Fated Love (27 page)

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Authors: Radclyffe

BOOK: Fated Love
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"It's your first date. I want the details."

"Black brushed-silk slacks and a royal blue blouse."

"The one where the top button is just about at nipple level and shows a nice bit of your cleavage?"

Honor burst out laughing. "I never thought you noticed that sort of thing."

"You might be my best friend, but I still notice." Linda gave a hum of approval. "I don't suppose you'll tell me if you're wearing a bra?"

"Noo, I don't think so."

Linda's pout was nearly audible over the phone. "What a spoilsport." Her voice suddenly serious, she asked softly, "Are you nervous?"

"A little," Honor confessed. "I like Quinn, but I'm not totally certain this is a good idea. I have to work with her every day, and things could be awkward if this turns into a disaster."

"Quinn seems solid. I can't imagine her giving you a hard time, no matter what happens." Truly sympathetic and hoping to defuse her friend's nerves, Linda added, "I can tell that you like her, and I know that she likes you. Just try to have fun tonight."

At that moment, the front doorbell rang, and Honor jumped, her heart racing as she peered at the shadow-shape visible through the curtains. "I have to go. She's here."

"Have fun, sweetie. And call me in the morning prepared to tell all."

Another laugh eased some of the tension as Honor said goodbye and replaced the receiver. Then she hurried to the door and pulled it open. She hesitated before speaking just long enough to enjoy the sight of the woman at her door. Quinn wore a light gray linen blazer with matching trousers and a dark silk shirt that hugged her torso. Highly polished dress shoes and a thin black belt completed the urban-chic look. "Hello."

"Hi," Quinn said softly, extending an arrangement of freesia, baby's breath, and a single white rose. She smiled as her gaze traveled from Honor's face briefly over her body, and then back to Honor's eyes. "You look beautiful."

"Thank you," Honor said, reaching for the flowers to cover her charmed embarrassment.
Flowers. I can't believe she brought me flowers. Does anyone do that anymore?
Honor swallowed around a sudden surge of pleasure. "They're wonderful. Come inside so I can take care of them."

As she walked through the house, Honor was exquisitely sensitive to Quinn's presence just behind her. The air surrounding them felt heavy, like the electrified atmosphere just before a summer storm. Her skin tingled and the fine hairs on her arms stood up as she shivered lightly.

Once in the kitchen, she said casually, "I'll just put these in some water, and then we can go."

Quinn waited, watching Honor's quick, efficient movements. She enjoyed watching Honor do anything, but her anticipation of the evening had been building all week, and at that moment, all she really wanted to do was touch her. Afraid that she might, and afraid that it would be too much far too soon, Quinn slid her hands into the pockets of her trousers. "Arly get off to the movies okay?"

"Couldn't wait." Honor turned from the counter with the beginnings of a smile that faltered as she looked into Quinn's eyes. The deep blue she was used to had edged to purple, and the focus, always intense, was so sharp now that her body quickened instantly. She caught her lower lip between her teeth and willed herself not to reach out, certain that if she touched Quinn now, she wouldn't
touching her until sunrise. Voice thick, she added, "She asked me tonight if we were going on a date."

Blinking, Quinn pulled herself back from the fantasy of sliding her palms under the rich silk of Honor's blouse and over the smooth expanse of her back. "Is that okay?''

"She thinks it's neat." Honor took a step closer, tilted her head, and brushed her lips over Quinn's. Before she succumbed to the temptation to slip her fingers into Quinn's hair and press even closer, she backed away, catching Quinn's hand in hers. "So do I. Come on, let's go."

Because she had no choice, and wouldn't have done otherwise even if she had, Quinn allowed Honor to lead her away. Away from everything she had known or even imagined, toward a place that she had scarcely dared dream of.

* * * * *

In the darkened theater, a series of overlapping spotlights highlighted the nearly naked men and women who reclined on the stage floor, enormous drums clasped between their thighs, tautly muscled arms beating a rhythm that pounded through the air, through the floor, through the bodies of the spellbound audience. Sweat glistened on smooth skin, nostrils flared with the rush of hot breath, and blood boiled close to the surface in a flush of heat. The beat was so primitive, so primal, that the collective consciousness of performers and audience alike pulsed as one—hearts and loins and desires joined in an ancient rite.

