Roar Lover Roar: BBW Shape Shifter Mail Order Bride Romance & Paranormal Erotica Part 1 (Shifter Mail-Order Romance)

BOOK: Roar Lover Roar: BBW Shape Shifter Mail Order Bride Romance & Paranormal Erotica Part 1 (Shifter Mail-Order Romance)
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              Ameera took another sip of red wine, trying to ignore the slight tremble in her hand. The phone in her lap lit up and buzzed.

              DON’T DO THIS! THERE’S STILL TIME!!!

              It was Sasha. They had been best friends since pre- school. They told each other everything, and when Ameera told Sasha about her idea to register for a Mail-Order Bride, she royally flipped. But Ameera was so tired of searching. Tired of college guys groping her after just one date. Tired of waiting for an approval. When her old roommate first told her about the Mail-Order Bride site, she was appalled. But then she met Rohan, Cindy’s new husband, and started rethinking it.

              Rohan was an old fashioned man. One that opened doors, picked up the check, even brought bouquets of flowers home for Cindy at random. Plus his looks weren’t too bad either. Not bad at all, really. He kept his dark hair shaggy, always falling in his emerald green eyes. His muscular arms were covered in dark, elaborate tattoos. Ones that spoke of mystery and enchantment of a world unknown.

              After her last date ended in utter disaster, Ameera decided that it was worth giving it a shot. That was over six weeks ago. Now here she was, meeting her husband-to-be in the bar of her hotel. All she knew was that his name was Marcus, and he had paid to fly her first class to Sydney, Australia, and put her up in a suite in the Westin Hotel. As a junior in college who worked her way through school, Ameera was not used to this type of luxury. She had to admit though, a girl could get used to this.

              She went to take another sip of wine and found her glass was empty. Sitting the glass down on the bar, she ordered another one and ran a hand through her chocolate brown curls. The clock above the bar read 8:08 p.m. He was late. Realizing she hadn’t eaten in hours, she picked at the bowl of peanuts, trying to ease both her hunger and nerves.


              She turned to her left to find the owner of the deep Australian accented voice, and her draw dropped. In front of her stood the most gorgeous man she’d ever seen. At 5’8”, Ameera was a tall woman. But this guy was at least three inches taller than her, even in her heels. He had a five o’ clock shadow that ran along his strong jaw, highlighting his unusual eyes. He was heterochromatic: with the left eye green, and the right eye a bight hazel, almost gold. His muscular build was clad in a white button up shirt and dusty jeans. Realizing she had yet to say anything, she stammered out a hello.

              “Hey! I mean hi, yes. That’s me. Are you Marcus?” She forgot that she had her heels resting on the low rung of her bar stool, and when she got up to shake his hand, fell unceremoniously towards him. Luckily for her, his aim was impeccable, preventing a fall that could have very well broken her nose.

              “Well that was embarrassing!” She admonished after he had escorted her to more private table.

              Marcus chuckled as he pulled out her chair for her. “I wouldn’t worry about it. It actually felt good to feel like a hero right off the bat.”

              Ameera really liked his smile. It was wide and natural, showing off his white teeth and surprisingly sharp looking canines.

              “Are you hungry? Shall we order something to eat?” He asked, gesturing over a waiter.

              Quickly scanning the menu, Ameera found what she wanted and ordered.

              “I’ll have the filet mignon, please. Rare, with shitake mushrooms and the red wine sauce.”

              Marcus raised his eyebrows, impressed. “I’ll have the same with a bottle of Malbec, and can we get a bowl of raw oysters for the table, please?”

              Once the waiter was gone, they fell into conversation. Ameera found it very easy to talk to Marcus, and was surprised how truthfully and quickly she was answering all of his questions.

              “So now you know why I signed up for the site,” Ameera stated as the waiter returned with their order. “Now I’m curious as to why you did.”

              The waiter hovered, patiently waiting for them to approve the steak. Cutting into it, Ameera found it a perfect dark red. They both gave him the nod of approval and he scuttled away, allowing them to return to the conversation.

              Marcus savored the first bite of his steak before he answered.

              “Well to be honest, I don’t have very good luck with women. For some reason I draw in these spiteful, power hungry Sheila’s who just want to be with me for the title of it.”

              A puzzled look drifted over Ameera’s face. She had watched enough television to know that Sheila was Aussie for female, but that’s not what caught her attention. “The title of it? What does that mean exactly?”

              Marcus gave her a sheepish grin, took a sip of wine, and contemplated before answering.

              “I’m a CEO of the largest solar energy company down here. My partner, Jeremy, and I started the company ourselves ten years ago, when the industry was just taking off. Now we are the largest supplier of jobs and energy in Sydney.”

