Fractured Innocence (#2 IFICS) (7 page)

BOOK: Fractured Innocence (#2 IFICS)
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Ace and his sidekick went in first to make sure the building was secure. When they came out, they walked the perimeter. Kaitlyn could have told them the place was empty, but she knew not to draw attention to her
abilities. Once they had the all clear, they grabbed their gear and climbed up the stairs, kicking the snow off their shoes before taking them off in the mudroom. The screen door opened quietly, only to bang loudly behind them. 

Kaitlyn took in her surrounding, instantly loving the large, open floor plan. Dark hardwood floors glowed softly, reflecting the midday light. A huge stone fireplace took up almost the whole side of one wall. A gun rack hung above the fireplace. She was surprised to find the rack empty. The furniture was sparse. An old worn couch draped with a red plaid blanket, two rocking chairs, and an oval, braided rug covered the floor in front of the fireplace. The house gave off a peaceful vibe. 

The idea fascinated her. How could inanimate objects give off a vibe? 

Harrington tore off his jacket, draped it on the coat rack and loosened his tie. “Kaitlyn, I would like to give you a quick tour of the place.” 

She nodded and went to his side. Without being told, she knew what he really wanted her to do—sweep for listening devices. It was one of the many protocols they had set in place on the rare occasions they left the compound. She was a virtual bug detector and would be able to detect any unauthorized radio frequencies as low as 15 kilohertz.  Transmitters could use AC power lines or even telephone lines to carry signals. Technology was quite incredible, she had to admit. Thankfully, because of her, IFICS was head and shoulders above the rest, even in the clandestine world. Where others had to use special devices, Kaitlyn’s sensors were all programmed inside of her. 

Quickly, they went through each of the rooms. As she suspected, the place was clean. 

“Is this your place?” Kaitlyn asked. There was nothing that gave away the fact that Harrington had ever lived there before, but he seemed at ease as they moved through the rooms. A calmness came over him and he appeared nostalgic in certain areas of the old house. She noticed the way he ran his hand over the woodwork. More than once, she caught a strange look of longing in his eye. 

“Very astute of you. I used to come here as a boy. I’ve added a few additions to make it more user-friendly. Outside you’ll find a gymnasium with everything you will need for training. There is also a shooting range indoors and out.”

“Sounds promising,” Kaitlyn replied. 

“Hopefully, it meets with your approval.” 

She wasn’t sure why it had to meet with her approval. “We shouldn’t be here very long, should we?” 

Harrington didn’t say anything. Kaitlyn mulled over his silence. She was eager to get the mission off the ground. She didn’t like even a hint of delay. However, Erik had told her time and time again that patience was the biggest asset of an operator. 

“After you,” Harrington said, nodding his head towards the staircase. 

Kaitlyn descended the steps, taking in the scene below. The older guard was busy making a fire, while Ace and Erik walked towards the back of the house, talking in hushed voices. Kaitlyn could listen in if she wanted to, but after Dr. Chambers’ reminder of invading privacy, she decided against it, even though she was more than a little curious. 

The room soon filled with the scent of burning wood and the sounds of crackling flames. The familiar smell tugged at a lost memory. Once in a while she got quick flashes, but this one seemed just out of her reach. Even though Lucas had returned her memories, she could not always access them. Lucas told her it was the same for most humans. Life continued, but the past was often forgotten. For some reason the idea of lost memories saddened her. 

At least now, she would no longer have to worry about that. For any memories made since her transformation, she had total recall, much like rewinding a movie and hitting play. Sometimes when she was alone, she replayed special moments she’d shared with Lucas. 

“All right. Well let’s get settled in and then meet back here in an hour. Kaitlyn and Lucas, your room is at the end of the hallway on the right. Erik’s is across the hall from you two. Adams, you’re upstairs with me,” Harrington said.

Adams grumbled about making an old man climb another flight of stairs. The older guard stood up and wiped the knees of his pants before grabbing Adams’ bags and carrying them up the stairs. 

When he came back down there was a hint of a smile on his otherwise stoic face. “Glorified valet.” 

Lucas laughed, and Kaitlyn studied the man. He caught her watching him, and he simply smiled.

“I’m Nick by the way.” 

Kaitlyn hesitated before saying, “Okay.” 

Lucas gave her a look before he took a step forward. “Lucas, and this is my girlfriend, Kaitlyn. We appreciate your services.” 

