Misty Reigenborn Romance Boxed Set (45 page)

BOOK: Misty Reigenborn Romance Boxed Set
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“He’s getting me into rehab.  He’s going to teach me to drive, and help my get my license. Buy me a car.  He already bought me a phone.  You wouldn’t let me use yours, always made me use that stupid payphone.  He’s helping me get a nicer place.  All of that is way more than you ever did for me, and I just met him.”

“And all it took was a little roll in the hay right?  He was in your pants two seconds after he looked at you because he promised you the moon and stars and your stupid ass bought it.  Did you bone him in his office?  Or did he make you do it in the bathroom?  I heard he likes to make girls do it with him in the bathroom.”

“We did it in his truck.”

Chad snickered.  “It was you he boned just now in the parking lot huh?  Some guy came in here a few minutes ago bragging that he had pictures of some hot chick’s ass and tits because he happened to see Gabe going at it with her when he walked out of the bar.  I would never have thought it was you, though.  I thought you were smarter than that.  I guess I was wrong.”

“Fuck you.  I am smart.  Smarter than you anyway.  You couldn’t pass the GED test for the third time in a row.”

“Thanks for reminding me.  Look Brandy, I do care about you. I don’t want to see you getting mixed up with this guy.  He doesn’t like to let go of girls once he’s got a hold of them.  I’d like to think that we can be friends.”

“It’s not like you didn’t talk your way into my pants about two seconds after I met you.  I don’t want to be your friend Chad.  Go back to your new girlfriend.  I think she’s getting impatient.”

“I planned on giving you the moon and stars.  That’s the only reason that I screwed you the day we met.  I’m sorry that things went down the way they did.  I’d like to see you move on, be happy.  Just not with that guy.  He’s more trouble than any pretty thing he can give you is worth.”

“You don’t have to worry about me anymore Chad.  You’ve moved on. The proof of it is sitting over there in that booth right now, glaring at me.  I’m a big girl. I can take care of myself.”

“Sometimes I wonder about that Brandy.  I think you want someone to take care of you because your parents didn’t do a very good job of it.”

“Go away Chad.  Leave me alone.  I don’t want to look at you anymore.”

“Goodbye Brandy.  I really am sorry.  Take care of yourself.  Please think about what I said.”

“Goodbye Chad and good riddance.”

She watched him walk away and go back to Stasia.  Stasia got up.  They walked out of the restaurant together, after stopping briefly at the register to pay the check, holding hands.

Brandy was even more pissed by the time Gabe got back, because she was a little afraid that Chad was right.  Maybe she did want someone to take care of her a little too much she thought.

“So,” Gabe said as he sat down across from her.  “How did your parting words with your ex go?”

“Just great Gabe. I’m gonna get something to eat.”

She really wasn’t hungry anymore, especially after her conversation with Chad, but she had a feeling that Gabe wasn’t going to let her walk out of the restaurant without eating something.  She filled a plate with noodles and plain rice and a few pieces of orange chicken, taking it back to their table.

She sat looking at her food for a few minutes.

“Eat darling.  Don’t let your pathetic ex get to you.  I’ll give you anything you need from now on, anything you want.  Just sit back and let me take care of you Brandy.  I can take care of you like no other man ever can or ever will.”


She took a bite of noodles, which had a greasy taste since they had gotten cold.  She made a face and pushed the plate away.

“Go get something else.  Or if you wish we can leave.  We can stop for something on the way or order a pizza like you suggested earlier.”

She wondered why he was so adamant about making her come in here if he was willing to let her leave now, but put it off, like she was beginning to believe she’d have to put so much about Gabe off.  She didn’t want to believe that he’d dragged her into the restaurant so that she could be humiliated, but it was suddenly hard to believe that he hadn’t.

“Yeah.  Let’s go.”

“Okay.  One other stop and then we’ll go to the motel my beautiful Brandy.”


She followed him to the register and waited while he paid the check.  He held the door for her on the way out, and she couldn’t help but think that Chad had never bothered.

Once they were back in the truck, he said “Stop anywhere you’d like for food if you wish. Then stop at the convenience store on Third Street.  I’ll give you directions to the motel once we’re done at the store.”


She pulled out of the lot and headed towards the convenience store, realizing that she felt pretty comfortable behind the wheel.

When she pulled up at the store he said “Do you want to go in with me?  Or do you want anything?”

She shook her head.  “I’ll stay here and smoke a cigarette.  Will you buy me cigarettes please?  And a big orange juice and a pint of mint brownie ice cream if they have it?”

Gabe smiled.  “Of course.  What kind of cigarettes do you smoke?”

“I don’t care really.  I usually smoke the cheap kind.  But get lights please.”

“Yes darling.”  He leaned over and kissed her.  “We’re going to have such a wonderful time together Brandy.”


She watched him walk to the store, thinking that she very much liked the view when Gabe walked away.  But she sighed as she lit a cigarette, wondering how she was going to keep her cravings for coke at bay until he got her into rehab.

Gabe was in the store for several minutes, and she was beginning to get bored.  When she finally saw him reach the counter, he spent several minutes talking and laughing with the guy behind the counter.

Gabe came back to the truck, got in and sat the bag on the console.  “Are you sure you don’t want to get something to eat?”

“Um, do you think I could have a calzone from that Italian place?  They have really good cheesecake, too.”

“Of course.  I’ll help you burn the calories.”  He winked at her.  “So the motel we’re headed to is the Brentwood. Take a left out of the lot.  Then go down the main drag until it turns into the highway.  Then it’s about a mile up on the right.  I’ll let you know when we’re getting close.”


Before they reached the motel, she expected it to be a low rent place like the places she and Chad had stayed at when they couldn’t find an apartment.  But no, she thought as she pulled into the lot, this place looked nicer than any room she’d ever stayed in.

