necropolis seals of Den and Qaa 19, 26, 62,
66, 74, 78, 288
Negev 24, 154
Neith (deity) 148, 193, 221–2, 291–2, 306, 320
Neith-hotep, Queen 69, 70, 291, 292;
tomb of 6, 37, 70, 164, 224, 225, 231, 337
Nekhbet (deity) 292, 297;
connection with the t-festival 85, 301;
as goddess of Elkab 81, 308, 331, 333;
origins of 262, 264;
see also
Two Ladies’ title and names
Hierakonpolis nemes-head-dress 192, 196
Netjerikhet, King 60, 95–8, 330;
and administration 112, 116, 117, 119, 122, 127, 134, 136, 139, 142, 143;
expeditions to the Sinai 166, 300
(see also
Sinai); iconography of 192, 196
(see also
Step Pyramid complex, relief panels); names and titles of 201, 202, 205, 284;
in the order of succession 26, 94, 101, 102;
and royal ritual 210, 211;
seal-impressions of 250, 334;
and temple building 312, 316
(see also
Heliopolis, Third Dynasty shrine at);
see also
Step Pyramid complex Nimaathap, Queen 94, 95, 97
Ninetjer, King 85–7, 86;
and administration 121, 124, 127, 137, 142;
iconography of 189, 190;
names and titles of 202, 208;
and royal ritual 211, 212, 223;
in the order of succession 88, 89;
and religious cults 281, 282, 285, 292;
and religious festivals 300, 301;
tomb of 85, 240–2, 251–2;
see also
funerary enclosures at Saqqara nome system, origins of 118, 141–2
North Saqqara, élite tombs
72, 76, 80, 229, 254, 360–1;
architecture of 78, 153, 225, 233–4, 242, 245;
boat burials 257;
debate about status of 259–60; excavation of 11–12, 15–16;
inscriptions from 71, 75, 85, 87, 92, 97;
S3357 70, 231;
S3505 148
title and names 75, 87, 193, 200, 205–7 Nubia:
contacts with Egypt 39–40, 49, 175–82, 345;
Egyptian aggression towards 71, 92, 178, 223, 329;
see also
A-Group; Qustul;
trade Nubnefer, King 89
*Ny-Hor, King 54


O’Connor, D. 22
obsidian 163–4 officials:
administrative 114–16;
treasury 131–3;
see also
titles oils:
imports of 80, 159, 161;
processing of
secondary products Osiris (deity) 288, 292


palace-façade architecture 18, 73, 112, 224–9,
228, 258 Palestine:
Egyptian colonisation of 24, 44, 51, 152–5, 180;
Egyptian aggression towards 71, 77, 155–7,
see also
administration of foreign conquests; trade, with the Near East
Palermo Stone
annals palettes 36, 170;
commemorative 31, 49, 62, 190, 197, 218, 297, 310, 314;
see also
Narmer palette papyrus 11
Pehernefer (official) 110, 122, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 136, 140, 143
*Pe-Hor, King 54
pelican 266, 298–9
Peribsen, King 86, 89–90;
and administration 116, 121, 122, 125, 127, 128, 129, 130, 132;
names and titles of 38, 82–3, 295;
relationship to other kings 88, 91;
seal-impressions of 189, 263, 282, 288, 293, 295;
tomb of 84, 85, 90, 142, 244–5;
see also
funerary enclosures Petrie, W.M.F. 5, 8–9, 259, 313–14
phyles 109, 134, 149
pottery production 33–6 priesthood
royal family;
titles, religious
Ptah (deity) 263, 281, 292–3 pyramids
Huni; Khaba; Maidum; Seila; Sekhemkhet;
Step Pyramid complex; Zawiyet el-Aryan
Pyramid Texts:
references to celestial afterlife 257, 258, 266;
references to deities, general 264, 286, 288, 295, 301;
references to deities, specific Utterances 282, 283, 284, 289–90, 294, 297;
references to regalia, shrines and cult objects 193, 296, 298–9, 319; as a source for early theology 203;
as a source for interpreting the Step Pyramid complex 248


Qaa, King 80–1;
and administration 116, 121, 127, 133, 135, 136, 137, 140, 143, 148;
and foreign relations 157, 159;
names and titles of 202, 204;
relationship to other kings 82, 83;
and religion 273, 281, 292;
rock-cut inscriptions of 292, 333;
Sed-festival of 212–13;
tomb of 26, 80–1, 237–8, 257
(see also
human sacrifice);
year labels of 218, 222, 300, 301, 305;
see also
Deir Sitt Damiana Qahedjet, King 95, 103–5, 202
Qau 274, 280
Qena 56, 295
Qift 169, 170
Quibell, I.E. 6–7, 9
Qus 169, 170
Quseir 56, 170
Qustul 39–40, 48, 51, 54, 176–7, 179, 345;
incense burner 39, 49, 54, 194;
and trade 43, 46, 180


Ra (deity) 84, 273, 293
Rafiah 44
Nebra red crown
association with Neith 221; as a deity 284;
as an item of royal regalia 102, 192–4, 211, 274, 275, 287;
origins of 48–9
regalia, royal 186–96;
see also
bull’s tail; double crown; flail;
khat-head-dress’, nemes-head-dress;
sandals; red crown; uraeus;
-sceptre; white crown Reisner, G.A. 7–8
royal cult 117, 274–9, 299;
statues 78, 274–
royal family:
in government 112, 114, 135–6, 138, 148, 185–6; in the priesthood 273
royal foundations 116–24, 134, 365;
see also
domains; estates
royal names
, 200–8
royal placenta 198–9, 266, 299 royal tomb:

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