Lucky 7 Bad Boys Contemporary Romance Boxed Set (20 page)

Read Lucky 7 Bad Boys Contemporary Romance Boxed Set Online

Authors: Charity Pineiro,Sophia Knightly,Tawny Weber,Nina Bruhns,Susan Hatler,Virna DePaul,Kristin Miller

Tags: #Lucky 7 Bad Boys Contemporary Romance Boxed Set

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She met him halfway, raising on her tiptoes to bring her mouth to his.

"Me, too," she whispered, but quickly added, "but we only have fifteen minutes."

"Time enough for a little kissing," he said and demonstrated, licking and biting at her lips until she relented and opened her mouth. He kissed her lower lip, tugged at it with his teeth so he could slip his tongue inside to taste its soft inner edge.

She moaned and leaned against him. He continued his exploration and she answered him, greedily nibbling his lips with hers until the loud and undeniable ding of a timer pulled them apart.

"I can't let it burn," she said as she reluctantly moved to the oven, bent, and peered inside.

Rey moved away, tamping down the burn of desire racing through his body. By the time she straightened and smiled at him, he had managed to bring it under some level of control.

"Is it ready?"

She nodded. "I'll make the topping later, after we head back to your house. Is that all right?"

Rey pictured her in his kitchen and afterward, in his bed until the morning and the visit to the parents.

He knew a very liberated woman like Bianca might not appreciate his thoughts, but the very primal part of him wanted to beat his chest and howl that she was his. Instead, he mustered what little was left of his civilized self and answered, "Is there any way I can help?"

Bianca examined him. It was impossible for her not to see the flare of desire in his gaze, but right now, she didn't need his help.

"Maybe later," she replied and removed the pan from the oven and set it on the counter. It would have to cool for a while before she could do anything with it.

"Do you think we could drop this by your house before we go to my apartment?" By the time they went to Manhattan and returned, it would be cool enough add the guava topping and slip it into the fridge to chill for tomorrow.

He nodded and she placed the pan on a cool baking sheet and followed Rey to his truck. He double-parked in front of his house, ran inside with the cheesecake, and returned moments later.

When they arrived at her apartment, they once again had to drive around for a few blocks before he found a spot.

"I'm sorry it's such a pain," she said, feeling guilty about how inconvenient it was for him to make these trips to her apartment.

He turned in his seat and smiled. "Someone once told me that ‘nothing worthwhile is ever easy.’ I think that includes finding a good parking spot so I can spend time with you."

Bianca relaxed as he intended and when she stepped out onto the sidewalk, she waited for him. They walked hand in hand to her apartment and once inside, she quickly emptied her bag and packed up a fresh one while he sat on the sofa and waited for her.

Facing him, she asked, "Do I have time for a shower?"

Rey grinned broadly and shook his head. "I don't think the two of us would fit in your shower."

She returned his grin. "Still ecologically minded, I see." She grabbed an extra pair of clothes for after her shower, stuffed them in her bag, and zipped it closed.

He stood, walked over to her, and held his hand out for her bag. "We have to do what we can to recycle and conserve our natural resources."

Bianca laughed, nestled against him, and gave his hand a teasing shake. "I think the fact that last time we spent close to an hour with the water running kind of wipes out any benefit."

"But at least we saved some soap."


Chapter Fifteen



Warmth bathed the side of her, making her feel deliciously languid. He cupped her breast, lazily passing his thumb back and forth over the sensitive tip of her nipple. Deep inside, between her legs, her body came to life, a slow, ebbing throb that begged for satisfaction.

His longish hair brushed her face and his warmth shifted to cover her, his mouth replacing his thumb. She cupped the back of his head and arched against him.

“Delicious, Bianca," he murmured and brought his hand down to that spot between her legs, parting her and pressing against her clit with his fingers.

She jumped awake, startled that it wasn't a dream, and he shushed her, dropped a quick kiss on her mouth before returning to his gentle suckling at her nipple.

It was dark in his room, still early morning.

She could barely see him. He was just a dark shadow above her and she was still not quite awake, which gave all that was happening an almost surreal feel.

Cherishing that experience, she let him continue, holding on to that edgy sensation. Gasping as he slipped a finger inside her and started a tardy tormenting movement that slowly awoke every cell in her body.

She shifted against the sheets, arching her back as the climax built within her.

"Rey," she murmured and gasped as he gently tweaked her nipple with his teeth.

"Open your eyes, Bianca," he said softly and fully shifted his body over hers, his hips fitting perfectly between her thighs as she opened her legs and raised her knees to hug him.

She did as he asked and he braced his arms on either side of her face, and tenderly brushed aside wisps of her hair. Slowly he entered her and stilled when he was deep inside her.

Her breathing quickened as did his, but Rey didn't move. He just continued to stroke her face and kiss her, relishing how special this moment was.

Her heat was all around him, her body caressing him with the movement of unseen muscles. He regretted the condom that kept him from feeling all of her, but knew logic and reason demanded its use.

He didn't move, he didn't want to.

He had never experienced anything quite like the feeling of being inside her, his body so much a part of hers that he felt as if they were one.

"I like this, Bianca," he admitted to her. "I like being inside you, being a part of you."

She brought her hand to the small of his back and the other to the nape of his neck. Arching slightly beneath him, she created a deeper union as she replied, "I like it too. It makes me feel like I never want to be anywhere but here with you."

She stopped and gasped as he dropped his head and took her nipple into his mouth again.

"With you in me," she finished shakily and groaned as he teethed her.

Rey pulled away slightly, blew on her, and the tip of her beaded tighter.

