Mistress's Master: Men in Blue, Book 3 (18 page)

BOOK: Mistress's Master: Men in Blue, Book 3
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“Good. Take turns on guard. Switch every two hours so you stay alert. Make sure I know if anyone comes snooping around. I don’t want to be interrupted without notice.” He stroked her hair all the way along her spine, leaving his hand on her ass. “She’s going to need me. Need to sleep this off too.”

The men nodded.

“Matt, Clint, head out.” Jeremy’s direction to the cops seemed vague compared to his instructions to Ryan and Ben.

She didn’t have the capacity to wonder why at the moment.

“Visit your girlfriend. See if she has any of the extra strong coffee she gave me that time I needed to wake up. Come back in the morning, after you’ve taken care of stuff.”

“On it.” Matt smiled at Lily. “I can’t believe you made it on your own. You’re a freak. In every awesome way. Thanks for tonight.”

“Impressive.” Clint braved Jeremy’s wrath long enough to buss her cheek. “See you tomorrow.”

The heavy door had only just
closed when Lily’s knees gave out. She pitched forward, prepared for impact with the marble flooring.

Jeremy caught her before she came anywhere close to cracking her skull. He cradled her in his arms and carried her across the room. A detour took them past a panel of flashing lights and a jumble of electronics, which occupied the surface of the desk littered with not one but three laptops.

She couldn’t do more than stare at the chaos while he used his right hand to hunt and peck a series of commands.

“There. Nice and secure. Private.” He nodded before regripping her legs and continuing on to the bathroom. “Jesus, Lily. You did so well. It was beautiful. I couldn’t be more proud of you.”

He lavished praise along with a steady waterfall of kisses. With him she didn’t have to fight. She allowed herself to remain pliant, savoring the oddity of someone else’s care for her.

Water gushed from several ornate gold faucets into a gargantuan bathtub, more like a small swimming pool than the garden tub in her decent apartment. Steam swirled around them.

“Stay right there. Your balance is still jacked up.” Jeremy set her on the tiled ledge surrounding the tub. He kept one hand on her shoulder as he kicked off his shoes and bent one leg then the other to peel off his socks. She stared at his long, tan feet wondering how even his toes could be so fucking sexy.

A moan escaped her lips when Sex Offender amplified her natural ripple of pleasure.

“I know, Lily.” He made short work of the clasp on his leathers, shoving them off one hip then the other. “It hurts. I’m so sorry. I’ll try to fix it. Try to help. Matt and Clint should be able to procure some of the antidote from the hospital. Jambrea has been working on the test team. You remember her, right?”

She appreciated his attempt at distraction. “The sweet-looking nurse hiding her naughty side?”

“Pretty unsuccessfully, but yeah.” Jeremy beamed at her. “Matt and Clint have been about to duke it out for a chance with her since you saw her last.”

When he yanked the end of the harness crisscrossing his magnificent chest and unfastened the straps, she swore she drooled.

“Why don’t they share?” Lily tilted her head as she recalled the blushes coupled with no-so-discreet glances in the cops’ direction. “She’d go for it.”

Jeremy swiped the robe from her with a coordinated motion too fast for her sluggish mind to completely register. She craned her neck to keep his sleek body in sight when he climbed into the tub. Always, he maintained their contact, bracing her.

“I said the same thing. They weren’t ready to listen. Maybe after tonight…” Jeremy straddled the wall separating the elaborate spa from the rest of the bathroom. He planted his feet, making sure he was steady before plucking her from her perch. “I’m serious. You were spectacular. The way you responded to all those men. Well, it might change their minds about ménage.”

They settled into the rising water. He sat with his shoulders resting against the side of the basin, his form lounging in the contoured seat built into the structure. Waves glided from her belly to her breasts in the wake they caused by sliding partially below the surface.

The balmy fluid arrowed straight toward her aching muscles. She couldn’t suppress a decadent sigh. Between the soothing heat of the water and the scorching impression of Jeremy’s chest on her back, she could have been in heaven.

“I think you proved tonight that sharing sex with more than one man can take a woman to new heights. Who wouldn’t want that for someone they cared for?”

“No reason to fuck around. I can’t handle mind games tonight.” Too tired to do more than rest against his scrumptious body, she cut to the chase. “What are you digging for?”

