Finding Amy (15 page)

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Authors: Carol Braswell

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Romance, #Romantic Suspense, #Crime Fiction, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

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set her down but kept his arm wrapped around her shoulders and turned her toward the car where the twins had stepped out of the car. “Mom, this is Amy Summers and her twin sister Jamie Kenner. Ladies, this is the prettiest woman in Texas and our Mom, Tessa Garrett.”

Amy stretched her hand out to greet Ms. Garrett. “It’s a pleasure to meet you
, ma’am. I hope we’re not imposing.”

, child. Everyone’s welcome here.”

stepped forward. She, too, greeted the older woman.

“Well, ya’ll come on in. Dinner’s ready and getting cold.”
Opening the screen, she led the group inside.




Apples and spice hovered like a blanket just at nose level. Amy inhaled and her stomach rumbled. “Something smells wonderful.”

With his arm st
ill on his mother’s shoulder, Carson grinned. “That would be Mom’s famous apple pie. She won several blue ribbons with that one.”

Ms. Garrett elbowed her eldest playfully. “Oh shush. If you ladies would like to wash up before we e
at, the washroom is this way.”

The twins followed her down
the hall. “Thanks, Ms. Garrett.” Amy opened the door and let Jamie enter first.

When the door closed behind them,
Jamie grabbed Amy’s arms and shook her. “I don’t want to eat. I want my daughter. You have to tell them. We have to find her.”

Amy cringed when her sister’s nails dug into her arms
. She inhaled and released a slow breath. “Jamie! Calm down. There is not a lot we can do until Max calls. We have no idea where he is. I’ll speak to Carson after we eat.”

She reached for the faucet and
Jamie whipped her around. They were inches apart and the blood vessels were standing at attention on both sides of Jamie’s neck. The distorted expression on her face and the green eyes rimmed in red told Amy she needed to defuse this situation before her sister lost control. Jamie stepped away and started ringing her hands together, pacing back and forth in the large bathroom. Jamie’s breaking point had to be around the corner. She had to do something before her sister snapped.

Amy grabbed her by the arms and stop
ped her pacing. “Jamie. Get a hold of yourself. What is Carson supposed to do? Just wander around until he finds him.” She flung one arm around. Max told Carson he would contact us and he will. He wants that bag and I don’t think he will stop until he gets it.”

sat on the edge of the tub and covered her face. “But I can’t just sit here and wait.”

Amy sat next to her. “What else do you think you can do?”

Jamie shook her head. “I don’t know. Carson and Rex are both in law enforcement. They can find him.”

Jamie. Take it easy.” Amy opened the door. “Carson.”

Carson poked his head around the corner and looked down t
he hall. “You need something?”

Jamie needs to speak to you.”

stepped out of the bathroom when Carson walked up. “I don’t want to take time to eat. I thought we were coming here to get the duffle bag, contact Max, let him know we have it and get Trish back. Why can’t you call him or something?”

Carson stepped up to
Jamie and laid his hand on her arm. “I’m one step ahead of you. I spoke to Max only a few minutes ago. He wants the exchange as soon as possible, too. But he hasn’t made it back to Tyler yet. He’ll call again as soon as he’s ready. Right now, we’re at his mercy.”

watched her twin for reaction. After confirming Jamie had understood Carson, the women followed him into the dining room. Carson held the chair for his mom and then Amy while Rex assisted Jamie and took the seat next to her.

“I hope you girls like roast,” Ms. Garrett
passed the platter to Carson to carve what looked like half a cow to Amy.

“Mom you went to way too much trouble. Sandwiches would have been just fine.” Rex licked his lips as he gazed hungrily at the pile of meat.

“Don’t be ridiculous. The only time I get to cook is at Thanksgiving and Christmas. You boys are always too busy to stop and eat.” The older woman passed the potatoes to Amy. “So tell me, where are you girls from?”

