Highland Sparks (Clan Grant #5) (11 page)

Read Highland Sparks (Clan Grant #5) Online

Authors: Keira Montclair

Tags: #Highlander, #Historical Fiction, #Historical Romance, #Historical, #Adult

BOOK: Highland Sparks (Clan Grant #5)
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Chapter Fourteen


When they finally arrived in Glasgow, Gwyneth took him straight to the Kirk to meet her brother. She led him through the back door into a warm and inviting chamber behind the chapel. A table and chairs sat near the hearth, and a small area for food preparation was situated at the back of the room. He could see two rooms off the main chamber, probably for sleeping. Father Rab was a pleasant man, truly concerned about his sister.

“‘Tis a pleasure to meet you, Father,” Logan said.

“My pleasure, but please call me Rab. You don’t need to address me as a priest in my home. You are here as a guest.” His smile was genuine and warm when he turned his attention to his sister. “Gwyneth, come sit down and tell me about your trip to the Highlands.”

The three of them settled at the table and Gwyneth shared the highlights of their journey with her brother. Logan could tell how much she loved and admired Rab. Her demeanor was often tough and cold, but not here. Only in the last few days had he noticed how beautiful her smile was, her white teeth glowing against her dark hair and the bronze color of her skin. It was more lovely for the fact that it had to be earned. Lord, but he had to admit that his protectiveness was growing stronger everyday with this lass.

Was it just the need to protect her or was it something else?

Her face beamed as she told him about the Grant clan.

Rab winked at Logan. “I am glad to hear you enjoyed your journey. Mayhap it has given you something else to focus on for a while.”

Gwyneth’s face fell. “Nay, you know what I have to do, Rab. I can’t let it go. He needs to pay for what he did.”

Her brother’s hand reached for her shoulder. “Are you still having nightmares?”

Logan nodded his head in unison with hers.

Rab’s brow quirked, and his expression changed from friendly to fierce, as if he were finally piecing together something that disturbed him about their relationship.

“Please, Rab. Do not lecture me. Logan and I escorted the two wee lassies to safety along with four other guards. You know ‘tis something I needed to do for my friend.”

“Aye, but the trip back to Glasgow?” His hands moved to his hips as he glanced from Gwyneth to Logan. “Is there a need for me to perform a wedding right now?”

Gwyneth’s reaction caused both men to jump. “Nay!” Her eyes widened as she stared at her brother. “No wedding! You know how I feel about that, Rab.” She glanced at Logan and shook her head.

Logan’s gaze pierced hers. “If she’ll have me, I would be happy to marry her and call her my wife.”

Saints above, where had that come from? He had shocked himself as much as anyone else. In the end it hadn’t taken any thought at all. His sire would have expected him to make the offer since he had taken her maidenhead. Being out in the wilderness had made it all seem so natural, so right. He had enjoyed every moment they’d spent together in the Highlands. Now he had to do what was honorable. Besides, he did love her and would follow her forever if she chose to lead him. He
to wed her.

He turned to Gwyneth and took her hand in his, rubbing his thumb across her skin. “Gwyneth, naught would make me happier than for you to be my wife.”

Gwyneth glanced at him, panic in her gaze. She shook her head and stared at her brother. “Nay, Logan ‘tis not you. I told my brother I would never marry.”

Rab interrupted. “Mayhap you could give us some time together alone, Logan? I have not talked to my sister in quite some time.”

Logan nodded. “Certes. I have a couple of things I need to do. I shall return in a short while.” He gathered his things and nodded to Gwyneth before departing.

After he mounted his horse in a fog, Logan flicked the reins, turning toward the center of town. Saints above, she had rejected him. The shock of that one word—nay—had just settled on him. All these years of running from the thought of marriage, and he had been rejected by the one woman he’d ever hoped to make his wife. What in hell was she thinking? Just because she had something she needed to finish didn’t mean she couldn’t marry him. Hellfire, she could be carrying their bairn. Mayhap she just needed time to think about it, since he had sprung it on her rather quickly. Father Rab would probably insist on the match.

He forced the incident from his mind. If that was her preference, then he had no choice but to honor it. His chin jutted out. As soon as he finished his errand, he would return to the Kirk, say his goodbyes and head straight to the Ramsay clan. His mother had stayed behind with his brother, Micheil, so he would visit with them first.

