Roped (24 page)

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Authors: SJD Peterson

Tags: #Fiction, #Gay, #Romance, #Erotica, #Contemporary

BOOK: Roped
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Tek opened his mouth, no doubt to argue, then snapped it shut. Sadness still filled his hazel eyes, but he smiled. “As long as you think so, I guess that’s all that matters.”

“Damn right,” Jamie grunted. “And I’m going to keep telling you until I convince you.”

The alarm went off on Tek’s phone. They both jumped and then laughed at the mirrored shocked looks on their faces. “Time to get to the club,” Tek announced, then pulled his cell from his pocket and turned it off.

“Shit,” Jamie gruffed and grabbed Tek again. “I was hoping you would argue with me.”

“I think you’ve been talking to Tackett a little too much lately.”

“He’s a wealth of information,” Jamie countered and kissed Tek soundly before he could reply.

“I know what you’re trying to do,” Tek accused breathlessly when the kiss ended. “And it’s not going to work.”

It already had. Tek was smiling, and the guilt was no longer visible in his features. Still, Jamie didn’t point it out, he simply responded, “Mmm-hmm.”

“It’s not,” Tek said again and pulled out of Jamie’s grasp. “Now stop thinking about my ass. We have a party to keep under control.”

Jamie followed Tek to the door and grabbed their coats and handed Tek his. “I think about your ass twenty-four seven.” As Tek shrugged into his coat, Jamie grabbed the ass in question and squeezed. “It’s a damn fine ass.”

“I know, and it’s going to stay that way,” Tek snorted. He opened the door and pointed out to the hallway. “Now go! I don’t trust you to walk behind me.”

They ended up walking side by side, laughing the entire way. Jamie sometimes forgot how hard it was for Tek when Jamie brought up the past. He’d have to be more careful in the future. It was, after all, the past, and it was sure a hell of a lot better to dream about the future rather than dwell in the past. He patted Tek on the ass and grinned at the playful glare Tek shot him. The present wasn’t so bad either.



Jamie rounded the corner, and Tek let out an unhappy grunt. The line outside the Guards of Folsom was halfway down the block, and he’d been hoping for a slow night. Blake and Ty were celebrating the grand opening of the members’ only area, and Tek had hoped he’d get a chance to pop in and check out the party. Everyone was abuzz about the entertainment, but it looked like Tek and Jamie would be missing it.

As they made their way to the front of the line, people shying away from them as they approached, Jamie suddenly stopped at the entrance and Tek slammed into his back.

“Christ, that guy is as big as a horse,” someone in line muttered in astonishment.

Hung like one too
, Tek mused but kept that bit of information to himself.

As Tek waited for Jamie to move, the cold wind bit at Tek’s ears and nose, and he shivered as it moved down his spine. He didn’t know if he’d ever get used to the cold winters; the dampness in the air seemed to make it worse, seeped right into his bones.

Tek hugged himself and shifted from foot to foot, trying to generate a little heat as he continued to wait. It did no good. Finally, he growled impatiently, “What the hell is the hold up?” and shoved at Jamie.

Jamie turned and stepped sideways, and Tek spotted Rig and Bobby. He hadn’t seen them since they’d gone to Florida a few months back, and from what he’d heard, they’d had a little surprise in tow when they returned.

“Rig, Bobby, damn, man, good to see you back. You here for the party?” Tek asked.

“Hey, Tek.” Rig shook his head. “We were just leaving.”

“You’re going to miss a hell of a party. Tackett and Micah are the main event,” Tek said slyly. Too damn bad he couldn’t see it either. He was a little bitter about it, but he’d be bitter if he missed work and they didn’t eat, so…. “Hey, is this Mason?” he asked, pointing at the smaller man looking up at him like a deer caught in the headlights.

The man was slight, couldn’t be more than five seven. He was cute, actually adorable, and Tek could see the appeal for Bobby and Rig. Tek guessed his age to be not much beyond his own, but it could have been his size that gave that impression since he had lines around his eyes and mouth.

“Tek Cain, Jamie Ryan, meet Mason Howard,” Rig said, the pride evident in his voice.

