Possessed by a Dark Warrior (49 page)

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Authors: Felicity Heaton

BOOK: Possessed by a Dark Warrior
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His wing knocked hers as he passed her and she playfully rolled onto her back, their eyes meeting for a heartbeat before she twisted back around the right way and dropped again. Her tail whipped against the air, streaming behind her as she plummeted towards the castle.

Bleu growled and dove after her, his blood rushing and heating as he slowly gained on her. Wind battered his face, chilling his scales, but he didn’t feel the pain of it biting into him as he chased her. He felt only heat and hunger, fire that blazed so hot he felt as if he could breathe it if he opened his jaw and roared.

Taryn unfurled her wings a few hundred feet above the castle.

He kept his pinned back, determined to catch his mate. She banked right and he twisted that way, adjusting his course. She lazily flew towards the rear of the castle. Towards his balcony.

Thoughts of claiming her flooded his mind, sending the temperature of his blood soaring, making his heart drum in his ears as he closed in on her.

She turned and looked up at him.

Just as he spread his wings and collided with her back. He grabbed her hips with his rear paws and her shoulders with his front ones, and drove her down. She unleashed a high pitched cry, but it wasn’t one of pain.

It was one of joy.

She loved that he had caught her.

They plummeted towards the courtyard and the elves scattered, some yelling obscenities at him as he sent his prize crashing to the ground. Her paws hit the stone flags, cracking a few of them, and he landed on top of her, beating his wings so he didn’t crush her with his weight. Instinct drove him, firmly at the helm, and he seized the back of her neck with his fangs.

Pinned her beneath him.

She settled, tucking her wings back, going still.

When he growled against her neck, she answered, her call stoking the flames in his blood when he understood it.

She was submitting to him.


He staggered off her and her gaze was shy as she pushed up, but fire still blazed in it, desire that he could feel through their link.

She beat her wings and landed on the shared balcony outside their rooms.

He gave a single hard beat and leaped up to join her. By the time he landed, she had already transformed back, and his mouth watered as she stole his breath again, his mind spinning as he watched her walking into her apartment.


She disappeared from view and he growled and willed the shift, eager to follow her. Hungry to gaze upon her delicious curves.

Hungry for her.

He didn’t feel the shift when she poked her head back around the tall double doors, her violet-to-white hair falling away from the left side of her throat, exposing the marks he had placed on her. He couldn’t feel anything but the fierce heat that burned in him, made him mad with need. He needed her.

The moment he was back in his elf form, he strode towards her, uncaring that he was naked on the balcony and there was a chance someone might see.

The only person he gave a damn about was seeing it and that was all that mattered to him. The fierce edge to her striking eyes as they raked down his body, heating every inch of him, the one that said she wanted to eat him whole, turned his blood to wildfire.

She disappeared into her apartment and he followed her, a slave to his deepest primal instincts, the ones that thundered in his veins and told him to claim her.

She would be his.

He rounded the corner, the sheer light curtains brushing across his bare skin as he pushed through them. They shifted to reveal her room.

It blurred as a hand closed around his throat and his breath left him in a painful rush when his back slammed into the wardrobe. Before he could gather his wits, her lips closed over his, crushing them with a fierce kiss that set his blood on fire. He growled, grabbed her bare hips and dragged her against him as he deepened the kiss, thrusting his tongue past the barrier of her lips. Sharp teeth scraped against his tongue and he moaned in time with her as the taste of his own blood flooded his mouth.

Taryn’s hand on his throat slid to his shoulder and her claws bit into his muscles as she writhed against him, sending tiny bolts of hot pain skittering through his body.

His grip on her waist tightened. She moaned deeper, clawed harder, rubbed more fiercely against him. Her heart thundered in his ears and his chest, driving his on until the beat was so quick it was dizzying and stripped him down to his basest instincts, the ones that screamed at him to claim this female.

He obeyed them, running his hands up her sides to her ribs, aiming for her breasts, intent on driving her wilder with need than she had ever been, until she surrendered to him and begged him for more.

