Playing With Fire (Glasgow Lads Book 3) (27 page)

BOOK: Playing With Fire (Glasgow Lads Book 3)
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Liam tossed him the other pair. “Here’s yours.”

Numb with awe, Robert slipped into the pair of shorts, the crotch of which had been crudely hacked away—with the toenail clippers, he assumed. Then he examined the two of them in the mirror, side by side. They looked ridiculous.

Robert nodded. “That is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”

“I cannae believe more guys don’t do this. It’s pure economical.” He gasped. “I should sell them! Call them Ned Kilts. What do you think?”

Robert just gazed at him with mute admiration.
I think you’re a big daftie, and I love you.

“Here.” Liam moved close behind him, not quite touching yet. Then his right foot nudged Robert’s outward half a step.

Robert felt the back of his own kilt lift up. “Oh,” he said as Liam moved forward, bending his knees slightly and sliding his shaft between Robert’s legs, just under his arse. In the mirror he could see the head of Liam’s cock poking out between his thighs.

“Let me hold this.” Liam secured the hem of Robert’s shorts up and away from his prick, which was throbbing harder than ever.

Robert was mesmerized by the image of the two of them in the mirror together, Liam’s cock beneath his, Liam’s face beside his. He reached back to grasp Liam’s arse, pulling him tighter against him. “I’ve a new most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”

“Still room for improvement.” Liam pressed his mouth to Robert’s ear and whispered, “Let me see you touch yourself.” When Robert obeyed, wrapping his hand around his own cock and giving it a long, delicious stroke, Liam licked his lips. “Now that’s perfect.” He grasped Robert’s hips with both hands and began to thrust, slow and steady.

“Och.” Robert’s legs trembled from the rush of sensations. The top of Liam’s shaft was nearly massaging his hole, even as the head stroked the underside of Robert’s balls.

“Squeeze me,” Liam whispered.

Robert clenched his thighs around Liam’s prick, provoking a groan of need.

Holding tight, Liam leaned back and looked down toward Robert’s arse. “God, that’s so hot. I wish you could see this.”

“I’m seeing plenty right here.” Eyes glued to the mirror, Robert stroked himself more deliberately. Soon his knees began to shake from the rising tension.

“I’ve got you.” Liam adjusted his grip to support more of Robert’s weight. “Just do what you need.”

Robert’s hand moved faster, but he resisted the urge to give the head of his cock the signature twist that would send him over the edge. He wanted this to last long enough to memorize the sight of their faces side-by-side, flushed with passion, their hips pounding together, Liam’s cock appearing and disappearing between Robert’s thighs, its head fully unsheathed now and glistening with pre-cum.

But nothing could stop the inevitable. Every muscle in Robert’s body seized as he shot up, then over, the glorious peak.

“Yes,” Liam said behind him. “Come for me, Rabbie.”

He did, hard and fast, spraying the mirror with the force of his orgasm. Robert’s knees buckled, but Liam’s strong hands supported him, telling him it was okay to let go.

Then Liam cried out, his fingers digging in so hard, Robert knew he’d wake tomorrow with bruises on his hips. Robert clenched his thighs again, listening to Liam’s moans turn helpless as his thrusts turned desperate.

Robert reached down and stroked Liam just in time to receive a handful of hot white cum. Liam cried out against his back, clutching him close, teeth scraping skin. Though he wasn’t inside Robert’s body, they felt joined somehow.

As their breathing slowed, Robert lifted his eyes to meet Liam’s in the mirror once more. They shared a mischievous smile.

Then Liam gave Robert’s waistband a snap. “Kilts off. Shower time.”

= = =

In the shower, they didn’t speak. There seemed nothing to say, nothing even to think.

Robert kept his focus on this very moment, with Liam kissing him under the warm streams of water; and
moment, with Liam’s soapy hands slicking their way over his chest and abs; and
moment, with Liam’s fingers slipping up behind his neck, into his hair, thumbs brushing just under his ears, hands holding his face so gently, as if he were something precious.

He didn’t think about the past, not even what they’d just done in front of the mirror. He didn’t think about the future, not even what they were going to do in those beds. Robert knew if he let his thoughts come unstuck from Now, even for a split second, he’d remember how precarious the two of them were.

