Roped (23 page)

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Authors: SJD Peterson

Tags: #Fiction, #Gay, #Romance, #Erotica, #Contemporary

BOOK: Roped
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“Shit!” Tek complained and began to tremble all over as the need to come overwhelmed him, and yet he couldn’t with the viselike grip on his cock. For long torturous seconds, Tek stood teetering on the edge, unable to leap off into orgasm nor step back and catch his breath.

“Deep breaths,” Jamie encouraged as he nuzzled Tek’s hip.

Tek hung his head, eyes squeezed shut, and clenched his jaw until the immediate need began to subside. The rush of blood in his ears drowned out sounds of his heaving breaths.

“That was mean,” he grumbled, working to slow his labored breathing and pounding heart.

“Aww. Let me make it up to you,” Jamie appeased. He went to his feet and pecked Tek on the lips.

“I don’t think that is going to make up for it,” Tek huffed. Christ, his nuts were so tight they ached with the demanding need to empty. “C’mon, man,” Tek pleaded. “I need to come. Like, right-fucking-now before my sac bursts.”

Jamie soothed his hand over Tek’s rapidly rising and falling chest and kissed him again. “Soon,” he promised and then walked away.

“Hey! Where the hell are you going?” Tek hissed as he looked down at his engorged cock and cringed. The black string looked obscene against his deep red color. “Get back here and finish this,” he demanded, the sound coming out suspiciously like a whine.

“Keep your shirt on,” Jamie sniffed. “Just going to grab a couple things.”

“I would,” Tek shouted. “But you made me take the damn thing off. You better be getting a condom and lube,” Tek advised with a huff.

He was wound up tighter than a forty-year-old virgin in a whorehouse. His muscles were bowstring tight, and they trembled with the exertion. And, damn, he wanted to come so fucking bad. Tek was on the verge of begging, pleading, sobbing if he had to. Tek loved foreplay—hours of it—but their foreplay generally meant taking the edge off before the real heat was fired up. This was just torture after no sex the last couple of days. He pulled against his restraints; the movement caused his throbbing cock to bob painfully.

“And dammit, hurry up,” he added pitifully.

Jamie came back to stand in front of Tek, blessedly with lube and condom in his hand, it was the chair in his other hand that concerned him.

Tek stared at him questioningly and nodded toward the chair. “What’s that for?”

“You’ll see,” Jamie said with a wink.

Jamie set the chair down and the condom on top of it. It was no surprise when Jamie poured a small amount of lube onto his fingers. Tek figured he’d be feeling those slick fingers up his ass within seconds. However, Tek’s mouth fell open in shock when Jamie shrugged out of his leather pants and reached around to press his fingers against his own ass. Jamie grunted, then bit his lip as he slicked himself up.

“Okay,” Tek panted, rapt by the expression on Jamie’s face. “I think that is one of the hottest things I have ever fucking seen. And trust me,” Tek said adamantly with sly grin. “I’m not complaining, but, dude, you’re doing it wrong. I’m the one bound here, remember.”

Jamie raised his eyes and looked at Tek under his long dark lashes. “Oh, I know—” Jamie moaned loudly, the muscles in his arm bulging. “—and trust me, what I have planned will blow your mind.”

“It’s already nearly there,” Tek admitted. “All you have to do is turn around, and I think you’ll have succeeded in full eruption.” ’Cause damn Jamie was hot, and he was so fucking turned on and… yeah. Full explosive eruptions were definitely possible without Jamie even touching him again.

“Patience,” Jamie murmured wryly, removed his fingers, and snatched up the condom. He tore open the packet and stepped closer to Tek, his smile knowing.

“Ugh,” Tek grunted. “I wanted a show!”

“There you go bitching again,” Jamie tsked and rolled the condom down Tek’s hard shaft. “I can always quit if you don’t like what I’m doing.”

Tek swallowed hard. Jamie’s warm hands on him caused Tek’s nerve endings to zing. “Jamie,” Tek whimpered, no longer caring the word came out as a plea.

