Outlaw: Screaming Eagles MC (19 page)

BOOK: Outlaw: Screaming Eagles MC
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Chapter Thirty-Seven


Falcon could feel the exact moment the pills took effect. All at once he felt himself grow lighter as the pain subsided and he floated in a hazy comfortable stillness. Grace’s living room was bathed in pale moonlight making a few odds and ends stand out: the dark chestnut color of her coffee table, the white gleam from the glass on a picture frame. He was actually outside of his cell, he had been given a second chance and a reprieve, and now he needed to make something of it.


He heard the creaking of a floorboard and the soft tread of footsteps coming towards him. But Falcon wasn’t afraid; he recognized the footfalls as Grace’s and in a moment she was leaning over him.


“How are you feeling?” she whispered as she sat at the edge of her coffee table.


“Good. The pills are kicking in, so the pain is gone,” Falcon said and he struggled to sit up, finally managing to pull himself into a seated position on the couch. He reached over for a glass of water and downed it easily.


“I wish you would sleep in my bed,” Grace said. “I feel terrible about sticking you on my couch.” She looked like an angel in the moonlight. The light was shining from behind her making it appear as if a halo encircled her head. Her hair, still messy from the bed, shone in the moonlight and she was only wearing a short pair of shorts and a tank top. Falcon could see the outlines of the muscles in her shoulders and the curves of her hips and he wanted to reach over and pull her to him.


“The couch is very comfortable,” Falcon finally said. He remembered his own promise to himself in the cell. He had promised that he would be done with Grace. She had failed him when he needed her most. He couldn’t let himself get close to her again.


Her hand rested on his knee as she looked up at him, “You’re hiding something from me. You’re holding something back. You can tell me anything, Falcon. What is it? Why won’t you come to me?”


“You let them get me,” Falcon said, staring right into her green eyes. He ignored the pain he saw there, ignored her quickly growing tears. “There was a shootout on the road and you didn’t call me. They took me captive and I sat for four days. I know you were only doing what you could, but I would never have let that happen to you.”


She hung her head, but her hand was still on his knee. When she finally looked back up at him there were tears streaming down her face. “I’m so sorry. I wish I could have warned you. I wish I could have gotten to you sooner. I can look back and see a million ways I could have handled this better, but I know that doesn’t help. I fucked up. I was wrong, and I’m so, so sorry, Falcon. That’s all I can say. I’m sorry I put you in that position. I’m sorry I allowed it to happen. Please forgive me.”


He looked down at her, but he knew he had already forgiven her. She was smart and talented and she was a cop; she had rules she had to follow. “It’s okay,” he said with a nod. “You did save me. If it weren’t for you I would still probably be stuck in that dungeon slowly starving to death.” He reached out and caressed her cheek with the back of his hand.


She closed her eyes and leaned into him and he could feel the wetness from her tears on her impeccable face.


“Come here,” Falcon said, pulling her next to him on the couch. She sat down gingerly and took his hand in hers. Falcon turned his head and leaned towards her and kissed her gently, his tongue running along her lower lip as she moaned in pleasure. She tasted like mint and he kissed her passionately and wrapped his hands in her hair and remembered what it was like to be with another person.


Grace brought her hands up to his shoulder and gently rested them there as he continued to kiss her deeply. He plunged his tongue into her mouth and felt hers as it slid along his. His hand was grazing the smooth skin of her thigh going higher with every second that passed. Meanwhile her hand was slowly moving down his chest until it rested in his lap and found his already hard cock waiting for her.


He twitched as her restless fingers began to glide over his cock in long, slow motions. There were two layers of clothes between her fingers and him and he wanted direct contact. As her gentle fingers stroked a fire of passion within him Falcon discarded every promise he had made to stay away from her.


What kind of fool would stay away from this? What kind of madman would tell a woman like Grace to stop? Her fingers on his cock were driving him wild, her tongue against his was driving him crazy; he had to have her.


He broke their kiss and looked at Grace and then took both of her breasts in his hands and he began to squeeze and massage them through the thin material of her shirt. She gasped and moaned at his attentions before throwing back her head as he took her breasts in her hands and focused on her hard nipples where they pressed against the fabric of her shirt.