After they dried off—haltingly, between kisses—Liam looped his towel around Robert’s waist. “Now that I’ve got you clean,” he said, reaching back to open the bathroom door, “I mean to get you pure filthy.” He towed Robert out into the hotel room and guided him toward the near bed. “Lie on your stomach.”

Robert obeyed, relieved to be horizontal again, as his pulse was now racing so hard he felt slightly faint. “What are you—”

“Shh.” Liam knelt on the bed beside him, then leaned over and kissed his earlobe. “It’s a surprise.”

“Can’t be as good as the last one.”

“Trust me.” Liam ran a hand down Robert’s back, over the hills of his shoulder blades and into the valley of his spine. “Do you trust me?”

“Aye.” Robert closed his eyes. “Always.”

Liam climbed to sit atop him, straddling his hips, and for a moment Robert thought he was in for a massage. But then Liam simply leaned over and lay still upon him, pressing his chest to Robert’s back, his lips near his ear, his heart thumping as hard as Robert’s.

“I’ll never hurt you,” Liam whispered. “Never again.”

Robert’s throat went suddenly thick, and he had to bite his lip hard. Not knowing what to say, he just nodded.

Liam lifted up then, all but his mouth, which left a trail of warm kisses down Robert’s back. When he reached the base of Robert’s spine, Liam got to his feet and said, “Stay.”

Over his shoulder, Robert watched Liam move to the foot of the bed, where he hooked his arms beneath Robert’s thighs and tugged him closer to the edge. With his arse at Liam’s eye level, Robert knew for certain what was coming. His fingers curled into the bedspread. He wanted this so bad.

Liam kneaded Robert’s glutes with his long, strong fingers. “Can I lick you?”

Robert quaked with anticipation at those words. “Aye. Please.”

Liam’s mouth arrived, kissing one cheek of Robert’s arse, then the other, back and forth, each time getting closer to the place where they met. Robert reached up for one of the pillows, then brought it to his face to stifle his pleading, knowing that the more he begged, the more Liam would make him wait.

Robert felt Liam spread his cheeks wide, still massaging with this thumbs. Soft lips pressed just before, then behind, where he needed it most. Robert held his breath, feeling his hole quiver with need.

Then Liam stopped. Robert released the breath, and with it a soft, helpless whimper.

At last he felt it, the barest tickling twitch of Liam’s tongue.

“Ah!” Robert’s moan was half yelp. Every muscle contracted from the electric sensation jolting through him.

“All right?” Liam said.

“Yes.” Robert heard the ache in his own voice.

“Should I stop?”

“No!” Robert squirmed in Liam’s grip. “Stop and I’ll kill you.”

Liam chuckled. “Okay, just keep still.”

“Make me.”

“Oh, we’re doing that? Fine.” Liam held him fast, arms locked around Robert’s hips, hands parting his cheeks.

Then his tongue dove again, performing a rapid, maddening dance upon Robert’s hole. Robert shuddered, mouth wide open against the pillow, releasing a louder cry with each breath.

Just as Robert thought he might go blind, Liam switched to long, warm, bold strokes. Robert released a sigh, letting his thighs stretch and relax, feeling himself open to this coaxing, ready for whatever was next.

Liam’s tongue slid inside him, just the tip, and Robert went totally still. Only his fingers moved, kneading the pillowcase like a cat’s paws on a soft blanket. It felt like the moment would stretch for eternity.

As Liam tongue-fucked him with slow, small, curling strokes, Robert craned his neck for a glimpse. He saw Liam’s eyes closed, lashes fluttering as he lapped with absolute focus. Like he was eating a cone of his favorite ice cream.

The image made Robert laugh like a drunkard as he turned his face back to the pillow. Liam made a questioning noise in response.

“Yes. More. Please,” Robert answered emphatically, each word followed by a gasp. He felt Liam spread his cheeks farther, jaws opening wide as he licked, stubble scraping the underside of Robert’s sack. “God…”

I need him.

I need him in me.

I need him in me now.

I need him.

Liam’s tongue worked deeper, twisting and sliding and melting away Robert’s every last thought. This feeling was so foreign, yet so very, very right.

Finally Liam eased off and pulled away. With a single touch to Robert’s right hip, he signaled him to roll onto his back.

Robert obeyed, then gazed up at Liam with abject adoration. His insides felt soft and warm and pliable as putty.

“All right?” Liam asked.