Jeremy laughed. “You know all my tricks. This is going to be interesting.”

“I’m pretty sure you showed me some new ones tonight.”

Jeremy washed her. He lathered his hands with sweet-smelling soap then massaged away the dirt, grime and some of the ache permeating her body. He stayed silent so long she thought he might not continue his train of thought.

He worked his way up her torso, cupping her chin lightly in his hand and tipping her face until they could share a long, heated stare. “There could have been a thousand men there tonight.
was the only one that mattered. You pleased them because it pleased me. That’s what got you off. Again and again. I lost count of how many times you came.”

She didn’t want to look away from his brilliant eyes, but her sore neck couldn’t maintain the severe angle. As though he could read her mind, Jeremy adjusted her position. He turned her sideways. Her ass rested on the bottom of the tub between his legs, her knees bent over his thigh. Layers of sinew in his biceps made a remarkably comfortable pillow for her to recline on. The bulk of his full erection branded her hip.

A yelp escaped her when a spear of need ripped through her guts. “Fuck if I understand how that happened. I guess Sex Offender really is all they say. Even now, it’s making my reactions go haywire.”

“Don’t.” His entire body went rigid around her. “Don’t you dare lie to me. Or yourself. You used the drug as a crutch to take what you wanted. It was the only moment of weakness you showed tonight. And sometime soon I’ll paddle your ass for choosing the easy way out.”

“You wouldn’t dare.” Her sneer probably would have held more weight if she’d been able to sit up and separate herself from his loose embrace. Nothing she did could make her leeched strength return. She rested in his hold, completely at his mercy.

“Not tonight. You’re not up for what I’ll give you for taking such a risk with my property.” For a moment, harsh lines slashed the corners of his mouth and eyes. He moved his arm to scrub them away.

Left unsupported, she descended close to the rising waterline.

A whimper forced through her clenched windpipe.

“You’re completely done, aren’t you?” Jeremy studied her reactions. “I have no idea how you’re still awake.”

“Me either.” Deep inside she knew how. She’d dreamed of spending time with him for months. Considered seeking him out to relay information about the case just to see him again.

A wicked bend to his lips transformed his soft smile into something more sinister. “You push all my buttons, Lily. I may not be able to punish you tonight, but I think I can make my point quite nicely.”

“Oh really?” She couldn’t say why she baited him except that the gnawing ache in her tummy began to rev to full speed once more.


Chapter Eleven

Jeremy shifted his hands, moving one between her shoulder blade and the other to her ass. He lifted her until she bobbed on the surface of the water. She floated, not difficult considering her boneless state. He propped her lower body on his bent knee, then used the hand that had been supporting her to dribble water from his fingertips over the beaded tips of her breasts, down her stomach and finally to her bare mound.

She mewled as her legs drifted open of their own volition.

Jeremy chuckled.

“It’s not funny.” She grimaced. “It aches. The drug is still kicking around. Let it die. Let me rest. I can block it out if you leave me alone.”

“The pressure is nowhere close to how bad it was before, right? You were a live wire out there on that stage. Screaming for more. Taking all you could get.” He dipped lower and sucked on her breast. “Bet I can make you come harder than you did at the height of the frenzy without even fucking you.”

“Not possible.” She closed her eyes. Not preferable either.

“Don’t worry, Lily.” He kissed her eyelids. “I won’t make you suffer. I remember the dull throbbing and the endless cycles of need. Tell me when it flares up. I’ll soothe it. You don’t have to pretend or hide. Your poor pussy is going to be sore tomorrow, though. I won’t add to your pain. Don’t need to right now. I can teach you a lesson. Something we both need to confirm.”

Damn his persuasive velvet speech. He turned her on, promised relief.

“Do you want to learn about us?”

She trembled in his hold, sloshing droplets onto her breasts where they emerged from the depths. “Yes.”

“Yes what?”

She’d never given the title Master to anyone. Certainly not her trainers. Even after tonight, she wasn’t ready. The best she could do escaped instead. “Yes, sir.”

He frowned but didn’t object.

“If all you want is an orgasm, I can give it to you with thirty seconds of feasting on your clit.” He growled. “You need more, don’t you? Would you like to play?”

