Rapine 2: Ravished by the Billionaire (The Trophy Wife) (18 page)

BOOK: Rapine 2: Ravished by the Billionaire (The Trophy Wife)
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In the morning, I wake up feel
ing refreshed and energized. The sex from last night helped me sleep incredibly well. Julian is still sleeping.

I get out of bed
and get dressed. I walk over to the window to take in the scene of our new destination. I am stunned as I look at the view over the subtropical gardens, the yacht-filled bay of Portofino, and the sparkling Ligurian Sea.

I turn my head back to look at Julian who is lying on his stomach, with his face pressed up against the white Egyptian cotton sheets and a pillow.

I feel a deep soreness in my core reminding me of how much fun I had last night. I never truly enjoyed sex until now. I consider what it is about Julian that makes me love having sex with him so much. I conclude that it must be a variety of different reasons.

Sex is more than just physical, it is emotional and mental
and sometimes even spiritual. Julian’s strength, power, wealth, and good looks have the physical part covered. My trust, attachment, and love for Julian covers the emotional part. The mental part is all about the role play.
Last night’s role play was so hot.

While Julian is still sleeping, I decide to take advantage of my alone time which I haven’t had much of since our marriage and honeymoon.

Wearing nothing but panties and a bra, I go to unpack my laptop from my suitcase, place it on the desk in the den, and power it up.

I check my email. I have fifty
-six emails. They look to be from my two closest friends Tanya and Yula, my mother, and my not so close friends that have been wondering how I’ve been doing. I quickly scan through each email, then I write a reply and send it off to my entire email list explaining where Julian and I have been during our honeymoon.

I see another email from an unknown sender. I open it up and read through it.
. Derek is threatening to kill Julian. I shudder as I continue to read through the entire email. Once I am done, I am motionless and nervous, staring blankly at the screen, the words beginning to blur as tears fill my eyes.

The words of the email haunt me.
I will get you back, Cheryl and Julian will pay with his life. You can be sure that I will kill him. You will be mine again.
I don’t repeat in my mind the really nasty things Derek has said in the email. I swallow hard, close the web browser and look away from the laptop.

“Cheryl.” Julian startles me. I jump and look at Julian’s concerned face. “What are you doing?”
He is wearing nothing but black boxer briefs.

“Oh, I’m just checking my email,” I respond, trying to appear calm. I don’t think it’s necessary to show Julian the email. I don’t want him to think I have doubt
s about his ability to protect me, because I really don’t. It’s just that some of Derek’s words are so cruel, angry, and vengeful and I’ve never seen this side of him before. It’s hard to believe it’s the same man who I was once engaged to and loved.

“You look
worried,” Julian scans my face and he approaches me. “I already know why, you don’t need to tell me.”

I gaze up into Julian eyes as he stands before me, with his
broad shoulders back, looking confident and fearless. I instantly relax as Julian brushes his fingers through my hair.

I get up from the desk, face-to-face with Julian, gazing into his
eyes. His eyes reveal great love for me and also a primal, fierce, possessive look. He will do whatever it takes to protect me, keep me to himself, and make this complex situation over for good.


“Shhh,” Julian presses a finger to my lips, giving me a penetrating gaze.

I quickly hug Julian and bury my face against his firm chest, arms clamped tightly around his waist, letting lose more tears.
Everything is so perfect, except that Derek refuses to let me go.

Julian holds me for a few seconds and then pulls me aw
ay to examine my face. “Words are insignificant. Actions get results, but it’s the mind that is truly powerful and can overcome all.”

ian cradles the back of my head and presses me to his chest. He gently brushes his hands through my hair. I relax as he holds me.

“I love you,” I whisper.

I consider what Julian told me a while back about secret society members being able to kill without consequences. I push away from Julian’s embrace and look up into his eyes. “Beside those two men in Rome, have you killed before?”

“Yes, I have,” Julian responds coolly.
“But it was self-defense. I never kill without a good motive.”

My eyes widen. “How many?”

“Not many, Cheryl,” Julian responds. “As you know I’ve traveled the world and some places are very dangerous. However, as much money as I have, I would never hire a bodyguard for myself. That would make me feel boneless. I want to defend myself. I may consider hiring someone to watch over you after our honeymoon when I can’t always be near you and you want to go out.”

I remain silent as I try to estimate how many people Julian could have killed.
His answers are always so cryptic.

“Would you at least tell me where?”

Julian hesitates. “Well, Cheryl, that was in South America and Europe.”

I nod gravely as I accept the fact that Julian killed as an act of self-defense.

“If Derek we
re to find us, would you use your gun?” I whisper.

“Like I told you before, a real man fights with the use of no weapons to prove his strength and skill. As long as the opponent also agrees to use no weapons than I would not use my gun.”