He couldn’t take it any longer and he reached for the hem of her shirt and pulled it up and over her shoulders, tossing it aside and revealing her perfect body to the moonlight. He leaned down and kissed her breasts, biting gently on her nipple until it hardened under his attentions.


She was breathing heavily as she reached for Falcon’s shirt and lifted it up and over his head. She glanced down at his chest and placed her hand above the worst of the bruising and looked up at him. “I don’t want to hurt you,” she whispered.


Falcon chuckled and said, “Don’t worry about me.” He kissed her deeply as he reached down and grabbed the waistband of her shorts pulling and sliding them down her long legs and past her ankles. She pulled off his sweatpants and boxers as his erection sprung up and her warms hand wrapped around it and Falcon shuddered in pleasure.


Had he really been ready to die? Had he really thought he never wanted to feel a woman’s touch on him again? He could hear her raspy breathing as she leaned against him and her hand moved up and down his shaft.


“Come here,” Falcon whispered hoarsely as he pawed at her hips. Gingerly she straddled him and he kissed her deeply, showing her he wasn’t in any pain. He wanted her desperately, even if it hurt.


She reached into the small table next to the couch and pulled out a condom and unwrapped it over Falcon’s hard cock. She took him in her hand and guided him into her. As he entered her Falcon threw back his head and moaned loudly. She was wrapped around him, tight and wet, and he shuddered as he tried to control himself.


Slowly and gently Grace began to move up and down. He pushed himself into her and then she lifted her hips and his cock came almost all the way out until she plunged down on him again. He grabbed her hips and held on tightly as she moved. He couldn’t think and he could barely breathe; this was what mattered; this is what made life worth living.


He moved his hand between them and gently found Grace’s clit and he looked into her green eyes as he began to twirl his fingers on her. Her beautiful breasts were right in front of him and with his free hand Falcon took one with his hand and massaged it before bringing the nipple to his mouth and biting down on it. He could feel her pleasure as it travelled through every part of her.


“Yes. Falcon. Don’t stop.” Grace murmured as she buried her head in his shoulder and continued to move on top of him.


Falcon was ready; he could go at any moment. His skin was on fire and his erection was throbbing, but he was determined to wait for her. She was moaning and crying out his name and her body was jerking against his.


“Grace,” Falcon whispered in her ear, “come for me.”


“Yes,” Grace yelled out loudly. “Yes, Falcon, yes!” She screamed the word out as her body jerked on top of his and he could feel her orgasm as her walls convulsed around his hard cock; it was too much and he wrapped his arms around her and cried out her name as his orgasm rocked through him.



Chapter Thirty-Eight


It was strange being in Grace’s house without her. She had to go back to work; no one knew she was hiding Falcon and it would look suspicious for her to miss work this deep into an investigation. He sat on the couch and watched television. It was still painful for him to move around, but he forced himself to get up and walk the interior of the house. He needed to get his strength back.


“It wasn’t easy with the boss today,” Grace said. They were eating take-out chicken at her kitchen table. “They really want to know where you are. They’re worried you’re still a hostage and that you’re going to break and tell them about the investigation.”


“So you want to tell them I’m alive?” Falcon asked.


“Hell no,” Grace said. “There’s a big bounty on your head, a huge one. I’m worried if word gets out that our source is still alive, people will come knocking on my door. We need to keep your whereabouts unknown.”


“So I’m stuck here?”


“Is it really so bad?” Grace asked.


“I guess it’s not terrible,” Falcon said with a crooked smile. “So, when can I see your ride?” he asked.


“What?” she said.


“Your motorcycle, you told me you liked to ride once.”


“I can’t believe you remember that,” Grace said.


Together they walked to her garage. It had that odd smell Falcon liked, a mix of gasoline and something else that all garages have. Her bike was parked next to her black SUV. The black metal of the motorcycle gleamed and the chrome shined. It was a impressive, surprisingly big for a girl, but Falcon knew Grace could handle it.


He ran a finger along the leather seat and nodded at her. “Nice,” he said.


“Yeah. I used to watch my dad work on his. I bought my first bike when I was sixteen. My mother was furious; she grounded me and told me to return it. But my dad had my back. He said that since I bought it and I was paying the insurance on it, I could keep it.”


