Father & Son: Book two of the Jensen Family Series (6 page)

BOOK: Father & Son: Book two of the Jensen Family Series
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Both boys smiled at their mother as they
retreated from the kitchen.

“Hey Paul, do you know how to make a
hormone?” Matt asked.

“Yeah, don’t pay her.” Paul quipped.

“That’s good. I like it.” Matt laughed.

Monica, shaking her head at her son’s,
returned to cleaning up the kitchen before settling down for a night of her favourite
soap operas.


Chapter Five


Thanks to the argument, they arrived at
the club later than they usually would. The place was packed to the rafters but
still, on seeing the doorman, they were let in and after shirking their
jackets, they headed into the main part of the club where they stood, surveying
their territory.

Paul lent close to his brother “You get
the drinks. I just need to use the phone.”

Matt nodded and headed to the bar, easing
his way between two big breasted beauties and turning on his best “Hi, how are
ya?” grin as Paul continued past him, waving briefly at Jez, the club’s manager
before  disappearing into the relative quiet of the rear hallway that led to
the toilets and had several payphones attached to the wall.

Paul made a habit of not bringing his
phone with him when he came here just in case Carmen called, as even out in the
stark hallway, the music from the club was audible and would lead to questions
he simply didn’t want to answer.

When he’d seen how packed the club was and
realised he could be in for a very fruitful night, he knew he’d have to call
Phil, his foreman as he had absolutely no intention of working tomorrow and
wanted to pass the responsibility of the following days work over to the older

Leaning back against the wall as he talked
to Phil, he observed several lovely girls and likely candidates for his
attention come and go from the ladies room. As he replaced the receiver and
pushed off from the wall, one beauty who he hadn’t noticed walked towards him.
Concentrating on something in her handbag, she almost walked into him and only
stopped when his hands wrapped around her biceps, preventing the collision.

“Oh, sorry.” She gasped as she looked up
“Paul Jensen!” she exclaimed “Aren’t you a little young to be in this
particular club?”

Paul smiled on recognising the face
looking up at him “WPC Holland, long time, no see. This is a pleasant

“Answer my question.”

“Am I too young to be here? Probably, but
dressed as you are and may I just say, you do look almost edible, I’m guessing
that you are off duty and therefore unable to do a damn thing about it.”

“You cheeky little shit.” She said but she
couldn’t help smiling at his blatant disregard for the law.

“Cheeky I may be but there isn’t one thing
about me that’s little.” He answered. Still having hold of her arms, he turned
her quickly and held her against the wall “Want to find out for yourself?”

“I’m a police officer.” She stammered at
his forthright manner.

“An off duty one.” He pointed out.

“I am also not a cradle snatcher, now let
me go before I pull some official police moves and have you flat on your back
in the blink of an eye.”

Instead of letting her go, he moved
closer, his breath on her cheek, his lips close to her ear. “I think I could
handle being flat on my back with you on top of me.” He whispered before
briefly pressing his lips to her skin.

She couldn’t help it, she positively
swooned, he smelt so good, his body so close the heat radiated off him, filling
her vision and her senses and for the first time since she’d set eyes on him
almost a year ago now, she fully understood why the teacher had fallen for him
and what he’d meant when he said, he hadn’t given her a choice.

There was something about him that was
magnetic and it was painfully obvious that he knew it and used it to his full
advantage. Giving herself a mental shake, she finally found her sense and her
backbone and shoved him away.

 “Back off.” She warned “You may be
irresistible to girls your own age but I am a fully grown, professional woman,
your charms do not work on me. I won’t report you for being here this time but
if I catch you here again, I’ll make sure this place is raided and you will
never be allowed back in.”

He released her from his grasp, smiling as
he stepped back “Even my mother isn’t immune to my charms so I highly doubt you
are.” He mocked. “Give it time and you’ll come around to my way of thinking.”
He pushed his hands into his pockets, “Nice seeing you again Officer Holland.”
He said as he began to walk away. “By the way, what is your name? I don’t think
me calling you Officer out there,” he gestured with his head to the door that
lead to the club “will go down very well.”

“Emily. My name is Emily and you get to
use it for one night only.”

“We’ll see.” He called as he pushed back
against the door, letting the heat and noise from the club wash over them both
briefly before disappearing into the throng.

Glancing around as she re-entered the club
she spotted him talking to an older man at the bar. They were standing very
close, speaking directly into the others’ ear, the loud music preventing normal
conversation. Making her way to the bar, she caught sight of blond curls and
massive shoulders under a white shirt and realised that Paul had brought his
brother along as the behemoth currently blocking her way was none other than
Matthew Jensen.

Drinks in hand, Matt turned away from the
bar and felt the hand of one of the girls he had been talking to, latch onto
his arm. Score! He side stepped the woman trying to reach the bar, frowning as
he thought he recognised her but shrugging as he figured she probably just had
one of those faces. A quick survey of the club placed his brother talking to
Jez and after catching his eye, their way of checking in with each other, Matt
and the prettiness attached to his arm, made their way across the dance floor
to one of the many booths situated around the club.

Emily managed to snag a barstool and
carefully sipped her cocktail as her eyes searched the club. She had come here
tonight with the sole purpose of finding some young stud to take home for the
night, not that she did this kind of thing on a regular basis but she hadn’t
let her hair down for ages and felt getting footloose and fancy free for one
night was well overdue especially as she turned thirty next week, there was
only so much longer she was going to be able to live it up for.

Looking to her left, she found Paul still
talking to the man she had seen him with earlier, deep in conversation. She saw
Matt on the dance floor rhythmically gyrating against the girl plastered to his
chest while another had clamped herself to his back. It seemed he was every bit
as popular as his darker twin. Someone bumped her shoulder, bringing her
attention back to the bar and the petite but drop dead gorgeous blond who had
hopped onto the stool next to hers, the two women smiled at each other before
the blond lent over the bar to grab the attention of one of the staff and she
went back to looking for talent.