“I think that’s fair,” I respond.

get dressed and go for breakfast,” Julian commands.

e get dressed. Julian wears all black and an expensive-looking, glittering watch on his wrist. I wear a white sun dress that really shows off my deeply-tanned skin.

We have breakfast on the terrace of a restaurant bordering the bustling Portofino Piazzetta with beautiful views of the sea and docked ships with lush greenery surrounding us. It’s a very sunny day, the sky is bright blue with no clouds. Julian orders us cappuccino, pastry and fruit—a traditional Italian breakfast which is very light.

We eat breakfast slowly a
s we watch various ships coming and going from the bay of Portofino. There is a nice breeze coming off the sea. I breathe in the fresh air and the smell of the delicious breakfast before me. Julian smiles and with his finger gently wipes away some crumbs from the corner of my lips.

I gaze into his azure blue eyes and for a moment I am breathless.
His perfectly chiseled face is deeply tanned, his jet black hair gleams under the sunlight. He takes my breath away more than just because of his looks though. It’s that dominant, fierce, intelligent look in his eyes that really takes my breath away. It’s his confident vibe. It’s the way he loves me.

We spend the afternoon windsurfing, something I’ve never done before.
It takes me a while to get a hang of it, but after a few hours I am able to balance much better than when I first started. We stop for lunch, and after lunch we lay out on the beach until the evening.

We get elegantly dressed and head for dinner at a very romantic candle-lit
outdoor restaurant overlooking the beach and the sea. We have delicious local seafood paired with a local red wine.

Once we’ve finished eating, we continue to sit and enjoy the view, drinking glass after glass of red wine.
The wine tastes so incredibly good, better than anything I’ve ever tried before. It’s sweet, rich, crisp, tasting like real grapes and dissolving on my tongue.

I tell Julian that
I know if I lived in Italy I would turn into an alcoholic, drinking as much red wine as I could get. Julian tells me about the benefits of red wine. He tells me it contains many antioxidants and resveratrol, which are healthy for the heart. He explains that red wine is fermented with grape skins longer than white wine, so red wine contains more resveratrol.

I love that Julian is always teaching me something new. He stimulates my mind just as he stimulates all my other senses so well.
I feel that I could ask him anything and he would always have a good answer.

I test his knowledge and ask his opinion about
various subjects relating to health, science, and life.

Julian start
s asking me questions as well. He asks me questions that are very thought-provoking.

If being happy was a currency, what kind of work would make you wealthy?”

“Definitely abstract oil on canvas painting,” I respond, realizing that Julian is making that dream come true by promising to help me sell my paintings.

“If you could offer a newborn baby only one piece of advice, what would it be?”

“To only do things that make you happy,” I respond, recognizing that being happy is all that matters, and Julian makes me happier than I’ve ever been.

“What is the one thing you have not done that you really want to do?”

This takes me longer
to answer because I feel I have already done it; the one thing I’ve wanted to do is marry a man I truly love, and I have already done that with Julian. Julian gazes at me, waiting for a response, so I have to respond with the first response that pops into my mind.

Live life to the fullest, and live every day as if it were my last day with you,” I respond.

Good answer.” Julian smiles.

We toast and click glasses to our next destination.








We arrive in Milan, our last stop in Italy. Julian tells me he has been to Milan several times and knows his way around. We are staying in the Imperial Suite at a well-known five star luxury hotel. The bell boy takes up our luggage and I get a quick tour of the suite. It’s 175 square meters with a gorgeous living room, surrounded by art work and designer objects. There is an in-suite spa with a steam shower, whirlpool bath, as well as a massage bed, treadmill and weights.

Julian take
s me to Piazza del Duomo, Milan’s main city square. It’s a busy place with locals scurrying, teenagers hanging out and tourists strolling around.

The centerpiece of the
city square is the Gothic cathedral with its pointed spires, arches, and statues cramming the roof and the façade. Julian takes my hand and leads me through the inside of the cathedral, knowing his way around very well. There is a soaring ceiling supported by pillars, brilliantly colored stained glass and thousands of statues. Julian takes me up to the roof and we get a spectacular view of the cathedral’s statuary and the sprawling city.

Next, we
visit a church that contains one of the most famous works of art in the world—Leonardo da Vinci greatest masterpiece. We visit a modern art gallery, which inspires me and I begin thinking about the next time I’ll be able to put brush to canvas.

We spend the rest of the day shopping at boutiques in Milan’s famous shopping square. I’ve heard that many of the styles reach London and New York around a year after they are launched in It

Julian purchases numerous heels
and dresses for me that I’ve personally picked out and Julian has approved. Julian also purchases a bunch of shirts and pants for himself from the Armani Megastore.

