Sexy Summers (Sexy Series) (30 page)

BOOK: Sexy Summers (Sexy Series)
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26 Dec 16:06

Hiya, love-bunny :-). Hope you're enjoying yourself, I'm sitting in our spot in the trees with the snow falling, thinking of you. Can't wait until you get back, you sexy mutha fucker. Mwah xx


I smile and rest back onto my elbows, imagining him receiving that text. I bet he's smiling right now. I wonder if he is with Matt and Queenie, they're so much fun, he'll definitely enjoy his day with them. Although maybe they'll be with their little boy - Logan, I can't see them taking time away from him over Christmas. Maybe they've taken him out skiing today, just the three of them. I think about their gorgeous little family, I've never met Logan but I can imagine him to be the cutest, coolest little boy ever, with super-fun, loving parents like his.

I will definitely enjoy spending time with them as we grow as a family, I will take all of the advice Queenie can give me, she seems to know what it takes to make it work perfectly.

I'd love for Wriggler to be able to ski from an early age, hopefully Luke feels that way, too, we could all come here and take him or her out on the baby slopes. I wouldn't mind spending all of my time with our child while Luke goes off to snowboard, I could ski with it, take it out to play in the snow... maybe we could all stay at Bea and Daniel's place and then the baby and I could use their pool, too.

I lay back in the soft snow, my warm ski clothes protecting me from the cold underneath me, and close my eyes to let the flakes fall onto my face. I'm so peaceful here, so calm and relaxed, such a change from this morning when I was sobbing all over the place. But it's okay now, we're over it; time to move on and help Luke get used to the idea of being a dad, and then break the news to everyone.


"Tilly..." his deep, sexy voice calls to me from somewhere.
"Til, wake up, what are you doing out here? You'll freeze!"

I stir, realising I've fallen asleep out in the snow. As I open my eyes, he's crouching over me, taking his jacket off and I smile at him, reaching one hand up to his chest. It has started getting a little darker, the sky a deep, electric blue and it feels much chillier than it was earlier. I can only have been asleep for half an hour or so, though.

"What are you doing?"

"Hello, darling, I was sitting out here, thinking, and must have drifted off. I haven't been here long," I say as I stretch, shivering, noticing just how freezing it is. "Did you have a great time?"

"It was fine, but forget that... here," he gestures for me to sit up and as I do, he brushes the snow from my hat and wraps his jacket around me, rubbing me to warm me up. "We need to get you indoors, this was really dumb, Til, you can't fall asleep out here on your own for Christ's sake."

Oh wow, bossy boots is back!
"Luke, I haven't been out here for long, don't get like that. I'm fine." I say as he helps me stand and I lean against him for a hug.

"It's not just you, though, is it? I mean come on, do you ever even think about this baby?"

Whoa! I am not fucking having that!
I shove him away suddenly and step back. "How dare you!" I shout, the cold suddenly vanishing, I am red hot with anger. "I think about my baby twenty four seven and you should fucking well know that! He or she is what I live for now, I'd do anything to protect my baby. I could have gone skiing, I could have been having the odd drink to help hide the secret, I could be eating whatever the hell I like and having hot tubs and saunas, but I haven't, because our baby is too important for any of that shit so don't you dare ask me if I ever think about this baby. You bastard! I fell asleep outside for half an hour, I am wearing skiing clothes for fucks sake, feel it, feel it!" I shout as I lift my clothes to reveal my naked belly.

He stands, gawping, saying nothing. I grab his hand and pull his glove off, throwing it in the snow, and I place it on my belly.
Oh bejesus, his hand is freezing...
"See? Can you feel that? He's fine! My stomach is warmer than anywhere else because I wrapped up appropriately. I am and will be a good mother, Luke, and I don't appreciate your bull-shit, making me feel otherwise."
What an arse-hole.
I hope I'm not getting a glimpse into life with Luke, I couldn't be with someone who tries to make me feel like a bad mother.