Kaitlyn forced a smile. She really thought the informal pleasantries were unnecessary, but she could tell by the look Lucas gave her that she was not integrating properly. She tried to think of something trivial to say. Why was this so hard for her? 

Lucas came to the rescue. “Harrington said there was food?”

“Right this way.” Nick led them down the short hallway to a spacious kitchen that was set off to the left. A rough granite tabletop was the focal point of the room. Kaitlyn ran her fingers along the uneven texture. Everything in the kitchen was dark grey. The only splash of color came from the yellow curtains above the sink where light filtered through. Even the refrigerator was an unusual brushed metal. Whoever designed the house had great taste. Somehow, they managed to bring the feel of the outdoors inside the home. 

“Hot chocolate?” Nick asked. 

Kaitlyn perked up despite herself; chocolate had a way of doing that to her. “Marshmallows?”

Nick grinned. “You’re in luck.” 

Lucas placed his arm around her waist, but Kaitlyn pulled away. It was obvious by the way his eyes clouded over she had hurt his feelings. Once they were alone, she would have to explain being here was no different than when they were at work. He should know better. 

Kaitlyn pulled out a stool, while Nick heated up the milk, cocoa, salt and sugar in a pan. Lucas sat down next to her, but kept more distance than usual between them. Maybe she wouldn’t have to broach the subject. 

A few moments later, Nick set the mug down and Kaitlyn cradled the cup in her hands before closing her eyes to take the first sip of the warm liquid. When the sugar hit her tongue, a soft moan of pleasure escaped her lips. Even better than she had expected. So many simple pleasures in the world. She looked up and gave Nick a curt nod.He grinned crookedly. 

Lucas nudged her arm while wiping the napkin across his face. “You gotta little something on your lip.” 

A chocolate mustache, as Quess would call it. Kaitlyn smiled and took another sip before wiping her face. She would have to ask Nick to tell her his recipe, because his hot chocolate was quite possibly the best she’d ever tasted.

Erik and Ace strolled into the kitchen laughing. Kaitlyn studied them and found she envied their bond. Erik appeared so at ease and happy. In all the time she had known him, this was the first time she’d heard him laugh.

Kaitlyn stiffened and gave him an impatient look. He looked at her a little puzzled, but didn’t acknowledge it. She tore her gaze from his face. 

“Catching up?” Lucas asked. 

“Ah, the stories I could tell about this one.” Ace pushed Erik’s shoulder back. 

Erik flashed him a look as if telling him to keep his mouth shut. 

Kaitlyn took a sip of the hot chocolate, watching the exchange with interest. She wondered what sort of stories he was talking about. She debated asking, but Ace spoke up first.

“Kaitlyn, Erik tells me you’ve been working closely together?”

Kate glanced at Erik and then back at Ace. “That’s true.” 

The room lapsed into an awkward silence. 

Kaitlyn finished her drink, stood up and placed it in the sink. 

“Thank you for the hot chocolate, Nick.”

“Yeah, thanks, man. Hit the spot,” Lucas added.

“No problem.” 

Kaitlyn could feel their eyes on her as she walked out of the room. Lucas stayed a couple more minutes before joining her. 

As they walked down the hall, she extended her hearing range, invading privacy or not she wanted to know what they were saying.

“That chick is hot but odd as all get out. Kinda creepy the way she just sits there,” Ace mumbled. 

“Say what you will, but you wouldn’t stand a chance against her. She’s the best I’ve ever worked with.”

Ace laughed loudly. Then after a pause he said, “No shit?”

“No shit,” Erik replied. 

That was the last Kaitlyn heard before they entered their assigned room. It shouldn’t bother her what a stranger thought, but for some reason it really did. If Ace saw her as odd then others must as well. 

At least Erik thought she was a better operator than Ace. 

But she already knew that to be factual, so it was not much of a consolation. 



Lucas rubbed the back of his neck as he trailed Kaitlyn down the hall. He could kick himself for crossing the line earlier. It was obvious that Kate was pissed at him. Every one of her muscles was taunt with tension, and she hadn’t spoken a word to him since they left the kitchen. 

Once the door shut softly behind Kaitlyn, he raked his fingers through his hair. “I’m sorry, Kate. I shouldn’t have touched you like that. I acted instinctual instead of intellectual. You’re just so damn cute when you get excited about things like hot chocolate. It’s hard for me to keep the distance. I promise I won’t make the mistake again.” 