As soon as he reached at his destination, he tossed the reins to a stable lad and crossed the courtyard to the steps of the great hall. Once inside, he strode to the dais and greeted his host. “I came to advise you of my most recent journey.”

“Aye, do tell. Then I have another assignment for you, and it’s one that needs to be finished soon.” Dougal Hamilton stood and strode to his solar, beckoning Logan to follow him inside.

Logan took a seat opposite Hamilton’s desk, told his story, and then awaited his next assignment. Dougal Hamilton worked quietly according to the king and Dundonald’s needs. Dundonald was the steward to King Alexander and it was his job to handle all the king’s official business. Hamilton’s job was to handle all the king’s unofficial and covert business. Logan’s habit of wandering had proven invaluable in assisting the Scots to obtain important information…and complete other special tasks. It was imperative that no one be aware of his job as a scout for the Scottish government. His brothers were the only ones aware of his secret missions.

Logan nodded, realizing that things had worked out for the best since Gwyneth had turned him down. He couldn’t have completed another assignment if she’d agreed to wed him.

Hamilton continued. “I have a scout that has taken on the quest of destroying a particular piece of scum in Glasgow on their own for personal reasons, but the target needs to be taken out because of his threat to the Scots. This particular person started out as the usual criminal, but his activities have elevated over time to those of a heinous predator. I have new evidence of unspeakable crimes against women and I want him taken out. I need you to make sure this scout completes the mission without delay. I support the merchant’s termination, but I am afraid my scout has a personal vendetta against the man that may interfere with the scout’s ability to see the assignment through.”

Logan said, “Then why not pull the scout from the assignment and allow me to finish the task? I need something to occupy me at present, so it would work well.”

Dougal clasped his hands together in his lap. “Because this particular spy is one of my best, and I think it would be in this person’s best interest to complete the task on their own.”

“Then how do I fit in?” Logan asked, confused.

“I want you to follow the scout without giving away your status. I fear the personal issue may cause this person to require assistance. I need you to ensure that the assignment is completed without any issues.”

“Accepted. Who is the scout and where can I find him?”

Hamilton smiled. “
The spy is Gwyneth Cunningham. You are familiar enough with her after your trip to the Highlands?”

Logan couldn’t hide his surprise. “Aye, I am. She is a skilled archer. I left her with her brother just now. Why did you not inform me of this before? I just traveled to the Highlands and back with her, as you are fully aware. And why did you not tell me she worked for you?”

Logan didn’t know whether to be just shocked or furious, too. Gwyneth? A spy?

“Because you didn’t need to know. I make the decisions, Ramsay, and it wasn’t important enough at the time. I wanted you to get a sense of her skills on your own without my input. You agree with me that she is capable of completing the mission?”

“Aye, she is a strong archer and a warrior. But I don’t know if she can complete this with all that has taken place previously. Set her aside and allow me to do it.”

“Nay. This is her mission, and I will not deny her. It needs to take place, and I am guessing you are aware of the situation. Did she share her history with you?”

Logan stood, unable to keep his concerns in check. “Aye, she did, and she is too close to this. Pull her out and allow me to go after Erskine. I’ll see it finished.” His voice grew louder as he continued to talk.

Dougal’s expression changed to one of puzzlement. “Just how close to her are you? Is there more to this relationship that I need to be aware of? What exactly is she to you?”

Logan stopped and sat. He realized how this had to look to his supervisor. He had just held the woman in his arms for several days, but he couldn’t let Hamilton know that, or he would be forced to step away from the situation.

He mulled over everything he had just heard and said, “There’s naught more you need to know. I accept the mission and will see it through. Anything else I need to know about Erskine?”

Hamilton clasped his hands together on the desk and leaned toward Logan. “You need to be careful. He is no longer a small criminal. He controls many men, and much wealth. In fact, I want you to also see if you can find out who he controls in the government. Somehow, he has managed to evade any charges for all his previous crimes. He is a wealthy man. He must be paying someone to turn their head. I want to know who it is.”

Logan thought again and nodded. “Agreed. I will move immediately. You must be aware of his most recent activity and what he did to Gwyneth.”

Dougal’s voice dropped to a whisper. “Aye, I am aware, and I had two scouts looking for him in your absence, but one of them is now dead. Hung by a rope in a tree by the firth, the buzzards picking on him when we found him. Find Duff Erskine, he is as elusive as ever. I want him dead for his most recent kidnapping attempt of the lasses and for killing one of my scouts. Find him before he kills another scout or attempts another shipment.”