At the end of the day, we go for dinner at a Milan’s best restaurant.
We are ushered to our reserved seating area. Once we take a seat the main chef of the restaurant comes to greet Julian respectfully, and he goes back to the kitchen to prepare our dishes.

waiter brings out plate after plate of artistically-presented Italian cuisine along with a different wine to accompany each dish. The entire dinner consists of a five-course meal and five different wines—a wine to go with each dish.

Julian asks if I’ve never been to an opera and if I’d like to go to one. He’s tells me he’s not a fan of it, but since we’re in Milan he’d like to take me to the most famous and prestigious opera house in the world. I’ve never been to an opera and always wanted to go at least once, and so after dinner, we go back to our suite to get dressed up.

I do my makeup and put on a long dark blue silk chiffon dress by Oscar de la Renta, long black opera gloves, and my blue heart diamond necklace. I feel like a princess.

Once I am done getting ready, I look in the mirror and am really amazed by my own beauty. I feel like it’s another woman looking back at me. I am deeply tanned from our honeymoon, my dark brown hair has grown longer and is flowing down my back. I look happy and relaxed with a sparkle in my brown eyes that I never had before I met
Julian. I admire the long dress with the opera gloves and the stunning heart necklace from Julian. The way I am dressed makes me feel unbelievably beautiful.

Julian w
ears a custom-designed black tuxedo along with a formal white shirt and a black bow tie. When I see Julian in his black tuxedo, my mouth drops open. Julian has never looked more handsome. He is very deeply tanned from our travels, his short jet-black Ivy League cut hair is styled smooth.

Julian’s azure bright blue eyes scan me up and down a
dmiring me in my dress. I recall that his gun is tucked away in his inside jacket pocket as always. He reminds me of James Bond, but so much better looking, more dangerous, mysterious, and manly. I can’t stop looking at him.

Julian is looking at me just as intensely as I’m looking at him. “You look flawless,” Julian says as he comes up and kisses me passionately.

“You do too,” I whisper against his lips.

Julian’s personality and his manliness is enough to make me love him and never want t
o let him go, but his incredibly good looks and his wealth are such wonderful bonuses.

Julian takes me to the
opera house. I hook arms with Julian as he leads me through the crowded opera house with an arrogant stride. Julian knows all the men are gawking at me, and he enjoys showing me off. I notice the crowd looks very wealthy, classy, and cultured. Many of the men, both older and younger, are gazing at me with hungry eyes. Some of the women are admiring me, while others are giving me the evil eye as their husbands stare at me. I enjoy the attention.

We take our seats in the 1
balcony. We are close to the stage, and we have a really good view of the entire theatre. There is a bottle of Dom Perignon Rose waiting for us. Julian pours a glass for me as well as one for himself. The lights dim and the show begins.

The entire show has me mesmerized by the costumes, the acting, and the voices. The opera is in Italian, but Julian translates the
entire story for me.

At the end of the night,
I am so eager to get home and get ravished by Julian. I am so impressed by the way he is dressed tonight and by his Italian translation skills.

At soon as we are in our suite, Julian
cradle lifts me and carries me to the bedroom. He already knows what I want. He tosses me onto the bed and gets on top of me.

He runs his hands along my body, slowly undressing me, h
is touch sending a delicious shiver throughout my body. He leaves my bra and panties on, tells me to wait for him, and he leaves the room.

When he comes back a few moments later, he is fully dressed like a criminal, wearing all black and a black face mask.
He points a gun at me, and slowly makes his way to the bed.

“Lie down,” he commands harshly.

“No, please don’t do this,” I beg.

“Shut up. Lie down on the bed,” he yells,
drawing nearer and aiming the gun at my head.

obediently lie down on the bed and stare up at him. My heart is pounding with excitement and arousal.
This role play with Julian is so hot.
I am already craving Julian, feeling my belly clench, and my inside tingle.

Julian points the gun at my breasts. “Off,” he commands.

I take my bra off, and look up meekly into Julian’s beautiful blue eyes.

Panties off. Spread those legs and tease me,” he growls low.

I take my panties off dutifully, spread my legs wide, and begin to finger myself. “Like this?”

Julian’s eyes flicker. “Go on, show me what I am about to take.”

I finger my
C-spot and moan as the pleasure spreads through me.

“Wider,” Julian growls still pointing the gun at me, his eyes glistening as he watches me fingering myself.

I spread my legs wider, and I finger myself faster, moaning louder and louder until my moans echo around the room.

“Now, stop,” Julian shouts.

I stop immediately and close my legs shut. “What do you want from me?”

You listen to my every word,” Julian hisses, waving the gun at me. “Turn around.” Julian motions with his gun.

I turn around on the bed, on all fours.

“Look at that nice ass,” Julian growls. I feel him move closer and the cold metal of the gun presses against my rear end.

