Rapine 2: Ravished by the Billionaire (The Trophy Wife) (6 page)

BOOK: Rapine 2: Ravished by the Billionaire (The Trophy Wife)
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uddenly a wave of joy overtakes me and I drive myself into Julian’s body, cuddling up to him as close as I can get. My head is propped right underneath Julian’s chin.
I love him so much.

I c
lose my eyes as I lie in Julian’s arms for many blissful minutes, savoring his body heat, inhaling his scent that relaxes me, and listening to his beating heart and his breathing.

“I'm not done with you,” Julian says

My eyes pop open.

Julian hovers over me, spreads my legs and puts his face between my legs.

He licks my inner thighs, slowly inching his tongue closer to my
opening but once reaching there, he teases me by licking around it.

Finally, he flicks his tongue several times on my c
litoris. I moan with pleasure. He hardens his tongue and expertly slides it up and down my opening, stopping to expertly flick his tongue over my clitoris.

“You like that?” he whispers from
between my legs.

“Yes, it feels good
, honey,” I whisper back seductively. “You’re a pro.”

He seems intent on pleasing me
now. He groans as he expertly flicks my clitoris with his tongue. I arch my back and completely let go to the intense and pleasurable sensation vibrating through me.

He circles his tongue around my clitoris, driving me wild. He continues increasing the pace steadily, winding me up slowly.

He inserts two fingers inside me and finger fucks me as he lashes his tongue harder onto my clitoris. I am completely wound up and pleasure vibrates through my entire body.

He hits his tongue
hard and fast on my clitoris. I scream with bliss, as my body tenses tightly, and then releases with a powerful, explosive orgasm.

I lay there, breathin
g heavily, completely satisfied and relaxed.

Julian pulls me into his arms.
“You liked that, baby?” he whispers.

I nod, hum, and close my eyes.
Fucking amazing.




I wake up to the early morning sunlight that pours into the room, warming up my
naked skin. The first thing that pops into my mind is last night.
I really enjoyed last night.

is not in bed so I get up and go searching for him. I find him in the den on his laptop and talking on his cell. He is probably conducting business. He is wearing nothing but black boxer briefs looking like a sexy male underwear model. As soon as he notices me he smiles and indicates with his fingers that he will just take five minutes.

I head back to
the bedroom, looking through my clothing in the closet, unpacked from my luggage and color-organized by the maid. I am trying to decide what to wear for the day.

Julian comes in before I have decided what to wear. He smiles.

“You look beautiful, even without makeup,” he says, admiring my face. “Especially without makeup.”

“Thank you
, honey.” I smile, flattered. “What is the plan for today?”

Julian’s eyes twinkle. “
First, we will start with some breakfast in bed, so don’t get dressed yet.”

“Sounds good.”
I love breakfast in bed.

“After breakfa
st, we are heading to Montreal. You can go take a shower. I’ve already showered.”

leaves the room. I take a shower.

When I emerge from the shower and head back to the bedroom, Julian
comes back with a platter of delicious goodies:

Lindt chocolate spread

Whip cream


De-pitted fresh cherries

Fresh s


I think I know what Julian has in mind regarding breakfast in bed.

“Lie down on the bed
, face up,” Julian orders.

I do as he says and watch as he dips
a spoon into some Lindt chocolate spread and spreads it thinly all over my breasts.

He places some
cold jelly on my belly button.

He spreads my legs
and places some whip cream on my opening.

licks my breasts slowly. I moan as he expertly swirls his tongue around my breasts and sucks my nipples, getting them rock hard.

places his mouth over my belly button, and proceeds to suck the jelly right out of my belly button. He licks the whip cream off me very slowly, teasing me with his tongue. He flicks his tongue hard and fast several times, hitting my spot with such perfect precision that I moan loudly, already in desperate need of him.

“Close your eyes,” he whispers and I do as he says.

He feeds me a strawberry dipped in whip cream.

“Mmmm,” I moan in appreciation.

Next, he feeds me a cherry, dipped in Lindt chocolate spread.

I like it.”

