Scent of Gardenia (Scott Tucker Series) (12 page)

BOOK: Scent of Gardenia (Scott Tucker Series)
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hung up the phone. He thought about what Holly had told him about the newspaper
articles on the missing men. That was a good first step. That’s why she makes
such a good investigator. He was glad they sent her to kickoff this
investigation. She will likely uncover something that will bring them closer to
what happened to the men.

and he had planned to meet at the pub. Scott seemed concerned about something
and wanted to have a talk. He thought about what it could be—it couldn’t be
about the real estate project as Bill was all excited about what he was doing
with the computer side of that project. I bet it’s about Mercedes.




arrived at the pub and found their usual table. Maggie came across the room
almost at a run, which was quite a bouncy sight.

it’s good to see you. Are you alone tonight, or do you expect Scott or the
redhead…or both?” She leaned over and gave him a peck on his cheek. She noticed
him checking the top of her outfit. “They really should get me a larger size,” she
said, reaching in and pulling up on both sides.

“I think
the management might just like it the way it is.”

smiled, responding with, “I know Scott does too. He turns red, trying not to
stare. It would be a joy to watch his reaction to my dancing. Anyway, do you
want the usual and should I bring one for Scott?”

turned his head slightly looking over her shoulder. “You can do that, he’s
headed this way.”

watched Mike’s eyes, turning when she thought Scott was close to the table. She
looked right in his eyes and was happy with his focus.

I sat
down and she immediately put her arms around my neck and gave me a kiss on the

when you guys come in…you should see my energy later when I dance that night.”

kept her arms wrapped around my neck. I could feel the color rushing onto my

that’s what I was looking for,” she said with a smile, looking over at Mike.
“I’ll get those drafts and be right back.” She accented her wiggle for our

I took a
deep breath. “Hi Mike. I’m glad Mercedes wasn’t here to see that greeting. I
think she does really like us.”

waved his hand. “It’s not
she really likes. I think she has some
fantasies about you. I don’t see her ever greeting anyone else quite like she
does when you come in. Speaking of Mercedes, what’s up?”




I danced
around the subject, finally coming right out, saying I was jealous about
Mercedes and her work associate. “I tried several times to reach her in her
hotel room. It was getting very late and there was no answer. She’s down in Bermuda with two other detectives; one of them I think is around her age.”

subject changed and we were on our second beer when Mike finally held up both
hands and stopped me.

I guess I’m not surprised by what’s happening. Mercedes has always had an
effect on you. You’ve been mourning Lisa’s loss for too long. Mercedes is what
you need now. I’m personally glad to see you two seeing each other. In a
word—it’s obvious you’re jealous of her association with the other
investigator. I don’t think you have to worry about that. If she was interested
in him, I don’t think she would be this intent on seeing you.” He paused. “You
did spend last weekend together didn’t you?”

I looked
over to see Maggie standing at the wait station, and then at my beer. “Yes we
did. You’re right about being jealous. I’ve never had these feelings before. My
mind has been spinning since I couldn’t reach her last night. I’ve conjured up
a whole lot of things that are pretty far fetched.” I looked at Mike who had a
slight smile. “Thanks Mike for giving me your honest assessment of what is

pleasure. Do you have any idea where this is going to lead?” Mike asked. He
knew the answer to the question, but he didn’t think Scott had asked himself
that question. He recalled his own actions when he first met the woman he
married. There wasn’t anything happening around him that mattered—everything
centered on her. Six months after they met, they were married. It was the best
decision he ever made.
I think I’m going to bring home some flowers if I can
find a florist open tonight.

reached for my beer, finishing it. My hand was shaking and I hoped Mike didn’t
see it. I thought about his question, but didn’t answer it.
Where is this
leading? Can I really be falling in love with her? Why not, Scott? What are you
afraid of? Are you afraid of losing her too? Well, if you don’t handle this
correctly…you could lose her. I thought about her saving my life. She cared
enough about me to risk her own life. Doesn’t that give me an answer about how
she feels?

to Scott…have I helped you?” he asked, spinning his mug with both hands.

