HUGE X3: A MFMM Menage Stepbrother Romance (15 page)

BOOK: HUGE X3: A MFMM Menage Stepbrother Romance
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Standing at the bar, in a row, they look magnificent, and I feel like
absolute shit.
For a moment I wonder how
the hell they found me, then I remember that Bryan and Darryll had classes
together, and I’m immediately furious.

How pathetic must he think me to phone a friend to
come and rescue me?
All I wanted was a moment
to take what I needed and I can’t even get that.
The music is so loud that it’s pointless any for
us to try to say anything, although I can tell they want to.

I look them over, wondering if they fought after I
I can’t see any bruises or grazes
and the fact that they’re here together tells me that they can’t have fallen
out too badly.
I’m relieved, but not
enough for it to overshadow my anger.
stride towards them but as I get close I go around, snatching up my purse and
heading towards the door, without saying a word.

“Katy,” Bryan yells and I hear their footsteps
following me.

As soon as I’m in the lot I realize that I have
absolutely no plan for what happens next.
I’ve drunk way too much to consider driving and it’ll take a while for a
taxi to come and pick me up.
The only
option I have is to walk.

I start toward the sidewalk but someone catches my
arm, holding me firmly.
It’s Bryan.

“Get your hands off me,” I slur.

“No,” he growls. “I’m not letting you go anywhere.”

I struggle against him but he grabs me and tugs me
against him.
I push against his chest but he’s so damn
strong that I can’t get away.
breathing hard and so am I.
It’s like we’re
both wound too tight and need to let go at any second.
I’m fraught and it scares me.

“You need to stop,” he says firmly.

“Who the fuck do you think you are?” I shout.
“You chose to be practically nothing to me
for years. Now all of a sudden you want to take care of me.
I don’t need your pity, Bryan.
I don’t want you to think that you’ll step in
now to give me a few good months before I die, okay?”

He goes totally stiff against me, as though what I
said has frozen him into a statue.
still panting and pushing.

“That’s what you think I’m doing?”

“Well, isn’t it?
Why now, Bryan?
Why now when
you’ve held back for so long.”

“Because I couldn’t take it anymore, Katy,” he
“Because I’ve torn myself apart
trying to do what I thought was best for everyone.”

I look up at him, still so damn angry and hurt.
He takes my face in his big hands and holds
me tightly, not letting me look away, even when his stare feels too much for me
to bear.

“I love you,” he says fiercely.
“I’ve loved you since that moment you walked
into the Red Devil wearing your little blue shorts and told me that you’d
always secretly wanted to be Wonder Woman.”

My heart speeds as I remember that night. He’d made me
laugh so much with his silly jokes, but I was with my girls and we’d just been
up for some dancing and flirting.
wonder what would have happened if Bryan had kissed me that night.
Would we still be together?
Would we have weathered all the storms that
life might have thrown at us?
Would he
be with me to face this next chapter and whatever that might mean for my

I don’t say anything and his expression turns
“Say something,” he says.

I shake my head against his hands.
I don’t know how to tell him how I feel
without crying.
And I can see Jason and
Austin within earshot.
How did I get
myself into this situation where I find that I love a man who loves me too and
still I don’t see a way for us to be together?
My heart is his, but it belongs to his brothers too.
If I admit that, it’s going to change
everything for us.
But I can’t just
pretend that it isn’t the case.

“I know you feel the same way,” he says.
“Tell me.”

“Bryan,” Austin says in a warning voice, his
expression more worried than I have ever seen.

“Stay out of this,” Bryan shouts, still gazing down at
me as though I am it for him.

“We can’t,” Jason says.
“This isn’t just about you.”

“I know, okay.
I know that better than anyone,” Bryan growls.

“What do you know?” I ask him.

“I know you care about my brothers too.” He glances at
them and then back at me.
“I know
You wouldn’t have been doing all
this otherwise.”

I nod my head and then look down at my feet, feeling
totally exposed.
Bryan tips my chin
until I have to look him in the eyes again.
“You think I want you to choose?” he asks.

“Well, don’t you?”
I’d been so damn certain that Bryan was mad at what was going on between
me and his brothers that I hadn’t stopped to consider what might happen if he

His green gaze is piercing.
“You’re my girl,” he says.
“But I love my brothers as much as I love
I couldn’t ask them to stay away
from you when I can see how happy you make each other.
I know you’re going through some stuff right
now, but I also know that you, of all the girls I’ve known, are the one that
knows your own mind the best.
You may
feel out of control, but through all this you’ve been making the decisions that
you’ve needed to in order to get through.
We want to be here for you, Katy.
All of us.”

I look across to where Austin and Jason are standing
with their hands stuffed into their pockets, waiting for me to agree.
I’m in Bryan’s arms and it feels so right,
but also like I’m missing something.

When I was a kid and mom had her first relationship
after my dad left, I’d asked her if it was possible to love more than one
I’d thought that maybe she’d
never loved my father, but she told me that she believed it was, and that all
the people we meet in our lives will touch us in a different way and inspire
different feelings within us.
That’s how
I feel about these boys.