Robert could only nod. And wait. And hope.

Liam flashed an uncharacteristically shy smile, then turned away to his overnight bag. From the side pocket he pulled a small plastic pump bottle. He dabbed lube onto his fingers, set the bottle on the bedside table, then knelt between Robert’s legs. Robert spread them wide, angling his hips to give Liam access, feeling gloriously slutty.

Grasping Robert’s arse, Liam twirled a teasing touch around his hole. Robert nearly wheezed at the sensations rocketing up his spine. His legs lifted higher, toes spreading wide.

When Liam slipped his finger inside, Robert felt a hot sting, followed by a zap of pleasure. His jaw slammed open, then shut, clacking his teeth together. “Mmph. Yes,” he whimpered, shoving his arse against Liam’s fingers, greedy for everything he had to give.

“Christ, Rab…” Liam stared down, seemingly in awe at Robert’s eagerness.

How can this surprise him? Don’t all his lovers react this way to his magic hands and mouth?

Soon Liam added another finger, and Robert felt a brief spark of discomfort bordering on pain. But even this quickly ignited into an even greater pleasure. Robert cried out, his right arm flailing until his hand found the edge of the bed, where it latched on to keep him from floating away.

Liam went deeper, slowly twisting his warm, slick fingers back and forth. Robert could tell he was holding back, being careful not to hurt him.

“More.” Robert arched his hips. All at once Liam reached a new place inside him, a place that felt full and round and surely must have been the source of all pleasure in the universe.

That’s when Robert stopped moaning. There were no sounds to convey this feeling. He couldn’t breathe or even blink. He just stared through the ceiling as the fullness grew and grew.

The words
fuck me
played in a loop in his brain, each time getting closer to his mouth. He wanted Liam’s cock, needed to feel it light up this fiery place inside him like a thick, hot torch.

Liam curled his fingers, massaging harder.

Fuck me.

Liam shifted slightly, lifting Robert’s right thigh and hugging it to his chest.

Fuck me.

“God, you feel so good,” Liam whispered. He pressed his open mouth to Robert’s knee, groaning.

Fuck me fuck me fuck me fuck me fuck me god please fuck me.

The fullness inside Robert spread to his balls and the base of his shaft, and he knew he was on the verge of the most intense orgasm of his life. For a moment he held back, fearing he’d shatter into a thousand pieces.

Then he let it all go. His other leg, the one Liam wasn’t clutching, rose high, quaking as he crested. Urging himself against Liam’s touch, he barely felt the splash of his own cum on his abs. It didn’t matter what was happening outside his body. The only thing that mattered was how he felt deep inside, joined with Liam.

Upon returning to full awareness some moments later, Robert found his best mate sitting beside him on the bed, leaning on one hand and smiling at him.

“All right?” Liam asked.

“Aye,” was all Robert managed to say. He took in Liam’s naked body, the skin that alternated between milk white and rose red, the smooth planes of his muscular chest, the lean abs that rose and fell with each breath. And then there was his proud, enticing cock, towering above a smooth field of auburn hair, darker than the hair on his head.

“Come here.” Robert swiped his fingertips through the cum on his torso.

Liam dipped his head as if to taste, but Robert pulled his hand away.

“No,” Robert said. “Come here. All of you.”


. He’d no clue what Robert had in mind, but after witnessing that beautiful orgasm, after feeling and tasting him from the inside, he would have obeyed any order.

Robert tapped his own chest. “Straddle me.”

Liam complied, savoring the warmth of Robert’s solid pecs under his balls.

Then Robert glided his fingers over the tip of Liam’s cock, slathering his cum upon it like icing on a cake. Finally he lifted his head and took it into his mouth.

Oh. My. God. Did that actually happen? Did Robert—ROBERT—just lick his own cum off my cock?

It was the hottest thing Liam had ever seen in his life. Also, the gayest thing.

He stared down at Robert, wondering how he’d ever doubted him. This wasn’t the act of a curious experimenter. This was the act of a man born to be with men.

Born to be with me.
Liam slapped that thought down like a buzzing gnat.

Robert held Liam’s gaze as he cupped his arse with both hands, inching him closer so he could twirl his tongue around Liam’s shaft, making it dance with anticipation. Then he asked, “Did you want to fuck me just then? When you had your fingers inside me?”

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