Rapine 2: Ravished by the Billionaire (The Trophy Wife) (17 page)

BOOK: Rapine 2: Ravished by the Billionaire (The Trophy Wife)
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We’ve arrived in Venice and I’m super excited. Venice is my favorite spot in Italy. Julian remembers when I told him a while back that I love Italy, especially Venice, and he’s planned many things for us to do in Venice.

When I was living with Derek,
I painted a beautiful, abstract oil on canvas painting of the water canals of Venice. Everything about the place seems to inspire me. I love the place so much I would consider living here for a while and would create many oil on canvas paintings of the beautiful city.

We are staying in the
presidential suite of the best luxury hotel in Venice that is owned by Julian’s friend, Mark, a man that Julian tells me is the most intelligent friend he has. Julian says Mark owns many luxury hotels around Europe and in Asia.

We have lunch prepared by an Italian chef in our suite. A
fter eating, we relax in the living room with a very strong espresso. Italians typically never drink cappuccino after breakfast.

I tak
e a sip of espresso and admire the Italian Rococo interior design of the suite, impressed with the hotel that Julian’s friend owns. I’m assuming that all of Julian’s friends are extremely wealthy and successful.

I take another sip of espresso.
“When will I meet all your friends?” I ask, considering the fact that Julian has already met my two closest friends in New York.

“My friends are scattered all around the world. You will meet them all eventually I’m sure. Many of them congregate a few times a year in certain cities for a birthday celebration or a special event.”

“Are they all secret society members?” I ask, wide-eyed and curious.

“Not all of them, but many of them are. I have many influential friends
and having these connections has helped advance my fortune.”

“How many actors and celebrities do you know?” I ask, recalling when a few A-list actors had greeted Julian at the UFC show we had
attended in Montreal. I don’t have celebrity worship syndrome but I do respect successful and well-known celebrities when I see them.

“You will meet the ones I know eventually
, I’m sure,” Julian responds simply.

I appreciate that he doesn’t brag about his connections but this make me even more curious about the man I married.
How did Julian get to where he is today? How did he become part of an elite secret society? How did he make the friends he has made? How did he gain friendships with celebrities?

“I may have many friends or acquaintances, but I trust no one
,” Julian says when he notices that I appear curious and interested about his friends.

“Who are your closest friends?”
I recall my two closest friends and how much I miss them.

“My closest friends are the men in the society I am allied to,” Julian responds.

“Do you trust them?” I ask wondering if he at least trusts his closest friends.

“No,” Julian murmurs. “I don’t even trust my closest friends.”

“Do you trust anyone?” I ask wide-eyed.

“I trust you
, Cheryl,” Julian responds and wraps an arm around me.

I murmur.

“Like I told you before, I trust you because you trust me and now that you are my wife and I have full control over you, I have complete trust in you.”

“I trust you more than I’ve ever trusted anyone, besides my mother,” I respond.

“Women can be t
rusted. It’s men that I don’t trust. Men are highly competitive and that is what makes them different from women.”

“Women can be competitive as well,” I reason.

“Men are competitive on a whole other level, Cheryl. What I did to a close friend of mine shows how this works. I took you from him. I did steal you away because I had to have you and now I do. If the same situation were turned around and one of my friends tried to take you away from me, I would permanently disable them or kill them.”

I recall Derek and the fact that Julian did take me away from Derek in such a ruthless way.

“Now that Derek wants to retrieve you, I will have to permanently disable him or kill him,” Julian says, looking thoughtful. “At one point he was a very good friend of mine, but when it comes to women, men are highly competitive and merciless with each other.”

I feel nervous as I think about Derek and Julian fighting with each other
again. I don’t want to think about it and ruin the visit to Venice. I push the thought away, extremely hopeful that Derek will never find us because I reason that it is probably impossible to locate one person among the six billion inhabitants of the world.

We spend the afternoon taking a
gondola ride around the city. Our gondolier is wearing the typical outfit consisting of black pants and a striped shirt and he sings in Italian as he takes us through the quiet canals. Julian is holding me tight, pinned to his side, as we admire the beautiful city composed of ornamental stone bridges, narrow canals, and crumbling old buildings. We are also taken along the Grand Canal.