He stands still for a moment, staring at me, his hand pressed against my stomach. My face must be scarlet, I am so massively furious. He rubs his forehead with his other hand and then looks down before pulling me against him, slipping my top down again. He wraps his big arms around me and kisses my head. "I'm so sorry, Princess. I'm sorry," he whispers. "I didn't mean that, it was unfair. I know you take care of our little Wriggler. I know. I'm sorry."

I close my eyes and sigh, relaxing into his body. "You do know, which is why that comment makes me so fucking mad. Don't do that shit, Luke. I can't listen to stuff like that."

"I know, I know. I was being a total ass, I don't know why I said that. I just worry..."

"But why? Don't you trust me to look after myself? I've done a good enough job so far."

"Yes, you have. Come on, let's get you inside and forget it." He picks me up and carries me to the house. I rest my head on his shoulder and snuggle against him. I hope he gets over this quickly, or we're going to have some pretty bad teething problems.

We curl up in front of the fire once we have changed into our comfies, Clare and Oliver are on one of the sofas talking, while we sit on the floor together, soaking up the heat from the smooth, amber flames. I lean back against his chest and close my eyes, Wriggler is having a dance and I automatically put my hand on her. It's a good thing I'm not facing the other two.

"What is it?" Luke asks, and I subtly take his hand and rest it against the spot where I felt it move.

"Nothing, it just moved that's all. I wish you could feel it too." I whisper.

"That's so cool," he says and I look up at his face. He is smiling beautifully, those dimples make me want to squeeze him like crazy.

"It is cool. Can we... um, can we like, get back to normal now? Try and get along? Because these few fall-outs of ours have killed me. I hate not being 'us'. I know we have a lot to think about, but we're in this together. Please try not to get cross with me and I will try to remember that you need time to get this clear in your head. What do you say?"

He tightens his hold on me and kisses the side of my face. "Sure. Of course, I'm sorry about everything, I love you so much, you know that don't you? You are everything."

My heart aches with love for him. He is my everything, and more. "Yes. I do, and I hope you know how desperately I'm in love with you, Luke. I missed you so much today."

"I missed  you, too. I came home straight after you texted me."

"Oh yes, I forgot about that. Did you come back because you missed me, or because you wanted to make sure I hadn't gone bungee jumping?"

He chuckles. "Bit of both... maybe... I panicked a little when I couldn't find you and then remembered your text so I went out there looking for you."

"And I was rudely awoken. You could have given me a big pash or something..."

"And I should have. What a wasted opportunity. Kiss me now," he says, leaning down to reach my face with his. He moves his hand from my belly to my face and strokes it gently as we begin to kiss. He is so slow and caring, making the most of each second. He pulls away after a few moments and looks into my eyes. "Now suck my big dick, hot stuff."

Of course, as always I laugh out loud. He's so funny. "I am so up for that, you know I can't resist your man-sausage, let's do it."

"Where do you want to go? Bed? Balcony? Kitchen?"

I giggle again, "Garden, boot of the car, Daniel's library..."

He grins, "Tub?"

I get a rush of excitement immediately. "Definitely. Let's go."

We stand to excuse ourselves and just before we speak, Pam enters to tell us our dinner is served.
Fuck it.
Luke hangs his head and grins. "I forgot about eating. Later, Princess. Alright?"

I sigh loudly, "Okay. I suppose we do need to eat."


Dinner was delicious. A big, hearty, turkey and ham casserole with dumplings, it definitely warmed my cockles after my chilly sleep earlier. Luke was constantly asking if I needed anything else, or if I'd had enough, it was very sweet but I'm still quite concerned that he is so worried all the time.
Is this normal?
I don't think it is but then again, I have nothing to compare this to, it's not like I've ever done this before. I wish I could call and ask Gem. He's being very affectionate, but he's just a bit... odd.

