Seducing Peaches (23 page)

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Authors: Crystal Smith

BOOK: Seducing Peaches
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Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, NINE.”  She couldn’t take that.  She started crying loudly.  He stood her quickly then and looked at her.  She turned her head away from him.   But he grabbed her cheeks gently and turned her head back.  He kissed her right eye and then her left, her cheek, her nose and at last her mouth. 

He looked back into her eyes and then he kissed her again.  This time gentle.  She kissed him back.  She didn’t know if it was fear of him getting mad and repeating the pain or if it was because she wanted to kiss him. She was completely and totally humiliated and torn between what he wanted and what she needed.

He pulled her hand slightly leading her into the bathroom.  He let go and turned on the shower.  Just the same as before he washed her gently and then she did him.  He could tell her touch was different. 

He could feel it was the touch of someone who thought they had to instead of wanting to but he allowed her to continue.  He wanted to show her more of his world.  The world that he lived in for her pleasure only.  He knew she would thoroughly enjoy it more if she would just allow herself to do so. 

When she finished washing him he took the shower head down and smiled at her.  “Spread your legs.”

She didn’t resist.  She didn’t smile.  She simply did what he wanted.  This was all for him anyways.  If it had been about her, she wouldn’t feel so hurt now. 

The force of the water on her already sensitive clit sent her into an automatic orgasm.  She almost lost her footing and fell but he caught her. 

When her trembling ended, he turned the water off and helped her out of the shower.  Drying her off.

“I can’t go out wearing nothing but your t-shirt.”  She questioned him not in a defying manner, but more of a ‘please don’t make me’.

“I wouldn’t want you go out wearing nothing but my t-shirt.”
      He walked to the other closet and opened it.  “Come here.”  She went to him and looked in the closet.  Female clothes. 

“I don’t understand.  When did you get them?”

“I told you I was making arrangements.  They’ve been here all day.”

“Then why did you have me wearing nothing but a t shirt?”

“You look downright sexy wearing it.”  She almost smiled. 

“Pick something.”

Her voice low.  She wanted to be happy.  But the hurt still burned in her heart.  “You pick.”

His smile made her want to take another step so she could feel the beads twitch in her. But she didn’t want him touching her right now.  She watched as he picked a small, spaghetti strapped black dress.  He opened a drawer and pulled out a strapless bra and a pair of lacy panties both black as night. 

He tossed the bra over his shoulder and opened the panties for her, gesturing for her to step in.  She did, then he pointed to the bed.  He walked behind her and placed the bra on her snapping it.  He slowly spun her around and adjusted her breast to the cups of the bra. 

He leaned down and grabbed a pair of black heels.  Placing her hand on his shoulder for support she lifted her foot and he put it on followed by the other.  He stood there looking at her.  Her face was blank.  He couldn’t read her.  Had he pushed her too far?  He questioned as he reached for the dress. 

He slid the dress over her, smoothing it out.  She looked at herself, and in a different time, she probably would have liked the way she looked.

“Radiant, sexy, beautiful, mouthwatering, tasteful.  If we don’t get out of here soon, I’m going to tear that dress right back off you.”  She smiled a small smile, but he seen in her eyes it was totally fake and completely forced.

“I took the liberty of having your makeup and hair accessories brought over.  They are in the drawers in the bathroom.  I’m going downstairs now.”  He walked to the door.  “Lois, leave them in.”  And he was gone.

She walked to the bathroom letting out a sigh.  She looked in the mirror not liking the person she saw.  She was allowing herself to be used.  She was allowing herself to be some toy for Tom to play with physically and emotionally.  Maybe she was his pawn after all. 

She turned putting her ass in view of the mirror looking over her shoulder she pulled her dress up.  There, the only evidence of his assault shaped into his hand were the whelps from his slaps.  She rubbed them slightly, her skin tender, she began crying.

A string visible from around her thong was the only visible proof of anything being in her now breached passage.  She grabbed the string pulling slightly then quickly stopped remembering what he had said, slowly let the dress back down. 

How am I going to sit down with them in me.  I can’t walk without them making me quiver.  I can do this.

She walked to the edge of the huge tub and slowly she tried to sit down.  She quickly rose back up.  Again she tried to sit down, but again she stood.  She rubbed her head in disappointment.

How am I going to do this?
  She looked in the mirror again and seen Tom standing at the door smirking.  She turned around quickly and went to walk by him.  He grabbed her arm and kissed her.  Gently he applied pressure to her ass.  She knew without a doubt he witnessed the whole thing.

“I’m ready to go now.” She jerked away and walked out.  She heard him following her.

“Careful, you shouldn’t walk so fast, you don’t know what you are going to do to yourself.”

She turned around, irritated.  “I know exactly what I can do to myself.”  With that she turned and continued walking.  As she reached the door, suddenly without warning, a full blown orgasm.  If Tom wouldn’t have been behind her, she would have hit the floor for sure.  After she could relax and open her eyes, he was staring at her smiling. 

“Like I said you don’t know.”

He stood her up allowing her a moment to get her footing.  “Are you ready?” The only answer she could give him was a small nod. 