Jamie kissed him one last time, leaving Tek breathless and thankful for the ropes or he’d be on his ass with how weak his knees were. And oh Jesus, Joseph, and Mary, they did buckle and he had to lock them when Jamie turned and bent over with one hand propped on the chair and then reached around with the other to guide Tek’s cock into his slick hole.

Tek rocked helplessly against that tight hole. He couldn’t wait to be buried balls-deep in Jamie’s ass. The ropes didn’t allow for him to grab onto Jamie’s hips like he wanted, to impale Jamie on his cock. But he could still push back and thrust forward with strength. Jamie’s hand fell away, and he hissed as Tek entered him. Tek instantly went still as soon as the head of his cock breached Jamie and gave him time to adjust to the intrusion, but it was hard. Oh so very fucking hard when his body was screaming at him to move, to plow into that warm wet heat over and over. He clamped down on the urge. The way Jamie’s ass contracted around Tek’s cock made the struggle all the more difficult. His desire not to hurt Jamie the only thing keeping Tek’s hold on the reins of his control, but it was slipping through his fingers quickly.

“Jamie,” Tek hissed through clenched teeth. “Please tell me I can move. Please.”

Jamie pushed back, and in one perfect motion, Tek was buried deep within his lover’s body. Jamie’s long pleasure-filled moan was loud in the room as he rolled his hips, giving himself time to relax and stretch yet providing Tek the friction he begged for.

“Ah…. Damn,” Tek panted, pulling harder against his restraints as his toes curled. Not being able to touch Jamie was singularly the most frustrating thing he’d ever endured, and yet at the same time, he was more aroused than he’d ever been in his life.

Jamie leaned forward until once again only the head of Tek’s cock was breaching him. “Do it,” he growled. “Move.”

The last of Tek’s control shredded, and Tek pounded into Jamie, hard and fast. The moans and pleas of harder, faster from his lover as Jamie worked his own cock sent a jolt down Tek’s spine.

Jamie had obviously been as turned on throughout the scene as Tek had been, because after a couple more hard thrusts, Jamie threw his head back and screamed Tek’s name, the sound of it echoing around the room. Jamie’s ass clenched even tighter around Tek’s bound cock, ripping the orgasm from him in spite of the snug binding. Tek came longer and harder than he’d ever experienced, and his head spun as
everything in his body went tight, shut down in the face of
unimaginable ecstasy.

Finally, as the last drop of seed pulsed from his body, Tek gasped, panting for breath, still buried deep inside Jamie. Tek trembled with the exertion it took to keep himself upright, thankful for the strength of the binds or he’d be on his ass.

After several minutes, Jamie finally shifted—Tek slipping from his lover’s body with a moan—and removed the restraints around Tek’s wrists. Jamie held him and eased him down to the ground before freeing Tek’s ankles. Jamie made quick work of the cleanup and then knelt next to Tek and rubbed the red marks on his wrist.

“You okay?” Jamie asked.

Tek slumped against him in a euphoric stupor. “Pow,” he got out past his raw throat.

“What?” Jamie chuckled.

“You exploded my brain,” Tek moaned and flopped down on his back.

Jamie stretched out next to him and laid his head on Tek’s bent arm. “I take it that’s a good thing?”

Tek closed his eyes and nodded.

“See, all that bitching for nothing,” Jamie said lightly.

“I don’t know,” Tek countered sleepily. “I got what I wanted, didn’t I?”

“I’ll always give you what you want,” Jamie murmured and pushed up closer.

Tek smiled weakly, too exhausted to move. He dozed off, not even questioning Jamie’s words. He knew the truth in them. Hell, Jamie
what Tek wanted, and next time, he’d be giving Jamie a little of the want in return.


I’d always thought home was about bricks and mortar, walls and roof. A piece of property, a place where family gathered and they had to let you in and put up with your shit, because it was where you belonged. It was home.

I’ve been everywhere with Jamie. We’ve lived in hotels in towns I can’t remember the names of. We slept in our truck, under the stars and hidden havens. Along the way, he taught me that houses and places hold memories, some good, and some bad, but they weren’t home.

Home was wherever Jamie was.