Kaitlyn stared at him for a moment before turning away. She walked towards the window and pushed aside the curtain to gaze out at the falling snow. God, she was beautiful. More than anything, he wanted to bury his face in her hair and breathe in her scent then lower his mouth to the curve of her neck and taste her soft skin. Instead, he stood rooted to his spot. He knew she needed space right now. 

 He’d been beating himself up since he made the error in the kitchen. The last thing he wanted was for her to be mad at him before walking into a dangerous situation. His heart ached. It was killing him not to pull her into his arms. Often, he walked on eggshells around Kate. He didn’t mind. She was well worth the patience and effort.  

Finally, she turned towards him. “I’m not mad at you.”

Lucas let out the breath he’d been holding. “You’re not? I was out of line. I think I let my guard down when Harrington assigned us the same room—leaving no doubt that we were together. It won’t happen again.” 

Kaitlyn moistened her lips and took a step closer. “That surprised me, too.”

The tension in his shoulders eased slightly. While they were in the kitchen she’d obviously been annoyed, or maybe she was distracted. She wasn’t the easiest person to read. 

“Do you think it’s okay if I touch you in here?” Kaitlyn asked softly. 

Lucas saw her expression - vulnerability. He loved when she let her guard down for him. He crossed the room and pulled her into him. Gently, he kissed her and then held her tightly against his chest. He could feel her defenses dissolve beneath his touch. 

“I’m sure this is acceptable. Harrington wouldn’t have put us together if it weren’t.”

She pulled back and looked up at him with her stunning grey eyes. “I don’t understand why we even have rooms. Do you know if we’re staying the night?”

His fingers combed through her hair, slowly. “I have no idea. I’m sure we’ll find out in twenty minutes at the meeting. I’m in the dark as much as you are.” 

Arms still wrapped around her, he shuffled towards the large platform bed and plopped down, pulling Kaitlyn onto his lap. His thumb caressed the nape of her slender neck. “If you’re not mad at me, what’s bothering you?”

She shifted against him so she could stare up at him, “I’m jealous of Ace.” 

Her honesty floored him. Lucas looked down studying her face. He could feel her pain and confusion. It didn’t sit well with him. “Why are you jealous?”

“I’ve never heard Erik laugh before today. No one ever laughs with me except you. Well, sometimes Quess laughs

Lucas’s gut twisted. “Am I not enough for you, Kate?” He was ashamed of the words as soon as they left his mouth. 

Sitting up straighter, Kaitlyn frowned. “I don’t understand your question.”

Lucas drew in a deep breath. He had to keep his head on straight. He knew her mind worked differently. Maybe she didn’t mean it the way he had taken it. He searched his mind for other explanations. 

“Do you think you are jealous of their relationship? Or of Ace in general?” 

Kate stared straight ahead, lost in her thoughts. “I guess their relationship. At first I was angry because I thought Erik was acting unprofessionally. But then I realized I was upset that he acted differently with Ace than me. He likes Ace better, and I don’t like it.” 

Lucas chose his words carefully. “They’ve known each other a long time. They have a history together. I think what you are trying to say is that seeing them together made you more aware of your own differences?”

“If you mean made me acutely aware of my flaws? Then yes.” She crossed her arms over her chest. Lucas was struck by the very human movement. The fact that she did it unconsciously didn’t slip past him.  

Lucas dropped his chin onto the top of her head and ran his hand down her arm. “Kaitlyn, you are not flawed. You are unique, wonderful, funny, exciting, sexy. I could go on and on if you want me to.”

Kate lifted her head. “You really think I’m funny?”

Lucas pulled her tighter. “Kate, you make me happier than I’ve ever been in my life. Just thinking of you brings a smile to my face. You do things daily that make me laugh. If I could only choose one word to describe you it would be extraordinary.” 

She pulled away and searched his face, as if she was trying to figure out if he was telling the truth. 

He hesitated before speaking. It was hard for him to be so open, but Kaitlyn deserved his honesty. He didn’t want any secrets between the two of them. “The way you are jealous of Ace and Erik is the same way I am jealous of you and Erik. You two have a bond that does not include me. Sometimes, I feel like I’m on the outside looking in.” He paused to gather his thoughts. “If your concern is that Erik doesn’t feel close to you like he does Ace, your fears are misplaced. The two of you work together like a well-oiled machine.”

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