Walking out of the building, the car waited.  She stopped at the door as he opened it for her smiling with his eyes only.  She knew what he was thinking about.  She carefully stepped in and then leaned sitting down on her right cheek, crossing her left leg over her right leg.

“Interesting idea you have there Lois.  I like the idea that you give me access to slap that sexy tight little ass of yours.”  She quickly and not thinking jerked her leg down, but the quick pressure felt, she picked it back up and placed it back to its previous position.

“You think this is funny don’t you?”

“Very entertaining.  You’re gonna love it, just wait.”             

Somehow, I doubt it.”  She stared out the window.

The car ride didn’t last long at all.  He escorted her in and of course they were shown right to their table. 

“What is this place?  I’ve never been here.” 

“It’s mine.  Come on.  I know what you’re thinking, but the restaurant business is something that was not one of my ideas.  Sometime maybe later I will tell you about it.”

She wasn’t surprised it was his.  She was beginning to learn he was into more than just running hotels.  The waiter took them to a booth that was closed by red transparent fabric.  It looked rather romantic. 
Ha I wouldn’t have thought after today he had a romantic bone in his body.
  The same as before she seated herself.

X and Red bull was ordered for her.  She believed she heard someone call it a pornstar one time.  She didn’t care for the name but she loved the taste.  He slid over next to her and placed his arm around her. 

His hand gripped her shoulder and he pulled her down putting pressure on her ass and pushed her back up.  It was as if he was fucking her ass with the anal beads.  Moving her the way he wanted.  He quickly stopped.

The waiter sat the drinks on the table.  Tom never took his eyes off her.  The faint smirk on his face told her he was rather enjoying this.  When the waiter left, Tom gave her his instructions. 

“I want to watch you get off this time.  Like before.  I want to see your face as you fuck your own ass and get off.”

“You’re fucked up, you know that.”

“I have been accused of that before.  But really, is it fucked up to wanna see the person you care for get off in the sexiest and most intimate way?”

“The person you care for?”

“It’s no secret.  Don’t pretend you don’t know.  I may have to start counting.  And if you think I won’t spank your little ass right here, try me.”  He raised a brow almost daring her to do it. 

“I don’t understand, what do you want me to do?”  She didn’t believe he cared for her.  Not for a minute.  You don’t make the person you care for cry the way he had continued to do. 

“Come, straddle my lap.”

She mistakenly hesitated.  He raised an eyebrow.  “One.”  That’s all it took and she carefully positioned herself across his lap.  He grabbed her hips and moved her so that his left leg rested between her legs.

“Sit down.”  He instructed.  Again she hesitated.  If she could just sit down there wouldn’t be a problem.  “Two.”  He warned her.  She closed her eyes and carefully went to sit.  She quickly rose back up.

“Now you have the idea, do it again.”

“Don’t make me do this, please.”  Her voice was quiet.

“In a minute you will be calling my name and thankful for my leg.  Do it.”

“What if someone walks in?”

“What if they do?”

“I’m not doing this in front of anyone.”

“You won’t have to.  It will be at least thirty minutes before he comes back.  My staff knows not to disturb me.  You won’t be bothered.  Do it.”

Again she hesitated.  She looked at the fabric that was the only barrier to others view.  When she looked back at him he was smiling.  “What’s so funny?”

“That fact that you were able to walk in here with them in your ass, you continue to defy me knowing what will happen and let me educate you, I don’t forget what number I am on.”

“It’s not that I want to defy you, I just,,,,Oh hell with it, it don’t matter to you anyways.”  Those words were a knife to his chest.  It stung.  She closed her eyes blocking the tears from his view.

She started her movement.  After several pressures, it began feeling good.  She began putting more and more pressure down.  She felt herself wanting more, imagining he was there in her, causing this odd yet wonderful feeling.  Her pussy grew wetter by the second.  “Touch me, please.”

“Keep going.  You don’t need me.”

“I do need you.  Please.”

“Trust me.”

She continued to move on his leg.  She kept her eyes closed.  “Open them.  I want to look in your eyes.”  She opened them exposing the fading tears.  She fought the urge to close them.  She moved faster and faster.  She was about to come.  She began to quiver and moan out loudly as her release was finally rewarded to her. 

She collapsed against his chest.  His hands were rubbing her ass.  He quickly slapped her ass sending the beads deep into her.  She promptly moved up and away from it.

She looked at him anger pouring from her eyes. 

“I told you, you don’t need me.  That was one.”  Was his only response to her.

“How dare you think you can just make me do whatever you want when you want and how you want?”

“Because you do what I want, wherever I want, and how I want.  And if you want to be honest, then be honest.  You like it.  I am the way I am.  Once you get used to the pleasures and cut loose, when I suggest something you won’t be so quick to say no.  That’s what it is Lois.  It’s the fear of it.  Let it go and enjoy it.  The same as spanking that ass of yours.  I know exactly how you felt.  Think back to it, did your pussy not get wet when I spanked you?  It ain’t about the spanking is it Lois?  You’re embarrassed by it.  You feel as though I am treating you like a child.  Don’t lie to me Lois.  You liked it didn’t you?”

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