She stopped him in his tracks by snarling at him and seizing his other shoulder as her left hand returned to his neck. She shoved him against the wall by it, her grip so tight he had to drag his breaths down into his lungs with effort. Her kiss grew fiercer, a hard demand against his, her tongue stroking his before flickering over his fangs. The pleasure that rolled through him in response had him forgetting the tightness of her grip on his throat for a moment, drove it out of his mind for a few seconds, until he tried to kiss her back and she growled at him again, pressed him harder against the wardrobes.

Prickles chased through his blood, followed by a wicked sort of darkness, an inkiness that swept through him, obliterating the light.

Bleu caught her shoulders and shoved her back, fought her as she tried to keep kissing him, her hisses and growls filling the air.

He evaded her mouth and she went to work on his jaw, searing him with each sweep of her lips and almost making him fall back under her spell as she drifted down to his throat and devoured it with wet kisses and nips of her sharp teeth.

He shook his head to drive sense back into it, because something was wrong.

“Taryn!” he barked and pushed her back, and this time he seemed to reach her because her eyes widened.

But she didn’t release him and her body didn’t stop shifting, writhing against the air, her face contorting as frustration flooded the link between them. She needed him. He knew that, felt it drumming in his blood, and he wanted to give his female what she desired, wanted to pleasure her until she was boneless on that bed, sated and sleepy in his arms, but something was very wrong. It had been a couple of days since they had touched, but his instincts said that her fervour was born of something more than their time apart.

She tried to reach him again but he locked his elbows, keeping her at a distance. Her eyes flashed fire and she roared at him, and then reared back, shock flittering across her face and through their connection.

She looked down at her hands on him and her eyes widened, horror filling them when she spotted the one wrapped around his throat.

She released him and staggered back, breathing hard against the panic he could feel welling up in her.

“Taryn,” he whispered and reached for her, needing to soothe her.

She shook her head. “I need a moment.”

Squeezed her eyes shut.

“You need more than a moment… you need me. I can feel it in you, Little Dragon.” He advanced on her and she backed away, shaking her head as she opened her eyes and they implored him to keep his distance.

She feared losing control again.

Gods, he feared it a little too, but he was equally as afraid of losing control himself.

He needed her, now more than ever, his every instinct screaming at him to claim his mate at last, to make her belong to him forever.

Love him forever.

She halted and pressed her thighs together, wriggled them and moaned, her cheeks flushed and eyes dark with desire. He could see her control fading again, slowly torn away from her by her instincts. He hadn’t realised that the urge to mate would run as fiercely in her as it did in him.

More fiercely in fact.

She was barely in control, writhing on the spot, so hungry for release that she couldn’t keep still. It was his blood. She had drawn the smallest amount, not enough to seal their bond, and it was driving her mad with a need for more. He wanted to give that to her, as much as she wanted of him, completing their bond and tangling their fates forever.

Fear flashed in her eyes, fear of losing her weak grip on herself and fear of hurting him. He feared the same things.

“You’re not alone, Little Dragon,” he husked and her eyes narrowed, lids falling to turn them hooded, and a small moan left her lips, as if he had spoken words of seduction rather than stated simple facts. He held his left hand out to her and her gaze leaped to it, narrowed as she moaned again, wriggled and writhed, so hungry to take it and give in to him. She cast him a pained look and shook her head, tearing a sigh from him. “What is it you fear?”

She swallowed hard.

Sounded breathless, on the verge of release.

“Mating… it is too strong… the urge. I will hurt you… I-I am dangerous.” Her breath left her in a rush and she rocked back another step, her violet-to-white eyes glowing with fire. With need. “I am too dangerous like this.”

He wasn’t about to deny that. She was stronger than he was, and her urge to mate was fierce, too powerful for her to fully control herself. There was a chance she would hurt him in the act, but he wasn’t about to let something like that stop him. He stroked the scars on his neck, ones she had given him, and her eyes followed his fingers, pain flashing in them.

“Whatever you deal… I can heal, Little Dragon. There is nothing you can do that will stop me from claiming you.”