At one point, when it seemed that the intensity, the furor, could climb no higher, with a tremendous show of passion and will, the drummers arched their backs and pounded the huge mallets even faster until their limbs were a blur. Quinn, riding the waves of exuberant abandon, glanced at Honor, whose eyes, shining with excitement, were riveted on the stage. Her slightly parted lips were full and sensuous, and Quinn was certain she had never seen a more glorious woman.

At that instant, Honor turned her head, thrilling to the ardor in Quinn's expression. When Quinn wordlessly turned her left hand palm up on the armrest between them, Honor laced her fingers through Quinn's. At the jolt of electricity, her eyes widened in concern, and she leaned close, her mouth against Quinn's ear. "Was that you?"

Swiftly, Quinn lifted their joined hands and kissed the back of Honor's, then shook her head. Raising her voice against the thunder that reverberated through the very walls, she shouted, "No. That was

Wild with relief and the glory of the moment, Honor pulled Quinn's hand into her lap and held it there with both of hers as the drummers, along with her very soul, raged on.

* * * * *

Honor maneuvered through the late Friday evening traffic, her eyes on the road but her mind on the woman next to her. She hadn't really thought about the nature of the performance when she'd invited Quinn. She'd seen the Japanese drummers before and loved the energy and passion of their art. Self-consciously, she wondered if Quinn had felt any of the arousal that she had experienced as the pulsating rhythm had inundated them. She couldn't remember it having been quite so sexual an experience before and hoped that Quinn did not think it had been intentional on her part to orchestrate such a suggestive first date. It concerned her that Quinn had been quiet since they left the theater.

"Everything okay?" Honor finally ventured to ask.

Quinn reached across the distance and slid her fingers into Honor's hair, lifting it away from her neck. Leaning over as far as her seat belt would allow, she ran her lips over the rim of Honor's ear. "Everything is perfect."

"Quinn," Honor breathed thickly, her stomach doing a slow roll, "you can't do that, while I'm driving."

"Must be why I can't get car insurance," Quinn mused, moving her lips to a spot just below Honor's ear. "Judgment problems."

Honor gripped the wheel with both hands and ignored the tantalizing fluttering in her depths. "Get yourself back into your own seat."

Laughing softly, Quinn settled back, but she kept her hand on Honor's thigh. "That was the first date to end all first dates."

"I hope so," Honor said without thinking. Then she blushed and stammered, "I mean...hell... I just..."

"I had a great time," Quinn said genuinely. "They were unbelievable."

"I know." Breathing a bit easier as her blood pressure came down out of the stratosphere, Honor turned off Lincoln Drive, the torturous narrow road that led from Center City into their residential neighborhood, and onto her street. "I'm really glad you enjoyed it."

"Honor," Quinn said tenderly. "It's all right if you take me home."

Honor slowed and glanced at Quinn. "Is that what you want?"

Quinn shook her head. "No."

Nodding, Honor accelerated for half a block and then coasted into her driveway. She turned off the engine and shifted on the seat until she faced Quinn. In the semidarkness, she found Quinn's hands and clasped them tightly. "I thought about tonight for days. I can't tell you that I understand everything that I feel, or even that I'm totally comfortable with it, but I want you to come inside with me." Her voice was shaking, but she had to finish. In fairness to Quinn
But tomorrow...I don't know."

Quinn could have walked away. She could have insisted on waiting until Honor could tell her everything that she wanted to hear. Instead, she ran her thumb over the surface of Honor's ring finger. "You're not wearing your wedding ring."

"No," Honor replied softly. "I'm not."

"How come?" Quinn's voice was low and heavy, a languorous caress.

"Because..." Honor swallowed, her heart beating furiously in her throat. "Because I wanted tonight to be just us."

"I promise," Quinn leaned forward, her mouth moving gently over Honor's as she whispered, "it will be."

Chapter Twenty-Two

H onor waited for Quinn in front of the car, then took her hand and together, they climbed the back stairs to the kitchen. Wordlessly, Honor led her down the hallway, dimly lit by a muted chandelier, to the stairs ascending to the second floor and her bedroom. At the foot of the stairs, she turned and met Quinn's gaze.

"We could have a drink in the living room and listen to some music, or—" '

"You know," Quinn interrupted gently, "you've been taking all the risks lately. It's about time I took some."