“I could easily live here,” I tell Julian as we are drifting along the Grand Canal.

“I can tell you love it here,” Julian comments.

exchange a passionate kiss on the gondola as the gondolier continues to sing Italian for us. Once we get off the gondola, we wander aimlessly through the streets, alleys, and across bridges, walking hand-in-hand and enjoying the Venetian architecture.

The rest of the day we
spend visiting St. Mark’s Square, Doge’s Palace, and St. Mark’s Basilica. We also visit two art museums. Julian greatly impresses me with his great knowledge of artists and their paintings. He discusses certain paintings, explaining the history behind them.

In the evening, we have dinner at a lovely restaurant that has tables situated
right by the water of the Grand Canal with an amazing view of the old Venetian buildings, and ships going past us. The night sky has a scattering of bright stars above us. The neon yellow lights of the city are reflected on the water.

I feel so incredibly happy to be in my favorite city, with the man that I love so deeply. It’s been a magical honeymoon and I don’t want it to ever end.
I sense that life with Julian will always be magical even when our honeymoon ends.


We spend a week in Venice, wandering around, visiting various museums, historic sites, cathedrals and architectural buildings. I enjoy every minute of my time in Venice with Julian.

After a wonderful time in Venice, we head to Genoa via helicopter.
Genoa is a beautiful Italian city amid rolling hills with pastel colored houses that have terra cotta roofs and it’s all mixed in with stunning churches, Baroque palaces, hanging gardens, and crumbling Roman ruins.

We are staying in a
nother luxury hotel owned by Julian’s friend, Mark. The hotel has a wonderful rooftop patio, where we enjoy a cocktail and gaze out onto the spectacular panoramic views of the Genoa skyline.

“I’d like to show you Cinque Terre and Portofino while we are here,”
Julian says as he takes a swig of his cocktail. “You will love those two places.”

I admire the Genoa sky
line, take a sip of my cocktail and look at Julian who is gives me that penetrating stare that gets me weak kneed. I feel transparent whenever he look at me in that way and it feels like he knows my most intimate thoughts and feelings.

“Sometimes it feels like you can read my mind,” I murmur.

“I wish I could,” Julian responds while fixing me with an intent gaze. “But I do believe I know you better than you know yourself. I’m very good at understanding women and for that matter human nature in general. Many men think it takes a degree in psychology to understand women, but women are actually fairly simple and straightforward.”

I wonder if Julian’s understanding of women has do to with his experience with many women.
Sometimes men that understand women well have sisters. Julian never told me he had any sisters or brothers.

“Do you have sisters
or brothers?”

“I may have never mentioned it, but yes
, I do have two sisters. Unfortunately I don’t have much contact with them since I began living on my own at sixteen. I used to be very close to my mother and sisters but when I got kicked out of the house by my father, I lost my close connection with my sisters and my mother.”

“I’d love to meet your sisters,” I murmur, imagining how they must look.
“They are probably very beautiful.”

“They are
currently residing in Perth, Australia. My older sister is married, the younger one has a boyfriend.”

“Why have you never told me about them?” I ask
, surprised about the new information.

As a member of a secret society, I’ve learned to be very selective about what information I choose to divulge with others. Don’t get me wrong, Cheryl, I hold back nothing from you. I’ve just learned to be a very private man.”

I recall Derek, and
how incredibly private he was. Julian is definitely much more open with me than Derek was and I really appreciate that about him. I just don’t understand why he didn’t tell me about his sisters sooner.

“Have you told
them about me?” I ask, and take a sip of my cocktail.

“Yes, I have, and they are very eager to meet you.”
Julian gazes at me with love in his eyes. “We’ll arrange that sometime very soon after our honeymoon.”

Even though I’ve been married to Julian for over five months, I still continue to learn something new about him every day.
The longer I am with Julian, the more I fall in love with him and the more I know about him, the more mesmerized I become.




Julian gives me a thorough tour of Genoa. He knows his way around very well.
It’s a hot afternoon summer day, and we’ve been walking around through narrow cobblestoned passageways which are quite claustrophobic to see the various historic sites and public squares.

