Grace’s Sweet Surrender (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (6 page)

BOOK: Grace’s Sweet Surrender (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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She had opened up to them and told her deep secrets that had plagued her life before she met them. She felt free getting those things off her chest and finally telling someone. Grace never had the urge to open up like that with Ray. She never wanted to tell Ray about her past. He didn’t act like he cared enough to find out much about her past. Ray never asked her personal questions or seemed to give a damn about where he saw their future going beyond marriage. She often thought about having children. However, Grace wasn’t confident that Ray was the father figure type she was looking for. As their relationship escaladed, things disintegrated and her plans of the future were only a fantasy of what could be with someone who actually would love to spend the rest of their life with her.

It wasn’t until she got to know Brody and Hunter that she realized that Ray was a selfish bastard and only cared about himself. Grace felt as though a weight had been lifted off her shoulders, and she was starting to feel better about herself and her future. Now it was her turn to try and give them a chance.

Grace had showered and gone to the kitchen for a cup of coffee. Duke was sunbathing in the backyard when she found him. He seemed as content with his new home as she was. On the counter was a note from Brody and Hunter saying they had to head to town to do some errands before work. Grace threw in a load of laundry while she made breakfast and picked up around the house before she went in for her shift.

Grace enjoyed working with the staff at the grill. Everyone was so nice to her. She had become good friends with Jamie. They had talked about going out for lunch on their day off. Jamie wanted a shopping buddy to go look for some last-minute baby items. Grace had never thought about being pregnant before. Ray wasn’t exactly fond of children. He had always said he hated the whiny little brats and he wished the moms would shut their kids up. She should have known better than to be with someone like that.

Grace left for work and arrived for her shift fifteen minutes early as usual. Jamie greeted her with a smile and a hug like she was accustomed to when they worked together. She then walked to the office and stuck her head in to say hi to Hunter. “Hey there, just wanted to say hi before I started my shift.”

He looked up from the paperwork on his desk and gave her a beaming smile. “Hey there yourself. Sorry we snuck out so early this morning on you. We had to get into town, and we knew you were tired. We didn’t want to wake you.”

“It’s okay. I wouldn’t mind if you woke me up before you two left for work. I enjoy spending the morning with you both. Well…I better get to work. I wouldn’t want the boss to ride my ass for being late.”

“I would worry about him riding your ass for being late. However, I’m sure he’d look for any reason to ride your ass any way he could.” Hunter winked and smiled at her. “Now, get to work, you, and don’t forget to stop at the bar to say hi to Brody. He’s been walking around all day like a bear with a sore paw. I think he missed not seeing you as well this morning.”

Grace waved then turned to walk out the door. She stopped to say hi to the cooks and bus boys along the way to the bar. She was glad to hear that they had in fact missed her this morning. She thought she was the only one who felt that way about them. Last night in the Jacuzzi was amazing. After they made each other come, they all retreated to their rooms for the night. It took her a while to get her body to stop humming from their touch. They made her feel good. She has never in her life felt as good as she did now that she was with Hunter and Brody.

Grace walked up behind Brody as he was too busy behind the bar to notice that she was standing there. He was so handsome. His body was well defined. She noticed women come in and stare at him when he wasn’t looking. “Hi, Brody! I stopped by Hunter’s office, and he said you wanted me to stop by to see you before I started my shift.”

“I did indeed, Gracie. I missed you this morning.” He came around the front of the bar to give her a hug. “I went to bed with a hard-on last night. You were so hot in the Jacuzzi last night. I couldn’t stop thinking about what I wanted to do to you the next time I have you naked.”

She could feel herself blushing. Her skin grew hot, and she had to look around to see if anyone had heard what he had said. “Brody, I don’t want people at work knowing what happened between us last night. They will get the wrong idea about how I got the job with you.”

“I can’t help it, Gracie. You are a beautiful woman, and I want more of what we’ve started last night.” He let her go and stepped back. “Sorry, baby, I don’t want to embarrass you. I’m just happy to see you.”

“Can we talk about this tonight after work? I need to get my station ready.”