“Yes.” She amended her insistence. “Please, sir.”

“That’s better.” He smiled. “I won’t go easy on you, Lily. Not tonight. Not ever. You know the rules. Hell, you’ve made up a few of your own I’d imagine. I’ll never disrespect you. If anything, I’ll push you harder. Take you farther than you suspect possible.”

“Thank you, sir.” Gratitude rolled off her tongue, surprising her with how right it sounded.

“Nice.” He shoved off the bottom of the tub, water now lapping at his pierced nipples.

Had she rested on the floor, her mouth and nose would have been underwater. She shivered.

Cool tile shocked her calf when he propped it on the wall of the tub. She blinked at where it rested beside the taps. The long ornate spigot extended well into the huge tub, maintaining proper scale.

When Jeremy grabbed her other ankle and lifted it, she deciphered his intent.

A giant moan flew from her chest when the laminar flow splashed over her mound.

“That’s right.” He supported her shoulders and sat so that his head was directly over hers as he monitored her breathing. “I bet it feels nice on that naughty pussy.”

Her eyes rolled back as he adjusted her position. He reached between her legs, spreading the lips of her pussy with two fingers. Water poured over her clit, gentle yet insistent.

“Ah!” She couldn’t manage anything more coherent.

Jeremy’s mouth descended, kissing her tenderly. She dipped a little lower, the roar of the water changing, deepening as her ears submerged below the waterline. Her eyes popped open, locked on his.

“Shh. I have you.” He nuzzled their noses. “You trust me, yes?”

She nodded.

“Let me hear it, Lily.”

“Yes, sir. I trust you.” And somehow it was true. She’d seen his ultimate
during Malcolm’s funeral and their fight to rescue her sister. Nothing had ever attracted her to a man so much as his integrity. Someone that noble would never break a promise.

“Are you sure?” He stared deep into her eyes.

She whispered, “Positive.”

“I know. And that’s why you gave yourself to me tonight.
why you climbed so high earlier. It had nothing to do with Sex Offender. Not at all. It was the faith you had in me to guide the experience that drove you to the edge.”

“Arrogant much? Maybe it was the dozen men who fucked me.”

“I think it might have been closer to fifteen.” He shook his head. “Would you like a demonstration?”


“Does the water feel good?” He infuriated her by diverting her curiosity. At least, she thought he had.

“Yes, sir.” She would have squirmed if her muscles took any direction from her brain. If she could align her clit a little better she’d come within five seconds.

“Really great, even?” He taunted her by shifting her the fraction of an inch she required for direct stimulation. Spasms began deep in her pussy.

“God, yes.”

He chuckled. “Okay. You think about that for a minute, alright. Enjoy while I wash your hair. Feel free to come as much as you want.”

Confusion set in. He’d been on the verge of a revelation. Then he retreated. Docile. Generous. The ease of the moment disappointed her a little. How sick was that?

Still, it didn’t keep her clamoring nerves from soaking up the pleasure. She had to feed the growing hunger.

Jeremy poured a dollop of shampoo into his hands then massaged it into her scalp. The pressure of his broad fingertips became the only thing keeping her afloat beside her heels, hooked on the ledge. The delicious weight of his hands easing the tension from her head combined with the consistent flow of the water. Pleasure ramped up the delight suffusing her until his thumbs, climbing the nape of her neck to the base of her skull, triggered her orgasm.

She panted as a pleasant release throbbed in her pussy. Nothing like the intensity of her earlier adventure. If this is what he’d planned to show her…

Lily sighed as she settled from the meager peak, afraid to open her eyes and let him see that he’d failed.

“Very pretty.” He didn’t seem too worried. “Sweet. Gentle.”

She tried to wring more from the last vestiges of her pleasure. No use.

“Now, let me rinse your hair then I’ll put you to bed.” He purred near her cheek. “Take a deep breath, Lily.”

She did as instructed. Anything to finish this exchange and make it to bed where she could bury her face in the pillow and hide her disappointment in sleep.

Jeremy let go.

Lily plummeted beneath the surface of the tub. Her heels kept her legs elevated while her head sank and sank. She attempted to thrash, to kick to the surface. Her drained body wouldn’t respond. Nothing happened.

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