Roped (25 page)

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Authors: SJD Peterson

Tags: #Fiction, #Gay, #Romance, #Erotica, #Contemporary

BOOK: Roped
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“In the corner on either side of the stage will be fine,” Blake instructed.

“You’re gonna have to pull it over your head, you dork. You stuck it but good.” Tek grasped the bottom of Jamie’s jacket and pulled it up.

“Jesus,” Jamie spat as Tek tugged up on this jacket, and lost his footing.

Tek laughed as Jamie flailed and spun as he fought to get the jacket over his head. Finally, Tek pulled it free and laughed even harder. The static in the garment made Jamie’s long hair shoot out from his head as if he’d stuck his finger in an electrical outlet, and his shirt was bunched up under his arms.

“You asshole,” Jamie grumbled and ran his fingers through his hair, trying in vain to smooth it down.

“Whew,” Blake whistled. “Hell of a tat.”

Jamie’s eyes grew wide as he stared at Tek with a panicked expression on his face and jerked his T-shirt down.

Tek gave a slight shake of his head. “It’s okay,” he mouthed and handed Jamie his jacket as he stepped past him.

“You know, I love Ty with all my heart and soul, but I don’t know if I’d be brave enough to ink his name on my flesh,” Blake confessed. “Guess he’ll have to settle for his collar as proof. Do you have Jamie’s name on yours?”

“Jamie’s name?” Tek asked in confusion.

“Figured if Jamie had yours, you’d have his. No?”

Tek glanced at Jamie who suddenly seemed very interested in the opposite side of the bar.
Jamie has my name on his back?
“Uh…. No…. Not yet,” Tek stammered, still staring at Jamie.
Since when?
“Yeah, so. We better get that cross moved.” Tek grabbed Jamie’s arm and pulled him along, tossing over his shoulder to Blake, “Just let me know if you need anything else done before shift.”

The second they were in the private area, Tek shut the door behind them and spun on Jamie. “What the hell, dude? When did you get new ink?”

“I didn’t,” Jamie responded, averting his eyes.

“Then why in the hell does Blake think you have my name on your back? Let me see.”

“It’s always been there,” Jamie muttered, his cheeks turning pink.

Tek studied Jamie as he tried to figure out what the hell was going on. He’d explored every inch of Jamie’s body; hell, he’d been there when he got the fucking tattoo. How could he not know?

“Turn around,” Tek demanded.

Jamie turned, and Tek shoved up his T-shirt. Across Jamie’s upper back was the familiar Crimson VIII name with the logo beneath it. He studied it carefully but didn’t find what he was seeking. Below it was “Truth & Knowledge,” the letters he’d outlined with his fingers and tongue too many times to count. Tek took a couple steps back, scratching at his goatee. Another step back and just before Jamie pulled his shirt back down, Tek spotted it and gasped.

“Oh. My. Fucking. God!”

“Well…,” Jamie said cautiously as he turned back around.

Jamie had always been the most honest person Tek had ever met. Jamie wasn’t book smart, but he was always seeking knowledge from everything around him, just like he had about what was going on around the club. He soaked it up like a sponge. Tek had never once questioned Jamie’s choice of inking “Truth & Knowledge” beneath the MC’s logo, both words—no all three words—described what Jamie was all about. From a distance only the T in truth and the K in knowledge were visible and the ampersand was inked in a unique way, giving it the appearance of an E. Jamie lived for truth, knowledge—and Tek.

“Did you do that on purpose?” Tek asked around the lump in his throat as emotion swelled up in him.

“Yeah,” Jamie admitted, sounding almost shy.

Tek wrapped his arms around Jamie and leaned his forehead on Jamie’s shoulder. For long moments, he couldn’t speak. The idea that Jamie had forever imprinted Tek’s name on his flesh at such a young age was both insane and one of the sweetest things he’d ever done. Most people would certainly think it more the former than the latter. But for Tek, it made sense. From the moment of their birth, there had never been any question they were connected on a level that far surpassed something as simple as friends, brothers, or even lovers. Even after their confessions all those years ago when they became a couple, they’d never told each other they loved each other. The word was too… common, tossed around recklessly between people who didn’t have a clue. He and Jamie didn’t need words or ink or
terms of endearments. What they had went beyond physical, intellectual or even spiritual. It was more… indescribable….