“They are both from Dallas.” Carson spoke before either twin had a chance. “They’re staying for a few days until we can pick up
Jamie’s little girl.” His brow creased when he looked across the table at Jamie.“Do you mind if they stay with you?”

“Heavens no. I
’ll love the company.” Light twinkled in Ms. Garrett’s eyes at the suggestion of having guest.

“Have you had any trouble with the ranch since we’ve been gone?”
Rex asked before shoving roast into his mouth.

The twins pushed food around on their plates while Ms. Garrett discussed
the minor problems on the ranch. Amy listened, but she wanted to scream,
“Call Max again. I want my niece.
Let’s go get the bag, give it to him and bring Trish home.”
But Max was in the driver’s seat. They had to wait for his call so she kept her thoughts to herself.

“Anyone want apple pie?” Ms. Garrett rose to retrieve the dessert.

Chapter 22

The kitchen and dining
room were divided by a breakfast bar and open, making conversation regarding the subject weighing on everyone’s mind impossible. Any mention of the abduction and Trish could be overheard by Ms. Garrett. The twins sat in silence while Rex and Carson discussed the ranch and an upcoming horse auction.

’s sudden loss of appetite gave her an excuse to examine her surroundings. The dining room opened into the great room. When they had arrived, her focus had been on Trish, she hadn’t bothered to see the beauty of the log home. She had an open view into the great room and fireplace on the front wall of the house. Four windows flanked each side of the floor to ceiling rock fireplace. Above the mantel, hung a picture of three young boys and an older man wearing a white Stetson. A beautiful woman with sky blue eyes sat next to him. Her long dark hair had been pulled to one side and tied with a blue ribbon that matched her eyes. Amy recognized the features of the woman as a younger version of Ms. Garrett. Carson sat to the left of the older man and Rex stood behind the couple. Sitting on the floor in front, a young boy with dark hair and blue eyes, smiled for the camera. Carson and Rex both resembled their father but the little boy was the image of his mother.

As if reading her thoughts, Carson
leaned over. “That’s my baby brother, Justin.”

“Where is he?”

“He’s in his last year at Cornell University in New York.”

“He’s going to be a
Not in law enforcement like these two.”
Ms. Garrett came around the bar holding the largest pie pan Amy had ever seen. Being from the south, she had seen her share of pies. In Ms. Garrett’s other hand, she held a container of Blue Bell’s vanilla ice cream. “Everyone ready for apple pie?” She set the containers on the table and began slicing the cinnamon smelling treat.

The plates were passed
around until everyone had a large slice of Ms. Garrett’s famous pie with a generous scoop of ice cream on top. Even though Amy didn’t have an appetite earlier, she couldn’t resist the sweet aroma of apples and cinnamon. When she shoved the fork into her mouth, her eyes automatically closed and a slow moan escaped. This had to be from heaven. She had never had apple pie that tasted like this. She savored the sweetness and almost missed the ringing phone next to her.

Carson shoved his chair back.
“I’ll take this in the other room.”

glanced at her sister. Jamie’s face turned stark white and her eyes widened. Jamie stood and followed Carson until he entered a room and closed the door. She turned to Amy, her eyes seeking support. Amy knew everyone could hear her heart pounding. No one spoke until Carson returned, his face unreadable. He placed his hands on the chair he had vacated.

I hate to do this, but duty calls.”

“It’s not like it’s the first time, son.”
Ms. Garrett sliced herself a piece of pie, dumped it on her dish and plopped ice cream on top. Before taking her first bite, she raised her head. “Do you think someday we could have dinner together without interruption?” The tightness around her eyes reflected her distaste.

pushed her chair against the table and joined Jamie. Rex stepped around the table and wrapped his arm around Jamie’s waist and walked her to the front door.

took Amy’s elbow and they all gathered on the front porch. He turned her toward him and placed his hands on her shoulders. “Amy, I think Rex and I need to do this alone. I don’t want either of you hurt. I’ve already set up a team that has the post office covered from every angle but Max still might put up a fight. I don’t believe he’ll have Trish with him. He’ll probably give us a location where we can pick her up.”

