Lost in Flight (57 page)

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Authors: Neeny Boucher

Tags: #Contemporary Fiction, #Contemporary Women, #Romantic Comedy, #Contemporary, #Romance, #Women's Fiction, #Literature & Fiction

BOOK: Lost in Flight
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Riley:   How bad?

Mason:   Not quite def con 1, but getting there.  Glad I’m not you.

Riley:   You dream of being me.

Mason:   Only when they’re wet.

Riley:   L WTF?

Mason:   Asked for her bra.  She said no.

Riley:   Don’t do that. EVER. AGAIN.

Mason:   Hope you know what you’re doing.

Riley:   Not a clue.

Mason:   At least you admit it.

Riley:   Almost out of range.  C u l8r.

Mason:   Talk to you next week.  Ciao.




About the author


Neeny Boucher is a nom de plume because her real name sounds like a 19th Century suffragette.  She is a lover of the weird, the outcast and those on the margins of society.  She is also an appreciator of music, art, film, television, popular culture, social encounters, and the human condition.  Originally from New Zealand, she is a strong supporter of the All Blacks, has lived all over the world and is currently a trailing spouse in a picturesque village in Switzerland with two wonderful children. 

Her employment history is varied and has ranged from the sublime to the ridiculous, not to mention, the messy.  The sublime:  teaching.  The ridiculous:  tour guide on a gondola when she has an irrational fear of heights.  The messy:  cleaning out turkey houses in Israel waiting for the European winter to pass.

She has done all sorts of things she wouldn’t allow her children to do, including hitchhiking around southern Africa in her wild youth.  All the experiences, however, provided the opportunity to par-take in her favorite past time of people watching.  A collector of amazing stories, Neeny decided it was time to put them in fiction, allowing readers to enjoy them as much as she did.  Please feel free to contact the author on Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads, and Pinterest.

Table of Contents




Prologue: Stopovers

Chapter One – Runway

Chapter Two – Lost and Found

Chapter Three – Departures

Chapter Four – Arrivals

Chapter Five – May Day

Chapter Six – The home route

Chapter Seven – Check-in

Chapter Eight – Dirty, dirty up

Chapter Nine – Connecting flights

Chapter Ten – Unaccompanied minor

Chapter Eleven – Transits

Chapter Twelve – Flight paths

Chapter Thirteen – Boarding passes

Chapter Fourteen – In flight Safety

Chapter Fifteen – Wake turbulence

Chapter Sixteen – Traffic control

Chapter Seventeen – Re-positioning

Chapter Eighteen – Return flights

Chapter Nineteen – Cabin Crew

Chapter Twenty – Fire in the hole

Chapter Twenty-one – In-flight entertainment

Chapter Twenty-two – Layovers

Chapter Twenty-three – Cabin Pressure

Epilogue: Christina, D.C., The Present, Monday 22 October

About the author

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