“Please just get this over with,”
I beg, my inside screaming for Julian’s length to fill me.

“Shut up bitch,” Julian snaps.

He runs the muzzle of the gun along the side of my body, tracing the shape of my hourglass figure until he reaches the back of my neck. He presses the muzzle of the gun on the back of my neck. “Open,” he whispers.

I spread apart my legs, feeling
totally at Julian’s mercy and loving it. As much as I trust him, the role play with the gun makes me feel helpless and compliant.

I hear Julian unzip his
pants. The sound of the zipper and knowing what’s coming, causes me to release wetness and my belly clenches unbearably tight. I’m so turned on as I wait for Julian to enter me.

“Hands to your back now,” he shouts.

I bow down and put my hands behind my back, stuffing my face into a pillow. I feel Julian handcuff my hands behind my back while my rear end is up in the air.

“Good girl.” Julian smacks my
rear end hard. I hear him place the gun on the bed stand.

I’m waiting eagerly for him to enter me. I feel him rubbing his length against my
rear end, teasing himself, teasing me.

Suddenly, he shoves h
is length inside me and with one powerful stroke he fills me with all ten inches of his glory.

I cry out with surprise.

“Take it bitch,” he snarls. He begins to fuck me as if it were his first time inside me. The penetration in this position is so deep. I scream into the pillow.

Julian is pounding into me ruthlessly and all I hear is my screams being muffled by the pillow and his hips slapping loudly against my rear end, each thrust going deeper and harder than I ever thought possible.

With my rear end
up in the air, his length hits my g-spot briskly and stabs me like a knife. I feel a combination of intense pleasure and pain searing though my body.

My body tightens up, winding up for what I feel will be a very powerful release.
My inside burns but there’s no stopping Julian; He is thrusting into me with all his force.

feel I am so close, just one more thrust and I’m there but then Julian pulls out unexpectedly and I groan with extreme frustration.
How does he know that I’m just one stroke away from my orgasm?

He aggressively flips me over
and spreads apart my legs. I see his ten inch length standing up through the zipper of his black pants. He guides it to my entrance. “You’re going to get it all.”

“No, don’t cum inside me,” I complain.

Julian pushes in his length, fucking me fast and hard, while he watches my breasts bounce. My entire body jerks with each powerful thrust and I feel his sacks slapping against me, indicating that he is fully embedded inside me. I close my eyes and surrender to the sensations.

I moan loudly, feeling my orgasm just a
few thrusts away. Julian lays himself over me, buries his face at the side of my neck, and pumps away. I smell his musky, manly, spicy cologne emanating from the side of his neck. I let out a shrill scream as a blended orgasm rips through my body.

Julian thrust
s even faster now, preparing to blow his load inside me. My orgasm sends me off into another world, and I feel myself uncontrollably screaming out Julian’s name while pleasure engulfs me. “Oh Julian, oh Julian,” I hear myself saying over and over again.

I feel
one final hard thrust and a massive explosion of Julian’s scorching liquid shoots up into me, drenching my inner walls. The liquid spreads deeper upwards and fills my belly with a pleasant warmth.

Julian is
shuddering on top of me, empting himself inside me. He is still moving, slower now, as he injects me with every last drop of himself.

I feel myself recov
ering as Julian rolls off of me and lies next to me. I feel my inside drenched with Julian’s semen, some of it leaking out from my opening.

I open my eyes and look over at Julian.
I see him take off the black face mask and put it aside. He draws me into his arms and holds me closely. “I love you, Cheryl,” he whispers.

“I love you,” I softly gasp as all of a sudden tears fill my eyes and I feel myself get emotional.
The orgasm I experienced was intense and my emotions are fully unlocked, making themselves known.

Julian tenderly strokes my neck and runs his fingers th
rough my hair. He glances at me and when he sees my tears, he wipes them gently with a questioning look on his face.

“I’m just feeling emotional;
that orgasm you gave me, and how I feel about you,” I whisper.

He rel
axes and draws me to his chest. I lay squeezed against him on my side, comforted by his arms holding me tightly to him.

Julian holds me for many blissful minutes.
Abruptly, he gets up. I lay there boneless and unable to move. He comes back moments later, wearing nothing but boxer briefs, holding a large bowl filled with round chocolates and a box of cigars.

“A different after sex ritual,
” he explains as he places the chocolates and the cigars on the bed stand.

He takes a round chocolate. “Open,” he commands. I am unable to move, so I stay put and simply open my mouth wide. He pops the chocolate into my mouth.

I close my eyes as the rich, very creamy chocolate dissolves on my tongue and goes down my throat.

“Open,” Julian commands, again popping another chocolate into my mouth. It’s the most smooth, sweet, creamy chocolate I’ve ever tasted, melting on my tongue.

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