She moaned. Squeezed her thighs. Nibbled her lower lip in a way that made him growl and take swift steps towards her, unable to hold himself back any longer.

He seized her mouth, sucked that lip into his and nibbled it with his fangs. The sweet taste of her blood filled his mouth and she moaned in unison with him, clamped her hands down on his shoulders and dragged him against her, so her bare front pressed against his. Her breasts were maddeningly soft against his chest, and he couldn’t stop himself from rocking against the soft cushion of her belly. Another groan left him as his hard cock throbbed, aching for more.

He needed to be inside her.

Would go insane if he denied himself much longer.

She squeaked against his lips as he swept her up into his arms and then she was kissing him again, little breathless moans constantly escaping her as she drove him mad, pushing him right to the edge with only her mouth.

Bleu kneeled on the violet covers of the double bed and dropped her in the middle of it, covered her body with his and claimed her lips again. She moaned and wrapped her arms around his throat, raked short claws over his back, sending bolts of lightning zinging across his body. He growled against her lips with each one, each zap that had his blood burning hotter, the sparks of pain only heightening the pleasure he took from the feel of her beneath him, as wild for him as he was for her.

“Need you,” she moaned in the dragon tongue against his lips and nipped at his lower one, her teeth nicking it and drawing blood. She growled low in her throat, a rumble he felt against his chest, and seized his mouth again, sucking fiercely on the tiny wound. She rocked against him, shoved and fought him, manoeuvred beneath him until she could circle her legs around his hips.

He hissed through clenched teeth as her slick heat scalded his throbbing cock and she ground against it, her moans ripping at his control. He found enough of it to muster the strength to draw back so he could slip his hand between them as he kissed her. She bucked against it as he palmed her, and he groaned as he felt how wet she was. Her nub pulsed against the heel of his hand, the desperate flickering making him want to forget everything and get inside her, because she needed him.

Bleu forced himself to resist that temptation and softened his kiss as he stroked her, teasing her towards a climax he hoped would help weaken the hold her mating instincts had on her. She wriggled beneath him, hot breaths washing across his face as she rode his fingers, moaned into his mouth and sank her claws into his shoulders.

“Bleu,” she whispered, and he had never heard a sweeter sound than his name falling from her lips on a passion-drenched sigh.

He slid his hand down, eased two fingers into her, and groaned at how hot, wet and tight she was around them. She shuddered and clawed at him, mewled against his lips as he kissed her and stroked her, slowly withdrawing his fingers before easing back in. He rubbed the pad of his thumb over her clit, swallowed her sweet cries as she constantly undulated beneath him, her need flaring stronger in his veins as his connection to her blasted wide open, Taryn no longer able to hold anything back from him.

Gods, it was beautiful.

He drowned in her emotions as he touched her, teasing her towards release, feeling as if he was journeying there with her, so swept up in her that he shared every flicker of pleasure that danced through her, every sharp breath that left her lungs left his too, and every gasping moan echoed in his throat.


The desperation in her voice had him stroking her deeper, thumbing her harder, until she was as taut as a bowstring beneath him, quivering on the edge of release. He plunged his fingers deep into her, spearing her liquid core, and her hips jerked up, her hands gripped him so tightly it felt as if his bones would crack beneath the pressure, and her sweet cry filled his ears.

He grunted and rocked his hips, driving against thin air as she trembled around his fingers, throbbing madly. Pleasure flowed through him, bliss that felt as if it was his own release, and he lowered his head and kissed down her neck as he gently stroked her, easing her back down.

She moaned with each little pulse of her body, ones that he loved to hear because she sounded as if she had no control over them, as if they left her of their own volition, born of surprise in the wake of each tremor.

When her trembling subsided, she sank against the bed and her grip on him loosened. Loosened but didn’t fall away. Her hands remained against him, short claws still pressing in, and as he lazily kissed her throat, he could feel her desire rising again, stoking the embers in her blood. She turned her face towards him and he claimed her lips again, giving her what she wanted. Her kiss started tender, soft and relaxed, but steadily grew in ferocity until it matched the hunger racing through his blood again, need that demanded he sate it.

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