              Well then. That would explain why he could afford a first class plane ticket on a seventeen- hour flight. For the first time, she looked at him suspiciously.

              “Why did you choose me? Why was I so different?”

              His smile softened, growing more serious. “Because, Ameera. Your profile was different from any other I had come across, whether it be from the Internet or face- to -face interaction. You have a genuine, down to earth soul. One that wants to help the world, not just feed off of it. That is something that is very important to me.”

              Ameera was silent, taking his answer in. No one had ever described her that way, though that’s exactly how she felt about herself. She wanted to leave something great behind for the earth, not just take from it. The fact that he actually saw that about her just from her portfolio made her like him even more.

              Looking up to meet his eyes, she smiled. “Thank you. That was both eloquently and accurately put.”

              He smiled back, his fierce eyes dancing in the candlelight. “It’s my pleasure. You also know how to use big words, which I find particularly sexy.”

              This time Ameera laughed out right, not even bothering to hide her small chortle. They spent the rest of the dinner discussing favorite foods, flowers, activities, and books. By the time desert came, a chocolate soufflé with raspberry brandy sauce, they had come to know each other quite well.

              “So, now that we’ve got to know each other a little better, I want to you offer one last chance to walk away. If you’ve decided that this is not what you want, I’ll give you the opportunity, and the plane ticket, to go back home.”

              The offer was more than generous, Ameera knew that. It was actually a breech of contract with the website. A bride-to-be may turn down her betrothed, but they were by no means allowed to ask for any forms of payment to return to their lives should the match not be a fit. Knowing that, Ameera saw Marcus as an extremely generous, and understanding man. Grinning, she gave him her answer.

              “I would be very happy to accept your offer to be your wife.”

              Marcus’ eyes lit up, if possible, more than before. It was as if light was pouring from them. His smile was wide with happiness and relief.

              “Then, my Darling Bride-To-Be, I think you will be needing this.” Marcus rose from his seat only to kneel next to hers. Out of his pocket he pulled a velvet blue box. He opened it, showing her the bright blue sapphire nestled among small diamonds on a white gold band.              

              “I wanted to get you something as unique as you are. Do you like it?”

              “I love it! May I try it on?” Her hands shook as he pulled the ring gently from its box and slid it onto her finger; a perfect fit.

              “It’s so beautiful,” she breathed, “how did you know that sapphires were my favorite?”

              “Intuition, I suppose.” Standing up, he pulled her into his arms. “I’m going to kiss you now,” he warned.

              “Oh, yes,” she consented, “please.”

              His arms felt good around her. More than good, actually. They felt right. And as his lips embraced hers in their first kiss, a smoldering heat travelled from her lips all the way down to the apex of her legs, making grow warm and wet.

              “Wow,” she moaned, when they finally broke the kiss.

              “I’ll second that,” Marcus responded, still holding on to her tightly. “Perhaps we should retire to your room?”

              Ameera gave a quick nod, gathering herself. She could still taste him on her lips and her want for him was only growing. As they were about to leave, Marcus halted, looking over at the main door. His brow furrowed, concern etching his face.

              “What’s wrong?” She asked, following his gaze. Another man with skin the color of coffee, a shaved head, and black eyes was staring at them intently.

              Marcus shook his head. “Nothing, Luv. But you should head up to your room without me. I’ll be up soon.”

              She opened her mouth to ask him why, but the look on his face stopped her. She squeezed his hand and gave him a single nod before heading towards the elevators.
























              Marcus waited until he saw the elevator doors close before he strode across the foyer to the dark stranger.

              “What the hell are you doing here, William? You know the rules.” His tone was dark, full of power and leadership.

              “My apologies, Marcus. But the pride was concerned. As our leader you know the rules better than anyone. If you imprint on a female, she must be approved by the entire pack before you bring her in.” William’s voice was deep, much deeper than Marcus’.

              “I know the rules,” Marcus growled, brushing past him to take the conversation outside. “When and how I pick my mate is of no business of yours or the pack’s!”

              “But it is,” William objected. “She must be able to carry our kind. Does she have the ability?”

              “Stand down!” He warned. Marcus could feel his fangs and claws growing as he struggled with his temper. As the clan leader of his kind, he knew how important it was to find his mate. Not just for himself, but for the good of the entire pack. No one had been able to successfully imprint on a female in years, leaving him with a lot of angry, sexually frustrated lions. For his kind it was about more than just sex. It was about preserving the pride. Not letting it die out. And they were coming dangerously close. That’s why he had broadened his search for his female, scouring the Internet for women who could possibly hold the magical ability to give birth to their kind. It took him months before he finally found Ameera.

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