We see the Piazza De Ferrari, which is Genoa’
s most important public square. In the middle of the square there is a large fountain that shoots jets of water into the air. There is an ancient church, an opera house, an Italian language school, and a museum.

Once we’ve had enough of exploring Genoa, w
e have some gelato at the best gelateria in Genoa which is tucked in a small alley. The gelato is freshly made with real ingredients. There are unique flavors such as rosemary, ginger, hazelnut, Baileys, corn, and date. I settle on the hazelnut gelato and Julian tries the rosemary.

the evening, we have dinner at top rated Italian restaurant in Genoa. Julian does not let me look at the menu. When the waiter comes to take our order, Julian speaks to him in Italian, ordering for both of us.

Italian is a sexy language, and listening to Julian speaking it, really gets me turned on. As successful and wealthy as he is, the fact that he knows a foreign language makes him appear that much more competent
and intelligent. Julian constantly surprises me.

“What other languages do you know?”

“As much as I’ve traveled for business throughout my life, I’ve been forced to learn a bit of every language.” Julian replies, not giving away any further details.

I am extremely curious about the number of languages Julian knows, but I guess I will find out over time.

The waiter comes with our order. Julian has ordered numerous plates for us to share. He has ordered two different types of spaghetti, and two different types of pizza.

Julian and I eat slowly, over a period of two hours, along with sips of red wine.
The food is delicious. I’m growing very fond of Italian food, although it’s very fattening.


The next day we take a train ride to Cinque Terre. Julian informs me that it’s hard to get there any other way since it is such an inaccessible and unspoiled area. The Cinque Terre consists of five coastal villages that cling to the rugged cliffs of the Ligurian coastline, overlooking the Gulf of Genoa.

We walk along a coastal trail that zigzags between the hillsides to pass
through all five of the Cinque Terre villages. We enjoy spectacular views of the National Park and the Ligurian Sea.

We reach
Monterosso al Mare first. We stop for an espresso at a sea-front cafe while breathing in the heady scent of the Ligurian Sea. The beach in this village looks gorgeous.

We continue on the coastal trail
to see the next village, Vernazza, where small boats bob on the natural creek. In Vernazza, we have a huge lunch of local fish and shellfish on the terrace of a restaurant overlooking the sea and the mountains.

We continue on to see Corniglia
, a very small village, which is rural and peaceful. The town is nestled among terraced vineyards, perched on a rocky promontory. Corniglia is in the middle of Cinque Terre and there is a terrace where we stand out to look across to all four of the other towns. The scenes are beautiful. There are colorful houses perched high on the cliffs in a landscape of lemon trees, vineyards, olive groves and terraced farm lands.

Next we see
the village of Manarola, which has colorful houses, traditional narrow streets and a lovely ancient church. We sit down and try a local wine, called Sciacchetrà, which is one of the best wines I’ve ever tried.

We continue to see the last village, Riomaggiore
, where we have a fresh seafood dinner. After dinner we sit at a café and sample a few local white and red wines. Julian has his arm wrapped around me as we try different wines while watching the sun setting, striking bright red across the sky. It’s hard to believe we spent all day walking through the beautiful Cinque Terre villages. The day went by so fast.

After the sun has set, we take a train ride to Portofino.
Portofino is a picturesque fishing villages. We are staying at a five star luxury hotel that is frequented by A-list celebrities. The hotel is old world glamour. We are welcomed as if we were celebrities. Julian has reserved the presidential suite as usual.

It is late in the evening now, so we head to our suite to get some sleep so we can explore Portofino the next day.
As soon as we get to our suite Julian slams me against the wall and kisses me violently. Although I am tired from all the walking and feeling drowsy from all the wine we’ve consumed during the course of the day, I am instantly turned on by Julian’s aggressive behavior.

I feel his length
throbbing for me through his pants as he presses me against the wall. He undresses me quickly as he keeps me pinned forcefully against the wall, holding me hostage for him to ravish me.

