Roped (26 page)

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Authors: SJD Peterson

Tags: #Fiction, #Gay, #Romance, #Erotica, #Contemporary

BOOK: Roped
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Jamie’s expression was wary, and he didn’t look at all happy about the comment. Tek turned to hide his grin. “You see, there is a lesson to be learned here,” Tek informed him and pulled open the top drawer of their dresser. He rummaged around beneath the socks and briefs until he found what he was looking for.

“A lesson?” Jamie asked, sounding suspicious. “What kind of lesson?”

“Well, for one, we are about to learn how fucking strong this bed is.” Tek snorted as he stood at the end of the bed and leered down at Jamie.

“That’s not funny, man,” Jamie complained with narrowed eyes.

Tek flipped open the top of the lube with his thumb and poured a generous amount in his hand. Without a word or taking his gaze from Jamie’s, he tossed the tube aside and rubbed his hands together, slicking them up with a naughty grin curling his lips.

“Dude, I’m serious. That shit’s not funny,” Jamie said and pulled against his restraints.

“I’m pretty sure I figured out that spot you were talking about,” Tek informed him as he swaggered to the side of the bed. “Let’s see if I get it right this time, shall we?” Tek wrapped one slick fist around Jamie’s cock and pumped it a couple times. “Well?”

Jamie threw his head back and pushed up into Tek’s hand. “Fuck yeah, that’s it,” he groaned.

Tek set a slow rhythm, keeping his fist loose as he stroked Jamie from base to tip. Before long Jamie started pushing his hips upward with more strength, looking for more friction. Tek loosened his grip even further and refused to quicken the strokes.

“Just get me off and you can play as long as you want,” Jamie groaned. Still, Tek denied Jamie the friction he was seeking, keeping his fist loose and his movements slow. “Ah, c’mon, Tek, harder,” Jamie pleaded and snapped his hips.

“Like this?” Tek asked, tightening his hand and stroking hard and fast.

“Yeah…. Fuck yeah. That’s it,” Jamie crooned. His eyes fluttered shut and he tightened his jaw as he strained to thrust up even harder.

Tek watched him closely. Jamie’s breathing sped and he had a look of concentration on his face as he chased his orgasm. Jamie’s cock was ruddy, throbbing against Tek’s hand as precum seeped from the slit.

Tek had seen it a hundred times, knew each telltale sign in Jamie’s body, and just as he reached the edge, Tek squeezed hard at the base of Jamie’s cock and stilled his hand.

“Wh…. What the…. Fuck!” Jamie stuttered as his head snapped up and his eyes flew open. Tek’s grin grew wider at the shock on Jamie’s face that quickly morphed into realization of what Tek had planned. “Not cool, man,” Jamie panted harshly and laid his head back down onto the mattress with a huff. “So not cool.”

Tek sat on the edge of the bed and winced when his own hard cock was pressed against his thigh. He shifted, ignoring his own desire, and slowly began to stroke Jamie again. “You really are magnificent when you’re about to come. Mmm,” Tek purred.

“You should see me when I actually come,” Jamie sighed.

“Oh, I’m looking forward to that as well,” Tek assured him. He tightened his grip and quickened his movements. “Later.”

Jamie lay there with his eyes closed as he did his best not to show any response to Tek’s ministrations, but his body betrayed him. His teeth were sunk into his bottom lip and his muscles tense. He shook with exertion. Tek had to give Jamie credit for how long he resisted giving into the pleasure, but he couldn’t hold back for much longer.

“Ah, hell,” Jamie hissed and rocked his hips.

Tek once again clamped down on the base of Jamie’s cock and with his other hand added pressure to Jamie’s nuts.

“Fuck,” Jamie hissed and then panted harshly. After a few tense moments, Jamie let out a long, low groan, the sound settling in Tek’s groin. His dick twitched.

“Better?” Tek released Jamie’s sac and ran his hand over his thigh.

“No I’m not better,” he groaned. He took a couple of deep breaths in through his nose and blew them out slowly. He shook his head and then opened his eyes to glare at Tek. “I still need to come before my blue balls explode.”

