Roped (11 page)

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Authors: SJD Peterson

Tags: #Fiction, #Gay, #Romance, #Erotica, #Contemporary

BOOK: Roped
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“Almost… I’m….” Tek’s muscles went impossibly tighter, and Jamie jerked himself harder, wanting to blow his load at the same time Tek did.

“Here…. Oh… Oh fuck, here it comes,” Tek roared and shoved his cock deep into Jamie’s throat, holding it there for a long drawn-out moment, cutting off Jamie’s air supply.

Jamie’s eyes watered, but before he could start to panic, he forced himself to swallow. He’d never had his cock that deep into someone’s throat before, but it must have felt really fucking good, because Tek roared again and went nuts, jerking and twitching as he emptied his load down Jamie’s throat.

Jamie struggled to keep up with the flow of Tek’s release but took it down hungrily, and it was enough to push him over the edge. His cock pulsed hard in his fist, and he came just as the last drop of Tek’s seed slid down his throat.

“Holy motherfucking Hell,” Tek groaned and stumbled back, catching himself with the safety bar before he could fall on his ass. “I think you sucked my strength out through my dick,” he snorted.

Jamie ran his tongue over his top lip and then sucked his bottom lip into his mouth. He was disappointed they only tasted like soap and water and not Tek, but they tingled, felt raw from being stretched in a really good way.

He pushed out his chest and smirked up at Tek. “You’re welcome.” He beamed.

“Give me a minute,” Tek panted, “and I’ll return the flavor, I mean favor.”

Jamie carefully went to his feet. Tek wasn’t the only one whose strength was a little drained. “No need,” he assured Tek. Legs shaking, he wrapped an arm around Tek’s waist and used him for support. “That was the hottest fucking thing I’ve ever done.”

“You came?” Tek asked, sounding incredulous.

“Like a fucking fountain,” Jamie chuckled against Tek’s lips.

“Uh… well, then you’re welcome too,” Tek snorted. “Now can we get dried off and sit down for a minute before I fall down?”

“Pansy,” Jamie joked. But it was a damn good idea.

Clinging to each other, still wet, Tek and Jamie fell onto the bed. They laid face to face, Jamie’s hand on the warm flushed skin of Tek’s hip, Tek’s arm around him, rubbing his back. Neither of them said a word, just stared at each other with matching goofy grins on their faces. The sun going down cast the room in dusky shadows, and once again Jamie was struck at how it felt as if he and Tek were the only two people in the world—hidden and safe from everything and everyone.

“Thank you,” Tek whispered.

“You’re welcome,” Jamie replied. “Not bad for my first time, huh?”

“Hell, you were amazing, but I wasn’t talking about the blow job.”


Tek shook his head. “I’m warm,” he said gently. “Not just from the shower or the sex, but being with you makes me feel….” Tek stared at him in the diminishing light, a gentle smile on his handsome face that caused Jamie’s chest to tighten. “I don’t know, Jamie. I’m never cold when I’m with you.”

A swell of emotion welled up in Jamie, forming a lump in his throat. He didn’t know how to respond to that, even if he could get the words out past his constricted throat. So instead, he wrapped his arms around Tek, held him, and kept him warm.


Funny thing about the calm before a storm, it gives one a false sense of security—hope. Maybe the storm will shift with the winds, move toward another town of unsuspecting folks? Perhaps it will lose some of its power before it reaches you. Or if you’re real lucky, it will just fizzle out and you’ll end up with nothing more than a warm summer rain.

I wasn’t so lucky.

However, in the midst of the mangled wreckage of a life destroyed by ravaging winds of change and floods of blood, I found hope.


Tek Cain

Brewing Storm



so fucked,” Tek hissed.

He’d been lying on his belly for the last hour, binoculars to his eyes, as he watched about twenty members of the Mongols gather at the home of the Bangers’ president, Freddy Knox. Tek did his best not to move, but it was getting more and more difficult with rocks stabbing into his legs and gut and the hot summer sun cooking his flesh.