Julian puts his mouth to my
ear and whispers, “You’re mine now and I’m going to rape you.”

e words get me tingling down below, eager for Julian’s length. However, as hard as it is, I must pretend that I don’t want him. I push and shove Julian away as he holds me pinned against the wall. I feel him growing harder beneath his pants. The resistance I offer really turns him on.

“Please stop, don’t do this,” I cry
out helplessly. “Help, someone help me.”

Julian covers my
lips with his mouth to stop me from protesting. He shoves his tongue in my mouth, fervently kissing me. I moan, feeling so taken and turned on but force myself to turn my face away from him.

“Stop,” I cry out.

Julian forcefully turns my face back toward him and kisses me again. I offer some more resistance by trying to push Julian away with all the strength of my arms. I succeed in pushing Julian away by just a few inches.

Julian’s eyes blaze with passion and savage desire. Unexpectedly
, he picks me up, throws me on the bed like a rag doll and leaps on top of me. He pins me underneath him while I struggle to get away.

stop,” I complain as Julian holds me down while he unzips his pants and pulls out his rock hard length.

Julian kisses me and
his length presses against my stomach. The feel of his enormous length throbbing on my stomach causes me to get slick and wet down below.

Julian’s kisses are forceful and aggressive as if he really
were an attacker having me for the first time. I push Julian away as he continues to plant kisses on me.

My heart is beating rapidly with exhilaration and arousal.
This game can never get old. When Julian and I role play, it always feels like Julian is fucking me for the first time—and it’s always the first time that is the most exciting.

“Get off me,” I scream
, between Julian’s forceful kisses.

Julian pries my legs open and quickly positions himself between my legs. I peddle my legs to try
and move away, but Julian has a strong hold on both my knees.

“Let me g
o…stop…someone help,” I scream at the top of my lungs.

Those words get J
ulian even more fired up. He spreads me legs wide. He shoves the tip of his length inside me and with one hard stroke he implants his entire length into me, his heavy sacks slaps hard against me, making a loud smacking sound.

He begins ruthlessly pounding me as if ravishing me for the first time.
I let out gasps and moans as I feel his length briskly rubbing against my inner walls and hitting my G-spot.

Julian buries his face at the side of my neck and pumps away. I constantly hear his sacks slapping up against me, making a loud smacking sound. I let out
nonstop screams as Julian’s length pierces me with each powerful thrust, stretching me out and giving me an extreme feeling of fullness.

“Please just don’t cum in me,” I cry out, imagining this
is a real life scenario and I am being ravished by a handsome man that I don’t know.

Julian quickly covers my mouth with the palm of his hand, presses his mouth to my ear and whispers, “
I’m going to cum in you, and nothing will stop me bitch. Keep your mouth shut and your legs open wide for me and it will be over soon.”

He buries his face at the side of my neck and thrusts harder.
My core tightens with arousal and I moan.
This is so fucking hot.

I close my eyes and continue to imagine that Julian is ravishing me for the first time without my consent even though in the back of my mind I know I am safe and I love this man.

I’m so aroused now that I just feel like giving in and telling him to fuck me but I don’t want to interfere with the role play. Julian is pumping faster now, precisely hitting and rubbing my two spots. It’s like his length was custom-made for me. I feel a blended orgasm coming on.

He thrust
s brutally hard into me. “Don’t move while I creampie you,” Julian growls cold-bloodedly into my ear.

I feel his body become rigid, his length harden,
and his sacks stiffen against me as he hammers into me. Suddenly, I feel a massive explosion of hot liquid drench my inner walls, shooting up deep inside me, filling my entire belly with the pleasant feeling of warmth, and initiating my blended orgasm.

Julian spasms on top of me as he releases a continuous stream of hot liquid into me.
He continues to move, rubbing my two spots with his length, maximizing my orgasm.

I feel the gushes of his
scorching semen fill me to the brim. He stops moving once there is nothing more left to give me. He withdraws his length. My inside feels overloaded with his cream.

I am shuddering with pleasure as I lay there, relishing my blended orgasm.
I enjoy many blissful minutes, lying motionless as I slowly come down from the climax.

Julian pulls me into his arms, nuzzling me to him. I fall asleep on my side, pressed against Julian’s broad chest,
my head under his chin, feeling so relaxed and happy.

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