Logan nodded. Hellfire, he was still unable to speak. He stood and headed to the door but stopped to turn around. “Gwyneth? One of your best?”

Hamilton nodded. “Aye, she is. She is clever, one hell of an archer, and no one suspects a lass.”

And while Logan was still spinning with the shock of what he’d learned, none of that was a surprise at all.

Dougal’s eyes bored into him. “Ramsay? Whatever it takes. Do it.”


Chapter Fifteen


As soon as Logan left, Gwyneth lit into her brother. “Rab, I’m not marrying him, you need to stop. You know what I have to do and how I feel about marriage.” She paced the room as she sputtered, still indignant at her brother’s suggestion.

“Gwyneth, please calm down.” Rab’s voice lowered, in the fashion it always did when he sought to soothe her.

“I am calm, Rab, I just won’t marry. I thought you understood.” Under a man’s control? Never. As much as she appreciated all Logan had done for her and her friend, she could not consider marriage, even with him. She thought of how her rejection must have sounded to Logan and sighed, yanking the end of her plait. He had to know it wasn’t him, just the premise of such a strong,

Rab stared at her for a few minutes before he ushered her over to a chair at the table and sat down beside her. “Gwyneth, I know what we dealt with when Da and Gordon were murdered was a burden heavier than what many children must bear. And I understand that you and I have chosen to deal with it in very different ways, but I worry about you.”

Gwyneth stared at her brother. How she loved him, and how grateful she was that he had run for help on that fateful day. Elsewise she might have needed to bury him as well. Tears burned her eyes as she reached over and gripped his hands. “Rab, you know I must finish this.”

Rab nodded, though she could tell her answer bothered him. “I do understand, though I’ve chosen a different path.”

Gwyneth stared straight ahead and swiped at the tears on her cheeks.

Her brother continued. “Prayer has brought a wonderful peacefulness in my life that I wish I could share with you. Aye, I didn’t see the arrows pierce Da and Gordon’s skin as you did, and mayhap that is why the need for revenge has not consumed me, but this eats at your soul, Gwyneth. I wish you could let it go. I think Da would like to see you settled with a good man and bairns at your feet. This Logan seems like a good man, and he accepts you for who you are, leggings and all.”

“Rab, you don’t understand,” she said, fighting the tears that threatened to fall yet again. “It wasn’t just the arrows. I saw the life go out of Da’s eyes. I am glad you didn’t see it, but when I fell on him, he was still there. He stared at me with the worst look in his eyes, and then the light was gone. I watched as his soul left him. It was beyond horrible, and when I turned to look at Gordon, the very same thing happened.” She gripped the bottom of her tunic with both hands, fighting for control. “Tell me one thing, Rab, and please be honest,” she whispered. “Do you ever wish to see Duff Erskine dead?” She reached into her pocket and clutched the wee stone Lily had given to her, rubbing it furiously as she awaited his answer.

He blinked as his shoulders slumped. “Aye, but I pray for strength every day. I pray for forgiveness for my vile thoughts, for the hatred I sometimes still bear toward that man. Now I think about what Duff tried to do to you by throwing you on that boat, and I carry such anger that it haunts me. Every day I pray for strength. But mostly, I pray for you, Gwyneth, for I don’t know if I could go on if I ever lost you. I pray for your happiness, for your deliverance from the hatred you carry inside.”

“Resolution is close, Rab. Now that I am back, and the war has calmed, it’s time for me to finish this. He won’t haunt either of us again,” she murmured.

“I know you need closure, but if you kill him, will you not be forced into another type of hell—that of guilt? Can you live with that on your conscience?”

“Aye. Erskine’s death will give me peace to know I have finally found justice for the travesty that took place seven years ago. Think how many women I could be saving from a life of slavery, the life that was almost forced upon me.”

“This is true,” said Rab, his head bowed at the table. “I just wish the sheriff would take care of it, so you didn’t feel forced to finish this.”

“Duff is beyond the law. He lies. An investigation took place, but the right thing wasn’t done. Something is afoot, and I need to find out what it is. He must pay quite a bit of money to one of the top officials. ‘Tis up to me to uncover the truth, and then I vow to finish this.”

