Forever & an Engine (6 page)

Read Forever & an Engine Online

Authors: C. J. Fallowfield

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Forever & an Engine
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‘Mia it’s
for you to eat, not for me to eat out of you this time. Here can you manage the
drinks and head down, I’ll be there in a minute.’

‘Ok, but
while we’re on the topic of eating we need to have serious words.’


‘This,’ I
said pointing to my neck.

‘What about

‘What about
it?! I
them. Please don’t do it again, they’re common and tacky.’

‘It’s an
expression of love,’ he shrugged.

Austin, love has nothing to do with it. It’s an expression of territorial
marking and I’m not your possession.
do it again please.’ I
smacked his bottom really hard as I walked past and he jumped and cursed.

‘Damn it
Mia that

I giggled,
how could he be so big and tough and find a slap on the bottom painful? I
skipped down to the cinema and climbed into the double chair on the front row
and discovered that the arms of the chairs lifted up and there were recesses to
stand your drinks in. I had a bite of the galaxy as I waited for him.

‘Ok baby, we’re
good to go. I’ve loaded them and have the remote, so which do you want to want
to watch first?’ he asked as he sat down next to me and put his arm around me.

‘Well I
vote for Alan, we could do with a laugh,’ I said as snuggled into his side.

‘Alan it
is.’ Using just the remote he dimmed the lights and turned on the screen and
selected Alan Partridge from the menu. He put the remote in the arm rest and
played with the chair buttons so the foot rest section came right up and he
lowered us back slightly until I nodded that I was good. I jumped as the music
came on, it was full surround sound and he looked at me and smiled when he saw my
wide eyes and how excited I was. I grabbed his face and kissed him and ate more
chocolate as it started. The 90 minute film actually took us nearly two hours
as we were laughing so much. I was crying and hyperventilating and Gabe kept
having to press the pause button to let me get some control back.

‘O god
Gabe, I haven’t laughed like that for so long. Thank you.’ I threw my arms
around his neck and kissed him.

‘You’re so
easily pleased Mia,’ he grinned as he kissed me back. We lay kissing for a
while and as I clutched his hair he pulled back gasping and turned up the
lights. ‘You’re trying to seduce me again aren’t you?’

what other guy would complain if his girlfriend wanted sex?’

‘I love
that you want sex all the time, but I told you that it was off the table and you’re
trying to break me.’

‘So, even
if I was I also just love kissing you even with no sex involved. We kissed for
ages in the taxi last night and I really enjoyed it.’

remember that?’ he asked astonished.

‘Of course
I do.’

‘Jesus, I
thought you were really pissed.’

‘I was.’

‘So how can
you remember that and not remember the first night you saw me?’

‘Because I wasn’t
just really pissed that night, I was really wasted and I’d smoked a couple of
joints before we went out. I was
ill in the morning.’

Jesus Mia,’ he looked at me shocked.

‘It’s not
like I’ve got a drug habit, it was a one off. I wanted to try it to see what
the fuss was about, but I didn’t like the after effects.’

‘Do you have
to try everything going?’ he snapped as he fixed me with another glare.

‘I don’t
see you complaining when it comes to me being curious about trying sex things,’
I snapped back.

enough, let’s not fight again,’ he sighed, ‘but I’m not happy about you doing

‘It was
Gabe, I figured a smoke wasn’t going to kill me.’

could’ve been raped if you were that stoned, that guy you were with was pawing
you and you disappeared with him. I don’t want you touching anything like that

‘Lexi was
looking after me Gabe, she took me home and told me she’d told a guy to get
lost. I promise to be more responsible from now on.’

better be,’ he said with a scowl. ‘I won’t stand for that sort of behaviour

‘You’re so
… urghhhh you’re so
Gabe. You don’t own me, I still get to make my
own choices.’

‘Let’s not
argue again Mia, please. I just don’t want you doing anything like that again,
you’re making yourself vulnerable and I don’t like it.’

‘Fine,’ I
sighed. I had no plans to ever do anything like that again, but he didn’t have
the right to tell me what I could or couldn’t do. I’d be better fighting my
corner when he was being domineering about something I really disagreed with.

‘Right here’s
my phone, look up the pizza and I’ll ring it through. Are we sharing?’ I looked
at him horrified. ‘
I’m taking that as a no then?’

‘I don’t
share pizza Gabe. You share pizza and you end up still being hungry.’

‘We can
order a large one between us.’

‘O Gabe you’ve
so much to learn about me. I can eat three quarters of a large pizza easily and
I like to keep a few slices back for breakfast.’

joking right?’

You ring Lexi now and ask if I share pizza and she’ll laugh her socks off. It’s
only like my favourite food.

‘Ok,’ he
laughed. ‘You can order a whole large pizza all to yourself. I’ll just have a

‘No way,’ I
said shaking my head. ‘You have a medium and when you’re still hungry you’ll be
trying to sneak a piece of mine and then it’ll get really ugly. Have a large
too, if you wimp out on finishing it, so be it.’

‘You really
think you can out eat me baby?’ he asked one eyebrow raised.

‘When it
comes to pizza yes,’ I nodded empathically.

challenge is on, two large pizza’s it is.’

‘And ice

‘No way?’
he said looking astounded.

‘Way,’ I
nodded again.

‘You’re not
going to tell me you eat a whole tub of that as well?’

‘It’s been
known yes, but I’m happy to share that tonight, but I don’t do B&J’s chunky

‘What the
hell is B&J’s chunky monkey?’

‘Gabe,’ I
sighed. ‘You really need to eat less healthily, I’ll educate you then you can order.’