Rig then leaned down and said something against Mason’s ear. It was difficult to make out what he was saying, but Tek thought he heard something about pussycats, which made Mason’s dark eyes go impossibly wide and his Adam’s apple bob as he swallowed hard.

“Hey, Mason,” Tek said. Jamie echoed the greeting. Tek then added, “Welcome to New York.”

Mason waved meekly but didn’t respond. Tek had heard bits and pieces of conversations about Mason. He’d lost his Doms and had a hard time coping. It was good to see him with Bobby and Rig. They’d take damn good care of the smaller man.

Someone started to complain behind Tek, ripe curses about the cold.
Shit! Time to get to work.
“Good seeing you guys,” Tek said to Bobby and Rig. To Mason, he added, “Nice to meet you, Mason,” as he pushed past them. “Sorry, Blake will have my ass if I’m late again. We’ll catch up soon,” he tossed over his shoulder, Jamie right on his heels.

Tek hung up his and Jamie’s coats in the employee area and went to the sink. He turned on the warm water and let it run over his cold hands. He was never going to get used to these damn cold temperatures. Considering it was only fall and he was already complaining, he and winter were so not going to be friends.

“Are you going to go watch the show?” Tek asked Jamie as he leaned back against the counter and dried his hands.

“Nah, looks like we’ll have our hands full in the club tonight. It’s packed.”

“You know, you don’t have to miss it on my account,” Tek informed him. He tossed the towel on the counter and grabbed Jamie’s T-shirt and pulled him closer. “You might learn something new from the Doms.”

“I thought you said I was hanging around them too much,” Jamie countered.

Tek slid his hand down Jamie’s body, his fingers brushing over the ridges and valleys of his muscular stomach. “Yeah, ignore the ass-beating stuff, but maybe you can take some notes on the bondage,” he suggested, his voice going a little deeper. “Things you’d like for me to do to you.” He worked his fingers past the waistband on Jamie’s jeans, seeking out the warm flesh below.

Jamie grabbed Tek’s wrist and stopped his movements. “You’re already late, and if you keep it up, you’re going to miss your whole shift.”

“Nag, nag, nag,” Tek teased and pulled his hand free. “But seriously. If you want to go watch the show, I don’t mind.”

“Nope,” Jamie said curtly and kissed him. “I’m sure watching your ass will keep me thoroughly entertained.”

“You’re so easy,” Tek sniffed, then covered his ass with his hands and backed out of the room.

“Can’t keep it covered all night,” Jamie chuckled and stalked after Tek.

As it turned out, Tek didn’t have to miss the entire show; in fact, he and Jamie both had the perfect vantage point leaning against the back wall across from the stage. Mark, one of the security crew hired for the private party, was called away on a family emergency, and Blake had asked Tek to stand in for Mark at the last minute. Tek was more than happy to oblige. The only thing that would have been better was if he and Jamie had gotten to see Tackett and Micah’s performance, but they were there now.

“Got that notebook?” Tek whispered.

“Don’t need it, man,” Jamie responded and pointed to his head. “It’s like a steel trap.”

“Yeah, just hope you can open it later,” Tek chuckled and then mumbled under his breath, “After I repay the brain explosion.”

Tek’s job was to keep an eye on everyone and everything within the club, yet he couldn’t take his eyes from the man on the stage wearing black leather pants, a wide leather harness across his chest in the shape of an X, and heavy-soled boots. Tek didn’t know who the man was, his face covered by a leather hood, but whoever it was sure as hell knew how to wield a flogger. The Dom was swinging it in a figure-eight pattern across a man’s back who was tied to a St. Andrew’s cross, down the guy’s ass and thighs and back up. The Dom had worked up a sweat; his broad back glistened beneath the subdued stage lighting. No one made a sound, not a cough or clink of ice in a glass; everyone in the room seemed to be entranced by the show, the slap of leather to skin and the low moans flowing from the submissive, hypnotic.