“I’m a mess,” I finally admit to Bryan.
“I don’t want to go home. Not tonight.”

Bryan glances across to the twins then bends to kiss
me quickly on the mouth.

“We’ll sort it out, baby.
Don’t worry.”

Bryan leads me to his truck and the twins follow
He settles me in the back seat
and closes the door. I hear him conferring with his brothers and watch as the
twins nod at whatever he’s saying.
all get in, Jason and Bryan in the front and Austin next to me.
He puts his arm around my shoulders and tugs
me against him in a way that feels so right.
It’s a brotherly possessive gesture, the kind of fierce caring that I
need right now.
I snuggle against him,
holding onto his shirt and inhaling the fresh pine smell of his clothes.

“I’ve got you,” he says, stroking my hair.
I close my eyes as Bryan pulls out of the lot
and starts to wherever we’re heading.

The radio station is a good distraction for us
The DJ is taking calls and we
listen as people phone in to tell him funny stories.
I don’t open my eyes again until Bryan turns
off the engine, and when I do I see we’re at a motel on the outskirts of
Jason hops out of the car and
strides into reception.
He comes out
holding a room key and waves for us to follow.
When I slide out of the car my knees feel weak.
I’m totally exhausted and on the sleepy end
of drunk.
Bryan throws his arm around my
shoulders and we walk to room number 4, which has a blue door.

Two huge beds dominate the space, with a small sitting
area by the window.
Jason is the first
to flop down on the grey sofa and reach for the remote.
Austin follows, grabbing some water from the
mini fridge.
I stand by the door not
really knowing what to do.

“Why don’t you freshen up?” Bryan suggests, probably
seeing my discomfort.

I nod and shut myself in the bathroom, sitting on the
closed toilet and holding my head in my hands.
I need to sleep.
I want to lie
down on one of those amazing looking beds, close my eyes and wake up a few days
into the future so that I don’t have to go through my appointment
I want to wake up the carefree
Katelin I was a few months ago, when I was still hoping that Bryan would see me,
and my biggest worry was how many shots to order at the bar.

I start the shower and step out of my clothes,
reaching for a fluffy white towel.
wash myself quickly using the little bottles of free product, then pat myself
dry and pull my top and yoga pants back on. I hand wash my panties and hang
them to dry.
I don’t want to be gross

When I step back into the room, three sets of
identical eyes turn to me, all looking equally concerned.

“I’m okay,” I say.
“Just tired.
I’m gonna sleep.”

“Sure,” Jason says.

“Nathan called.
Carrie’s come around and she’s doing fine,” Bryan says.
My hand flies to my mouth with relief.
I was so hopeful after I left the hospital,
but to know she’s on the mend for sure is the best news.
“I’ll call your mom and tell her you’re

I nod and tug back the covers on the nearest bed,
sliding into its pillowy softness and closing my eyes.
I don’t remember anything about the next few
When I wake, it’s dark in the
room; the only light is a slice of yellow beaming out of the bathroom through
an almost closed door.
I blink a few
times and rub my eyes, trying to clear the dryness.
My mouth is dry too but there’s a bottle of
water on the nightstand that I reach for as I sit up.

I’m unscrewing the cap when I notice the boys.
While I was in dreamland they rearranged the
furniture, moving the other bed so it’s pushed directly against mine.
Bryan is sleeping next to me, his beautiful
face totally relaxed, eyelashes casting dark shadows on his cheeks.
He’s facing me, lying curled on his side, as
close to me as he could manage without making physical contact.
Next to him, Jason and Austin are sleeping
too, all still in their clothes but socks and shoes discarded on the floor by
the door.

The sounds of their breathing mixes with the distant
noise of a television in another room.
watch them all for a while, as a feeling of safety washes over me.
These men are here because I needed
Goodness knows what Doug must be
thinking right now, and mom.
If they’d
worried about me and Bryan hooking up all that time ago, they must be hitting
the roof at this current situation.
Whatever is going on with our parents, these men care enough to not give
a damn.
They came to find me and didn’t
judge my reckless behavior but instead found a way to make it all okay.
I lie back down on the edge of my pillow
closest to Bryan and gaze at him.
the nights I’d wanted him to kiss me, to hold me, to tell me that he felt the same
way as me.
I’ve fallen asleep imagining
this moment so many times; waking up next to him and watching him while he
dreams, sliding closer until I’m wrapped around him, waking him in the nicest
way with my hand around his cock.

I put my hand close to his lips and feel his warm
breath against my knuckles.
He’s so big,
strong and masculine during waking hours, but in sleep I can see what he must
have looked like as a little boy.

I slide a little closer until my toes are just an inch
away from his calves and our faces are about three inches apart. If he woke
now, he’d probably freak to find me watching him like this.
I stare at his luscious soft lips that are so
amazing to kiss.
My own lips practically
vibrate to taste him again.

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