“Sure thing, sweetie, we’ll take care of dinner tonight. Hunter and I will be home earlier than you this evening. Have a good day.” He smiled at her then turned back toward the bar.

Grace walked to where Jamie was setting up her tables. “Hi, Jamie. How are you feeling today?”

“Like I can’t wait till this baby is ready to come out of me. I swear, if this baby is as big as his dad, I’m definitely in trouble!” They both just giggled. “So, do you want to go shopping with me this week? I won’t take all day. I can’t be out very long. I get so tired nowadays. We’ll hit a few stores and maybe go have lunch. What do you say?”

“Sounds like a plan. How about Sunday afternoon? Will that be okay with you?”

“Sure, let me just mention it to Wes and make sure he hasn’t made plans. By the way, did either Brody or Hunter mention to you that we are all going out Friday night to this bar-restaurant we’ve been meaning to try out? I asked them to check with you. What do you say?”

“I don’t know, Jamie. They haven’t said anything to me. I don’t want to intrude on their off-time. They might have plans to go out and hook up with other women. They might not want me to tag along.”

“Nonsense, I see the way they look at you. They are definitely interested in you, my dear. Just plan on going out this weekend. We’ll have a good time. I hate being the only girl. I need to have someone there to girl talk with since I can’t have a beer with anyone anymore.” Jamie looked around. The lunch crowd was starting to come in. “We’ll talk after our shift is over.”

Grace watched as the cute little pregnant fireball waddled off. She didn’t have any friends that she was as close to as Jamie. Jamie made her laugh. Why hadn’t Hunter and Brody mentioned to her about going out this weekend? Maybe what she told Jamie was true, they wanted to go out and meet women without her tagging along.
Oh well, just have fun and be yourself, Grace. If they don’t like you for you, then they’re not worth it. You been there and done that with other men in the past. Enjoy yourself for once.

Jamie and Grace had finished off their shift and the girls had grabbed their purses and keys and headed for the front door.

In front of the restaurant, Grace said good-bye to Jamie before heading to their cars. Grace was looking at her keys. Before she got in her car, she heard a familiar voice come up behind her.

“Hello, Grace.”

Oh no, please let me be hearing things in my head
She felt a hand grip her arm roughly, and then suddenly she was spun around to look into the eyes of her ex-fiancé, Ray.

“What are you doing here, Ray? I thought enough was said when I gave you back the ring you asked for and took all my belongings and left you.” She could tell he was drunk by the smell of his breath.

“Yeah, well, I made a mistake. I need you, baby.”

“The only reason you need me is to give you money all the time. How did you find me anyways?”

“It wasn’t hard. Your old boss said someone had done a reference check on you. I told them I missed you and wanted you back. The manager fell for it and gave me the info.”

“Well, Ray, I don’t want to go back to you. I have a new job, and I love it here.”

Ray grabbed her forcefully by both shoulders and was shaking her now. “Listen to me, sweetheart, and listen real good. I need some money fast. I owe a guy money, and if I don’t get it to him by tonight, they are going to kill me,” he said through gritted teeth.

Before she could say anything in response, Ray was picked up by his shoulders and thrown to the ground by Hunter.

“Keep you dirty hands off our woman. Who are you, and what the hell do you think you are doing manhandling Grace like that?”

Brody walked over and hugged her to his strong chest. “Are you okay, Gracie? He didn’t hurt you, did he? Jamie came and got us when she saw what was going on out here.”

“That’s my fiancée. I want her to come home with me. Leave us alone. We have some things to work out between the two of us, in private.”

She watched as Hunter looked down at the man on the ground and said, “I already called the sheriff. He’ll be here any minute.” She could see the look of horror in Ray’s eyes.

“No. I’ll leave. I don’t want any trouble with the sheriff.” He looked at Grace and said, “Please, Grace, give me some money.” Just then the sheriff pulled up next to her car.

Jaime’s husband, Wes, got out of his cruiser and walked toward them. “What seems to be the problem here, Hunter?”

“This here piece of scum just attacked Grace. I want to press charges,” Hunter said as he watched Ray stumble.