I nodded
my answer. However, I found myself staring at his wedding band.



She got
off the elevator and walked toward the lobby area. Jules was sitting reading a
newspaper. He looked handsome in his boat shoes, khaki shorts, bright blue shirt
and camel colored sports coat. She ducked into the ladies room, checked herself
out in the mirror one last time.

wasn’t wearing her dark rimmed glasses so her eyesight wasn’t the best it could
have been. However, she liked what she saw in the mirror. The white sleeveless
sundress tied around her neck accented her ample bosom. Her long red hair hung
down on one side and almost commanded the eye to the top of her sundress. She
also wore the highest heels she had so she could better see Jules’ eyes. She
felt more beautiful than she had in a long time. She thought -
I think he’ll
like what he sees. Why am I so concerned about that…this is just a dinner.
Isn’t it? She gave that some more thought.

walked out of the ladies room, taking her time approaching Jules. He looked up.
She could see his mouth drop open slightly. He immediately stood up to greet
her, offering his hand.

smiled and shook his hand. It was even softer than when she first met him.

you look very different than this afternoon. I mean…you look ravishing.” He let
go of her hand, adding, “I guess we should leave.” He took her arm, heading her
to the lobby exit.

could feel the eyes in the lobby on her, or on them. She felt like a million
dollars, and wondered
why had she been avoiding going out on any dates?




opened the car door for her and she could feel him looking closely at her. As
he drove they made small talk. He pointed out some of the sights as they headed
away from Hamilton Harbor. The windows were open in the vehicle. She noticed a
fresh scent. She couldn’t place what it was.
Could it be his after shave?

they were turning in at the sign that indicated
‘Elbow Beach.’
thank you for letting me select where to take you tonight. I think you will really
enjoy both the dinner and the entertainment.” The valet took the cab, and as he
drove off in it, she could hear Jules chuckle slightly to himself.

inside the resort he held her arm, leading her to the dimly lit restaurant.
They were greeted by the Maitre‘d. “Good evening folks,” he said, with a deep

replied, “Reservations for Bennett.”

“Yes, a
party of two. Please follow me. I have a table set for you overlooking the
shore. Is that acceptable?”

that would be fine.”

could feel many eyes watching their entrance, unable to hold back the smile.
The Maitre‘d held her chair while Jules took his beside her. “Your server
tonight is William. He will be right with you. I’m sure you will enjoy your
meal. As she looked around the restaurant, she could tell this was an elite

thank you for choosing this restaurant. What an excellent choice. Do you come
here often?”

“No. I
haven’t been here in years. This isn’t the place a single man comes…that is
unless he has someone like you to enjoy it with. Holly, you look ravishing. I
almost didn’t recognize you when you met me in the lobby. I guess I had
expected someone wearing glasses.”

you Jules. You look very handsome tonight as well.” She pinpointed the scent
she smelled earlier. It was his aftershave. It had a sweet smell of lime. “I
like your aftershave.” She thought that sounded strange.

you. It’s an aftershave made on the island. It’s very tropical. I’m glad you
like it.”

the waiter, welcomed them. He covered the three specials, making a
recommendation for one of the specials listed on the one-page menu. “Would you
care for any refreshments before dinner?” William asked.

ordered a rum and coke, but Jules recommended the ‘Island Breeze.’ He ordered
the same thing. William quickly returned with their drinks. Jules told him that
they would enjoy their refreshment before ordering.

raised his drink, proposing a quick toast, “Here’s hoping your trip is a

raised her glass and touched his. “I’ll drink to that.” She wondered how much
older he was.




dinner they told each other about themselves. She found it very easy to talk
with him, and even told him some closely guarded personal things. One of them
was she hadn’t been out like this in over two years. He had echoed her, but
said it had been much longer for him. She could sense there was something he
wasn’t telling her. She didn’t want to pry, but she wondered what it was.

After they
had finished their cocktails, dinner and wine, they were now on their after
dinner drinks. She could feel her head starting to spin a little. “So Jules,
what’s your take on these missing men?”

looked out at the lighted beach and the ocean beyond before answering. He took
a noticeable breath. “I think the men are being kept.”

you care to elaborate?”