Gabe left her in the car when he rented the room.  He returned a few minutes later with a key.  He opened the driver’s door of the truck, taking her hand and helping her out.  She grabbed the bag from the store and followed to him a room on the corner of the first floor.

When he unlocked the door, Brandy saw that the room was even nicer than she had thought it would be.  The bed was huge.  There was a flat screen TV mounted on the wall and a coffee pot and mini fridge set up by the desk in the corner.  She walked into the bathroom and saw a huge bathtub.  There were several sample size hygienic products on the counter.  Two white robes hung on the other side of the door on hooks.

“This place is so nice Gabe.”

He chuckled.  “You should see the places that my wife likes to stay in.  This is nothing compared to them.  I ordered your food.  It should be here in a half hour or so.  I called the rehab center.  They can get you in two days from now.  I’ll have you all to myself until then.  Tomorrow we’ll go shopping for whatever you need.  We can also look for a new place for you. Make sure you’ll have furniture and everything you need when you get out of rehab.  Brandy, is there anything you want, that you need right now?  Would you like to bathe?”

“Yeah.  The tub looks so nice.”

“I’d offer to help you, but I don’t think it would do much good for me to be in there with you when they deliver your food.”

“Probably not.  Thank you Gabe.”

“You are so welcome darling.  Go, I’ll put your snacks in the fridge.”

She took her time in the bathtub.  She heard a knock at the door and heard Gabe open it.  She could smell her food.  It smelled so good that she decided it was time to get out of the tub.

She drained the bath and then dried herself off with a fluffy towel that she was tempted to steal.  Then she wrapped herself in the smaller robe and went out to the main room.

“Feel better love?”

“Yes, thank you.”

“Sit.  Eat.”

He picked up the remote and flipped through the channels while she ate her food.  It was so good that she ate the whole calzone and finished the full slice of cheesecake, though she normally only ate half because whenever she and Chad ordered them they had to split one.

She lay back on the bed and lit a cigarette with a contented sigh.

Gabe chuckled.  “I told you I’d take good care of you didn’t I?”  He opened her robe and kissed her neck, her cleavage, and then her inner thigh.  “I plan on taking very good care of you tonight.  And tomorrow night.  And many nights after.”

“Yeah.  Gabe, is it true?  Do you like to do it in the bathroom at the bar?”

He laughed.  “In the bathroom, in my office, in the booths, on top of the bar, even in the walk in cooler.  I’ll take you places you’ve never been Brandy.  And you’ll love it.”

“But don’t you think it’s kind of gross to do it in places like that?”

He leaned over and took the cigarette from her hand, taking a drag before he put it out in the ashtray.  “Sex is only gross if you let it be.  You like sex don’t you?”

“Well, I liked it with you.  I liked it with Chad sometimes too, but not all the time.  I hardly ever liked it when I did it when I was a teenager.  I just did it to get these guys to like me, and all I did was end up pregnant.”

“Where is your son now Brandy?”

She looked at him, trying to remember if she had told him her child was a boy.  She racked her brain but couldn’t remember whether she had or not.  She must have right, she thought? 

“He lives with the Perrys.  I don’t know where.  I think they moved again.  They adopted him right after he was born.  My parents didn’t want him.”

“That’s so sad.  Did you want your child Brandy?”

“I don’t know.  My parents said I was too immature.  They were probably right.”

“They should have at least given you a chance my love.  Do you see your son?”

“Not very often.  I used to talk to him sometimes on his birthday and stuff.  Gabe, not to be rude, but can we just do it?  I really don’t want to talk about my kid. It hurts to even think about, sometimes.”

“Oh Brandy, my poor wounded darling.  Come here.”

He took her into his arms.  She wanted to cry suddenly, but she bit it back, like she always did when she thought of Joey. 

Gabe pulled away several minutes later and kissed her, reaching to undo the knot she’d made in the sash of the robe.  “What would you like me to do to you Brandy?”

“I don’t know.  Whatever you want, I guess.”

Gabe chuckled.  “We’ll save that for later, after you get to know me a little better.”  He leaned over and whispered in her ear.  “Would you like that Brandy?”

She made a face.  “No.  It sounds nasty.”

“How about this?”  He whispered in her ear again.

“I guess.  It sounds interesting.  Better than the last one.”

“And this?” He whispered in her ear and then feathered a trail of kisses down her neck.

“Yeah.  That sounds nice.”

“Good.  If you don’t like something I’m doing to you, tell me.  And don’t be afraid to tell me if you do like what I’m doing.”  Gabe looked at her with eyes that were turning dark with lust.  “Don’t be afraid to do or say anything when you’re with me Brandy.  Promise me.”

“I promise.”

Gabe made love to her for what seemed like half the night.  By the time he had tired enough to fall asleep, she was exhausted.  She was also more satisfied sexually than she’d ever been in her life.

She sat up in bed, smoking a cigarette and watching Gabe sleep.  He was snoring.  She found it to be adorable for some reason, though it had driven her crazy on the nights when Chad snored.  Brandy wondered briefly if she could fool herself into believing that every night with Gabe would be like this one.  He’d been all about her pleasure and had given her more orgasms than she’d thought was possible.

With the way he seemed to switch back and forth between tenderness and being dirty and sometimes downright nasty though, she couldn’t help but think that it wouldn’t last.  He’d screwed her in his truck and called her a slut, then made love to her like no man ever had hours later.  Hell, Brandy thought, even when he was screwing her it had been like no man she’d ever been with.  But she had a feeling that there was much more of the nasty side to Gabe than there really was the tender.

She leaned over and put out her cigarette, brushing a kiss against the side of his neck.  He rolled over and pulled her head onto his chest.  “Get some sleep love.  We have a busy day ahead of us tomorrow.”

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