At Honor's questioning gaze, Quinn smiled. "You asked me out tonight, remember? And you asked me to come in just now, too. I know neither of those things was easy for you." Skimming her fingertips through the hair at the base of Honor's neck, she framed Honor's face in both hands, palms lightly cupping her jaw. Carefully, she brought her mouth to Honor's and kissed her, a slow, thorough kiss that left them both slightly breathless. "Let me be the one to say that I want to make love with you now. Right now."

"Yes." Honor's voice rang with both certainty and longing. Her grip on Quinn's hand tightened as they climbed the stairs.

In the bedroom, Honor released Quinn's hand to cross the room and turn on a lamp in the far corner. It illuminated the room in a warm golden glow Hesitantly, she turned to Quinn, who waited just inside the door. "Unless you'd rather not have the light?"

"It's perfect." The corner of Quinn's mouth lifted. "I want to look at you as much as I want to touch you."

Honor trembled even as heat suffused her. "I...believe it or not, this is new for me."

"Me, too." Quinn walked to within a foot of her and stopped. She looked into Honor's eyes as she said, "I've never been with a woman I've wanted so much in so many ways." She lifted her hand, rested her fingertips against the curve of Honor's cheek. "I want to see you, touch you—know you. All of you—everywhere."

"Quinn," Honor murmured thickly. She slipped her hands inside Quinn's blazer, careful not to touch Quinn's body as she lifted the jacket up and off, enjoying the waiting as much as the wanting. Then she wrapped her arms around Quinn's neck and melted into her.

Each time they embraced, it was as natural as breathing. With a groan, Quinn did what she'd been wanting to do for the last five hours. She slid her hands around Honor's waist, gently pulled the blouse from the waistband of the silk slacks, and spread her hands across Honor's naked lower back. The flesh beneath her fingers was hot, the muscles quivering. She spread her fingers lower, over Honor's buttocks, and guided Honor against the curve of her abdomen and thighs.

Rocking her hips indolently, Honor nuzzled Quinn's neck, then the undersurface of her jaw, then her earlobe, catching skin gently between her teeth before licking the tiny pinpoints of pain with the tip of her tongue. With a hand between their bodies, she deftly loosed the buttons on Quinn's shirt and slipped her hand inside, pressing her palm to Quinn's lower abdomen, fingertips barely grazing the upper edge of her briefs.

Quinn jerked at the touch and brought her lips to the hollow at the base of Honor's throat. "I've wanted this so much."

"Oh," Honor breathed as the muscles jumped beneath her hand, "I love the way you get so tight when I touch you." Slowly, she raked her nails up the center of Quinn's belly as she flicked her tongue along the edge of Quinn's ear. When Quinn shuddered and groaned again, she murmured, "You like?"

"You're killing me."

Honor tilted her head back and laughed, the sound throaty and deep. Delighted. "Not just yet I'm not."

Fighting to clear her head of the haze of desire, Quinn kissed Honor's neck, then moved her lips in a languorous trail down the center of Honor's chest. She worked the first button on the royal blue blouse free and parted the material with her fingers so that she could press her face between Honor's breasts. When she turned her head and kissed the swell of firm flesh, Honor's fingers came into her hair and drew her even closer.

"Your lips are so soft," Honor gasped as Quinn's tongue flicked teasingly against the edge of her nipple.

The catch of excitement in Honor's voice made Quinn's head swim. The rush of arousal was so swift it nearly brought her to her knees. She wanted to touch Honor everywhere, with her hands, with her mouth, to be deep inside her, surrounded by her. The need was so overpowering, it terrified her. Nearly choking on the urgency, she lifted her face from Honor's breasts and, with trembling hands, slowly released the remaining buttons on Honor's blouse. After lifting it off, she reverently cradled her palms beneath Honor's breasts, her thumbs stroking the hard nipples.

"Oh! I...think it's time to lie down." Honor's head was thrown back", her back arched as she unconsciously thrust her breasts harder into Quinn's hands.

"Let me undress you first." Quinn caught a taut nipple with her teeth and tugged sharply.

A startled cry, of pleasure tore from Honor's throat, and she sagged against Quinn's body, her legs trembling. "Baby, please."

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