“No. She’s my baby and I’m going.”
Jamie argued.

’s forehead rippled when he pleaded with Amy. “Can you help me convince her that it’s not safe?”

Amy step
ped out of Carson’s grip and wrapped her arms around her twin. She tilted her chin up and looked over her shoulder. “If it were your child, would you sit here and wait?”

Amy knew h
e couldn’t, in all honesty, answer that question. He tore his gaze away from her sea green eyes. “You make a good point. Okay. Get the key to your post office box, Jamie and let’s go get your daughter.”

Two vehicles left the r
anch at the same time. One white SUV and a cherry red Mustang. The gravel drive crunched under the tires before crossing the cattle guard onto the paved road. Carson placed several calls on the way into town. The ride took less than twenty minutes but it seemed like four hours to Amy.

kept in constant contact with Rex, in the Mustang as well as the Texas Rangers. Every tactic, every precaution, and every possible angle had been covered. The Tyler Police and Sheriff’s office were on high alert and standing by.

South East Crossing Post Office sat on a corner with
a large parking lot on the left and the main entrance facing the street. Clear glass wrapped the building on two sides with an adjoining building on the right. The well lit interior provided for clear visibility from the Rangers hidden vehicles.

Carson pulled the SUV up n
ext to a Black Ford Fairlane and lowered his window. “Any news Captain?”

“Nope. Just what I told you earlier. Have you had anymore calls from

Carson shook
his head. “Not since I called you. Jamie is supposed to pick up the bag and wait here until he calls with the drop-off instructions for the baby.”

“I have
a female Ranger about the same height as the twins ready to pick up the bag.”

Jamie screamed from the back seat. “I’ll go in myself. If he’s watching, I want him to see
, not some other woman.” She grabbed the door handle and jumped out of the car.

Before anyone could stop her, she
had run half-way across the street to the post office.

Amy screamed and hopped out of the front seat and ran around the car.


“Damn,” Carson cursed and leaped out of the vehicle.

entered the building and disappeared behind a wall of mail boxes. She appeared seconds later, opened a large mail box and retrieved the missing duffle bag. Amy entered the front door as Jamie opened the side door onto the parking lot. For a second, Carson lost sight of both women. He opened the front door and a piercing scream echoed through the facility.

Carson pulled his gun and ran around the mail boxes. He
caught a glimpse of Amy as she ran around the building and out of sight.

“Move in. Move in.
The twins are on the run and could be chasing the suspect.” Carson screamed into the radio attached to his shoulder.

lain clothes detectives swarmed the building as soon as the alert went out. Carson ran in the same direction of the twins. When he got around the building, he spotted them running after a man dressed in black and carrying a bag.
What the hell are they doing? Don’t they realize the danger?
Carson picked up speed and yelled.

“Amy get back. He’s
armed. You’ll get hurt.”

His words fell on deaf ears. The
women were going to get to the kidnapper before he could reach them.

The man
scaled a wood fence and disappeared. The twins went over like they would a high hurtle. Carson jumped, caught the top and swung over. Not as easy a move as the twins had made it look but at least he got over. They raced across Loop 323, paying no heed to oncoming traffic. The women were closing in on Guthrie. They disappeared again around Green Acres Bowling. Carson dodged vehicles crossing the busy four-lane. Police cars, sirens blaring, whipped into the bowling alley parking lot and pursued on foot.

pressed his back to the building and poked his head around the corner. He didn’t see anyone so he ran to the back of the building. A shot rang out and hit the building beside him, shattering chips of brick and mortar. He crouched low and eased farther into the dark alley behind the building when another shot rang out. A heart stopping scream filled the air. The hair on the back of his neck stood and chills ran down his back. He took a deep breath and bolted in the direction of the scream. One of the twins had been hurt. His tongue stuck to the roof of his mouth. Running as hard as his legs would go, Carson tripped over something he didn’t see in the dark alley and his gun slipped from his hand and skidded across the pavement. He knew the general direction it had landed but the dark alley didn’t provide much visibility.