I open my eyes. “I have an idea,” I whisper as I get off t
he bed and get him onto the bed and into sixty-nine.

I spread
more whip cream on my opening. I spread some Lindt chocolate spread all over his length.

e savor and taste each other. I love the taste of him, but I enjoy the added sweetness that the chocolate spread adds to his already scrumptious length.

Julian skilfu
lly swirls his tongue around inside me. I love the feeling of his tongue exploring inside me and teasing me. He licks the whip cream off me as I suck and lick his length coated in Lindt spread. I taste some of his pre-seminal liquid mixed with the chocolate spread in my mouth. I suck hard and fast, wanting Julian to release his liquid in my mouth.

Julian alternates between sticking his tongue inside me, sucking me, and flicking my spot.
He hardens his tongue and flicks hard and fast precisely on my clitoris, driving me wild. I moan as I prepare for a powerful orgasm. He picks up the pace with his tongue and I moan as a climax rips through my body.

Julian shoves his
length deeper into my mouth and releases his salty liquid down my throat. I swallow, loving the taste of Julian more than anything else. I swallow every last drop of him as he finishes ejaculating.


We are headed to Montreal via private jet. Julian informs me that Montreal is the Paris of North America. In the jet I am holding on tight to Julian’s arm. I’m not a fan of flying, but Julian makes me feel safe. Julian has the window seat because I’d rather not look out the window.

I have a little surprise for you,” Julian whispers into my ear.

I smile. “I love surprises.”

Julian reaches into his Gucci leather briefcase, pulls out a black box and hands it to me.

The letters
are printed on top of the box.

I open the box carefully to reveal a stunning diamond necklace. My mouth drops open. It looks just like
the blue heart necklace from the movie
. I am speechless.

Julian appears to be satisfied with my response. “Let me help you put it on.

He takes the box from me, takes the necklace, and gets me to turn the other way. He places the necklace around my neck and closes the clip at the back.

I touch and smooth over the necklace on my neck. I turn around to face him.

He looks at my neck and smiles. “You look beautiful in it, just as I thought you would.”

“Wow, it’s so much,” I whisper, still touching and feeling the necklace on my neck, a little in shock, knowing it must be worth millions.

“It’s nothing really,” Julian
says confidently. “Just a little something to show you how much I love you.”

“It must be so expensive,”
I whisper, knowing it could probably feed a whole third world country.

It’s by Harry Winston, one of my favorite jewelers. Don’t you like it?”

“I mean
, I love it, it’s beautiful, but you’ve already showered me with so much.”

“I am worth billions
, Cheryl. I have nearly unlimited wealth. Not only this, but my business continues to make me millions each day. I am so glad that I finally found someone to spend my money on.”

I b
eam and kiss Julian. “Thank you. I love it.”

“Glad you do,” Julian responds, his eyes twinkling. “I love to spoil you.”

I never really realized until this moment that I am now living the lifestyle of the 1% in the world. I haven’t even used the Centurion Card Julian has given me and to think that just a few years ago, before Julian and Derek, I lived an “average lifestyle.”

I turn my attention back to Julian.

He examines me. “What’s wrong, Cheryl?”

, honey,” I smile sweetly. “Just a little overwhelmed. I’m still not exactly used to all this you know.”

“I know, but that’s what makes it all the more fun for me.” Julian grins mischievously.

“It’s like a fairy tale,” I whisper.

“We’re living the dream.”
Julian responds.

We hold
hands the rest of the flight and my heart is fluttering with excitement at what’s to come with Julian.


It’s rainy when we get to Montreal. Our private driver in Montreal takes us to our Royal Suite in the Ritz Carlton. In the suite, I take off my necklace, knowing I’ll have a chance to wear it sometime soon.

In the afternoon, w
e attend the Cirque du Soleil show Julian has booked for us. I really enjoy the performance, and gape in amazement at the stunts and tricks they do. However, Julian is not as easily impressed.

“A man can do anyt
hing if he puts his mind to it,” he whispers into my ear during a particularly remarkable-looking stunt.