Tek made a point to study Jamie’s sac, tilting his head and gnawing on his lip. “Hmm. They don’t look blue. Red, a little purple maybe, but definitely not blue.”

Jamie yanked on his restraints, the headboard protesting with a loud creak. “Dammit, Tek!” Jamie strained against the ropes, the muscles in his arms bulging. Jamie was one powerful son of a bitch, and Tek knew if he wanted free, the headboard wouldn’t be good for anything but kindling.

“But, baby, I’m just trying to show you how much I appreciate your strength and control,” Tek reasoned. “How sweet and gentle my touch can be,” he murmured and stroked Jamie’s cock softly.

“No, you’re not,” Jamie insisted. “You’re trying to make both my head and my dick explode. There is nothing sweet about you. You’re a mean mother fucker!”

Tek tightened his grip around Jamie’s pulsing cock and slid the fingers of his other hand behind Jamie’s balls, pressed against his opening. Tek waggled his brows and grinned. “And don’t you forget it.” He pushed one finger in and stroked the head of Jamie’s cock hard and fast with the other hand.

“Oh! Oh fucking hell!” Jamie shouted, pressing down on Tek’s fingers.

Tek pushed harder, found Jamie’s prostate.

Jamie screamed.

The bed protested loudly, creaking and rocking as Jamie bowed his back, white-knuckled fists straining as the first burst of cum shot from his dick and landed on his chest. Tek watched in awe as Jamie gave into his pleasure. Sweat rolled down his temples, his hips thrusting and jerking through each wave of his orgasm. His deep rumbling moans echoed around the room. When the last contraction worked its way through Jamie’s body, he shuddered and collapsed back against the mattress. He had a beautiful expression of bliss on his face. His chest, neck, and face were drenched in sweat and splattered with cum.

“That’s a damn fine look on you,” Tek praised.

Jamie grunted.

“No, really,” Tek insisted as he went to his feet and began releasing Jamie from his binds. He didn’t have to worry about any retaliation for his teasing. Jamie was a blissed-out pile of happy goo. “It’s amazing the results a mean mother fucker can bring out in you.”

Tek laughed when Jamie grunted again. Tek rubbed the red skin around Jamie’s left wrist to help to get the blood flowing before moving around to the other side of the bed. Tek figured he had thirty minutes at best to remove the ropes and relieve a little pressure of his own before Jamie had enough brain cells for a little payback.

Tek shuddered, and his dick throbbed in anticipation of seeing just how fucking mean Jamie could be.


Good hands.

Talented hands.

Jamie’s hands.


Tek Cain




at the monitoring station and whistled low. “Holy shit, this is impressive,” he muttered.

“Normally, the video and audio feeds will be blacked out when the rooms are occupied,” Blake informed him. “We believe in giving our members the utmost respect of their privacy. However, if a panic button is ever activated, you’ll be able to open up the feeds to see and hear what’s going on.”

Tek studied the screens. Each room had a video camera positioned so the room was in complete view. From the desk, the security guard on duty could unlock rooms with a push of a button and deploy other guards through constant radio contact and intercom.

“Hell of a system,” Tek complimented as he ran a hand over his goatee.

“Thank you,” Blake responded and took the seat next to him. “You’ll also be required to keep an eye on the main room and report any suspicious behavior or possible problems to one of the guards on the floor.”

“I really appreciate the offer, but to be completely honest, I’m not sure I’d be able to make the distinction between possible problems and what’s normal. This whole Dom/sub thing all seems….” Tek struggled to find a word that wouldn’t offend Blake, but he faltered. “I just don’t think I understand it enough,” he settled on.

“You know the basics, you’ve learned quite a bit since you’ve been here, as well as from your dealings with Tackett, Bobby, and Rig.” Blake leaned back in his chair and studied Tek for a moment. “I’ve watched you work the main club. Despite your size, people are comfortable around you. You’re friendly, outgoing, and courteous to the clientele. More importantly, you are always aware of everything that’s going on around you. You have this uncanny ability to see problems brewing and defuse them before they get out of control.”