Paul’s conversation with Jez was proving
most fruitful, the contents of which he had every intention of pursuing once he
had a quiet moment alone with his mentor Norman. While he talked, he had the
unerring feeling that he was being watched. Jez asked him a few times if he was
ok, noticing the young man’s distraction but he had shaken it off, putting it
down to the fact that he was aware a police officer had clocked him in an over
21’s club. Just as he began to relax, he smelt it; someone was wearing the same
perfume that Suzanne wore, making him painfully aware of how much he had missed

When Jez reached for his drink, Paul
turned, his back to the dance floor, elbows on the bar, hand wrapped around the
glass in front of him as he watched the antics of the bar staff. It amazed him
that the club actually made any money with these people behind the bar who were
far more interested in serving themselves drinks and copping a feel than
serving customers. The fact that the bar had mirrors at the back of it giving
all and sundry a panoramic view of their fondling really didn’t help.

He looked into that mirror, watching the
action on the dance floor behind him before turning his attention to the
patrons waiting to be served and that was when he saw her, her eyes locked on
his, boring into him and causing his heart to skip a beat. No one else was
wearing that certain perfume that drove him wild. She was and she was staring
straight at him, she only had eyes for him.

Holding eye contact as she slid from her
stool, drink in hand, she made her way over to him. Leaning in close, those
tremendous breasts pressing into him, she placed her drink on the bar as her
free hand glided up his body, coming to rest at the back of his neck. No words
were necessary. They both moved at the same time, she came up onto her tip toes
as he bowed his head, their mouths meeting and reacquainting themselves.
Everything around them ceased to exist; they were the only two people in the

Just as the fireworks began to explode
behind his eyelids and his body jumped to life as it remembered the feel of her
against him, a firm hand clamped onto his shoulder and Jez’s voice “take it
away from the bar buddy.” In his ear had him crashing back to reality.

Grabbing her hand, he dragged her away
from the bar, not giving her chance to retrieve her drink as he pulled her onto
the dance floor and into his arms. Other than pulling her from the bar he
didn’t move. He held her tight against him, marvelling that she fit him so well
as he looked into her big brown eyes.

Suzanne looked up into that beautiful face
she knew so well. It had knocked her for six when Tessa let it drop that he was
home, it also had the knock on effect of making her examine her relationship
with her boyfriend as the only person she could think about when he touched her
was Paul. She promised herself that she would stay away from him, there would
be no impromptu visits to the Jensen home on the pretence of visiting her best
friend and yet, here she was, in his arms, looking into those sinfully dark
eyes and reading just how much he wanted her in them.

“Dance with me.” She mouthed and started a
slow, sensual grind against him.

Drawing a deep, shuddering breath and
trying to prevent himself from getting them both naked in record time and
putting on a the show of a life time in the middle of the dance floor, Paul
slid his hands to her waist and began to move.

“Did you come here looking for me?” He
asked, his mouth close to her ear.

“Yes.” She answered wrapping an arm around
his neck. “I wanted to see if you were still as attractive to me.”

“And?” He asked in between kissing her
neck and gliding his tongue over her ear making her tremble.

“I think you know the answer to that you

“Tell me again Suzie, how I’m not ready
for a serious relationship and you are.” He chuckled.

“How are the mother of your child and your
son?” She shot back.

“Bitch.” He whispered “Come with me Suzie,
let me take your guilt away.” He stepped back so that he could see her face.

She shook her head, reaching up to pull
him close so that he would hear her. “I want to but I won’t cheat on Cameron.”

“You are cheating on him.” He pointed out,
his hands had started to roam, teasing her in the way only he knew how, “You’re
here with me, kissing me, grinding on me.”

“A slight slip up. I can’t be with you
Paul and being here is a mistake.”

That last statement only served to get his
back up, since when had being with him been a mistake? He bent to snarl
something cutting into her ear when he was shoved from the side and had to
grasp her arms to stop himself from cannon balling into her.

Matt grinned stupidly at his brother and
his sisters’ best friend. Holding the girl swaying with him at arm’s length, he
shouted “Hi Suzanne,” before leaning in to kiss her on the cheek. Turing back
he received one almighty slap across his cheek from the disgruntled female
shortly before she stormed off, “well, that was uncalled for.” He shouted at
her retreating back before dancing away on the search for his next conquest.

From her vantage point of her bar stool,
Emily had watched the blond next to her catch Paul’s eye before she left the
bar and wrapped herself in him. Sitting up a little straighter, she watched as
the blond was dragged to the dance floor and positively crawled inside Paul’s
skin with her closeness.

There was something different about this
girl, there was no outright in your face flirting with her that she had
observed him do with the females who had stepped between him and who she now
knew to be the club’s manager while they talked, none of the testosterone
fuelled male who had pinned her to wall in the hall earlier in the evening. In
fact, he was giving off the vibe that he was desperate to be with this girl and
even as she pushed him away it was blatantly obvious that all she really wanted
was him.

With his proven reputation as a ladies’
man even at such a tender age, Emily was intrigued by his reaction to the girl,
even more so when he let her walk away. He didn’t stand still long enough to
watch her leave; instead, as she moved away from him, he made a beeline for the
bar where a drink of some description was put in front of him immediately.

He needed a distraction otherwise he’d
leave the club and chase her home and more than likely tell that stuck up snob
Cameron that his tongue had been tonsil deep in her mouth only moments before
and watch as her precious relationship crumbled around her. Then she’d have to
turn to him wouldn’t she?

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