HUGE X3: A MFMM Menage Stepbrother Romance (8 page)

BOOK: HUGE X3: A MFMM Menage Stepbrother Romance
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you’d told me yesterday that within twenty-four hours I’d have mind-blowing
fantasy-smashing sex with two gorgeous twins, find a lump in my breast and then
end up at the drive-thru cinema with said sexy twins, I’d have said you were
But here I am, sitting on
Austin’s lap, munching on popcorn while Jason plays with my other hand.
Bryan had somewhere to be, apparently.
It doesn’t really surprise me that he made an
excuse, but my heart feels heavy because of it.

The film isn’t really my thing.
It’s a schmaltzy chick-flick with way too
much violin music for my taste.
superhero blockbusters available today.
I’m comfortable and relaxed which is exactly what I needed.

“You’re not even watching this film, are you?” Austin
whispers into my ear.
I turn and look at
his beautiful face and feign some wide-eyed innocence.”

“Sure I am.”


“What…I’m multi-tasking.”

The twins chuckle.
“Oh yeah,” Jason says.
the other task?”


“Sounds like hard work.”

“You have no idea.”

We all laugh and it feels good.
Austin runs his hand up my thigh and cups it
over my stomach.
We haven’t really
talked about either of the ‘elephants in the room’.
No one has mentioned the lump or the amazing
I’m kind of glad about the first
and a bit disappointed about the second.
Now that I’m here sitting between them I’m antsy.
It feels weird to want sex when I should be
worrying, but I know what I’m like.
always take the sweet before dealing with the sour.
Life is for living.
Those four words feel especially important

I squirm a little on Austin’s lap and hear his breath

“You think you can do some multi-tasking too?” I ask

“What have you got in mind?”

“Put your hand inside my panties.”

Jason groans as Austin slips his hand up my shirt and
down into my yoga pants.
I’m so hot
between my legs just from sitting on his knee that when his finger touches my
clit I buck on his lap.

“Easy,” Jason says, turning in his seat to watch, the
film now totally ignored.

“That’s it, baby,” Austin says, slipping his finger
downwards to feel where I’m wet and wanting.
Oh god, it feels so good to have him touch me.
His progress is slow, each circle of my clit
part maddening torture and part overwhelming sensation.
I hear Jason unzip his jeans and take out his
I take a long look at the hugeness
of it as he drags his palm from root to tip.
Fuck, he’s so big and hard it makes my pussy clench.
“Watch him,” Austin orders as he speeds his
I can’t help but move my hips in
time to Jason’s pulls.
I imagine sitting
on his lap and taking hold of his cock, then rubbing it between my legs until
the head is nice and wet.
I’d need it to
be, to stand any hope of getting it inside me.
Oh god, I want to know how it feels to sit on his cock.
That delicious stretching that hurts just a
little but aches so amazingly that I’d just have to push down.

Austin’s rolling his hips behind me, his erection
pressing between the cheeks of my ass.
What he’s doing to me feels good but I’m empty.
“I need more.”

Austin slides his hand down, pushing two fingers
inside me and using his thumb to stroke my clit.
I groan loudly as his thick fingers curl up
and push against something so damn sensitive inside me that it makes me claw at
the door of the car.

“I need to come,” I gasp, sounding so desperate, I
almost don’t recognize the sound of my own voice.

“You will, baby.
You will.”
Jason leans forward,
still stroking his cock.
I lean toward him,
thinking he’s coming to kiss me but instead he brushes my lips with his thumb
and forces it between them.
His skin
tastes salty.
“Suck on it.” It’s an
order, not a request, and I do.
He keeps
it firmly in my mouth, moving it in and out like it’s his cock and it feels so
deliciously violating that I do come, my pussy clutching at Austin’s fingers
and everything so wet between my legs I think my pants are going to be soaked

“Fuck,” Austin says, pushing in deeper to help me ride
the wave of pleasure.

I hear rustling and know that Jason is hunting for a
I want to watch him come, to see
all that tension build up and squirt out of him.
The car stinks of sex and I love it. I love
the sounds we’re making and the heat between us all.
I love their attention that is so focused on
me that I feel smothered by it in the best possible way.
The windows are steaming up and Jason groans,
his face scrunching as he comes into his palm.
When I’m still, Austin pulls his hand from inside me and turns me in his
lap so he can kiss me.

His lips are so hungry, his mouth tastes of sugar and
salt popcorn and desire.
He presses my
hand to the thickness behind his jeans and I moan.
Who wouldn’t when they’re presented with at
least ten inches of cock to service?
“You want me to touch it?” I ask teasingly.