On his hands and skinned
knees, Carson crawled around and felt his way across the hard surface until his hand connected with the cold metal gun. Jumping to his feet, he spotted the twins close to heavy brush next to the alley, rushed over and knelt beside them. Jamie lay on the pavement and Amy sat beside her. Blood seeped through Jamie’s fingers gripping her shoulder and ran down her arm. Carson’s heart stopped. He gently pulled Jamie’s hand away.

Amy removed her
jacket and wiped at the wound. “I think the bullet went straight through.”

Are you hurt, Amy?” Carson demanded.

Dark circles surrounded her blood-shot green eyes.
“No, just Jamie.”

Carson pressed the button on his radio.
“Woman has been shot. Need a bus behind Green Acres Bowling Alley right away.” He pressed the jacket against the wound and guided Amy’s hand to hold it. “Hang on Jamie. An ambulance is on the way.”

It just looks worse than it is, Carson, I’ll be fine. Go get that son-of-a-bitch. Amy will stay with me. Go find my baby,” Jamie spat.

Two plain clothes officers rushed up and
addressed Carson. “We’ll wait on the bus and guard the women, Garrett.”

looked at Amy. “You stay with her.”


Carson bolted
toward the back through the brush and jumped another fence. He heard a car engine and Carson followed the sound. He rounded several dumpsters and a bright red Impala squealed tires out of the back lot. The light over the rear license plate gave him a clear view of the numbers.

“I need a patrol car to the back lot of the bowling alley, asap. Suspect spotted leavin
g in a 2012 red Chevy Impala. Texas license number L24J34.”

police car whizzed into the lot, Carson met him half way and hopped inside before the car had come to a complete stop. The officer’s vehicle squealed out in the direction Carson pointed. “Drop me behind the building and you follow the Impala.”

Carson hurried back
to the women and the ambulance had just arrived. The paramedics were stabilizing Jamie. While they were getting her ready for transport to the hospital, Carson took Amy’s arm and turned her to face him. What would he have done if anything had happened to her? Amy’s tongue snaked out and moistened her lips. Carson crushed her to him and his mouth covered hers, devouring its softness. Her fingers griped his arms. She returned his kiss with a passion that set his blood to boil. He ended the kiss and stared at the green eyes he adored. She hadn’t been injured and could go to the hospital with her sister. She would be safe and away from the killer.

Carson glanced over his shoulder at the three Tyler officers guarding the area. “Have two officers follow the ambulance and stand guard at the hospital. The women are still in danger.”

The officer closest to Carson acknowledged the order and went to his patrol car with another officer. Carson rested his forehead on Amy’s. “You take care.”

She nodded and he
helped her into the back of the ambulance and ran to a waiting vehicle.




The paramedics had hooked Jamie to an IV when Amy sat on the small seat next to the gurney. They had placed an oxygen mask over her face. She shoved it away.

“You need to leave the mask on,
Jamie. You’re going to be fine. I’ll be right here with you,” Amy reassured.

“My baby. Where is my baby?”
Jamie tried to sit up but the paramedic put a firm hand on her head and eased her down.

“Shh. The police will t
ake care of the mugger. You must lie still or you’ll start bleeding again,” the dark haired medic stated.

The siren of the ambulance drowned out the police sirens. Amy swayed back and forth when the
driver weaved in and out of traffic. Jamie had to be alright and Carson had to find Trish.

Carson. The kiss had caught her off guard. Her own fear had her shaking with the images built in her mind when he pulled her into his arms. He wrapped her in warmth that comforted her and calmed her frayed nerves. Her fingers touched her lips that still burned from the kiss that her tired soul had melted into.
Snuggled in the safety of his arms, everything around them disappeared leaving her surrounded in peace for the first time in over eight months.

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