Tek Cain




his shoulder against the wall and took in their small studio apartment. It wasn’t much to look at, all mismatched furniture and thrift store décor. Tek had found some butt-ass ugly seventies-print lime green and neon orange fabric and made curtains to divide the space into a living and sleeping area. Jamie had laughed till his belly ached and tears rolled down his eyes watching Tek learn to sew. Tek had actually gotten pretty good at it, the curtains turned out well even if the pattern and colors were hideous. After spending what extra money they had on the small cabin—their must-have safe house farther upstate—they hadn’t been able to afford much, but they’d made the apartment feel warm and cozy.

Jamie still loved to escape the city to their hideaway in the woods, which had been their home for nearly a year when they’d first come to New York. It had been one of the best years of his life. Just him and Tek hiding from a world that wanted to destroy them, but the small five-hundred square foot apartment was now home. His and Tek’s home: the notion brought a fond smile to his face even if he did want to cringe at the décor.

The wariness he’d experienced since first coming to the city was always simmering just below the surface, always waiting for the other shoe to drop, though. It was a feeling he doubted he’d ever lose. One couldn’t spend twenty-one years of their life amongst the lowlifes of society and not have it affect them. Jamie had learned to build a cautious wall around himself; he rarely trusted and had an edge with everyone. The exception was Tek.

“Earth to Jamie?”

Jamie blinked rapidly a couple of times, clearing the fog from his brain, and spotted Tek sitting on the couch, pulling on his boots. Jamie had been so deep in thought he hadn’t even seen or heard the man come out of the bathroom.

“Enjoy your trip?” Tek asked with a smirk.

“As a matter of fact, I did,” Jamie responded and sat down next to Tek. “I was just thinking about the cabin and this place,” he said with a nod.

“Yeah? What about ’em?”

“I love being up in the woods, getting away from the noise and crowds, but this place… I don’t know.” Jamie shrugged. “Feels like home.”

Tek finished tying his boots and stretched his long legs out. “It’s the curtains,” Tek chuckled.

“I’m sure that’s it,” Jamie muttered and rolled his eyes. “Do you ever miss it?” he asked somberly.

“What? The cabin? Sure I do, but we would have had to become mountain men if we continued living there. I don’t know about you, but I really don’t like foraging for my meals. I like fast food too much,” he said, patting his belly.

“No. I mean home…. Chatom? I miss my dad,” Jamie admitted morosely.

Tek leaned over till their shoulders were touching and took Jamie’s hand in his. “Yeah, your dad’s good peeps, I miss him too. I think about my mom a lot. What it was like for her when they told them I was missing, probably dead. I mean, she wasn’t the greatest mom in the world, did a lot of fucked-up things, but she’s still my mom. You know how I deal with it?” Tek asked, meeting Jamie’s gaze.

“Lots of sex?” Jamie offered, trying to lighten the mood.

“Well, there is that.” Tek smirked and pecked Jamie on the cheek. “But I also keep reminding myself it’s better she just
I might be dead rather than actually having to bury me.”

“I know,” Jamie agreed. “I’m not saying I want to go back or contact them or anything. It would be suicide. Just….”

Jamie couldn’t find the words to describe what it felt like. He loved his life here with Tek, no way in hell he’d want to go back, but at times, it was as if there was this invisible string tied to something inside him, tugging, trying to pull him back to his old life.

“It may never go away,” Tek said as if he could read Jamie’s mind. “But I can’t, no, I won’t go back there no matter what. I don’t ever want to be that man again. The things I’ve done….”

The despair in Tek’s voice tore at Jamie’s heart, and he wrapped his arms around Tek and pulled him close. Jamie had done a lot of things he wasn’t proud of: stealing, running drugs, lying. He’d even shot at men, but he didn’t know if he actually hit anyone or killed them. The horrors Tek had endured, the things he’d done, been forced to do, weighed heavily on Tek, and Jamie wished he could bear the burden for him. All he could do was hold him and be there when Tek needed to talk.

“You’re a good man,” Jamie told him with utter confidence. Tek shook his head. “Yes, you are, dammit,” Jamie growled, grabbing a handful of Tek’s hair and pulling his head back until he was forced to meet Jamie’s narrowed gaze. “You are, and if you keep arguing with me about it, I’m gonna have to beat your ass.”

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