“Do you want to?”

Last night he wouldn’t have asked that.
Last night he would have told me to get it
out and suck it.
I can feel the
difference and I don’t like it.
I don’t
want them to treat me like an invalid when I feel fine and when I’m trying to

“I want to suck it,” I say, slipping down into the
foot-well and unbuttoning his jeans.
Thank goodness this is a big car, otherwise I’d be banging my head with
every bob.
Austin’s eyes are heavy-lidded
when I pull out his cock, gazing up at him over its swollen tip.

“Make sure there’s no one out there,” Austin tells

“It’s fine,” is the response, so I bend my head to
lick him.
The taste of him is familiar;
almost exactly like Jason.
something so unbelievably powerful about this act.
I know most guys look at it as submission but
they don’t know what it feels like to have a man’s most sensitive body part
between their teeth or how easy it is to make them shiver with pleasure.
My jaw protests, which isn’t surprising
seeing as I never have to eat anything this big without chopping it up
I bob my head and lick where I
know he is most sensitive.
I feel hands
in my hair, and I think it’s Austin trying to take back some control, but when
I look up it’s actually Jason who’s dictating the rhythm.

“Damn, Katelin.
You’re so good at that,” he hisses when his brother groans loudly with
“I remember the way your mouth
Silky smooth.
His fingers grip harder and
I moan loudly, sending Austin’s pleasure soaring.

“Oh fuck.” It’s Austin’s turn to grip at the car door,
trying to find purchase when really what he wants is to let go and fly away.

There’s a loud bang from the movie sound system.
I can’t imagine what’s going on in the film
now that we’ve been distracted for so long.
I feel Austin’s cock swell in my mouth, then Jason pulls my head back as
though he knows his brother is going to come.
I’m kind of disappointed that he doesn’t come in my mouth. That’s the
ultimate feeling of power.
Sucking down
the life force of a man while he quivers and shakes.

“Fuck,” Austin shouts as he pulls himself to orgasm
right in front of my face.
If Jason
didn’t still have hold of my hair, I’d be tempted to lick out and help him
clean up.

“Here,” Jason says, taking me under the arm to help me
sit up.
I feel totally ravished and
sated and, as the boys breathing calms, I chuckle lightly.
They both look at me as though I’m a little
crazy but when I tell them that I’m laughing because I’m happy, they seem to
“That’s good, Katelin. It’s good
to be happy.”

Austin strokes my hair and pulls me in for a cuddle
just as the final music and credits start to play on the film.

“What do you want to do now, missy?”

I look around as the cars around us start to pull
I can’t face going home to lie in
my lonely room with only my thoughts for company.
“Take me back to the pleasure-dome,” I say
without hesitation.
I may not know what
this next stage of my life is going to bring, but one thing’s for sure, I am
going to take it by the scruff of the neck and shake all the joy out of it that
I can.




make an effort to smooth my hair and powder my nose before we reach the pool
It’s not that late so I’m
thinking that there’s more chance that I might bump into one of the twin’s
family members and I don’t want to look a mess if I do.

As we pull up outside the house I strain my neck to
look out of the opposite window. There’s a car in the driveway that wasn’t
there last time and it’s caught my eye because my mom has exactly the same
model in exactly the same color.
Jason drives past toward the rear of the house I do a double take.
The license plate is the same as moms.
That’s mom’s car.

My heart starts to race.
What in the actual fuck is she doing here?

Maybe Bryan went back after I left and told her about
the twins.
Maybe she’s here to pick me
up and give me a good telling off for ruining my reputation in a small town.

“My mom’s car is in the driveway,” I blurt out and
Jason slows to take a look.

“You sure?” he asks, sounding worried.

“I’m sure.”

“Fuck,” Austin mumbles.

“Are we about to get in trouble?” Jason asks.

“I have absolutely no idea, but what the hell would
she be doing over here if it wasn’t because of this?” I wave my hand
frantically between us trying to indicate our beautifully sordid triangle
without actually saying anything.

“What do you want to do?” Austin asks.

“I don’t know. Maybe we should go.”

“I don’t think so.
It’s only going to make things worse.
If she’s here to confront you then they’ll have seen our car pulling in
down the driveway.”

“Fuck.” I look around to see if I can see the
welcoming party.

Jason continues to where we parked the car last night
and we all sigh at the same time.

“You know what, guys?
I seem to be causing you nothing but trouble,”
I say.
Since I met them they’ve had to
deal with me crying about my possible health concerns and had an argument with
their brother.
Now they might be about
to face the wrath of their father as he finds out they’ve been deflowering a
girl together in his backyard.