To hell with it, he had what he’d come for—proof the two gangs were now working together. Tek slid backward from the brush he’d been using as cover until he was far enough down the slight incline where he wouldn’t be seen, then went to a crouch. Without being detected, he made it back to the tree line and groaned as he stood tall. His muscles protested the long hour of inactivity. Tek pulled his cell from his jeans pocket and flipped it open, pulling up his contacts as he made his way through the woods.

“We got twenty or so Mongols at Knox’s place,” Tek informed Rocco when he answered.

“Shit! Alright, get your ass to the club,” Rocco ordered.

“Want me to swing by and grab Jamie?”

“He’s already here.” The line went dead.

Tek flipped his cell shut and returned it to his pocket. Why the hell was Jamie at the club? They were supposed to hook up at the hotel when Tek got done with his surveillance. He checked his watch—it was nearly the time they’d planned to meet. They’d been hooking up at the hotel every chance they could—not wanting to take any more risks of getting caught. And as loud as Jamie was when he came, the chances were great. Something important must have happened for Jamie not to be at the hotel. It had been three days, and for his insatiable lover, it would be three days of torture. The thought caused Tek to smirk as he slid behind the wheel of his truck. Jamie wasn’t the only one jonesing for some alone time. First, he needed to find out what the hell was going on.

When Tek walked into the meeting room, all eyes turned on him, the only empty chair, his. He slid into it and gave Jamie a questioning look. Jamie just shrugged.

“Good, now we can get down to business,” Rocco announced. “Tek here spotted twenty-plus Mongols at Knox’s crib. Which means there isn’t any doubt the Bangers found some help. I say we hit them now, but I’m open to hearing suggestions.”

“That would be a bloodbath,” Cole countered. “The Mongols have nearly twice the members we have.”

“Not if we call down a couple other chapters,” Sully put in. “I know Corona del Mar has been itching for some action.”

Tek pulled a smoke from his pack and lit up as he listened intently while the others tossed around ideas. He didn’t like the idea of going after the Bangers and Mongols with guns blazing. Even with the jump on them, there would be casualties on both sides, and the odds just weren’t those he was willing to gamble with. However, doing nothing was like sitting around with their thumbs up their asses waiting for the attack. Yet taking the offensive, fortifying their position, maybe they wouldn’t take as many losses.
Any loss of life was one too many. They needed a better plan.

Leaning a little closer to Jamie, Tek whispered, “Going postal on two clubs is suicide.”


“You got anything?” Tek asked.

Jamie frowned, looking thoughtful for a second. “Maybe,” he finally admitted. “I mean I don’t know if it would work, but it might be better than anything we’ve heard so far.”

A beer cap hit Jamie in the chest, and they both snapped their heads toward Rocco.

“Are we boring you two?” Rocco asked, the irritation evident in the tone of his voice.

“No, not at all.” Tek grinned widely and then took another pull from his cigarette, blowing it out casually.

“So then I take it you have the answer to our problem all figured out?” Rocco growled. “Please share with the class. Or better yet, maybe you’d like to take my chair and lead the class.”

The other members snickered and laughed, but Tek ignored them. “Go ahead, Jamie, solve all our problems.”

“Tek,” Jamie hissed. “I told you—”

“Yes, Junior, please enlighten us.”

“Ow!” Tek grunted when a boot made contact with his calf. He glared at Jamie who glared back.

“Serves you right, you fucker,” Jamie said for Tek’s ears only; to Rocco, he said, “I don’t know how much I can enlighten you, but I was just thinking. Why not pit the Mongols against the Bangers, let them kill each other rather than getting our hands dirty or, worse, shot.”

“Go on,” Rocco encouraged. He leaned his elbows on the table and rested his chin on his fists. The expression on his face said he was taking Jamie seriously.

“Well, the Mongols are running guns for the Irish Wolfhounds. Why not disrupt one of the shipments and make it look like the Bangers pulled it off. We could do the same to the Bangers with their dope runs.”