The audience members weren’t the only ones bewitched by the sight in front of them. Tek stared without blinking in complete awe of not only the Dom’s controlled power but also the way the bound man took each blow. The sub not only seemed to take it, but the expression of bliss on his face where it rested against the St. Andrew’s cross was proof he was not only taking the pain but finding immense pleasure in it.

Tek leaned in closer to Jamie’s ear. “I don’t get it,” he admitted, never taking his eyes from the two men on the stage.

“Get what?”

“How can the sub look like… like you do after you’ve just blown a load?”

Jamie turned his head, his smiling lips brushing Tek’s. “I look that good?”

“Better,” Tek assured him. “But that guy’s not getting nailed, he’s getting beat. I don’t get it.”

“I don’t either,” Jamie said with a shake of his head and went back to watching the show.

Tek jerked his attention back to the stage when he heard a loud thump. The flogger was now at the Dom’s feet, his chest pressed against the smaller man’s back. Tek winced at the idea of someone pressing against flesh that surely felt as if it were on fire. But the sub obviously didn’t mind, he had a sweet smile on his lips with his Dom’s face buried in the side of his neck.

Everyone in the audience began to cheer and clap when the Dom bent and picked up a wide leather collar with an O-ring attached to it. Tek glance at Jamie who only shrugged and began clapping along with the others.

“What the hell are you clapping for?” Tek asked in confusion. Was he the only one in the room that had no fucking idea what was going on?

“The Dom is going to collar his boy,” Jamie informed him and then put two fingers in his mouth and whistled.

Apparently, he was the only one who was clueless.

“He’s what?”

Jamie turned and leaned his shoulder against the wall, giving Tek an exasperated look. “Collaring. It’s a commitment ceremony between a Dom and his sub.”

Tek stared at Jamie for long moments. “And you know this how?”

Jamie rolled his eyes. “What do you think I do all night while you’re working? I pay attention to what’s going on around me, talk to people.”

Tek’s brow furrowed. “I thought you watched my ass all night?”

“Don’t pout, Tek. It really doesn’t look good on you,” Jamie teased and patted Tek on the cheek. “Now pay attention,” he smirked and turned back to the show on the stage.

“I don’t pout!” Tek crossed his arms over his chest, leaned back against the wall, and glared at Jamie. He did not pout, he glared, there was a huge difference.


Love? I’ve asked myself if that’s what I feel for Jamie. Is that what it is when just the sight of his face makes me happy, or when I embrace him and my entire body tingles? I’ve heard it defined in songs and books, and I’ve agreed with some, but none of them truly encompass what I feel.

Even as I write this, I’m not sure. ‘Love’ is too small a word to define everything I feel for him, the meaning too simple. Too many intangible feelings for such a common four-letter word.


Tek Cain




through the front doors of the Guards of Folsom, brushed the snow from his coat, and shook it from his hair.

“Hey!” Jamie snorted and shoved Tek.

Spotting the boss sitting at the end of the bar, Tek just laughed at Jamie’s grumbling and made his way over to Blake. “Hey, boss man. How’s it hangin’?”

“To the left.” Blake smirked as he looked up from his paperwork. “You’re early.”

“Figured I’d make up for the last two times I’ve been late,” Tek responded as he shrugged out of his coat. “Anything you need me to do?”

There was always stock to put away, boxes and equipment to move. His and Jamie’s size made them the go-to guys in a club where the majority of the staff was… on the smaller size. Tek didn’t mind. He liked to keep busy; it kept his mind from wandering to places he didn’t like to go.

“Hey, Jamie,” Blake said in greeting with a curt nod.

“How’s it going?” Jamie asked without looking up as he struggled with his zipper.

“Actually, I’m glad you both are here. Would you two mind moving the cross from the stage?” Blake inquired.

“Sure thing,” Tek said absently as he watched Jamie grow increasingly frustrated with his jacket. Tek slapped Jamie’s hands away. “Would you stop? You’re going to break it.”

“It’s stuck,” Jamie complained.

“Where do you want us to move the cross to?” Tek asked Blake as he worked to get Jamie’s zipper unstuck. The material of the liner was jammed in it, and Jamie had made it worse by trying to force it.

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