Tek lifted his head and met Jamie’s gaze with burning eyes. He blinked back any tears that might threaten. He wasn’t sad, yet the damn things filled his eyes.
. “Damn good thing you were thinking about me when you got inked,” Tek informed him huskily, his voice betraying his sentiment. “’Cause I was thinking about you when I got mine. Cradle to grave. Me and you.” Tek hugged him again and buried his face in the side of Jamie’s neck to hide the one lone bastard that sneaked from his eyes.

Jamie hugged him back. Tek soaked in Jamie’s warmth until he was better under control of his emotions and then patted him on the back. “All right, better get this cross moved.”

Tek started to pull away, but Jamie held tight and smashed their mouths together. Guess Jamie still had one thing to say, the kind that curled Tek’s toes and left him breathless when it ended.

“Now we can move it,” Jamie said smugly.

As Jamie released him and walked by, Tek could tell from the little gleam in Jamie’s eyes that not only had he known Tek had been struggling with his emotions, but Jamie liked it as well. Jamie, while not one to be mushy, certainly was the more…. Tek watched as Jamie sauntered over to the stage, a bit of a cocky swagger to his step. Tek rolled his eyes. Jamie wore his heart on his sleeve even though he tried to act all badass mofo most of the time. He also loved it when he was able to pull that—
Oh, God. Do I dare say, sweet side—
out of Tek.

I’m not sweet, dammit.

Tek tromped over to the stage, hands on his hips. “I’m not!” he insisted.

“You’re not what?” Jamie smirked.

“Whatever it is you’re thinking that’s got you smirking and walking like you’re the cock of the walk, I’m not!”

“Who said I was thinking of anything?” Jamie asked, trying to feign innocence. “Now, are you going to help me or not?”

Tek hopped up on the stage and pointed an accusing finger at Jamie. “I can tell by that cocky-ass smile on your face. Now knock it off. I’m not!”

“Not what, Tek? I’m sure I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“Okay. That’s fine,” Tek grumbled and grabbed the opposite side of the cross. “On three,” he instructed grumpily. “One….”

“Two,” Jamie chuckled.

“Oh, just you wait till we get home,” Tek threatened. “Three.”

Tek heaved up on the cross. The thing weighed a ton, but it was manageable as soon as his laughing partner actually put some muscle into it.

Laugh it up
, Tek mused as they worked to get the awkward weight off the stage. Tek had a few ideas popping into his head that would prove to Jamie he was anything but sweet, and he still had a six-hour shift to think about even more not-so-sweet things to torture Jamie with.



had forgotten Tek’s threat or hadn’t taken it seriously as he casually strolled into the apartment and hung up his coat with his back turned to Tek. But Tek remembered. Oh, how he remembered. He’d spent the entire six hours of his shift, the half hour of clean up, and the twenty-minute trek home thinking about it. Before Jamie could take two steps away, Tek had his jacket off and thrown to the floor and had pounced on Jamie. Wrapping the unsuspecting man in a tight bear hug, Tek manhandled Jamie to their bed and shoved him down face-first, Tek then landing heavily on top of him.

“So you think I’m sweet, do you?” he hissed in Jamie’s ear, and then he latched on to Jamie’s wrists and pinned them to the bed.

“I never said that,” Jamie responded, trying to sound innocent, but Tek wasn’t fooled.

“No, but you thought it,” he accused.

Jamie turned his head and looked up at Tek, a mischievous glint in his eyes. “Yes, I think you’re as fucking sweet as a cute kitty cat,” Jamie taunted.

“Do ya now?” Tek jeered.

“Uh-huh. Big ol’ pussy cat, I believe Rig called you,” Jamie chuckled.

“More like a lion, baby. Prepare to be mauled,” Tek exclaimed and manhandled Jamie until he was stretched out on his back. It was easy, Tek barely having to exert himself with the way Jamie was giggling his fool head off.

Once he had him in position with Jamie’s head pressed against the headboard and his size fifteens hanging off the end of the bed, Tek straddled Jamie’s waist, then reached over and snatched the black nylon from the bedside table.

“Ooh, maul me, baby,” Jamie got out in between snorts of laughter.

“Changed my mind,” Tek drawled and waggled his brows as he held up the rope. “Prepare to be roped!”

Jamie put up a token effort to struggle away from Tek, but he was laughing too hard for it to be effective. As soon as Jamie’s arms were bound to the bedposts, Tek crawled off him and ripped open Jamie’s shirt.

“Hey!” Jamie protested.

“Serves you right for ripping the buttons off my good shirt,” Tek retorted and undid Jamie’s jeans. He worked them down Jamie’s legs, pulled off his shoes and socks, and then tossed the jeans and briefs to the floor.

