Fall (Roam Series, Book Two) (8 page)

Read Fall (Roam Series, Book Two) Online

Authors: Kimberly Stedronsky

BOOK: Fall (Roam Series, Book Two)
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“Don’t talk to me.”

Logan’s glance was skeptical as he rolled his eyes. “This baby is sucking the sense of humor right out of you.” He puffed air from his lips. “So West’s only memory of his… origin… was from this guy Asher?”

I nodded. “Asher died in a fire.”

“And he meets a girl that looks like you on the road, who tells him everything he knows?”

“That’s what he said. He said I had red, curly hair, and he thought I was a gypsy.”

“That’s impossible.” He pressed the defrost button as the windows began to steam.

smiled, the irony of his words fueling a genuine giggle. “
the impossible part?”

grinned, sliding his arm over the seat behind me. “Okay, no more for now. From now until tomorrow night, we’re just two seniors enjoying Thanksgiving break. No more talk of prophecies, or mad scientists, or evil immortals.”


“If I have a nightmare tonight, I’ll tell you about it on the plane to Russia… fifty-seven years ago.”

smirked, nodding and leaning against his shoulder. “Deal again.”

And… since you’re being so agreeable… my mother would like to teach you how to make her famous cranberry sauce… so that you will pass the recipe on to her grandchild.”

released the air from my chest through my pursed lips. “Come on, Rush. That stuff is so disgusting.”

“Deal?” He prodded my shoulder with his elbow as he turned onto our road.

“Ugh- deal,” I agreed, sighing. “Maybe if I pretend I’m really into it, she won’t notice the hole that I kicked in the wall.”

He chuckled. “Too late. But you won the sympathy vote. Apparently my mom threw a lamp at a wall when she was pregnant with me.”

Laughing, I unbuckled myself as he pulled into my driveway. The lights were off and Morgan’s car was gone, so I assumed she and Jason were still shopping. I hoped my dad’s car was in the garage. Logan turned the headlights off, darkening the car.

He caught my mouth, still open in a smile, and slid his fingers though my hair. I gasped into his kiss, struggling to back away. He only followed me as I moved, pinning me between the window and his body. “
We could have a normal life, Cam,
” he murmured against my lips. “I’ll never stop protecting you, or the baby. It’ll be
our baby
. Please just
let him go.

Tears streamed from my closed eyes before I realized I was crying. Responding to his kiss was tempting; he was familiar, and warm, and everything about him made me feel
like home. I reacted as I always did; my mind never stopped working. “You can’t protect me all the way from Parris Island… or Camp Lejuene… or
,” I spit the last location disgustedly, flattening my palm against his chest and pushing against him. “As long as Troy lives, no matter where he is, I’ll never be safe.”

He locked his eyes on mine, wrapping his fingers around my wrist. “I won’t go. I won’t
enlist if you just stay with me.”

His words were crushing against my lungs. I struggled to keep my heartbeat even. “
You’d stay for me?


Does that change anything? No…
I still love West.
“I can’t ask that of you.”

“You don’t have to ask.”

I looked down, brushing away the tears. “Let me think. Give me some time.” My betraying words dishonored West in every way. I cringed, gripping my purse. “
Let me think,
” I repeated.

He nodded, brushing his hand over my hair once more before climbing out of the car.
Walking around the front, he opened the door for me. I took his outstretched hand, letting him help me to my feet in the driveway. “Do you want me to come in for a while?”

His words were heavy with silent questions. “It’s really late… I’m tired. Is it okay if I just see you tomorrow?”

“I don’t want you to be alone,” he gestured to the house. “I don’t think your dad is home yet.”

“If you come in… I’m just going to sleep, Logan, okay?”

He pressed the button on his keys to lock his car, the brief beeping sound indicating the Camry was secure. “I promise not to kiss you again without asking. Just sleep. I’m going to check some things out online for a while, and try to prepare for 1955. When your dad gets home, or Morgan, I’ll leave.”

I opened the front door with my keys. He followed me in, locking the deadbolt behind him. “Dad?” I called, hoping he’d gotten a ride home and left his car at the VFW.

Logan checked the upstairs, basement, and garage thoroughly. “He’s not here.”

“I’ll text him.” I did, asking him to please call if he needed a ride.

“Go upstairs and go to bed. I’ll just hang out down here.”

“Are you sure?”

“I’m sure.” He crossed the room to the bottom of the stairs, gazing down at me. His dark, curly hair fell in boyish waves against his forehead. “Permission to kiss you, Miss Camden?”

I sighed, exhausted- but amused. “Granted. PG only,” I tapped my cheek with my index finger.

He pressed his lips to my jaw, just next to my ear. I shivered, his warm breath tickling my neck. “
Don’t worry,
” he whispered, wrapping his arms around me.

,” I replied in a sigh, thankful for his company. “
Night, Rush.

Once in my bedroom, I walked directly to West’s suitcase and pulled
a folded, white dress shirt from the bag. Pressing it to my nose in between movements, I managed to remove my clothes and slip his buttoned shirt over my head without crying.
smell numbed my quickening thoughts. I was asleep before my cheek touched the pillow.

…just want her to get some rest

“You’re not hearing me, Logan. Wake her

I stirred at the voices outside my bedroom door, confused. My iPhone wasn’t on my nightstand where I normally kept it.
What time is it?
I moved and sat up, disoriented.
Who’s talking?

The window facing the driveway told me
that it was light outside. I separated two slats of the plastic mini blinds, blinking at the brightness. Fresh, white snow blanketed the grass and road, and judging by the mailboxes, the accumulation was at least a foot deep. A plow truck rumbled by, spraying the end of the driveway with blackened slush.