It has stopped raining
, so after the show, we walk around old Montreal, hand-in-hand. I feel like I am in Europe.

ulian is wearing a simple black Armani shirt and black pants. I am wearing a simple blue sheath dress and flat shoes. As much as I love stilettos, Julian has gotten me into wearing flat shoes. It’s pretty much essential for travel.

I feel a few drops on my face at first
and then the skies suddenly let all hell loose and it starts pouring rain. My dress and shoes get soaked instantly and Julian and I run for cover at the nearest café.

We enter, completely drenched, and we take a seat. Julian makes a phone call to our private driver.
I feel cold and wet and start trembling. Julian wraps his arm around me and when the waitress comes by he orders us lattes.

When our orders come, I
admire the beautiful latte art—a heart. I hear a loud strike of thunder outside. I hear the rain pouring down hard against the window as if tiny stones are being thrown against the window.

We sip on our lattes, as we wait for our driver.
Julian keeps me warm, his body heat enveloping me despite the cold, wet clothes clinging to my body.

We laugh as another drenched couple quickly comes running in from outside and takes a seat by the table near us.
It is unexpected, simple moments like these that I appreciate just as much as all the other fabulous moments with Julian. We’re just like any other couple madly in love. The twist is of course in the way that we met and Julian’s dark desires.

Has Derek tried to contact you recently?” I suddenly ask.

Julian doesn’t answer for a moment and takes a sip of his latte.

“He has,” Julian answers simply.

“And?” I ask, curious.

Julian gets an evil look in his eyes. “He wants you back, but he can’t have you. You’re mine.” Julian takes another sip.

“What did he say to you?” My curiosity peaking.

“That’s not important,” he says in a low tone. He grips his arm tighter around me.

Our driver arrives and we are
transported back to our hotel. In our suite, we strip out of our cold, wet clothes, and take a hot, steamy shower together with intervals of long, kissing sessions under the shower head.

Julian and I get dressed up and ready for
dinner and the comedy show that Julian has booked for us.

We have a delicious dinner and then our
driver drops us off at the comedy club. Julian is greeted warmly by the owner of the comedy club.

The owner
escorts us to our reserved table right near the stage. We have a bottle of Veuve Clicquot Brut waiting for us. The owner opens the bottle and pours us each a glass just as the show begins.

The lights dim and the first co
median comes up onto the stage, the spotlight on him. It’s a very chubby funny-looking man in his 40s, with balding, brown hair. He starts with a few jokes about himself and his weight. He gazes around at the audience and spots us.

“Hey good-looking couple.” T
he spotlight falls on us. “Both of you look like straight off the runway. It should be illegal looking as good as you two, you make the rest of us look like fucking ugly dicks.”

A few people chuckle. All eyes are
now on us. I feel really uncomfortable.

“You two probably get the royal treatment wherever you go.
You don’t have to wait long anywhere you two go. For me it’s like, back of the line fat ass.”

A few people chuckle.

“Must be easy in life for the finest of the human species, but as for the rest of us, we’re just shit out of luck that we came out of our mama’s pussy looking fat and ugly. I’m so fucking ugly that I asked my mama if she cheated on my dad. I came out looking so deformed that I scared the shit out of my dad like that jacked up story a while back—the Asian guy who sued his wife for having an ugly baby.”

A few people

The comedian turns his attention back to Julian.
“You man, what’s your name?

“Julian,” he responds, appearing
easy-going an

You’re a lucky man, the girl is gorgeous,” the comedian says. “How’d you guys meet?”

My stomach
Oh no, not that question, and not at a comedy club.

“We met in New York,” Julian responds casually. “At a club.”

“Well fuck me. I’ll fucking go wherever it is you found that girl.”

Julian is amused and has a grin on his face. I am somewhat uncomfortable as everyone in the entire room is gaping at us.

The comedian finally removes his attention from us and turns his attention on another couple. I breathe a sigh of relief.

The rest of the night, there are a few comedians that get me laughing
so hard that my stomach aches. Julian and I finish off the bottle of champagne and have another one opened for us.

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