Lucca's Lust: The Luminara Series Book 3 (28 page)

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Authors: SJ Molloy

Tags: #Book Three The Luminara Series

BOOK: Lucca's Lust: The Luminara Series Book 3
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“I am very glad you are finally placing your trust in me. You do not know what that means to me, what you mean to me,” I say, looking into her honest eyes, now kneeling in front of her. Her quietness only tugs on my heart strings more, because reading her body language I know she is hopelessly and gradually letting her walls fall down, slowly letting me in.

“Breakfast is going to need to wait,” I tease, removing the robe from her. Once I have her naked and beneath me, I make long, slow, tender love to her, rolling her around in the sheets and nothing has felt as whole or complete.

Sex with Lexi has always been spectacular each and every time, but knowing she trusts me, I feel one step closer to having her heart, and no words can describe how fixed on her I am right now. I rasp dirty and romantic things in English and Italian in between lavish open mouth kisses.

She falls apart, but I hold every single piece of her, every glorious inch of her body. Showing her my gratitude by taking her to heavenly heights again and again before I lose myself in her, the world stops spinning, colours flash behind my eyes lids, and Lexi seizes every fibre, muscle, and cell in my body. Her name falls from my lips as I fall apart in her in an intoxicating sensual rush of fucking goodness.




Showering together, I make sure I get my fix of holding her closely against me before we head out today. It is virtually impossible for me to keep my hands to myself when she is anywhere near me. Going out in public today will be another test of my resolve.

God, I love her sexy as sin body, sweet personality, stunning beauty, elegant grace, and enchanting charm. My heart swells every time I think of how fucking lucky I am. I love my arms around her, I love the way she allows me to worship her, even if it is something simple and small like washing her.

“Did you mean it when you said you trust me?” I ask her. The last time was more of an acknowledgment. This is real, as real as it gets, and I desperately want to hear those words from her.

“Yes, I trust you,” she says, lifting my hand to her mouth before kissing it under the powerful warm spray of water. Music to my goddamn ears. I need her trust very much.

Lexi questions me about her clothes after we are dry, but I choose to ignore her. I want her to be surprised. I check my phone after the shower—a delivery message from the courier. He should be here any moment.

Leaving her sulking, I prepare breakfast and blast some music because I am in that much of a good mood. Not only has my girl satisfied me again with her nectar centre, she shared her thoughts—the words I wanted most to hear.

So this is what it must feel like. Life … happiness … loving and being with that one person who completes you and changes the way you look at life. That one person who inspires you, gives you hope and promise, and who steals your breath. I love life when Lexi is in it with me.

I set the table outside for breakfast, stealing a glance at the lounger we fucked on yesterday. I pick up Lexi’s bra and knickers from the chair, smiling wickedly at the thought of her stripping and throwing them at me, almost giving me a heart attack. Jesus, that was erotic as hell.

Once my pancakes are done, I go and find her, knowing the courier has been here. My morning is full of delightful images. A second ago I had her black lace lingerie dangling from my fingers, and now I see she has brand new cream lace numbers dangling from hers. Tease.

The lounge is covered in boxes. Lexi almost seems lost in amongst all the wrapping and garments. She refuses to accept them, everything apart from the evening gown, so I just humour her. If I take her out today or tonight, she is going to have to wear something from the new stuff, because I deliberately did not pack any of her own clothes.

Today we decide to have another lazy day at the pool which is fine by me. Whatever makes my girl happy. Plus, I get to spoil her in sexual delights and have her naked all day. Life really does not get any better than this.

While Lexi prepares lunch and gets familiar with the gadgets in my kitchen, I catch up with work in my study. Her sweet voice distracts me. God, my girl can sing. She sings like an angel, pitch-perfect with a beautiful tone and range. Jesus, she is good.

Sitting in my lap outside on the alfresco area, we tease and spoon feed each other Lexi’s salmon, salad, and cous cous dish. Impressive, and that is without any proper culinary training. She surprises me at every turn. I was expecting to have to go and rescue her in the kitchen, but my baby had it all under control.

Once our lunch settles, I make sure to thank her in an afternoon of kinky pool sex. Jesus, I might just never want to go home, I would love to stay here with her forever.



As much as I would love to keep her here again tonight, it is her holiday and I want her to enjoy as many local attractions and special experiences as possible. I thought tonight would make a good night for a drive along the coast, and we could stop and have dinner at Vinceno’s, my papa’s friend’s restaurant. It would be good to catch up with Lorenzo. It has been too long.

Marco and I always make a point of trying to visit him when we are home. Now that I know Lexi enjoys seafood, Vincenzo’s restaurant is the best place to take her. No one cooks seafood like him.

Again, I bathe her. This might need to be a daily event. I love the intimacy it brings us. Lexi tries to play hard to get about her clothes. The feistiness I love in her gives me a thrill. Stomping past me, she heads off downstairs to pick something out to wear, leaving me grinning.

I send a few text messages while I patiently wait. Without talking, she struts past me, sashaying her hips in a sexy, bright pink dress and killer black heels. Jesus, my jaw nearly drops to the floor. Not that she was not stunning in her own clothes—she most certainly was—but shit, this stylish outfit looks as if it was made for her. It fits like a glove, sexy yet classy.