“I know you will not rest until you do, but can you ask Logan to assist you? He could go with you.”

“I don’t need him. I can handle Duff on my own, Rab.”

“For me, Gwyneth.” Rab stood so fast that his chair almost fell over. “His men drugged and overpowered you before. Please. Agree to have Ramsay to help you. I would feel better if he was there watching over you.”

Gwyneth smiled. “You don’t trust the Lord to watch over me after all your praying?”

“Even the Lord takes all the help he can get.” He wrapped his warm hands around Gwyneth’s. “Please?”

Only her beloved brother could convince her not to go alone, and only for him would she concede. “I will speak to Logan when I see him again, but only for you. I have already told him that I must deliver the killing blow myself.”

Rab tipped his head back, rubbing his face in his hands. “Gwyneth, you worry me so.”

Gwyneth stood and hastened over to kiss her brother on the cheek. “Relax, Rab. All will be well; you shall see.”

He finally smiled. “I must admit I am hopeful. Whether you wish to accept his proposal or not, I believe you have feelings for Logan Ramsay, and naught would make me happier than for you two to wed. You have spent too much time in the Kirk and at the butts. There is more to life than vengeance. Please don’t push him away.”

Gwyneth tipped her head and peered at her brother. “He is a good man. I’ll talk to him about helping me with Duff.” How she loved her brother. Though it had surprised her a little when he turned to the church, she was pleased he’d found his vocation. Besides, even a lowlife like Duff Erskine would know better than to target a priest. The public outcry was more than he would be willing to face.

She wrapped her arms around him. “I love you, Rab.”

“Where will you go?”

“‘Tis time to finish this. I will find Logan, and then together we will go for Erskine.” She turned and exited the church, her hand still rubbing her lucky stone.

Rab stared out the window after her, then bowed his head in prayer.


Logan rode back to Father Rab’s Kirk, still trying to settle in his mind that Gwyneth Cunningham worked covertly for the Scots under the same man who supervised him. The thought of a woman operating in such a way had never entered his mind.

Well, he had known she was different all along. This was yet another sign of how special she was to him. Good God, but she was a beautiful, clever lass who affected him in a way he’d never experienced before. The more the idea settled with him, the more he rather liked the thought of marrying her. ‘Twas time to settle a bit, though he would never settle as his brother, Quade, had done. But Gwyneth loved the outdoors as much as he did. What would Dougal Hamilton think of his two agents marrying? He smiled when he thought of how surprised the man would be if it were ever to happen.

There would be time to settle that later; now he had a mission to complete. The truth was he would have followed Gwyneth whether or not Dougal had given him the order. Erskine was a bastard and needed to pay. With all the new information Hamilton had just given him, he had even more reason to see the scum dead. The man had no conscience. He would do what he needed to help Gwyneth accomplish her goal and put Duff’s crimes to an end.

His only challenge would be to guarantee that Gwyneth was safe. Aye, she was strong, but he had to make sure her feelings wouldn’t compromise the mission.

He dismounted and strolled to the back door of the Kirk, surprised to see that Gwyneth’s horse was gone. If she had already left without him, there would be hell to pay. As he knocked, his gaze searched the area for any signs of her. There was nothing.

The door swung open and Father Rab stood in front of him, an expression of concern on his face. “Och, this can’t be good.”

“Father Rab? Gwyneth isn’t here?”

“Nay, she left a short time ago. She told me she was going to find you, but since you stand in front of me, she must have gone after Erskine alone. The saints preserve us all, she promised she would seek your assistance first.” He shook his head. “I will pray for her all night. My sister causes me such worry.”

“Father, ease your mind. I will find her and protect her.” Logan clasped the priest’s shoulder.

“Many thanks, Logan.”

“Erskine, I imagine he is oft found at the river’s edge, but does he have a keep? And if so, where?”

“As far as I know, he has a couple of cottages he uses down near the water. He has a few men who work for him, and they often share huts. But no one knows where he lives, those are just his lackeys.”

Logan said, “Don’t worry, Father. I’ll find her.”

He bolted back out the door and jumped on Paz. Unfortunately, he now regretted the promise he had made to Gwyneth. The vision of a man swinging from a tree with his neck broken changed everything. If Erskine stood in front of him and Gwyneth was at his side, would he be able to step back and allow her the chance for vengeance?

He was no longer sure, but the lass had left without him. There was no time to waste.

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