At that moment, I saw the bumper of the black SUV parked close to the garage door. Struggling for coherent thoughts, I turned and ran to my door.
Is he here? West is here?

“Cam?” Logan stood at the foot of the stairs next to a tall, blond girl talking energetically with her hands.

Her long curls bounced my way, and she crossed her arms over her chest, raising an eyebrow. “Morning, sunshine,” she quipped, nodding her head my way. “Congratulations.”

I covered my stomach, suddenly realizing that I wore only West’s
dress shirt and underwear. Backing toward my door, I looked between both of them. “Violet?”

West’s seventeen-year-old daughter was almost as tall as Logan. Her dark, blue eyes, so like West’s, pierced mine. “So you were going to go without me. I thought we had an understanding,” her boots were leaving crushed, wet rings on the carpet, and I resisted the urge to tell her to take them off.

“Logan said he hadn’t heard from you…,”

“After Russia, I didn’t think there was any need for friendly phone calls. We all want Troy dead, and I want my mom back, so cut the crap. You should have called me.”

Caught off guard, I tugged on the hem of the over-sized dress shirt self-consciously. Her too tight jeans were snug on her thighs and disappeared into her fur lined boots. Her jacket, shimmering silver, gave her an otherworldly air. She was sexy, with the kind of almost-eighteen-year-old body that I long ago realized I’d never have. Nothing about her curves would have anyone guessing that she was still in high-school.

I lifted my chin, straightening my shoulders. Ignoring her, I turned to Logan. “Is dad home?”

“He’s in his bedroom.” He said nothing more, and that was enough to convey that my dad had, in fact, been drinking.

“I’m going to get showered and dressed. We plan to leave tomorrow morning.”

“Well, I plan to leave
. I don’t need to wait for you; I just need your key.” She nodded toward my arm, my numbers standing out against the bright white shirt.

I covered my arm with my palm. “We need to prepare.”

“Fine, you two prepare, just give me a ride through the fountain. I’ll see you in 1955.”

“Ladies,” Logan rolled his eyes. “
What’s with the hostility? We’re on the same team.”

“We need to stay together,” I gentled my voice, turning to Violet. “Please just work with us here. Did Logan tell you about going back to Russia once we get to 1955?”

Violet cocked her head to the side slightly. “He told me. I think you’re going for the wrong reasons.”

I stepped back. “You do?”

“You’re looking for…
,” she said his name between her teeth, “because you want rainbows and a happily-ever-after. Though I’m not his biggest fan, he did sacrifice his life for you to be safe
. I’m going to find the other doors. I’ve been preparing for months for Troy. I won’t go down without a fight.”

“But you’ll go down.” I steadied my words. “He will kill you.”

She shrugged. “We’ll see.”

I looked at Logan. He watched me intently, his eyes moving from my shoulders to my feet. “Maybe you should change.”

His assessment made my heart thud. Gone was the smile from his words; he was disgusted that I’d put West’s shirt on, that much was clear. I nodded, retreating to my bedroom and locking the door.

Violet was driven to find her mother, and to kill Troy.
She’ll be useful,
I told myself sternly.
Take her with you.
My stomach turned.

But Troy had killed
was the one in that pool.

I would be the one to kill Troy.

Chapter Seven

“Where do you buy raspberry vinegar?” I asked Mrs. Rush as she peeled an orange. She laughed lightly, patting my shoulder.

“Anywhere, sweetie. I’ll teach you how to cook if it’s the last thing I do.” She brushed her hand against her apron, wagging a finger in my direction.

I smiled.
Thanksgiving at the Rush’s was more comfortable than I had expected. The turkey in the oven sent my appetite into growling fits of anticipation; I covered my middle in embarrassment as another grumble sounded, loud enough for Mrs. Rush to hear.

“You can’t wait
, Roamie, you’re eating for two,” she chided, moving toward the bread bowl on the table. “Please eat a roll while it cooks.”

“I like this dress,” Logan sauntered into the kitchen from behind me. He slipped his arm around my waist as he stole a cookie from a
decorative tray on the counter. “You look like an angel.”

straightened rigidly, covering his hand with mine. My dress was short, a cream, sweater material with a cowl neck, the clinging fabric clearly defining my rounded abdomen. The hem touched the back of my legs, just above my knees.  “Far from,” I said, under my breath. He squeezed me reassuringly before letting me go.

Violet waited at West’s house for us, after a heated conversation that ended in me handing her the keys. Logan felt we needed to invite her to dinner, but I insisted that she’d raise too many questions with both of our families. She insisted she didn’t want to go, anyway.

Dinner began with Mr. Rush complimenting me on my cranberry sauce, so I decided we were off to a good start. Near dessert, the inquisition began. I gently set my fork down on the table and counted the moments until I could excuse myself.

“So, Logan tells us
that he may not join the Marines if you two get back together. You know my views, so I’m hoping you two are working out your issues.”

I glared at Logan.
Logan rolled his eyes, focusing on his plate. Mr. Rush hated that his only child had decided to join the military. He was a baseball fanatic, and constantly encouraged Logan to think of playing for the minor leagues.

“That’s… um… a lot of pressu
re,” I breathed a nervous laugh. “Ultimately Logan’s future is… up to Logan.”

Well, not anymore, right?” He gestured to the general area below my chin. “Now it’s up to my grandson or granddaughter.”

I lowered my eyes, tracing my fingers along the edge of the tablecloth. “Okay.”

suggest,” he cleared his throat, taking a swig of water before continuing, “that we take the initiative here. Carol and I would like to offer you thirty thousand dollars for the wedding, and a ten percent down payment on a house.”

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