“Thank you for saying so, but—”

“You don’t need to completely understand the relationship between a Dom and his sub to know if something is right or not. You can read people, Tek. It’s almost as if you can read people’s minds at times or at least their moods. That’s very rare and a quality I value in my security team.”

Tek felt a pang of guilt settle into his gut. Tek hated that Blake seemed to believe Tek was a good man. If Blake knew the real reason behind Tek’s ability to read people, that it was born more from mistrust and a selfish need to protect Jamie from harm—if he knew about the lies, about Tek’s past, he’d know his trust was sorely misplaced.

“Have you and Jamie considered exploring the lifestyle more in depth?” Blake suddenly asked, pulling Tek from his musings.

“No,” Tek responded with a shake of his head and went back to studying the monitors. “Not really. Jamie and I don’t have anything against it. Hell, we enjoy some kink, but if you’re asking if either of us want to be like official Dominants with contracts and such, then the answer is no.”

“Just play it safe,” Blake reminded him. “And if you ever have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask.”

“Thanks, I’ll be sure to do that,” Tek said sincerely.

Blake leaned back in his chair and entwined his fingers over his stomach. “What do you think? This sound like a job you’d be interested in?”

Hell yeah, he was interested. Tek enjoyed working at the club, and Blake was offering him twice what he’d been making. It sure as hell would take a little pressure off him and Jamie financially. Yet that twinge of guilt just wouldn’t let go of his gut. No matter how bad they could use the money, accepting the job seemed like a betrayal of sorts. Blake trusted him with the security of his club, and yet Tek couldn’t trust Blake to be honest about who he really was and what he was running from.

“Like I said, I really do appreciate the offer, I’m just not sure I’m the right guy for the job,” Tek said regretfully.

“I think you are, or I wouldn’t have offered it to you.”


“You don’t have to give me an answer right now,” Blake interrupted. “I’d like you to give it some serious thought before you decide.” Blake went to his feet, and as he walked by, he laid his hand on Tek’s shoulder. “We all have a past, Tek, and a lot of us aren’t proud of what we’ve done. It’s what we learn from it and who we become in spite of it that defines us, not our past.”

Tek sat staring wide-eyed long after Blake left. Was Blake making a general statement, or did he actually know about Tek’s past?
If that were true, there was no way Blake would have offered him the job, and yet…. Tek rested his elbows on the desk and buried his face in his hands.

We all have a past.
” Christ, didn’t he know it. He wished to fuck he didn’t. That he could just scrub it all from his mind. He didn’t want to ever think about it, tried so goddamn hard not to remember. Tek’s hands curled into fists, and he slammed them against his temples. He wanted to forget. Yet it was constantly nagging at him, eating away at his gut. Relentless. Always there, looking back at him from his reflection in the mirror.


He slammed his hands against his head again, a mournful sound spilling from deep inside him as he gripped his hair.



Arms wrapped around Tek, familiar arms, as the first tears began to stream down Tek’s face. Tek turned into those welcoming arms and just fucking lost it. He’d tried so hard for so long to fight it. To push all the pain, death, blood, sins from his mind. He wanted to purge himself of it, but it was part of him.

He sobbed for those who had lost their loved ones by his hands, the wives who would never hold their husbands, the children who would never know their fathers. For the countless lives he’d ruined by providing guns and drugs.

The lies.

The blood.

The deaths.

But mainly, he cried for the little boy lost who never had a chance.

Tek clung to Jamie as the despair in his soul became too much and his body tried to expel it in great heaving sobs. When the tears stopped, the bile rose and the retching began. But it was no use. He’d never be able to rid himself of the blackness that was forever seared upon his soul.

How long they sat together wrapped in each other’s arms, Tek didn’t know. He only knew when the sobs and retching finally stopped by the silence. He was exhausted, his throat raw, and his head throbbing. Blessedly, visions of the past were also silent.

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