Tek grabbed another bundle of rope, his gaze drawn to where Jamie’s cock was hard, curving up toward his belly. Tek licked his lips. He couldn’t wait to get his mouth on it.

“Here, kitty, kitty,” Jamie murmured and wiggled his hips.

Tek arched a brow but didn’t respond to the taunt; instead, he wrapped the end of the rope around one of Jamie’s ankles, down around the leg of the bed, and then back up. He pulled it taut and then wound it around Jamie’s other ankle, tying it off to the other bed leg. He checked them, made sure they weren’t too tight.

Satisfied, Tek went to his feet and rubbed his hands together. “Now, where should I begin?”

“I can give you a few suggestions,” Jamie offered and wiggled his hips again.

“That’s one option,” Tek drawled and removed his shirt.

“It’s the best option in this position.”

“I don’t know.” Tek pursed his lips as he took in Jamie’s magnificent body, laid out for him like a feast, as if he were contemplating his options. There really wasn’t any better option than the one Jamie was hoping Tek would get to first, but that would come in time.

Tek tossed his shirt aside and ran the tip of one finger softly along the arch of Jamie’s left foot. “Here?”

“A little higher,” Jamie chuckled and jerked his foot.

“Oh, you must mean here,” Tek asked as he slid his hand up to Jamie’s calf.

“Getting warmer.”

“Aha!” Tek ran his hand along the inside of Jamie’s thigh, the soft hair tickling his palms. “This has got to be the spot.”

Jamie shivered. “That’s a good spot, but not the one I had in mind.”

“You sure?” Tek inquired. “I would have thought for sure this was it. Better double-check,” he said with a sly grin.

Tek bent and kissed his way across Jamie’s muscular thigh to the sensitive skin on the inside. Tek teased the area with tongue and teeth, causing Jamie to shudder again.

Tek lifted his head and met Jamie’s lustful gaze. “See, I was right. This is the spot.”

Jamie bit his bottom lip and shook his head, his breathing a little fast as the flush moved up his body from belly to cheeks. “Close,” he said breathlessly. “Very close, but not quite what I had in mind.”

“Really?” Tek teased and cocked his head.

“I’m pretty sure,” Jamie countered.

“But not positive. Better check again,” Tek murmured and nipped the inside of Jamie’s thigh again.

Jamie’s back arched, and he hissed through gritted teeth with the sting. “Fucker,” he growled.

“I can live with that,” Tek said nonchalantly with a shrug of one shoulder.

Tek briefly considered giving in and going for the goods. He couldn’t wait to get his hands and mouth on Jamie’s cock, but the hopeful look on Jamie’s face changed his mind. That would be way too sweet, and he was anything but. Mind made up, Tek ran his fingers up Jamie’s thigh to his hip, barely brushing against Jamie’s flesh. Tek tried to ignore Jamie’s cock—he didn’t touch it, but he certainly noticed it—hard and straining, bobbing with each movement Jamie made. No way could he keep his hands off it for long, but Tek wasn’t ready to give in just yet.

“I think I may have figured it out,” Tek drawled.

Jamie shook his head. “No! You missed it. You were hot and then went right on past,” Jamie complained with a bit of a whine in his voice that had Tek biting down on the inside of his cheek to keep from laughing.

“Here?” Tek asked and swirled his finger around Jamie’s right nipple.

“You know that’s not it,” Jamie grumped, but he pushed his chest up into Tek’s touch.

“I know no such thing,” Tek taunted and then teased the little nub with his tongue until it was erect. He blew on it, causing goose bumps to erupt on Jamie’s skin. “See, I was right,” he murmured and then sucked the nipple into his mouth hard and teased it with teeth and tongue.

“Damn!” Jamie cursed and arched his back harder when Tek pinched the other nipple. “I feel that all the way to my balls.”

“I know,” Tek responded wickedly. Jamie had very sensitive nipples, one of the reasons Tek couldn’t keep his mouth and hands off them.

Tek continued to play with them until Jamie was squirming, his breath coming in short pants and loud moans. “You sure that’s not the spot?” he asked as he brushed his lips over Jamie’s, both hands now twisting and pinching Jamie’s nipples. “I wonder if I could make you come by just playing with your nips.”

“I’d rather it not be tonight,” Jamie groaned. “My dick could really, really use some attention.”


“C’mon, man, stop teasing,” Jamie pleaded.

Tek nipped Jamie’s bottom lip. “Baby, I have only just begun to tease you,” he said seductively against Jamie’s mouth before he took a step back.

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