“Let me
say it this way—we’ve only discovered one body since the four men went missing.
That man went missing almost eighteen months ago. If these were not men, but
women…what do you think happened to them?”

“Well, I
would think they were being held against their will, possibly for sexual

possibly. You can be certain about that. So why do you think its anything
different since its men?”

thought about that for a moment. “I guess it’s hard to fathom women doing

leaned across the table, asking her, “What if someone’s fantasies became
reality?” He let that sink in for a moment. “Surely you have fantasies of your
own?” He smiled, holding up his hands. “Don’t answer that…let’s see what we can
find for entertainment. Are you ready to see what Bermuda really offers?”

She was
glad he didn’t persist. He took her arm as they walked out of the now crowded
She wore this dress tonight because of her earlier thoughts
about Jules. She wondered if it was the liquor that made her feel this
comfortable, or something else. Whatever it was, or is, she was going to enjoy
tonight, letting things take their course.
She smiled as they left the
restaurant, thinking of the many shipwrecks Jules had mentioned.
She could
see the headlines now…‘The Miss Holly’ shipwrecks off the coast of Bermuda.




minutes later they were enjoying the
‘Esso Steel Band’
in the ballroom.
Jules ordered some refreshments. She thought about just having water, but she
didn’t change his order. The steel band was excellent. She really felt like she
had been on the island for weeks. The band changed tempo, making an
announcement that the dance floor was now open.

didn’t verbally ask her, but extended his hand. She wanted to get some of this
built up energy out of her. He held her close. She could smell the sweet aroma
even better now. The song was ‘Yellow Bird’. She wanted to remember this first
island dance. Her head fit comfortably against his upper chest. She could feel
his muscles as he guided her around the floor. He was a wonderful dancer.

thank you for this lovely evening. We should have really split dinner…you
didn’t need to pick up that tab.” As she looked into his eyes, they were saying
shut up and enjoy being close. “You’re a wonderful dancer,” Holly added.

After the
song ended, he guided her back to their table. He asked, “Do you have a

didn’t need to finish her drink on the table, but did. “I was hoping to get a
full day in tomorrow on the investigation.”

understand that, but you didn’t answer my question.”

“No, I
guess I don’t.” She could sense her rapid breathing, wondering if he noticed
it. He was enjoying the sundress as much as she was…maybe more.

Do you still ‘trust’ me?”

you haven’t steered me wrong yet. What do you have in mind?”

He stood
and offered his hand. “Let’s go.”




could smell the ocean, but she also smelled coffee and bacon. The wood over the
bed and around the small room was all finely finished natural wood. She looked
under the sheet and noticed her naked frame. She remembered what happened last
night and it was incredible. They sat on the stern of the boat talking for
hours. Finally, one of them suggested getting some sleep so they could conduct
the investigation tomorrow. Well, more precisely as it turned out, today.

He woke
her to see the sunrise and they watched it sans clothes and made love again.
She picked up the pillow, smelling his scent. She closed her eyes, wondering if
this was a dream or a fantasy. She didn’t want to wake up or have it end.
missed a lot in my life, but there’s something about this island that is making
up for it.
She opened the small wardrobe closet and grabbed one of Jules’
large gray T-shirts, heading to the galley.

stood at the entry, watching him prepare their breakfast. He wore gray
sweatpants and nothing else. He looked up and smiled. “Are you hungry?”

“Yes, I
guess you can say I worked up an appetite. Jules, thank you for last night. I
guess I really needed that.”

He held
his smile, studying her leaning against the door frame. “Holly, I’ve had this
boat for over fifteen years, and I can tell you I’ve seen many beautiful
sunrises, but I never enjoyed any sunrise as much as today’s.”

She went
over and put her arm around him. “Do you think we’ll get any investigation work
done today?”

He put
the spatula down, turned to hold her and then kissed her on her forehead.
“Let’s eat…we need energy regardless.”

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