“Don’t even think about it,” Jason says. He sounds
fierce and I lean forward in the seat to get a closer look at his face.

“Whatever is about to happen, we’ve got your back,
okay?” Austin says.
It makes me smile
that they’re so protective of me that they’d consider fronting up against my
mom in order to save my bacon.

“I guess we’d better go and face the music.”

We all open our doors at the same time.
The air outside the car is warm and damp; it
smells so perfectly of summer I take a deep breath hoping that it will make me feel
Jason locks up and we head down
the path toward the pool house.
are people sitting in the patio area.
man I don’t recognize that I assume is Bryan and the twin’s father, my mom and

They turn their heads when they hear our footsteps and
my mom stands up and plasters on a really fake smile.
I’m trailing behind the twins so she doesn’t
seem to have noticed me.
When she does
her expression turns to guilt and then confusion.
We all stand awkwardly, while everyone looks
at everyone else.

“Kat,” Mom says.
“What are you doing here?”

I’m expecting there to be shouting so her question
throws me off.
“I could ask you the same

She looks at Bryan’s dad and then at Bryan.
The twins push their hands into their
pockets, moving to stand on either side of me like two huge bodyguards.
There’s a really strange atmosphere, as
though the air is thick with unspoken conversation.
All the men end up with their hands in their
pockets, which I assume must be a family trait when things get awkward.
I catch Bryan’s eyes but he’s not giving
anything away.

“This is Doug,” mom says, gesturing to Bryan’s
I don’t really get why she’s introducing
us but I smile politely and he smiles too.

“Hi Doug,” I say, thinking that this is the weirdest
conversation that I have ever had.
For a
moment I wonder if Doug is an Oncologist.
Maybe she’s had a recommendation and has come to talk to him in person
seeing as he’s local.
Maybe Austin is
following in his father’s footsteps.

“Doug and I have been dating for three years,” she
says, taking a step toward me like she’s expecting me to fall over with
I am shocked, not because I
didn’t know she was dating but, THREE YEARS!
She’s been dating Bryan’s dad for three years.
How the hell do I not know? I look to Bryan,
wondering if this is the first time he’s hearing this but his expression is
He looks away into the middle
distance as though he’s pissed at me.
bristle, thinking about all the time he’s potentially known this big thing
about our families and hasn’t told me.
All the conversations we’ve had and he could have been keeping this from
me the whole time.

“Three years,” I say quietly.

“Yes,” she says.
“I know it seems like a long time but we’ve been taking it slow and…”
She trails off but I know what she was going to say. That we have the rule that
she keeps her private life private.
was me that asked for it to be that way after she dated Rory for two years and
I got attached to him, and then he suddenly wasn’t around anymore.
I didn’t need any more disappointments after
dad left and moved to Australia to be with his new family.

We all stand around some more and then Doug pipes up.
“Where have you guys been?”

“The movies,” Austin says.

“Any good?” ask mom.

“Not really,” we all say at the same time.

“We were just coming back to play games."

I know what Jason's trying to say.
He means video games but in my head it sounds
so bad.
Bryan clears his throat as if
he’s thinking the same thing but mom smiles as though she's really happy I'm
making friends.
I dare to look at Doug
and the smile that was on his face earlier is now more questioning.

"I didn't know you'd introduced Katelin to your
brothers," he says, looking at Bryan in a way that seems accusatory.

Bryan shrugs.

"We met on a night out," Austin blurts out
"Katelin's got a thing for
He says the last part as
though it explains everything.
It explains
nothing but at least it sounds geeky and not in the least bit sexual.

"Has she?" Doug says, looking doubtful.

"Anyway," Mom says, seemingly oblivious to
everything going on around her.
"I'm going to head home.
you want to ride back with me?"
should say yes but it feels weird to just bail on our imaginary comic
discussions and secret hot and dirty sex.
Plus, I want to have a serious discussion with Bryan about what the hell
has been going on under my nose.

I shake my head and tell her that I'm going to hang
with the boys and that I’ll get a ride later.

Bryan looks less than happy but nods.
Doug looks even less happy than his son.
He glances toward the pool house as though
he's considering sprinting to the door and baring me entry.
My mom might be oblivious but Doug certainly

I'll see you later, sweetie," Mom says.
She looks to Doug and then starts toward the
house and he follows, looking back at us over his shoulder with a stony
Honestly, if looks could kill
I think Doug would have melted us all on the spot.

I hear Austin exhale beside me as Jason shifts from
foot to foot.
Bryan says nothing and no
one moves an inch.
In the end, I'm so freaking

"All right all of you," I say crossly.
"Into the pool house, now."

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