Falcon smiled at the thought of a young, tough Grace, rebellious as ever. He reached out for her and placed his hand behind her ear and he pulled her towards him and kissed her deeply. He ran his hands through her hair and kissed her gently, wrapping his arms around her hips and pulling her close. “When can we go for a ride together?”


She leaned her chin against his forehead. “You’re not up for a ride yet, and we don’t have your bike.” She pulled away from him and, holding his hand, brought him back inside and sat him down on the couch.


She walked away and Falcon stayed in the room alone. His bike. It was only at that moment he realized he had left his bike behind. Falcon loved that bike; he referred to it as his second child. He had spent more money on it than he should have and he had never left it anywhere. But it was gone, and so was Falcon. He wasn't in the gang anymore. He couldn’t see Sophie anymore. He was gone; he had left every aspect of his old life behind. He had no home to go back to, nowhere to go but forward. He couldn’t stay like this forever, but he wasn’t sure what he should do next.


He wanted to get back at them. He wanted to punish the Screaming Eagles for wasting his life. But he couldn’t think of how to do it. It needed to be big, to be huge. It needed to bring down the guys on top, not just the foot soldiers. He needed to do something that would give his life meaning. He was about to go away forever and he needed it to mean something. If Falcon Marks was going down, he wanted to take everyone with him.


“You haven't said anything about witness protection these last few days,” Falcon said. He was feeling better; he could recognize his own face in the mirror again. He could see out of both eyes and breath through his nose and open his mouth without it hurting. But sitting around and doing nothing was getting to him. He wasn’t the type of guy who sat around and waited for something to happen. He wasn’t known for his patience.


“You’re not well enough yet,” Grace said, looking away and busying her hands with something.


“What do I have to do other than get on and off a plane?”


“You’re a new guy in the neighborhood and if you show up looking like that people are going to remember you. They are going to talk about you. That is the opposite of what we need.”


“So I’m just supposed to stay here, locked up in this house? That’s not really my style.”


“I know,” Grace said. “And it’s not exactly my style to hide criminals in my house either. We’re both outside of our comfort zone, so we just have to work with it. Witness protection is still happening; it’s just been pushed back.” She was avoiding eye contact and picking things up and straightening things that were already perfectly straightened. She was nervous and twitchy and Falcon had to wonder what she was thinking about.


He slept on the couch. It was easier on the couch. He didn’t have to think about the cell when he was on the couch. It was dangerous to sleep in the bed next to her. He couldn’t let himself get used to sleeping beside Grace because he was worried it would make it impossible to sleep without her.


Falcon had been trapped in Grace’s house for five days and it was starting to get to him. He woke up early and once Grace was gone, he walked into the bathroom and took a good look at his face. He looked better. He looked like himself again. He took off the bandages Grace had applied to his face. The scars had all scabbed over and whatever ointment she had used was working; the scars were healing cleanly.


He could move without it hurting. He could lift his hands above his head and bend over at the waist. He could turn his neck and he could breath without it hurting. He was getting better; he was getting healthier. But he still couldn’t leave. According to Grace, the Screaming Eagles had offered twenty-five thousand dollars for Falcon’s head. They wanted him dead or alive; it didn’t matter. It had gone up by five thousand dollars in the last two days and he wondered how high it could eventually go.


There was a search underway for him. According to Grace you couldn’t take two steps without seeing a biker roaming the streets with his eyes peeled. They tried to break into police headquarters to find Falcon; they had searched the hospitals and safe houses. The good news, at least, was that the police now knew which safe houses were less than safe.


Grace refused to move him. She refused to let him out of the house. She kept the curtains closed and the lights off late at night. She was always looking outside for anything suspicious. But life was quiet. For the first time in his life, it was quiet. There was no chaos, no work, no drugs, no guns, no violence. He woke up in the morning and drank coffee and watched daytime TV all day long.


But after a while it got boring. Daytime TV was oddly depressing and doing nothing was making him antsy. He needed to do something. He couldn’t waste any more time doing nothing on Grace’s couch. He needed to get back to work. He needed to make a plan.


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