"Do you like that?" he asked and raised himself so he could caress her other breast with his hand.

"Oh God, yes," she answered and arched, giving up her body for him.

Rey accepted her offering, using his hands and mouth to caress her, bringing her to the edge. Her body grew hotter beneath his, more mobile as she strove toward completion.

"That's it," he urged, feeling her grasp him inside, closing around him in small, tight waves of pleasure.

"Let go, love," he urged as her soft cries told him of her need.

Bianca shook her head and huskily answered him. "Come with me, Rey. Please come with me."

Rey wanted nothing more.

Slowly he moved, his thrusts tarried and drawing out even more from her, but it wasn't enough somehow. Grasping her sides, he rolled until he was beneath her and she was astride him.

"Now, Bianca. Take me with you," he urged, and she did, moving against him until both their bodies quaked and trembled. Until their combined cries peppered the air and Bianca dropped onto his damp chest, her body spent.

He encircled her in his arms, holding her tight until her breathing slowed and matched the cadence of his.

"I love you, Rey. I love everything you are and everything you do to me," she admitted.

His heart constricted with the pain of her confession and what he still hid deep within him. The secrets he hadn't told her yet.

"I love you, too, Bianca. Never forget that, no matter what," he pleaded and held her tight until she drifted off to sleep.

He was awake long after, until the rosy threads of light peaked from behind the blinds in his room, signaling the start of another day in her arms.

Warning him that he had to come clean soon if he wanted to be right with her.

Worse, if he wanted to be right with himself because he knew what he was doing was wrong.


* * *


Bianca fidgeted with the edge of the plate that held the finished cheesecake. It felt a little odd to go from being in his arms to meeting his mother.

There was an edge of guilt there and she told herself it was ridiculous. They had done nothing to be guilty about. They were both grown and consenting adults.

And it was Sunday and they had spent the morning making love to each other rather than going to church. Busy violating a multitude of commandments, but being the recovering Catholic that she was, she told herself not to let years of religious instruction and dogma make her guilty about the situation with Rey.

She was a good person who didn't enter into things lightly, she reiterated to herself, driving away the anxiety.

As she stood beside Rey, he knocked on his mother's door, but it was more to announce their arrival than to request permission to enter.

"Mom," he called out, but it was his sister Daisy who strolled out of the back of the apartment, her husband Brad following behind her.

She stopped short at the sight of Bianca.

"Hi," she said and smiled as she wiped her hands on the dish towel she was carrying.

Approaching her brother, she hugged him and said, "Mom wasn't expecting company. You should go warn her."

Rey flushed with color and grabbed the plate with the cheesecake. "Let me go let her know."

Daisy turned to Bianca, smiled, and hugged her. "It's good to see you, Bianca. You remember my husband Brad, right?"

Bianca held out her hand and shook Brad's. "It's good to see you again. Thanks again for all your help during the demolition."

"Always willing to help out one of Daisy's and Rey's friends," he said and gave her a quick hug before sitting down on the sofa, where his wife joined him.

Bianca didn't have a moment to get settled since Rey's mom came bustling out of the kitchen, a chagrined Rey trailing behind her.

"Bianca," she said effusively and came over to hug her. "It's so nice that Rey brought you."

"It's nice to be here, Mrs. Ramos."

When the older woman stepped away, she wagged a finger in Bianca's face. "Please call me Esperanza. And thank you for the lovely cheesecake."

"It's the least I could do since it seems that Rey surprised you with my visit," Bianca apologized and eyeballed Rey to let him know she was a little annoyed.

"Surprised in more ways than one," Daisy chimed in.

Bianca was amused as Rey shot his sister a nearly murderous look.

"Behave, Daisy," Rey warned, but his sister only laughed and hugged her husband, who seemed resigned to the antics of brother and sister by now.

"Bianca and I will have to go for a walk later," Daisy said and when Rey would have protested, Brad quickly jumped to Daisy's defense.

"All's fair, Rey. You and I did 'the walk'," he reminded.

Rey flushed a bright red, but remained silent.

"Help me out in the kitchen, Daisy," his mother said.

Daisy rose, but Bianca offered her assistance. “I can help out also.”

Daisy grinned, a smile very reminiscent of her brother. "I will never refuse assistance in the kitchen, especially from an expert."

Bianca smiled and patted Rey’s arm as she followed his mother and sister into the kitchen.

Rey sighed deeply, wondering just what his mother, sister, and Bianca would talk about once they were out of earshot of the men.

"She won't embarrass you, Rey," Brad reassured. "Besides, Bianca and Daisy have met before and seem to get along."

"But that was before," he stressed, jamming his hands in his pockets and grimacing as he realized how much he had revealed with those words.

"Ah, so this is more than Bianca, friend and client, coming over for dinner. That was fast." Brad let out a low whistle and shook his head. "Do Alex and Maya know?"

"No, but I suspect they will before long."

Rey guessed that shortly after the time he and Bianca left, Daisy would be on the horn to Maya. He told himself not to worry about what everybody knew. Better that than to make it seem as if there was something to hide.

"I know it seems sudden, but sometimes -- "

"Stuff happens. Don't you think I know?" Brad said. He walked to the small dry bar in the living room and opened a bottle of wine.

Rey remembered the suddenness of Daisy and Brad's involvement after nearly seven years. "I guess you would," he said and when Brad walked back with a glass of wine, he accepted it and raised it in a toast. "To pleasant surprises."

Brad nodded. "To liberated women," he said and both men chuckled before taking sips of the fine cabernet Brad had opened.

The women returned moments later, carrying plates with assorted appetizers.

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