“Sir, are you drunk?” the sheriff asked.

“Ah, no, sir, I had a few beers at the bar. I’m fine to drive.”

Wes looked at Grace and spoke, “Grace, did he assault you? Do you want to press charges?”

She looked from Brody to Hunter and directed her attention to Wes. “No. Let him leave. I don’t want anything more to do with him. I won’t press charges if he promises to leave me alone, and never show his face around me again.”

“I will, Grace.” He then looked toward Wes and said, “Can I be on my way now, sheriff?”

“I don’t want to see you in my town again. If you do, I don’t take kindly to men that manhandle women. Now, go on and get in your car before I change my mind.”

They all watched as his car disappeared out of town.

“Can I go home now, Wes? I need to lie down and unwind after the day I’ve had.” She then leaned over to kiss Hunter and Brody on the cheek. “Thank you. I’m so glad you were both here with me.”

“We care about you, Grace. Ray will never hurt you again. We promise you that.” She got in her car, and they watched her drive off.

Hunter turned and spoke to Wes after Wes had kissed Jamie and sent her home in her car. “Let’s finish up here. I don’t want her home alone very long.”

“I agree, buddy. I’m ready when you are. Let’s go home and take care of our girl.”


* * * *


On their way home, Brody only had one thing on his mind. Grace. When he had seen Ray’s hands on his woman, he thought he was going to kill the bastard with his bare hands. No one would ever lay a hand on her again. He and Hunter would make sure she was always taken care of. They would protect what was theirs. Grace had a piece of their hearts. He was starting to fall in love with her. Brody and Hunter intended on showing her just how much they wanted her.

He kept thinking about the look on her face when they brought her to orgasm last night. Brody wanted so bad to take her to bed so they could fuck the shit out of her. He wanted to see her hair splayed across the pillow as he plowed into her tight pussy. Grace had made him come in her hand, but that only excited him more. They didn’t want to scare her, but they wanted her to be aware of their sexual preference.

Ever since he and Hunter had met in their business class in college, they had become good friends. Hunter was a defense lineman for the football team. Brody had gotten a scholarship in high school and graduated with a business degree. It was then that Hunter and he decided to go into business together.

During their years in college, they also found that they had the same taste in women. One night Brody had brought his date back to the dorm and found out that she had always wanted to have sex with two guys. That was when they discovered that they worked well together.

He and Hunter had explained to Grace the night before about how they liked to share their women, so maybe tonight they could show her what it was really like to be in the middle of two men as they took care of all her needs and desires.

Chapter Seven


Grace was so mentally exhausted.
What a day
. Her day was going so well before Ray showed up and harassed her. She wanted to climb under a rock and hide from embarrassment. Grace was glad to be home. She felt safe when she was with Brody and Hunter.

Grace had a great day as far as tips. She never made this kind of money when she worked at the diner. This was a different clientele of course, but the people were a lot nicer and friendlier here in Burley.

She walked into the house and walked to the back door to let Duke inside. “Ray found us, Duke. I hope he doesn’t keep coming around. I don’t want him to cause any trouble.”

She and Duke played for a little bit before she walked to her room to take a bath. The guys should be home soon. Grace wanted to be ready when they wanted to talk about today.

She stripped off her clothes and grabbed some shorts and a T-shirt before getting in the bath. Grace couldn’t wait to sit down to dinner with them. It was if she was becoming attached to them already. She found herself looking for them when she was working. They made her smile and laugh all the time. Grace had become very smitten over them.

She prepared her bath with the salts that were already there when she was asked to live with them. It felt good to just lie there and enjoy the peace and quiet in her larger than life bathroom. After her twenty-minute soak, she got dressed and made her way to the kitchen where she could hear the two of them in a conversation.

“Hi. Is there anything I can do to help with dinner?” As she looked around the kitchen, the table was already set and Hunter was pouring her a glass of red wine.

“Not a thing, kitten. Brody is setting the food out we brought home. We kind of figured after the day you had, no one wanted to cook tonight.”

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