Suzanne did good. I think I will treat her and send her and Terence away on a romantic weekend break in Gleneagles. I know he loves it there, and Suzanne deserves a rest and to be spoiled. While Lexi does her makeup, I send Marco and quick text and ask him to check Suzanne’s schedule and get something booked for me.



Reaching Vincenzo’s little family restaurant on Marina di Bibbona, Lexi looks completely bemused. She possibly thought we would be going somewhere very fancy given the designer attire we both wear tonight, but Vincenzo’s is a little quaint shack-type of restaurant. I love it here.

It reminds me of childhood fishing adventures at the end of summer with my Papa, Vincenzo, and Lorenzo before we got to sample our catch of the day. It holds nostalgic memories for me, but more than that, the food is divine. Vincenzo holds three Michelin stars and has won numerous awards.

I like that we can have a down to Earth night. It is important to me that Lexi feels relaxed, and even though I am familiar and privileged to experience some of the most expensive and flashiest hotels and restaurants in the world, there is nothing like coming home and enjoying good, honest company and exquisite food in a relaxed atmosphere. I am glad I can share this with Lexi this evening.

First to admit, I am extremely fortunate and wealthy. My money can go far, and I am able to spoil Lexi in many luxurious ways, but tonight I get to spoil her with a little insight into me, the real me. I just hope she loves the simplistic side. Maybe I might even get her out on the ocean with me at one point in the future. Would that not be something?

Inside the restaurant Lexi attracts many admirers, all staring, entranced by her beauty. The women also seem to stop eating to take her in. No wonder! She looks like a glamour model and is hot shit tonight. I knew people would eye her up. As long as that is where it ends, then I am flattered I have this breathtaking woman on my arm.

Our meal is superb. Vincenzo and Lorenzo both seem charmed and intrigued by my dolcezza, and they both converse in English so Lexi does not feel uncomfortable or left out of the conversation. They share stories with her about our younger years—our fishing trips, barbecues on the beach, family gatherings—and we all laugh at Vincenzo’s recollection of Armando, my trouble making brother, being expelled from school for skipping class and hiding in Vincenzo’s truck.

Lexi excuses herself to use the restroom. Vincenzo and Armando give me a huge pat on the back and a wicked smile as soon as she has left. “Lucca, son, she is an absolute treasure, a diamond. I can see you are infatuated with this girl and I know why. She is very special, no?” Vincenzo asks, folding some napkins on a spare seat next to us.

“Yes, she is very special. I know that I have just found my angel … my breath-stealer, the one you old men told us about. Turns out you and Papa were right by the way …
love at first sight and instant attraction, ”
I say seriously before sipping some water.

“Less of the
, young man. Si, Si, we know what we are talking about when it comes to romance and women. Your papa and I swept our bella ragazzas right off their feet. We charmed your mammas, romanced them … and look,” he says, waving his hand in front of Lorenzo and myself, “… look how happy we are and how life turned out. You boys would not be here if we did not find our angels. Fate is a wonderful thing, boys, never forget that,” Vincenzo wisely says.

I smile, appreciating his words. Lorenzo rolls his eyes, giving me a sly look, embarrassed that his father still feels the need to educate us on life and romance, even at our age. An unsettling twist knots in my stomach. These are the talks I would have been having with my son had God spared him.

Losing myself deep in thought, I think about the future and what it holds. Unquestionably, I want Lexi in it with me … but listening to all the male influences in my life recently just confirms that I would very much like a family of my own. I would love someday to give the gift of life to my own kids and especially with a woman I desperately love.

My angel.

My dolcezza.

My breath-stealer.

“What are you thinking about?” Vincenzo asks, gathering the condiments from the table next to us placing them on a ledge near the window.

“Oh, um … just the future. Children I guess. Happiness … being complete,” I say, swirling my thumb around the rim of the wine glass.

“Yes, you should be, both of you should be at your age. Lucca, life is only just beginning, son. Life can be cruel and what happened to you was the worst kind of devastating agony. No one should go through losing a child, but as men … we need to be strong and think about the future. God has given you a second chance. You need to embrace it and think of your happiness in years to come.” He clears his throat and sits back down, leaning closer to talk quieter.

“Lexi, your bella ragazza … she is your second chance. I see the way you look at her, and she is in love with you. Make no mistake … I read it in her eyes. She is very fond of you. Perhaps … fate may be mapping out your happy future for you bringing you two together. But fate only does so much … you also need to welcome it and take control to make things the way you have always wanted. Si?” He pats me on the back. Lorenzo cocks his head towards the restroom door advising us Lexi is returning.

Before leaving, Vincenzo shares some words with Lexi. She blushes and drops her head. If it was not for Lorenzo and Vincenzo both fussing over her, I would have my hands under her chin lifting her head back up to meet me so I can see her beautiful eyes.

Lexi cock teases when reaching the car, and shit, I could throw her over that bonnet and take her right here, right now. When she mentions going home to the farmhouse, I have never felt as happy or excited. I love that she is enjoying staying there with me, and after the chat with Vincenzo, all I can think about on the car journey home is my future with Lexi and possibly having my own kids with her.

This time last year I would have laughed or dismissed the idea if anyone mentioned it. For a number of reasons: my fertility may not be great, I have never settled down or found someone who I would want to spend the rest of my life with, and I have been so distracted with my businesses and getting over grief that it was always the last thing on my mind.

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