Clare and Oliver decided to join us in the media room to watch the film, so no hanky panky went down in there. Well... okay, so there might have been a little bit of hanky panky under the blanket. He's a naughty boy like that... and I love it. But we didn't have sex or BJs or anything too fun, just a few snogs and a little 'touchy feely' - nothing obvious.

When we finally go upstairs after the film finishes, Luke turns the bath on and I sit on the bed, excited, looking forward to getting down to it. He comes back in and immediately goes to the door. "Be right back, Princess," he says with a wink and disappears.
What's he up to?

He arrives back shortly after, with his arms full of Christmas gifts. "I don't know how many you got me, Til, but I picked up the ones with my name on, and of course my gifts for you."

"Ooh! Yay! I totally forgot about the presents!" I respond, bouncing on the bed with enthusiasm, "how exciting!"

He sits opposite me and places the gifts between us. "You first," he says, looking at the gifts and choosing one for me to open.

"Thank you!" I say with a huge smile as I open the large, festive box. Inside, I find a tan cowboy hat, quite plain with a simple twisted plait around the base. I grin, broadly as I pull it out and put it on. "Wow, you
get me one in my size, I love it! I can't believe you remembered that you said that. What do you think, cowboy?"

He leans forward to brush my fringe out of my eyes and reposition the hat, smiling deliciously. "I think you look smokin' hot. It really suits you."

"Thank you, it's so cool." I rise onto my knees and lean forward, wrapping my hands around his neck. He puts both hands on my bottom and squeezes, making me giggle into our kiss. I look directly into his eyes and smile at him. "I mean it - thank you. I really love it."

"You're welcome, babe. You always turn me on, but I seriously want to do you in that hat right now."

I laugh and immediately follow with a moan of anticipation. "Let's do these gifts quickly because I need you."

"Okay. You want another one?" he asks.

"No, you have one first - although I only have a couple for you. You pick."

He chooses the larger, flatter gift and slowly begins to tear open the wrapping. He pulls out the white, rectangular jigsaw with a picture of two hearts meeting at their points. One heart is the Union Jack, the other - Stars and Stripes, representing the two of us. In the middle, where they meet, it says 'I love you'. I watch as he looks at it with an odd expression on his face; he looks almost... sad.

It takes a while for him to look up and speak. "Til... I..." he begins, and I start to freak out a little, what's happening? What is he about to say? He looks up at my face and drops the gift on the bed, leaning towards me to pull me close and he kisses me hard. He's passionate, fervent and desperate, kissing me like he hasn't seen me for months. I get totally carried away by this unexpected gratitude for my little jigsaw, and thread my hands into his hair, moaning as I kiss him back, forgetting my worries instantly.

He takes my hat and throws it onto the floor as he grunts, sexily. I immediately want to tear my knickers off, he doesn't even have to say words - just hearing his delicious noise turns me on. I pull him further against me with his head, fisting my hands and tugging his sexy hair hard, trying to take control. We kick the gifts out of the way as we slink down in the bed together, legs sliding against each other, bodies writhing. He holds me down, his tongue expertly working mine; he's taking me, he's in control and no amount of hair pulling is going to change that, so I lay back and let him, enjoying every single second of submission, my skin tingling in anticipation.

"I love you, too," he utters beneath his breath as he pulls back slightly to begin kissing and licking my jaw. Suddenly, he looks up, abruptly. "Holy fuck!" he cries, leaping off me, making me jump.

"What the... what?"

He rushes to the en-suite, shouting as he goes, "The tub!"

Oh, whoops.
Fucking bath, ruining our moment. I lay back and catch my breath, I was getting seriously worked up there.

He emerges with a smirk on his face and leans against the door frame, looking at me. "Well that was close."

"Tell me about it..." I look him up and down slowly, taking in his gorgeous physique through his casual clothes. His hard cock presses through his tracksuit bottoms and I become utterly preoccupied - focusing on that and not a lot else. It is so inviting, so big and ready... I could just pull those trousers down and let it spring free in front of me...

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