Tek stared at Jamie with pride. It was a great fucking idea. He wanted to kiss the man senseless.

“The kid may have something there,” Cole said thoughtfully.

“Of course he does,” Smokey interjected. “He’s my kid.”

Tek settled on giving Jamie a manly slap on the back. He’d congratulate him properly later. “Hell of a plan, dude.”

“Thanks,” Jamie responded, his cheeks going pink with the praise.

So fucking cute!

“Cole, contact the Wolfhounds, set up a meet,” Rocco ordered. “And Sully get on the dope. Anyone have anything else to add?” Rocco paused, looking around the room. When no one added anything, he brought the gavel down on the table. “Let’s get this done.”

Tek stubbed out his cigarette and went to his feet. “C’mon, Jamie, this calls for a beer. I’m buying.”

“Damn right you will,” Jamie snorted.

They began to head out when Rocco called out, “Tek, see you for a minute?”

Tek patted Jamie on the back. “Meet you out there in a bit.” Jamie nodded, and Tek turned his attention to Rocco. “Sure, what’s up?”

Rocco waited until the last of the guys exited the room before speaking. “I’ve heard some shit about you and Junior that has me a little concerned.”

Tek’s blood froze in his veins. No way could anyone know about him and Jamie. They’d been careful, dammit.
He wished he hadn’t put out his smoke. Tek swallowed down his panic and, as casually as he could, asked, “What bullshit rumors have you heard now?”

“Staying out all night, going missing for long hours at a time.” Rocco arched a brow. “Tell me it’s pussy that’s keeping you two out all night and not drugs, and I’ll keep your mom off your back.”

Tek nearly choked on his relieved laughter. “No dope,” he assured his stepdad. “And you can tell Mom to stop worrying. I’ll be damn sure to wrap it before I slap it.”

“Good man,” Rocco smirked. “Now let’s go get that beer,” he said and slung an arm over Tek’s shoulder.

Tek rolled his eyes as Rocco led him out of the room. What a fucked-up family he had.
Fight, steal, kill, run guns, drink, and random pussy, but no smoking the bong



back against the bar, his teeth about ready to shatter he was clenching his jaw so tightly. Not the festive mood of the club, the alcohol warming his gut, or the kickass jams were enough to cut through the irritation—no, steaming, raging jealousy was a better description for what he was feeling.

Jamie got it. He did. But having to watch girl after girl rub themselves all over Tek was going to drive Jamie to murder. The way they ran their hands through Tek’s long hair, across his chest, kissed his neck, his cheeks…
His ass!

Jamie spun around and snatched his beer up and downed it. “Hey, you,” he snarled at the barmaid. “Another beer.”

“I told you, my name is Amber,” she informed Jamie and set another beer in front of him.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” Jamie retorted with a dismissive wave and drank half the beer in one gulp.

“Damn, you really need to get laid. Maybe it would help with that rosy disposition of yours.”

“You’re fucking right I do,” Jamie snapped. But Tek was having a damn good time, running the table, playing with the bitches, and drinking without any signs he wanted to stop any time soon.


Jamie looked down at the dark-haired girl behind the bar. She was looking at him with a suggestive grin on her overly painted red lips and batting her long fake lashes at him. She had big blue eyes that would actually be kind of pretty if she hadn’t surrounded them with so much black eyeliner and a ton of shadow on the lids. She reminded Jamie of a painted raccoon. And she was small. Maybe five foot two in height, couldn’t be more than a hundred pounds, even if her tits were huge and practically falling out of her halter top.
I’d break you in half

He drank the rest of his beer and slammed it onto the bar. “Yeah, I’ll take another one.” He turned back to the club, ignoring the loud dramatic huff from behind him, just in time to see yet another chick groping Tek’s ass.
I’m done!
Jesus. A man could only take so much.

Jamie stomped over to the pool table, not quite steady on his feet, and snapped, “I’m outta here,” as he walked by.

“Hey,” Tek called out. “Where ya going?”

“Home,” Jamie shot back.

“Hold up, I’ll give you a ride.”

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