I ended up called
it through for him as he looked seriously confused after I’d gone through the
different types of dough, edges with and without fillings, toppings and then
run through the various Ben & Jerrys flavours. I ordered him a thin crust
Hawaiian and me a deep pan cheese stuffed crust with mushroom, blue cheese and
rocket, then a tub of Cookie Dough and a large bottle of full fat coke. He
looked mortified.

‘So I’ve an
appetite and like sugar, deal with it,’ I shrugged.

‘I just
don’t get how you can go out on Friday, eat nothing all day and then you order
all of that just for tonight.’

‘By eating
nothing some days, I can eat all of that. What’s with you and your ignorance of
pizza and ice cream? I thought you were a real foodie.’

‘Of gourmet
food, not junk crap,’ he laughed.

‘How dare
you. This junk crap as you call it is responsible for this body, which you
claim to love.’

‘Well me
eating healthily is responsible for this body that
claim to love, a
week of eating your sort of diet and I’d look like a chunky monkey.’

‘How will
they deliver? Your gates are all locked up.’

He pressed
a couple of buttons on the remote and a cctv picture of the front gates came on
the cinema screen and he pressed another button and the gates opened. ‘If the
screen’s playing and the doorbell goes, it also pauses the film and shows who’s
at the door.’

‘Your dad’s
crazy rich,’ I stated as I got up and grabbed his empty coke bottle. He went to
get up. ‘Stay there, I can get it for you, tonight it’s my turn to take care of
you, as you did such a good job looking after me last night, so I call dib’s on
paying for dinner.’ He went to protest and I put my free hand over his mouth. ‘Before
you even have a chance to argue it with me, you agreed that I could pay for the
odd takeaway so I don’t want to hear any debate about it thank you. So sit back
and rev up Dredd. I want to save Vin until last as he gets me incredibly horny
and I’ll need something to masturbate to as you seem intent on not having sex
with me again today.’

He kissed
my fingers and grinned as I removed them and walked off. I grabbed my purse
from the bedroom and left it on the hall table by the front door and grabbed Gabe
another diet coke before heading back down. He’d Dredd paused and at the ready.
I handed him his coke and climbed back onto the sofa, snuggling back into him
as he dimmed the lights. I snuck my hand under his t-shirt and stroked his abs
with my thumb as we watched. We were 40 minutes in when the screen froze and a
picture of the delivery guy at the door came on. I leapt of the chair and raced
out and up the stairs, I was starving after all my orgasms. I paid the guy who
looked a bit dazed to see me bare legged in Gabe’s oversized t-shirt. I turned
around and saw Gabe leaning against the wall watching me amused.

‘What are
you doing?’ I asked as I shut the door.

‘Well I was
going to suggest that I came up to answer the door, as you’re barely decent,
but you were out of the chair so bloody fast I never had the chance, so I came
to make sure you weren’t propositioned.’

‘I’m fine,
I’m just hungry and I love my pizza, come on the film’s really good and I want
to get back to it. You go down with this lot, I just need to put the ice cream
in the freezer.’ I tiptoed up and kissed him and headed to the kitchen and shuffled
about some stuff to fit it in and grabbed a couple of pieces of kitchen towel
and another diet coke for him and ran back downstairs. He was already on the
sofa and had the two boxes on his knee. I jumped up and sat cross legged as he
handed me the top box. I grinned excitedly and opened it and reclined the chair
and started to eat as he dimmed the lights and restarted the film. It was 9.30
by the time it finished and Gabe turned the lights back on.

‘That was
good, I’d happily watch that again,’ I smiled.

‘You really
need to see The Raid if action and violence don’t upset you. That’ll be a must
for our next viewing session. So baby, you’ve left three slices of pizza and I’ve
only left two, so it was all talk was it?’

think again sexy health freak. You had thin crust, I had deep pan
stuffed crust, so technically not only have I physically eaten more, I’ve
whooped your peachy arse. See, if I’d listened to you and shared a large pizza
we’d both still be hungry. So how was it?’

‘Good,’ he
conceded, ‘but I prefer one of my stir frys.’

‘I’m sorry
Gabe, but we’re going to have to break up. I can’t be with someone who doesn’t
appreciate the fine art of pizza.’ I poured myself another glass of coke.

break up with me over pizza?’

‘Well I was
only after you for no strings mind blowing sex and as I’m no longer getting any
and you’re criticising my first love, then yes, sorry you’re history. Lexi was
right, sexually you’re a slacker.’

slacker?’ His eyes narrowed as he fixed me with a glare. ‘We’ve had sex 5 times
in less than 24 hours, not to mention the numerous extra orgasms I’ve given
you. If I’d not eaten so much I was likely to vomit on you, I’d bend you over
the sofa and show you how bloody unslack I am,’ he growled. I chuckled as he
looked all affronted.

promises promises. So you’re not ready for ice cream then?’

‘NO, you
can’t seriously want it already?’

‘No not
yet, just wanted to see your face.’ I picked up his two slices and put them in
my box and shut the lid of both. ‘Ok I need to pee then bring on Vin. Do you
want another coke?’

‘No, but a
glass of water would be great thanks.’

When I was
done I headed into his lounge and grabbed the cream throw to take down and got
him an iced water.

‘Gabe thanks
for doing this with me, I’m having so much fun.’

‘Glad to
hear it, come here baby, sit between my legs. You got the throw, are you cold?’

‘Not cold
no, I just like to get cosy and hunker down when I’ve eaten and I’m watching TV
or a film.’ He opened his legs and I shuffled back and leaned back on his chest
as he wrapped his arms around me and went under my t-shirt to caress my
stomach. I grabbed the throw and pulled it over me. ‘Ok, Vin me up.’

‘You really
masturbate to him?’

‘Mainly to
Stephen Amell, he’s
hot, but with Vin yes it’s been known to happen, his
voice is
sexy. Lexi doesn’t see it, but he really does it for me.’

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